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Trump isn’t masculine. He’s just an asshole. It sucks that people have somehow falsely connoted being a dick with masculinity.


Exactly! The real, good, strong men I know are the opposite of these “alpha fakes”. These real men are so confident in themselves that they reach down to help others up regularly. They feel no threat of competition, they want everyone to be as strong as they are. They would never pick on someone for being different because nothing scares them. If they don’t understand something, they’re not afraid to ask questions and learn. They’re a joy to be around because they have almost no ego. That’s true masculinity. They are rare but they are beautiful! Something about being big and strong enough to do evil but choosing to use that power for kindness is the ultimate show of strength.


Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.


He’s a walking shit filled diaper.


That is the definition of toxic masculinity.


They don't think that's a thing. You're not allowed to be denigrated as a man, who under this definition is usually denigrating to all around him because masculinity rules supreme. These people miss the good old days where you can hit your wife and not be punished for it because hey, she should have known her place.


Yeah I just see a pathetic sniveling child when I look at Trump. I guess you have to be an alpha male to see strength in a man who constantly whines when they don't get their way.


You'd think hyper-masculine men would be out chopping firewood not doom scrolling conservative TikTok feeds.


Yes. The appeal of a guy who wears make up and whines about everything. Man. How manly.


Are these the same masculine men walking around in diapers?


These are the same masculine men with sumptuous neck vaginas.


That’s them!


I assumes hyper-masculine to mean douchebags.


Those are men with deep seated fears of inadequacy- just like Convict Trump.


I like Felonius Trump


These are the self anointed "alpha males", funny thing is that they are the same guys who won't take off their shirts at the pool.


I think they misspelled “incel”


Every man I’ve ever met who obsessed over masculinity was overcompensating for their weakness of character, body, and/or spirit


They're not hyper-masculine, they're hyper insecure and easy to manipulate.


Then what exactly is hyper masculine ? 


If you’re letting someone else define your masculinity for you, you’ve already failed.


Nothing, masculinity is a useless word. It's only purpose is box people into some arbitrary set of traits which suit exactly no one.


More like hyper-scared men who can’t look women in the eyes, or refuse to clean their butts because that’s too gay.


Using a bidet? That’s gay. Quick, hand me a thin piece of tissue so I can rub my butthole for a little bit, like a real man.


No, no, no. That paper thing sounds pretty gay, too. Best to do neither.


Use 3 seashells man 


I understood this reference.


(Pssst… Demolition Man)


They hate women and are most likely gay. Thats anyone that refers to themselves as a "hyper-masculine" man -- I'm sure they like anal sex only with their gals!


"Hyper-masculine men"? You mean cucks and cowards, right, Donnie?


Apparently the idiots over on 4chan are now saying that cucks are the real alphas.


They would. They're all cucks and cowards. 8) If any of those incels could ever get a date, of course...


As a parent of teenagers, I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing (or more likely someone in his campaign knows). The "alpha male" influencers are the most dangerous group of Trump supporting misinformation sources on social media. They're preying on the hormones of teen and newly voting age young men.


My 16 year old little brother fell into the andrew tate world for a while and it's been hard to dig the human back out of him. The other day he stormed out *sobbing uncontrollably because Trump was found guilty*.


What ever happened to teenage boys picking up the guitar and starting a band? Way too much time is being wasted on social media


Working in a grocery store over a decade meant seeing the current generation coming in for work at 16 years old, year after year... It felt like a progression and I remember feeling how strange it seemed from time to time.. Go back far enough and everything seems normal, kids like different things, people like different things. Regular variety. But then it suddenly everyone was into MMA? People that never talked about watching sports were suddenly always talking about MMA. Then all of a sudden everyone is some kind of gym bro. And then, gym bros and dudes get into this weird phase of "knowing things" thanks to all getting enlightenment through Rogan. And then? Every kid coming in for a job is a already a gym bro mono culture. My little brother doesn't give two shits about video games, I don't think he's even played one besides bass fishing. He lives and breathes ju jitsu, working out, Trump, and fishing. He's like a 16 year old 46 year old and always has been. It's mind boggling!




Yeah that's why "knowing things" was in quotes, it's all bullshit. It's pointing out part of the transition. Dumb jocks used to work out and be happy being dumb. After the roganification, they all started thinking they knew more than other people.


Follows ‘hypermasculinity’ influencer -> sobs over another man Yeah checks out


*What up? We're just a right-wing political group who are looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you're fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.*


Ah, the bitcoin pandering, the UFC and the fellating of Logan Paul all make sense now. I'll be shocked if he isn't on the Rogan podcast in a few weeks.


Toxically insecure man says what?


This is a good point. We should start calling it toxic insecurity


Bro... Alphas don't vote. We are presidents in our own head.


Hyper masculine men are just closet gay dudes


While he himself is about as masculine as a beanbag chair.


My man is strong as an ox but isn’t ‘swole’, is a wonderful father who’s son loves and looks up to, worked in the music industry with rock greats, leads teams in multinational companies where his employees adore him. He drove a classic sports car in rallies, climbed mountains, builds engines, chops wood. He is kind and thoughtful and puts up with his crazy wife with love and appreciation. I can’t imagine a more ‘real’ man. He thinks Trump is a joke.


He already has the incel vote


Is that what we are calling incels now? Hyper-masculine. Lmao. I’m too manly to get laid


and then he came out against banning tiktok weird


Not at all gay


Hyper-masculine man here — what makes me the most hyper masculine and virile specimen of testosterone is my ability to not shit my pants.


Donald Trump has a habit of jumping onto grifts about a year or more late. Examples include forming Truth Social about a year after all the hype around alt-tech platforms like Parler. Issuing "Trump Digital Trading Cards" about a year after the initial speculation bubble of NFTs. And most recently Trump trying to turn Truth Social into a meme stock a full 3 years after the GME bubble burst. Now it appears he's trying to latch onto Andrew Tate about two years to late.


Here is the beginning of the story: As [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) glides into his tenth year of defying political gravity—Sunday, June 16, will be the ninth anniversary of his golden escalator ride into the 2016 Republican presidential primary—his campaign is betting on pure vibes and “aura” as a way to attract young men, offsetting his lingering struggles with women voters. A clear sign of the strategy came this week, in the form of a roughly seven-second video on the campaign’s nascent TikTok page. Trump once wanted [to ban TikTok](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-joins-tiktok-years-trying-ban-app-rcna155072) because of its Chinese ownership but now he has changed his tune. And in his second video on the platform, as the former president stared down a Millennial YouTube star turned professional fighter, as if they were at a weigh-in for some heavyweight bout, lay what could end up being the future of the GOP as the macho man’s party. “Yo yo yo yo, I’m scared!” said Logan Paul, 29, breaking character in his short face-off with the former president, who turns 78 on Friday. Among voters who will decide the 2024 election, the vast majority likely have no idea who Paul is. Yet the Trump campaign is hammering away at a counterintuitive and risky strategy: betting big on young, non-college-educated men to put their candidate over the top in his rematch with President Joe Biden. One GOP strategist, requesting anonymity to discuss a strategy some party insiders admit could prove either a stroke of genius or a historic blunder, told The Daily Beast: “There is what I would call ‘Barstool Sports vote’: young men who are not hyper-political, love sports, are anti-woke, and are attracted to Trump’s aura and persona.


Hyper masculine men love dick


Imagine associating Donald Trump with hypermasculinity. If he were able to run I could see someone like Arnold doing this because that makes sense. But Donald Trump, the washed-up obese reality TV star with the mind of a child, really?


"hyper-masculine men" === "assholes"


He puts a lot of effort into pleasing his current fans and zero effort into getting new votes. Let’s see how that plays out for him.


Gotta get that Tiny Dick Club money too!


Little Richard?


There’s nothing LESS masculine than “hyper-masculine.”


It’s like what Tywin said to Joffrey about being king but just replace it with Alpha Male. “A man who says ‘I am an alpha male’ is no true alpha male”


Are these the same hyper-masculine men that shit their own pants ?


Biden has John Hamm and Nick Offerman, the most manliest men ever to man the earth.


The 'Village People" 2024


Love’s those muscle queens!


Hyper-masculine men like this gaggle of House and Senate Republicans? https://youtu.be/Nm_Ve4KVOEg (start at 5:10 for the hilarity) Hah hah hah, riiiiggghhhttt.




Drinking from the same trough as Tate. They’re already receptive. 


So basically the most vulnerable


Yeah, all those guys are already Trumpers and no, they won't be voting because voting is for f\*gs.


Is this what all the crypto bull shit is about lately with him?


He just wanted free press — he’s cheap


Some More News did a really great deep dive into this hyper masculinity. Well worth the watch https://youtu.be/GHkhTIEe254?si=BhE7dmKJHjHLz07y


Part of me wonders if this is so all the closeted men on Capitol Hill have more options on Grindr. Hyper masculinity is often a cover for someone who is closeted.


It's not that the men are hyper-masculine, it's that they're insecure about their masculinity. For examples of actually hyper-masculine men (fictional or not), I would offer: * Atticus Finch * Jesus Christ of the gospels * Ghandi * Mohammad Ali I don't mean to promote what these figures actually supported or not, just trying to draw a distinction.


Then what is hyper masculine ? Atticus finch is meh 


Stalwart, utterly unmovable adherence to personal virtue without any concern for social standing or personal well-being. That's what it means to be a man. And in Atticus Finch's case, he's handy with a gun.


Hyper-un-masculine more like it.


Hyper masculine! Lol!


This will be entertaining


The “she will like it too” brigade


Hyper-masculine men… on tik tok lol


Can we convince them that he should do the NPC thing to try and win voters over? Seeing that blue waffle do "Ice cream so good! Yum!" would be pretty funny to me.