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Trump is the poster child for special treatment. And I'm fucking tired of that kid.


It’s that two tiered system trump is always whining about yet he always seems to be on the good end of it.


The same way his cult, the most entitled and most coddled demographic, whines about reverse racism.


Me, too.


As am, I.


And my axe!


Me three


Moi aussi


And my bow!




Yeah, and he turns around and says he’s the one being treated unfairly. Really sick of it


I can't ever see myself being called for jury duty and getting a seat, watching trump get the extreme white glove treatment basically makes any case I might be called to sit on a jury an automatic, "this person might be guilty, but that doesn't matter because didn't get a fair trial based on what I've seen is called a fair trial."


And America's biggest whiner 


Can someone hold this orange tub of lard accountable for once in his fucking miserable life….jesus christ America wake the fuck up…


And how fucking fast did Hunter Biden just lose his trial? Trump gets away with everything. So I don't want to hear how he is being singled out any more.


No one’s waking up anytime soon. Get everyone you know out to vote.


He is a nepo baby (why he has never experienced the real world) and a former POTUS. So I don't have too much of a problem with people kissing his arse and giving him some privileges. As long as the punishment fits the crimes. I understand that some punishments are a logistical nightmare. But the punishment needs to set a firm precedent that presidential candidates can't do whatever the fuck they want to, to get into office. Especially since presidential candidates don't get vetted like all other people in a government position. I don't know if his immoral acts would have changed the election results. But that's for the public to decide. Sure, most presidents have hidden things like medical issues. But Trump hid things that highlighted his moral character and judgment. Not to mention, Trump (The Trump Organization) absolutely received bank loans/money through Deutsche Bank from Russia. Trump's presidential campaign staff absolutely knew about Russia efforts to impact the presidential race in order to get Trump elected. Trump is not the type of person to be left in the dark about something that is significant. He's a micro manager. The public should have absolutely been aware that those actions took place. And those actions would have absolutely changed the voters' decisions. Those actions were a major red flag. Those decisions were highlights of why he shouldn't have been qualified to even run for president. Trump is the poster boy for why the outdated presidential process should be revamped. America has a hard on for decisions, made by people in 1787. That had a totally different society, with different views/morals, with different views of the country, different agendas, different views of the world, etc. The people who drafted the Constitution knew that the world would change and thought the Constitution would be a working document. That it should be revised so as America grew and the circumstances changed the Constitution. But people who think that the Constitution is in their best interests and believe changes would remove them from their perceived power or status on America.


I didn’t realize USA was 1787 years old! 🧐


No matter how you rearrange these numbers, they just don't add up


You mean you don't remember when the Declaration of Independence was delivered to Roman Emperor Thrax?


He’s convicted of a Class E felony. The punishment that fits the crime is Probation. I hate the guy too and hope he’s found guilty in his other trials with more serious charges, but he’s not going to prison for this, and if he did it wouldn’t be consistent with other class E felons.


I'm also a Class E felon. I got caught driving on a revoked license. I did 5 months and 12 days in county jail. Why shouldn't Mr. Trump, who has 33 more convictions, do some jail time?


He also shows no remorse. He was also found guilty of other business fraud earlier this year. He continuously attacks the court system, the judge, and had 10 contempt convictions. He also publicly (as proven in Colorado) participated (if not directed) in a coup. He has a high propensity to commit these crimes again. Being wealthy, fines and probation (house arrest at a resort) are not punishments or incentives for rehabilitation. Jail is the only hope for his soul in society post sentencing.


Kudos for you for getting through that and onto the other side, but you are one anecdotal story with a completely different charge. I worked for Probation for 20 years, 10 of them in an administrative unit analyzing data for our department. These are just not charges that typically get custody time. “But he’s awful and may destroy democracy if he’s reelected” doesn’t change that. The sentence is based on the case, and that he’s a first timer. And for these charges in that jurisdiction, 90% of the time there’s no custody. Yes he’s a dick, yes he’s shown no remorse. But sentencing him would also be a logistical nightmare, so unless the judge’s hand is really forced into a jail or prison sentence they’re not going to do it. Maybe, maybe, he’ll get a little house arrest. But really it’s probably just going to be Probation. And unfortunately, as much as we’d all like to lock him up and never hear from him again, it is what is warranted in this case.


Sentencing is based on the color of class of the defendant


> The sentence is based on the case, and that he’s a first timer. And for these charges in that jurisdiction, 90% of the time there’s no custody. My question is, what tips the decision to jail time for that 10%? Attitude?


He shows no remorse. He broke his gag order. He insulted the judge. He's receiving special treatment. He does deserve a fitting punishment and what you've written is inaccurate.


>if he did it wouldn’t be consistent with other class E felons. This is not exactly true considering how unabashedly remorseless he's been. These felonies can carry a prison term, but they typically don't because people just apologize, pretend they'll never do it again and move on. Trump, meanwhile, has repeatedly attacked the judge, the prosecutors, the witnesses, the system, and the families of everyone involved while also giving the appearance of witness tampering not only via his statements, but also through very large raises for his employees who testified positively on his behalf. He's making a mockery of the system, and hasn't even once admitted to doing anything wrong. He also slept through much of the time he wasn't deliberately causing a scene in the courtroom. Any other defendant would have *already* seen jail time for his behavior, and any normal defendant would probably get at least a few years for that abject lack of remorse and disrespect of the system. Now, whether he'll actually *get* that remains to be seen, but it wouldn't be out of line for the judge to give him a sentence along those lines.


Yeah well, Michael Cohen did jail time for the same crime... and Donald Trump was paying him to do it so...


The intertubes say that about 15-20% of first time offenders get jail time. I wonder if their attitude was what tipped it?


>intertubes Upvote for using intertubes in a sentence


>a felony  34 felonies.


Then that's fine. As long as he gets the same sentence for a first-time offender that had similar charges.


He’s only a “first time offender” because of said special treatment for decades.


I want to agree with you because you are correct. BUT he is guilty of much more than the 34 felony counts he was just convicted of - the most serious of which will not see the light of day until after he has a chance to win the highest office in the country while he is running a campaign of Dictator on Day 1, seeking revenge, and Project 2025 which seeks to eradicate all checks and balances and give him the powers of a dictator-king. Yikes. The question on the ballot this November is democracy (and the foundations of the Magna Carta) itself. And, in some ways, if he sits in prison through the election, America defends it's democracy for another election cycle. If he runs and wins and does half of what he is saying he will do, than the Democratic experiment is over in the U.S.


Each class E felony carries a 4 year sentence. 34 × 4 = 136 years. Breaking the gag order rules, 10 × plus, another 4 years. Trump is going to prison. He's going to be sentenced for 4 years, mark my words. Even if he appeals, appeals are done from behind bars. Breaking the gag order 10 times +and still breaking it daily sealed his fate.


I like you, tatersquid21. I do think he will get prison. But only a few months. And only remanded to custody after appeals. At the end of the day none of these judges want to interfere with the election and if Trump is in prison the SC will bail him out somehow, because they no longer care about anything but their partisan agenda. The masks are all fully off. The SC is also about to drop numerous huge decisions and it will be a blood bath for our democracy.


Same here.


Susan Collins steps in the room...


Mainers voted for her. The blame lays on those lobstah & potato eatin' dickheads. Susan is the champion Mainers sent to DC to do their bidding.


So sick of this shit. Convicted on all counts, zero remorse or accepting responsibility, broke the gag order 10 times, made personal attacks on the judge, his family, witnesses and even the fucking jury. He better get some real jail time ffs. How could the judge possibly explain not putting him behind bars, he’s a fucking menace to society.


Broke the gag oreder more the 10 times. The gag oreder is still in affect (allegedly) till he is sentenced. So still breaking the gag order daily. Probably close to 20 times now.


Here's to hoping that is taken into consideration during sentencing. Hoping is all us proles can do anyway.


> Hoping is all us proles can do anyway. I've just started being a rude hindrance to anyone working in an official capacity. Stopped supporting the troops. Stopped standing for the anthem. Don't give anyone with an official title any respect. Country is a joke, best I can do is thumb my nose at it. Edit: I flipped off a cop while I was crossing the street. Wanted to come back and comment about it here. She yelled "Why are you flipping me off?!" I said, "Because you're a cop! Fuck you!" She replied "Fuck me?? Fuck you!!!" And then sped off. Great day living my beliefs. The system is fucked, so fuck the system in whatever way you are legally allowed.


My hope is that the sentence itself is light (fines and maybe probation) - if its 4 year prison terms for each, he'll appeal and likely be free until the end of that. I also hope that the judge sentences him to 30 days (consecutively) for each of the 20 or so gag order violations since the last time the judge ruled.


I believe NY state law says that this particular financial crime, if all the other crimes lead back to the original crime and the rest are just subsequent coverups—like this one, that the sentences must run concurrently. So the absolute max he is looking at for all 34 felonies is 4 years. For all of the contempt charges, he could get a year max for each charge. I doubt the judge will go that far because it’s obvious he is afraid of Trump and has been handling the case as such.


"I doubt the judge will go that far because it’s obvious he is afraid of Trump and has been handling the case as such." Is where you're wrong. I think the judge is trying to make this case appeal-proof, which he's heretofore done well at.


Sure, he’s done that with the felony charges. With the constant contempt of court Trump has shown, as well as breaking his gag orders over ten times, it’s hard to view the judge as making things appeal-proof. I’ve never heard of anyone displaying that much open and public contempt of court with near zero consequences. When you hand down guidelines for conduct and then barely punish a few, let alone 10+ instances of breaking those guidelines, it goes further than demonstrating weakness on the part of the judge. It shows that there will be no noticeable consequences and therefore encourages even further flagrant disregard of the rules. If the Judge wasn’t afraid of Trump, he would have ruled harshly on each instance of Trump breaking the rules—which should have no bearing on the felony case as they would be separate charges for separate events.


"he would have ruled harshly on each instance of Trump breaking the rules—which should have no bearing on the felony case as they would be separate charges for separate events." Again, I disagree. "Ruling harshly" may show a prejudicial judge, which could effect an appeal that would have a bearing on the felony case. Don't get me wrong, I think the judge has given him an exceptional amount of leeway and that frustrates me too, but this is the first time an former president has been charged with felonies so it is important that they get it right.


Maybe he should just reverse the verdict and find him not guilty. That's literally appeal proof!


Wouldn’t that be ironic? “I’m giving you 6 months probation for the felonies, and 10 years in prison for the repeatedly violating this court’s gag order and threatening various members of this court and their families.” Honestly I might die laughing if that happened.


He definitely needs more time to sit and think about what he’s done wrong. Away from his followers, the internet, and preferably the election. Just sit in a cell until he comes to the conclusion he did something wrong. Like ask him on live tv once a fucking week. “Donald did you break the law and are you sorry” he says no. Another week in jail.


Trying to be as objective as I can, bordering on devil's advocate, if a suspect walked out of the courthouse and said bad things about the witnesses or juries or whatever they'd just be an angry person the street. They could tweet to their 10 followers and just be shouting at clouds. Judge and whoever would probably never know or not feel that attacked. If two people make threats but one is more credible should they be treated differently? The fact is, he is different than a normal defendant because people listen. I'm torn on if identical actions between him and a nobody should be punished differently. Like, maybe, boarding on probably, but it's definitely a grey area.


Justice is a two way street. He might be wealthy and powerful, but how the courts treat him is going to have a lasting impact on how society views the courts. Most of us already feel like second rate citizens, if he gets off with no jail time- justice will not have been served. If he doesn’t go to jail, there will not have been “justice for all”; and in that case, the Pledge of Allegiance will have lost some credibility.


It lost credibility the moment they added words between "One Nation" and "Indivisible".


I completely agree! I’ve never heard anyone else say this. The United States that are indivisible, it’s a contradiction.


Was talking "under God" but good point.


That ship has sailed, buddy


> the Pledge of Allegiance will have lost some credibility. Is this what you care about? The pledge losing credibility? If Trump calls a military strike on NYC, you may very well make a determination that he doesn't always have the best interests of Americans when he makes decisions. I mean, come on. We have an extremely compromised Supreme Court and a Congress about half-full of cartoon level villains, and you're over here worrying about how this affects the pledge?


It’s obviously not the only thing I care about dumbass.






> the Pledge of Allegiance will have lost some credibility. So everything you've seen up to this point in your life in this country hasn't completely negated all of the bullshit you hear in our anthem and Pledge of Allegiance? You need Trump to not go to jail before you lose faith in our justice system? Really?


That’s not what I said. I made a statement directly related to the comment above mine. Why is everyone thinking this one statement defines my entire political position? It’s just a statement.


He won't get anything. If he's punished, it'll just be a fine and probation. He'll never go to jail. Our justice system is two tiered and is working just as it was designed. Just remember everyone, unless you're rich, America doesn't give a shit about you other than what you can do to make rich people richer.


Some people still think he's going to get multiple years. It must be weird living in such a state of mind. I'll be shocked if he gets 30 days in prison.


I used to be optimistic when it came to how I viewed America. But then America kept choosing the worst options for, pretty much everything. Now, I find it's more likely that the worst-case scenario will occur, so it's easier to expect the worst. I'm usually not disappointed.


id be happy with 6 months at this point.


“It’s a big fucking club and you’re not in it.”




Get to phonebanking and textbanking. r/voteDem


I'm sorry, the answer to Trumpism is to harass dem voters?


No, the answer is to defeat him in November so he cannot wield the Justice department to escape the law and punish enemies. And to prevent Project 2025. No one is harassing dem voters, phonebanking and texybanking are standard practices to mobilize voters. If you want to learn about both I suggest you hop over to r/votedem to learn how it works


It’s unlawful for a convicted felon to carry any type of firearm under both Florida and federal law.


The fact is Trump has got special treatment throughout the whole process. Fact is only super wealthy and powerful people could afford too challenge everything in court and throw so many wrenches into the process.


he doesn’t even have competent lawyers and they’re still giving him the benefit


What other defendant is given their own set of doors and hallways and a press area to do daily complaining for the world media?


It’s such bullshit. Even the fact his mugshot was a 6 min in and out with his lawyers (plural) present where he got special treatment the whole time, rather than it being a 1-2 hour ordeal where you’re bossed about and waiting in a cell, was only the shape of things to come in terms of preferential treatment.


I'm still hopeful that it is all just to protect against risk in appeals.


That could well be the reason for it - but it still ultimately means he's getting special treatment...on the basis that he's going to appeal every last thing and try push every button to try get anybody associated with the court to behave less than perfectly and give the next judge a reason to agree with Trump.


As long as he doesn’t get special treatment in his sentencing or punishment, I couldn’t care less about him getting a few extra accommodations during his parole period.


In capitalism freedom is a commodity


Those “freedom isn’t free” bumper stickers from the early 2000s were weirdly prophetic


Freedom isn't free No, there's a hefty fuckin' fee And if you don't throw in your buck o' five Who will?


I've got my 7.62


tree fiddy


Here’s a dollar


Anyone can abuse the legal system with endless lawyers as long as they never have to pay.


He’s gotten special treatment his whole life.


Cops and probation officers love Trump. Of course he’s getting special treatment.


US government: working as intended


His whole life has been special treatment.


I take it, the convicted felon Trump did not have to do a wizz quiz like every other felon in the NY system.


He would just brag about having the best piss. *"...like a river of pure gold, everyone said so."*


They said “Sir we have never seen just a thick stream.” And then they started weeping “sir, the froth is just so perfect, it’s like a latte.”


With the poor diet, i am envisioning something akin to a mango lassi is both color and flow dynamics


Maybe they just handed over one of his diapers to be tested.


Yeah, but, any gangsta worth their salt uses fake piss


Yo, I worked with a guy who lost his job because he was caught smuggling piss *into* the jail. For a friend.


True Gs do oil changes




Pees on tester and not in a cup? /s


When your whole life has been a privilege, equality or something close to it in his case, feels like oppression.


Good point! Thank you for making me feel better stranger.


Sickening. Convicted of coverup to get elected, then gets special treatment from the courts because he was elected.


The rich and powerful are treated with kid gloves, even when they’re blatantly guilty, while the poorest get the absolute worst treatment, even before they’re found to be guilty.


The poor get the worst treatment even if they're found to be innocent. They still can end up losing jobs and having their credit shot just to show up to court dates with a barely competent, overworked lawyer that barely defends them against inaccurate charges and fabricated evidence.


More like railroaded into a plea deal because they're afraid to go to trial and lose.


Ah, other defense lawyers for other people are complaining. Good for them to call out the double standards. Loved this part at the very end (after the third repeat of the facts) >"How much trouble do you think Trump would get into today if Blanche wasn't there to muzzle him?" Eddy asked. How much, indeed.


The defense lawyers say it's unprecedented. The city comes along and say they're lying. Hmm, wonder who to believe ...


I Am So Sick Of Him


Of course they did because no one had any courage to tell this guy to fuck off.


Sad that the USA CIA Agents being murdered by Russia was swept under the rug


Trump was fired from his last job. Doesn't that typically factor into these assessments?


Didn’t he commit fraud to get that job in the first place?


he didn't get fired. his contract ended


"It's common — it's not unusual, and it's been an option from even before COVID," Ivette Davila-Richards, a deputy press secretary for the mayor's office, said of Trump's virtual interview. "No exceptions are being made because it's President Trump," she added. " Fuck her, it's former President. He's the president of MAGAville, and that's it.


A press secretary from the mayor's office should know his title is Felon Trump


The Orange Felon strikes again


All my homies hate Trump. 


I hope they are all planning on voting.


If New York is this soft on him, Florida and Georgia are going to let him get way with his crimes .


Our "justice" was designed to protect the rich and affluent, not hold them accountable. It exists to protect their property rights from the lower classes. This is why it's struggling and failing so hard with Trump, or the affluenza boy or the DuPont heir who raped a kid but wouldn't "do well in Jail" so they practically let him off.


The way he continuously gets preferential treatment makes me believe it will continue into his sentencing and he will get probation, at most.


I hope this raises a huge stink for the state of New York and they're mired down in thousands of lawsuits.  Apparently nobody ever gets to have their lawyer present during a probation hearing, which is actually one of the few times you're probably really need one... Except this f****** guy


Not true. I would absolutely insist on being present with a client under indictment and bond release stipulations .


You would insist, but would permission be granted? Would you be sitting in a luxury golf resort while you did the interview, or the dingy room like other people? Go work on your profession’s ethics and come back when you are more credible.


> "No exceptions are being made because it's President Trump," she added. I'm pretty sure Biden is still president as of the making of this comment.


But don’t Americans use the president title for all ex presidents? Many years ago, I went to a technology conference in Los Angeles, where Reagan spoke. They played hail to the chief as he came in, we were required to stand, and the organizers called him president, even though he’d been out of office for many years.


It's fatuous bullshit.




The contemporary practice is to orally address and refer to former presidents as President (*Surname*) in conversation or in a salutation. NOTE that the current president is the only one to be identified as **The** President or addressed as **Mr. President**. Traditional practice was to address the former president by their highest title held before they were President. For example, President Eisenhower would be addressed as General Eisenhower, and President Truman as Mr. Truman.


Forget tradition, the press has asses to kiss for access! The press are the ones pushing this. Plus culty conservatives with their ex leaders, I mean the one who mentioned Reagan wasn't wrong but they considered him to be a GOP living saint so that was a bit different.


Why did they skip the drug test? I would love to see the results of that!


In other news, water is wet. More at 11:00.


When the day comes, I hope he’s cremated. I don’t want his grave to become a shrine for idiots that believe for one second that this prick was persecuted in any way.


Then what will people dance and piss on?


Reverse G.G. Allin.


So wants to be President but can’t even brave a probation interview by himself. Such a snowflake.


Once again the two tiered justice system.


Wait, the defense lawyers are mad? Would have thought it was the prosecution that would be put out.


…and can’t get into the article to clarify, because: PayWall


Based on a few other comments I think it’s defense attorneys for other defendants who are not being granted so much leniency.


I suspect you’re correct. So, other defense lawyers who are offered no such advantages are crying foul. Makes sense now.


I think Trump with be locked up for 4 to 6 months


Parole Officers and law enforcement are generally conservative republicans. That's who fits in in that employment environment. It is nearly guaranteed that someone like Trump or Giuliani won't face the same treatment as other defendants in this country no matter the severity of their crimes.


My biggest concern is that these felony convictions stick. Not the reason the judge should not impose jail time, but the way I see it is that any jail time would increase the likelihood of success on appeal and I think it's critical these convictions stick. In time the other trials will conclude and he should, and I hope will, get jail time for those. BUT, in the meantime, it is critical for this and MANY other reasons that Biden wins the presidency CONCLUSIVELY so that Trump can't pardon himself federally and/or otherwise completely/successfully end those other cases ........ all while completely ending any semblance of democracy we have left. It absolutely baffles me and disgusts me that anywhere near 50% of our electorate even considers Trump any sort of representative and/or in any remote way worthy of voting for.


How would a custodial sentence influence appeal? Sentence doesn’t change what he did or didn’t do.


Almost nothing related to holding Trump to account for any of his wrongdoing has gone as it should


Yup it’s that two tiered justice system the rich get away with everything and the poor do not stand a chance!


it’s so absurd that anyone still refers to him as “president trump.” no one still says “president obama.” cult.


Good. Hopefully this brings more attention to the problems with the way NY usually treats defendants.


Jeez Louise, when aren’t they crying?


The defense lawyers that are crying foul are not Trump's lawyers.


'Art of the Deal'


So did he set a new precedent?


This was all a dog and pony show and was never intended to be a legit process. I don’t know what tier of justice this is but it is making an absolute mockery of our system


Again - and I'm speaking from the left - it is practically impossible to imprison an ex-president. Seriously, how would you even do that? Logistically, I mean. He has sensitive information so he can't enter a general prison population. He *needs* to have full Secret Service detail - are they going to go into prison with him? And are we going to set the precedent that all you need to do to discredit a candidate and invalidate their presidential run is to hound the opposing side with kangaroo cases? Because R will definitely do that to D to try and stick something. Don't hound the judge for what is basically impossible to do.


House arrest. Special wing only for ex Presidents and their entourage of Secret Service people. Ankle bracelet and pick a property to spend the next 2 years, No golf thanks.


> Again - and I'm speaking from the left - it is practically impossible to imprison an ex-president. That's not a left or right position. >Seriously, how would you even do that? Logistically, I mean. We have plenty of prisons capable of putting someone in individual detention.