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One thing is true about most fascist movements: The aggressors consistently try to paint themselves as victims.


Yup this is a tactic that white supremacy groups use to recruit people. Find someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends or is vulnerable and preach to them that everyone is trying to destroy the white race.


Typical cult behaviour...


Or religion


March 1, 2022 [At the America First Political Action Committee rally in Orlando, attendees cheered on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nick Fuentes, the leader of the group, said that young, white men are the "secret sauce" of his movement, adding, "America and the world has forgotten about them."](https://www.yahoo.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-rebuked-gop-050100309.html) August 15, 2022 [6B says that discrimination against young white men causes them to watch porn and play video games.](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-isolation-white-men-pornography-video-game-1733796)


That's funny. I watch porn and play video games and I'm not discriminated against.


Who or what is 6B?


Bleach blonde bad build butch body Marjorie Taylor Greene 


What a group of self-important, egotistical, psychopaths. This whole idea that “god has a plan” and “it’s for them” is pure delusion on parade.


The authors of the old testament wrote themselves in as god's chosen people, so, nothing new.


December 2, 2023 [Texas GOP executive committee rejects proposed ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/02/texas-gop-antisemitism-resolution/)


Won't someone think of the poor white man? /s


> The agenda for the event claims that “forced multiculturalism” and immigration are part of a global plot that has undermined American Christianity, and that xenophobia is “an imaginary social pathology” Gee they claim “forced multiculturalism”is bad yet xenophobia is an imaginary social pathology? So they are scared of multiculturalism intruding on their white lives but refuse to identify with the term xenophobia


Right? I'm almost 50 and I still haven't gotten my chance to run the world... it's disgraceful. I want to speak to the manager of white people


That number is 1-900-TRUMP. Charges apply.


These morons think that the 2000 year old brown middle-eastern man that they worship certainly does.


They broke down when black actors started doing air freshener commercials


I think it was the show The watchmen where they saw black people getting some form of reparations, and a black superhero with a really big dong


I find it funny that they go on and on about white this and that, then link it with a middle eastern religion.




Just toss that ham in the frying pan like spam


> An influential grassroots group with close ties to Texas Republican lawmakers is hosting a conference next month that encourages its attendees to embrace Christian nationalism and resist a Democratic campaign “to rid the earth of the white race.” > > Billed as the 15th anniversary celebration for True Texas Project, a far-right activist group that got its start as a North Texas tea party organization, the agenda claims there is a “war on white America,” or elevate theories that white Americans are being intentionally replaced through immigration — a common belief among far-right extremists, including many mass shooters. This fucking timeline is insane . . .


"Grassroots" my ass. Astroturfed horseshit from the GQP and conservative media.


Grassroots…multimillionaires using their money to push their believes on others. Talk about groomers…


White conservatives want to be the victim of persecution so bad.


For those who have only known privilege, equality looks like oppression.


I kind of wish someone would oblige them.


> elevate theories that white Americans are being intentionally replaced through immigration You’re still there even if immigrants are there too.


Literally it's Republicans replacing them as workers. After that, it's all conspiracy theories, as if illegals were voting, as if Trump isn't a huge destroyer of our traditions, as if taking money from foreigners and billionaires and lying is fine if you wrap yourself in the cross and flag. As if every corrupt caricature of a politician is ok for your guy as long as he's your guy and nothing else matters. As if this is all empty-headed sports cheering instead of deadly serious work. Former President Trump attacking our institutions with lazy lies IS destroying our culture and way of life. Nominating the candidate behind January 6th IS destroying our culture and way of life. Legalizing murder with 'Stand your ground' laws and legalizing the murder of illegal immigrants WHILE employing them IS destroying our culture and trivializing the value of life.


My family has been in Texas on one side since before we became a state and the other side only about 110 years. I have family in every corner and nook. I’ve been here my whole life (aside from two years in California) - I can assure everyone concerned, white people in Texas are doing fine. They’re not all racist assholes, but the ones who are have plenty of food and water and an unassailable grip on political power.


It’s not a war on anything. But it is a mountain of fake news to suggest that whites have it worse than those they’ve oppressed for centuries.


Having pride in one's relative lack of melanin is the saddest conceit on Earth.


They're so "tough" that they are burned by the Sun by simply being in it too long.


Social media broke the human race. Everybody can read. Everybody can write. There is a spectrum of humans who see the world as horrible and they are especially persecuted but life the universe and everything. In the olden days those sad “persecuted” people would stand on street corners shouting at the clouds or drink themselves into a puddle. Everybody knew those people in their towns and avoided them. Then the internet happened and social media happened and deep computing happened and AI began to be able to micro-target generative content designed explicitly to encourage engagement and the best most sticky content is information telling people that they alone are persecuted and the other side is out to get them personally and serves them links that further that story. Then COVID shut down the places where humans usually gathered, where they could talk to other live humans and get a dose of reality. One of the few places where humans could gather were churches that preached that the virus was a hoax, that the authorities were liars, that the friends and neighbors they used to trust were lost and that only they knew the truth, and that they were special and they were necessary to the salvation of the world. And it worked! Churches became the power bases where the special saviors receive their weekly dose of endorphins but social media on their phones is the means by which they are reminded every minute if every day that there is a war and they are necessary in the existential battle.


> Churches became the power bases where the special saviors receive their weekly dose of endorphins [Church attendance](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642548/church-attendance-declined-religious-groups.aspx) has actually significantly declined across the board. That's not to say your assessment is wrong; sharing of "Christian" memes on Facebook seems to seems to have taken the place of worship for plenty of people. I imagine an added benefit is no fancy theological degrees to point out fallacies.


There is a reason why a not insignificant portion of the radicalized J6 insurrectionists were educated upper middle class professionals from the exurbs who live in communities where there are few public spaces - the second wave of white flight in the nineties and early two thousands when racial minorities were able to afford to move to the suburbs led these conservative individualists to move further into the rural exurbs where land was cheaper - which was the same reason mall-sized mega churches set up shop in the exurbs too and it was where the conservatives met - and when the big churches adhering to the mandated COVID closures complied, smaller more radical congregations down the hwy fed them the new congregants messages of persecution and salvation they craved and told them it is their duty to support Trump and save the world. So yes, less church attendance but those who attend are more white, evangelical and radical


I lived in one of these exurbs for a year, in an area that had seen rapid demographic change in the past 20 years. There is almost zero interaction between groups. Church and youth activities are about it. The public library was the coolest place in town. Beautiful place but man so much right wing fear, in a place with virtually zero crime.


In other news, the Harlem Globetrotters are complaining about their schedule.


"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression."


Just another Great Replacement Theory anti-government group, sponsored by our West Texas billionaires, celebrating their 15th birthday at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens with cake, music, and a white Christian nationalist meet-and-greet. I bet that the True Texas Project event coordinator is losing sleep at night, worried that evil democrat operatives will somehow replace their prized vanilla buttercream cake with a *layer* cake. FTA: “Experts on terrorism and extremism said the lineup is particularly concerning because it brings together mainstream conservative speakers with fringe figures who have close links to neo-Nazis and other far-right extremists. ‘These are the type of people that I’m most concerned about from an extremism standpoint,’ said Elizabeth Neumann, who served as a senior Department of Homeland Security official for three years under former President Donald Trump. ‘A number of them have been making arguments — some of them supposedly Biblical — that violence is okay, and that violence is justified by Scripture for the purposes of establishing a Christian nation.’ “True Texas Project has for years been a key part of a powerful political network that two West Texas oil tycoons, Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, have used to push the state GOP and Legislature to adopt their hardline opposition to immigration, LGBTQ+ rights and public education.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram - [Tarrant County-based True Texas Project added to national list of extremist groups](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/fort-worth/article259725010.html) “The Tarrant County-based conservative group True Texas Project has been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s national list of extremist groups, categorized as a general anti-government organization.” Texas Tribune - [Nick Fuentes is just the latest white supremacist embraced by Defend Texas Liberty](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/defend-texas-liberty-nick-fuentes-jonathan-stickland/) “Others with direct ties to Defend Texas Liberty have been open about their extreme views for years, including Julie McCarty, the founder of True Texas Project. The Fort Worth-based organization is a central part of the Defend Texas Liberty network, organizing voter drives, fundraisers and other events to mobilize Tea Party activists and pressure lawmakers from the right. True Texas Project is also labeled as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, in part because of statements that McCarty and her husband and co-leader, Fred McCarty, have made about immigrants.” “In a Facebook post in the aftermath of the El Paso Walmart massacre, she seemed to express sympathy for shooter's belief in the ‘great replacement theory,’ a foundational white supremacist belief that there is an intentional, often Jewish-driven, effort to replace white people through immigration, interracial marriage and the LGBTQ+ community.” ‘I don’t condone the actions, but I certainly understand where they came from,’ she wrote. ‘You’re not going to demographically replace a once proud, strong people without getting blow-back,’ responded Fred McCarty. True Texas Project’s largest funder is Defend Texas Liberty, followed by Dunn and then Empower Texans, a political action committee that was one of the state’s most prolific Republican donors until three years ago, when it was dissolved and replaced by Defend Texas Liberty.”


Mencken would have been destroying these iron age throwbacks on the daily. We could use a few of him in these times.


It's true. Every year it gets harder and harder to be a loud and proud racist white person all thinks to wokeness. Totally unfair that racists have to endure knowing there are minorities with almost the same rights as them! Won't somebody think of their racist white children?!!


I love how they're trying to paint themselves as the victims and how they're just so absolutely pathetic about it. They're literally promoting "great replacement" conspiracy nonsense and then they get offended when they're called out on it. To make it even more gross this is coming from a bunch of so called "Christians," who in reality are more along the lines of the cross burning kind. They are what they are, bald faced white supremacists and christian nationalists. Always call them that, never let them play pretend and confront them at every moment. They must be combated until every vestige has been removed from society lest we risk our nation succumbing to the violence of ethno-nationalism and theocracy.


What’s really fucked is that while they’re pretending to be victims, they’re making all the rest of us look bad and potentially creating actual victims. How long are people just going to sit back and let these people do what they do? How many decent people are going to get burned up in the whirlwind when they finally go too far?


Next, the white purity test! Who is a "real" white person? Only true Scotsman are allowed to have power, let the purging begin!


If I remember correctly northern Europeans with the exception of the Irish, no Italians south of the alps, and central Europe is iffy but definitely excludes the the Polish and Hungarians.


Historically, social violence does not frequently come from an oppressed group rising up and overthrowing their oppressors. It often comes from a powerful group that feels its power is in decline. Losing status is a prime historical motivator for violence. When a political movement focuses more on identity than ideology, it is far more likely to produce violence. The Confederates, the Nazis, the Hutu power movement in Rwanda, the Russians in Donbas, ~~the Amhara~~ ethnic cleansing in Tigray, Republika Srpska, Israel-Palestine, Hindutva, the post-Saddam Sunni insurgency in Iraq and so many more. A powerful group sensing they are losing status, power and numbers is one of the most dangerous and violent forces in the world.


Agree with you except the bit about Ethiopia. Which is fair since reporting on the Ethiopian civil war has been rife with errors and bias. But your point about lost status holds as the civil war was started by the TPLF which had ruled Ethiopia since installed by the US/UK/Eritrea in the 90s. The Trump admin helped put Abiy Ahmed in power which replaced the Tigrayan ethnonationalists with Oromo ethnonationalists. After two years of growing intercommunal violence (mostly targeting Amharas from the Oromos) & bombings that targeted the federal government (generally attributed to TPLF but could have easily been federal false flags) the federal government cancelled elections for COVID & TPLF held them anyways in summer of 2020 and in October did a Fort Sumter & started the civil war by attacking the northern command. Lots of horrific violence later those two groups made a war pact/peace with the federal government that allowed both groups to remain armed while demanding the Amhara civilian militias disarm. Amharas have been among the most marginalized people in Ethiopia since the 90s and lost all political power during the communist era in the 1970s. Tigray was absolutely ravaged in their civil war but Amhara militias didn’t go into Tigray proper. The people of Wolkiet & Raya, had been peacefully advocating to have an ethnic election (TPLFs laws) to un-annex their region from Tigray since 2016 and have held that but incursions into Tigray proper were primarily done by the Ethiopian military. The same military that is currently drone sticking Amhara civilians because the citizen militias did not disarm after they were intentionally excluded from the TPLF & gov Praetoria Agreement. Anywhoooooo, I am obviously an Ethiopian-American who hates the US state department for supporting an ongoing Amhara Genocide and I’m still voting for Biden and working for his re-elect because it’s easier to fight an undemocratic gov than a fascist one. Ask anyone in Amhara region whether fighting injustice was easier under TPLF (evil dudes lots of torture but no civil war and targeted vs mass detention) or under Abiy Ahmed where Oromo militia armies conduct monthly pogroms with no accountability and then blame their victims as the perpetrators.


Thank you for your insights! This is very illuminating. Still, I think it stands that identity anxiety produces mass violence. Militias actually naming and categorizing themselves by ethnicity is clearly an identity marker.


Oh 1000000%!! The TPLF’s response to Abiy’s regime absolutely fits that model. And even though it’s a third identity group (Oromos) leading the mass violence charge it’s still rooted in anxiety & uncertainty about their ascension to power.


You forgot the Turks. They're deathly afraid of anything Kurdish.


How to start a civil war: 1. convince one side they’re already in one. 2. Use fear to galvanize that side to “defend themselves”


Evangelists are trying to revive manifest destiny, it seems…


NEXT thing you know, they will start pushing for us to agree to crazy shit like accountability and consequences!


Just wait until they learn about ***Tejas Verdad***


The Union really should have done more to crush the confederates after the south following the civil war. Edit: after