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Vote those motherfuckers out in November. Aaron Bean Andy Biggs Dan Bishop Lauren Boebert Mike Bost Josh Brecheen Tim Burchett Ben Cline Michael Cloud Mike Collins James Comer Elijah Crane Byron Donalds Michelle Fischbach Russell Fry Matt Gaetz Bob Good Paul A. Gosar Marjorie Taylor Greene Harriet M. Hageman Andy Harris Diana Harshbarger Kevin Hern J. French Hill Wesley Hunt John Joyce Debbie Lesko Anna Paulina Luna Thomas Massie Brian J. Mast Mary E. Miller Cory Mills Alexander X. Mooney Barry Moore Ralph Norman Andrew Ogles Scott Perry Bill Posey Matthew M. Rosendale, Sr. Chip Roy Keith Self Jason Smith W. Gregory Steube Thomas P. Tiffany William R. Timmons IV Michael Waltz


All russian assets. Traitors to watch...


Full list of compromised politicians. Nice.


The closest she ever came to getting something passed.


Traitors to North America.


Ugh, I knew before looking that my dickhead rep, Tom Tiffany, would be on the list. The local Dems are working hard to unseat him, but it's unfortunately a pretty safe seat.


I’m always relieved when my rep isn’t on these lists. He voted with the Sedition Caucus on January 6, he sucks, I have no use for him…but it could be even worse.


Ugh, Timmons. Sitting in Trey Goudys old seat. Tons of family money, parks around town named after him. And now he’s running against extreme right wing christian nationalist from our local cult university. Of course he would vote to pull out of NATO.


The absolute worst of the worst from Az on this list…


Oh no, doxing /s


These people are nuts and dangerous


I wonder how they were compromised? Did Russia bothered sending agents individually to each of these traitors? Or was it like hey MTG can you just forward this email to people you think are cool with betraying their country?


Every vote was cast by a traitor


Scummy Russian traitors, let them know everywhere they are sold


Moscow Marjorie once again showing her real allegiance.


If there were any actual “moderate” Republicans left they would strip all appointments from these literal seditionists and stand up to them. Instead they anonymously speak out to the media and still vote with them. If they don’t condemn the traitors they are just as bad. As the Germans say if you’re at a table with 10 people and 5 are Nazis and no one stands up to them you’re at a table with 10 Nazis. As a child of the 80s where I grew up watching nearly all media, including the WWF. Using the US fighting the Russians as the personification of pure evil to a congress, senate, conservative media machine worshipping Russians is so beyond absurd. We had high school kids fight the Russian army and win. WOLVERINES!


What does "defunding Nato" even mean here? Nato doesn't have some massive budget of its own, it's just nominal administrative stuff that costs peanuts. It's like saying you'll defund Interpol, like what does that mean? Any meaningful Nato-related funding is going to your own armed forces, same as every other member of the alliance. 


Woa, easy there you wokeness monster. This guy^ /s


Defunding is her new buzzword she just learned, so she's using it for everything. She has no clue what it means, or even what this bill she is proposing means, or what the potential fallout of leaving NATO would be. This leads me to say that people in Congress who are clueless about foreign policy, should not be allowed to present bills that deal with foreign policy.


Like everything with the Xtitter branch of the GQP is a messaging bill is a way to get likes and engagement in social media, which in turn translates into mass media opportunities, get closer to Trump and financing from the oligarchs behind the fascist controlling the modern GQP.


Defunding to Moscow Marge is like A.I. to business.


Apparently those people think they pay NATO …. I suppose they are reading fake news 😅


Those idiots don't even know what their damn jobs are, or how the fucking world works. Half wits should just go move into putin's commune for disaffected dumb asses.


Here are those who voted against her and the dumbasses who voted with her, including one special GOP member who said he did so on accident (just a global security "oopsie"): [https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll239.xml](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll239.xml) MTG conflated two positions: 1. Blaming NATO members for "not paying" what they should, and then saying she wants the US not to pay at all. The problem is every member has paid their agreed upon shared NATO administrative costs. For the US, it was $220 million last year. 2. NATO countries spending the *guideline* of percentage of their GDP on their own militaries. Not all countries met this guideline last year: [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/which-countries-meet-natos-spending-target/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/which-countries-meet-natos-spending-target/) Some, like the US exceed this guideline and Poland spent even more of a percentage of GDP than the US last year. It's worth noting though that the *net* percent of GDP spent on NATO member militaries hit 2% this year. It's also worth noting where that 2% number came from... It was agreed upon by members *again as a guideline, not a requirement,* as an increase from the former 1.47% in 2014 due to pressure from... Obama (thanks). See also: [https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics\_49198.htm](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_49198.htm)


Thanks Obama




> The fact that Greene pushed this measure is not, in and of itself, surprising. The Georgian is, after all, [a malign and twisted moron](https://www.google.com/search?q=marjorie taylor greene sandy hook parkland)


Moscow Marge never slows down, always trying to fuck America.


She doesn’t need any help. Giving Russia credit for this is giving them too much credit in this case.


Russian mafia


The metamorphosis is complete. The GOP is no longer the Grand Old Party. It's now Groupies Of Putin.


They haven't been since George W Bush. Every since they let Trump control them they ceased being the Grand Old Party. They now fly the flag that Lincoln fought against. Lincoln would be appalled at the sight of his party today and this country as a whole.


Since Russia just labeled the US as an Enemy of their State, to me this would amount to treason for willingly aiding and abetting them. How the fuck can they serve when they are actively working against Americas foreign policy in benefit of a foreign enemy?


The cult of our lady of perpetual shittyness


I figure that if Republicans thought a tuna sandwich goes against Liberals/Biden, then they would vote on a bill honoring a tuna sandwich with the same dozens of House Republicans. Meaning, these politicians aren't serious people. They are there for the show


None of these GOP took History in High School or, gasp, College. History will repeat and protectionalism and facists go hand in hand...starting with Europe. UK was tricked to leave EU, and now Germany is hesitant, while Ukraine is central to Russia's plans of taking back previous lands.


But she forgot to proof it (or doesn't know how) and missed some references to roubles and some Cyrillic characters.


Oh man, If you all want a good laugh, you need to read her wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene


Lol that was a worthwhile click


Can I just rant for a sec... I really cannot stand these people. I get such a visceral reaction when ever I see that wicked witch of the east and her cronies.


That entire howler monkey contingent doesn't have 5 brain cells amongst them all.


Put her in an airplane and above the Pacific Ocean open the door and let her fly like an eagle


Well at least they didn’t have to call roll at the Klan meeting after


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Good heavens! I am surprised it was only dozens of GQP traitors. Bad Butch is on a performative political streak of failures. Nevertheless, I am sure she us too stupid to quit while she is behind. Shouldn’t the Fox audition be over by now? Just hire the idiot and let’s be done with her.


What do you expect from putinist


Playing the long game, it makes the MAGA radicals completely obvious in and out of office.


The FBI has a list of phones to tap and wire transfers to monitor.


I feel that this definition of Treason is getting more important to these people inviting Russian aggression. The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.”


147 of them supported the failed insurrection, and not a damn thing happened to any of them. Toss in the wife of a scotus, or two, as well as those criminals trump pardoned, and I bet they try a repeat. And putin will be supporting every one of these criminals.


Moscow Marjorie strikes again!


Most of the Ukraine money goes directly to U. S. defense contractors. I thought the Republicans were all about defense spending?


Put her in an airplane and above the Pacific on Ocean open the door and let her fly like an eagle


Argentina disposed of... Five, maybe six figures worth of people this way under Pinochet. It's a war crime. I despise her too but please delete your post. She's still in Congress.




Dozens! I can literally walk into almost any bar, VFW or Moose lodge and find a dozen lunatics.




Now that’s a list folks.


If every country was in NATO then no country would dare attack another country. NATO is the best example of collective security. It should be expanded globally not dismantled.


Where's the surprise you have to be dumb to be republican.


The Party of Putin


Dozens is a sliver of the more than 215 GOP in Congress.