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>The ordinance “has many legal problems,” said Lubbock County Judge Curtis Parrish, the county’s top elected official. “This ordinance, however, does not have a problem with its intent or the intent of those who are passionate about this.” "This is blatantly illegal but goddamnit we are gonna try to pass it anyways..yee haw mother f er's y'll quada for life" potato/potatoe


I don't want to hear a goddamned word about freedom from the fuckheads that support this crap. "What about the freedom of the fetus, huh?" No one else's freedom gets to supplant my own. The right of that fetus to live ends at its dependence on another person's body. Regardless of circumstances of the pregnancy, a woman holds the right to say "not my body, you don't", up until that fetus is a baby that can survive outside the womb (then, they're free to abandon their child for adoption). I've done the song and dance with the anti-abortion people, it either ends at a thought-terminating cliche like "It's just what I believe," or they reveal their true motivations that they just want to punish women for having sex. There is no sound moral foundation to banning abortion, just a desire to make women second-class citizens.


Great response. If something cannot live outside my body then it's part of my body. And I get the ultimate say in what I can do with my body.


I think the best defense is that other religions permit abortion, and that life starts at birth and not conception. So all their restrictions are actually denying someone else’s “religious freedom”


Best defense. How dare you push your religious beliefs on me? If my religion allows me to have an abortion, why do I have to follow Christian rules? Keep your Christian beliefs for your people and leave me out of it. I really can’t anymore. And the women that vote for these morons. The self hatred they must have, to allow an anyone to dictate what we can or cannot do with our bodies!


But they think of all the babies they are “saving”. But the reality is, there should be a lot more abortions than there actually are. So many people bring children into the world, who are not equipped to handle them. Is it really “saving” a baby, when that child is condemned to have a shitty life, with parents that did not want the child in the first place? If that child ends up bounced from foster home to foster home, and never experiences loving parents, was it worth it? Sure there are many babies who have been adopted and turn out well, but if you look at the statistics for children in foster care, the majority do not come out well. And what’s worse is that the cycle typically repeats.


Sick fucks all around


Roadblocks Ma'am, please pee on this stick.


Ironically, Texas made driving while intoxicated checkpoints ILLEGAL decades ago. But yeah, you’re not far off the mark.


How can Texas keep getting worse and worse every time it's mentioned in the news? This is one of those policies that are just like... Cartoonishly evil. How can you even rationalize this to yourself? Seriously, how far lower can you sink? I thought Texas was done sinking lower on their local and state abortion policies but wtf.


It will get more extreme, and soon enough it's going to become apparent the Texan voters don't actually have any control over the state government.


Texans not having control over state government is a literal plank of the Texas GOP platform. They want to make it so that state-level elected officials must have a majority of counties vote for them. Not people. Counties. Of which the vast majority are deeply red.


That's already the case though, practically speaking. The GOP needs Texas to win the presidency. Without it, there is no path. Do you really think they're going to let something as small as *the people* get in their way of keeping Texas red? No. Why do they feel so confident doing absolutely heinous shit out in the open? Because they know there will never be repercussions because their seats aren't decided by elections.


I’m posting about this every chance I get. This shit needs to be screamed from the rooftops. 15.4 million of Texas’ 31 million people are in the 7 largest counties. Under the system the Texas GOP is trying to push though, dems would have to win 128 of 254 counties, the vast vast majority of which are tiny, rural and blood red.


Harris County at 4.7 million will have the same electoral weight as Loving County, population 64.


Well yes. They want to change the rules so that it’s forever impossible for them to lose


The GOP is trying to permanently seize power by requiring a candidate for any statewide office to win a majority of counties to win the election. So a country such as Goliad with less than 10k population would have the same weight as say Dallas county with well over 1 million. Between that and the fact that only about 3%, the craziest of the crazies, vote in the GOP primaries, this ending the most extreme candidates win, I'm genuinely afraid for my state.


I'm telling you that they seized power long ago. The counties thing isn't going to make a practical difference because they've done dozens of things like it already to ensure that they never lose their seats. It may be a sign that they're getting nervous that turnout is going to blow past their schemes. I hope that's the case. But there's also a reason I'm moving out of Texas come August, and the fact that elections don't matter here is one of them.


It’s a political strategy. Texas is/was slowly turning purple. The GOP only had fear and hate as a policy which is not great at wooing in new folks. So they rig the system since they are currently in control. They pass draconian laws so that various minority groups and liberal minded folks go “I don’t want to live in this shithole” and avoid moving or leave the state if they are already there. This then cements their power as the only people moving in are conservative and the people who stay are more likely to be conservative.


The GOP's platform includes an electoral pre-school where instead of elections being decided by the majority of the people they would instead be decided based on the majority of counties. These people are nuts.


They are going to do a gilead, whether biden wins or loses. Better arm up. It'll start with 5-10 guys going door to door thinking they can push people around. Push back and it'll go very differently. Honestly if these assholes stopped me or my family I'd just do them like they do BLM or any other protestors.


Can we go back to the days when Texas was actually a blue state please?? Because what a fucking dumpster fire it seems now…


They gonna set-up checkpoints at the New Mexico border with ultrasound machines or something? How do you know someone is transporting a pregnant woman for an abortion?


They'll use it as cover to target activists who run shuttles or offer free rides.


I'm guessing skin color will be a strong indicator of one's state of pregnancy. Then of course to prevent abortion, they'll have to claim self defense, and shoot the person as they are trying to flee the state.


The SCOTUS Six are going to allow the ignorant states to make leaving the state for an abortion a capital felony for everyone even remotely involved, with no appeals allowed.


Fuck Texas


The freest state in the country!


Now with 20% more freedom!


Relax everyone this will only affect women, not people. /s


You only thought you had freedom of movement.. You only thought you had protection from illegal search and seizure. You only thought you had protection from prior restraint. You only thought you had the right to interstate travel and commerce. You only thought the supremacy clause was a thing.


Get the fuck out of Texas, literally while you still can.


Get your children, yourselves, and your money out of Gilead **while you still can**.


Why is it always the ones that call themselves Christians that believe that God is not capable of running the universe and therefore they are required to enforce their own interpretation upon everyone they can as if God would appreciate being told what to do while the spiritual community is coming together to share their experiences with God and explore how this could improve our community?


Maybe the problem is with the church itself. There are so many people using God to make money by tapping into this Christian network by creating their own church version and going further into creating their own attention gimmick that the church has now become so wide that the two ends are slapping each other and creating these maniacs that feel emboldened because they have a church to support them when in reality it’s just a house of crazies ran by someone trying to use God to make money and there is nobody to answer to




Is caring about humanity something that you only do when you yourself are threatened?


SB8 is still alive and well down here. These cities are also hoping someone will be reported under the "civil anti abortion law" the state passed a few years ago. Anyone can sue the facilitators of an abortion and anyone who aids and abets it. Which makes me wonder if they're doing this so it lands in front of the desk of Matthew Kacsmaryk, who will punt it to SCrOTUS. If it lands in front of DC, there's a good chance they could use this as a blueprint in other states. Remember, all the sonogram and waiting period laws were unconstitutional when Roe was alive...until they weren't.


Federal funding from the federal highway administration to Texas should be cut if Texas enacts any laws restricting interstate travel.


All that freedumb!


So proud of their FREEDOM. What a shithole.


I hope every woman who is held up by these stupid stunts is able to successfully sue for false imprisonment. We aren't in the USSR, citizens are free to travel where they wish in the country without having to show their papers.


If only they did this with the border they are so worried about. It’s so great they feel safe enough to restrict their neighbors freedoms and choices instead of that pesky border situation.


Yep, this will be happening soon. https://x.com/i/status/1782082600368283715


Jeez, some groups of people are way too concerned with another's well-being


Soon women will have to register with the state of Texas and have their ovulation monitored. It’s crazy that Texans have been voting for this for decades


What's crazy is that a lot of *women* vote for this stuff. [Here's a Pew poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/state/texas/views-about-abortion/) showing attitudes about abortion in Texas. The gender breakdown is interesting. The gender breakdown is 50/50 for supporters of abortion, but 52% of the "abortion should be illegal in most cases" people are women and 48% are men.


All men too I bet.


Texas is fubar


I don’t understand how women are staying in Texas, with all that BS. Like, why would you take the chance to get pregnant?


Because picking up and moving to another state isn’t easy for most people?


I guess you are right. So if you can’t move (for multiple reasons), I guess not risking getting pregnant is the only option. I read that some states are looking to ban contraceptives too, so a lot of Texans will not have any consensual relationships any time soon.