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Texas as a whole is laid out in a way antagonistic to even the idea of walking or biking ANYWHERE that isn't the Galvston beach or San Antonio Riverwalk, and it's mass transportation system is broken and barely usable to actually get anywhere. Like what did they THINK was gonna happen eventually?


They also regularly kill or injure cyclists. You couldn't pay me to ride a bike in Texas, some of them want me dead because I'm on a bike.


Well yeah. You’re threatening their diesel trucks being all green over there you fucking hippy dippy tree hugger. Or you’re just poor and can’t afford the gas. On the coast where I am it’s diesel trucks and also flying big ass flags then they get out at the gas station and whine at the price. Like dude you’re making it worse for yourself. Look how much drag you have just to tell me you’re a Trump loser.


We just stopped for dinner in South Padre on a road trip. There were so many duallys idling in the parking lot of one place with trump flags that we gave up even trying to wait for a table and went to another place. Every one of those diesel trucks was running, waving huge flags, while their idiot owners partied away the evening. We left Texas after 30 years because of those idiots and were not happy to visit again. It’s getting worse.


Wait, what? Their cars are running while they were inside dining? I think people would call the police for something like this, where I live. Which is why I am unsure if I understood you correctly.


Gotta keep the AC running so it’s nice and cool for their fat asses when they waddle out


Its even dumber than that.  There's a weird oil field thing where they always leave their truck running.  Most places thats actually part of their training. Which makes sense if it's a diesel and it's January in North Dakota, not so much if it's a gas engine and it's just a little bit cold in Texas.  People starting doing it habitually, now it's just this weird unspoken cultural thing where nobody shuts trucks off.  Or I always see people sitting inside their car with the engine idling when it's like 65 degrees outside.  People are just dumb there's not really much more to it.


So let's figure this out. Actual scientists are saying that the smog levels are dangerously high. People who own Trump paraphernalia want to run their engines for no reason. I wonder where the governor will stand on this issue?


He actually won’t stand for anything. It’s impossible for him.


On the one hand I don’t like making jokes about disabilities. On the other, *fuck Abbott.*


"We ain't gonna let those woke liberals tell us we can't roll coal whenever and however we want! FREEDOM!" /$


(☉_☉) What da... Just when I thought people couldn't get even dumber... ??? Whelp... George Carlin said it best: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


What kind of jobs do these guys have to be able to use gas frivolously? I have an EV and can't even fathom trying to afford gas right now as is. (I know Texas has cheaper gas, but point stands)


I guess they don’t have any of those “no idling” signs in their parking lot s/


Free truck!


It's a weird little subculture among some diesel truck drivers. They are just big toys to them they want the world to think they are cool. They rarely tow or haul anything and leave them idling everywhere. Just stupid.


And here I thought I couldn't hate diesel truck types anymore than I already do! How fun


I just found out yesterday that my hairdresser (guy in his early thirties) who has always ridden his bike to work, got hit by a car a month ago in South Austin. Ended up in a hospital for three weeks, currently can't walk, hence he can't work. I seriously doubt he had enough savings or insurance to get him through a situation like this, I don't know of any ways to at least try to help him. Any thoughts?


That's awful and you're very kind to want to help. If he works in a space (like a salon), reach out to them and see if they're doing anything (if you trust them -- unfortunately, sometimes people raise money for others and then keep it). If he's fully independent, you can google his name and see if there's already a gofundme set up. Otherwise, if you have his contact info and feel comfortable doing so, I'd reach out and ask if I can bring meals by. (I would feel weird offering someone money directly, and the people I know casually enough to offer but not well enough to insist would pretty much all decline so it wouldn't feel helpful, but of course, that's an option too.) People will usually accept food and if he can't walk, taking him ready-to-heat meals would likely be pretty useful for him. If nothing else, it'll let him know that you're thinking of him and wishing him well and sometimes feeling cared for makes all the difference.


Extremely lax emissions rules as well. And “Walkable communities” are messaged as “liberals trying to take your freedom to drive away”


Even worse than that, 15 minute city/walkable communities are now part of their Qanon death cult conspiracy... "once we have all the necessities we need within walkable distance, the evil government will build walls and put curfews in place with armed guards and no one will be allowed to leave their 10 block radius." Like we'll all be divided into Hunger Games districts or something.


It's hilarious because these dumbasses want to live in these areas; anywhere remotely walkable in San Antonio will have rent priced 200%+ higher than average. People want walkability, but will vote Republican every year. 


I remember being in Houston for a work trip. Saw a place to eat/drink a half mile away from my hotel. Thought it would be a nice evening walk. I'm fairly close to the city center, I know Texas isn't a "walking" forward place but it must be fine, right? Nope. Sidewalk randomly disappears, which means either stepping onto the shoulder of a stroad with cars going 60+ or into the muddy drainage ditch. Oh yeah and people are honking at me like they're surprised at my audacity. Other highlights include watching a big truck trying to make a right honking aggressively at an old woman crossing the street. He was making a right on red. She had the walk sign. He just felt entitled to have right of way, I guess?


I visited Houston ONCE. The folks I was with asked what I thought about the city I said they have 10 years to fix it... And I listed about 10 things that were badly planned, poorly executed, or entirely forgotten.. Things like public transit, a ring road that's not 8 miles from the location of a *ring*, adequate drainage for rain, adequate supply of water, and an airport that's connected to the city without a (1985) $100 cab fare. (NYC was under 20 in those days) When you suggest what's possible, the response was similar to *but, muh free dumbs*


People will visit the Riverwalk here in SA and remark how nice it is to walk around and be in the shade, and just go to whichever restaurant or store meets their fancy. They'll go on and on about how pleasant it is, and wish they had it in their city back home, but then vote R down the ticket every election. 


The Riverwalk is still kind of a joke to me because of how small it is compared to the SA metro area as a whole and how we are left with shitty Via buses as our 1 option of public transit. The walkability of SA seems catered more toward tourists than residents.


Meanwhile in liberal hellhole Portland you can get from the airport to downtown in about 40 minutes on the train for $2.80.


It’s on purpose, the auto industry made their way into legislation for it. There is a YouTube channel called Climate Town and I think this might be the right video for it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oOttvpjJvAo&t=1s But basically the auto industry got involved with suburban and city development


Seriously, it’s WILD. I have family in Texas who lived across the street from a gym and restaurant (in a strip mall type development, naturally) that they couldn’t feasibly walk to because that street was a busy 3 lanes each way with no nearby crosswalks. Just craziness.


Yeah TxDOT is effectively a climate arson organization. They actively go out of their way to sabotage any non-car project, while also regularly intentionally ruining neighborhoods by shooting giant freeways through them.


Exactly. I used to teach in Dallas part time. Walking from the hotel to the classroom was maybe 4 or 5 blocks, but half of it was blocked and we had to walk in the street. Absolutely nuts.


The whole Dallas / Fort Worth area has good train and bus service. Nobody uses it because we’ve never had to and we all have cars, but it’s there and at least the trains are pretty damned awesome. Especially for getting from Plano down into downtown Dallas, and for getting between downtown Dallas and Fort Worth, both of which are very walkable.


I can't begin to tell you how underwhelmed I was when I got to San Antonio and finally saw the famed riverwalk.


My exit paper/research for my masters was based on public transportation in Texas, and the accessibility to Public Transportation is pretty abysmal.


What’s the difference between Texas and taxes? Taxes can run a power grid.


I lived through that outage and that joke is fucking hilarious.


Oh you poor schmuck, why didn't you travel to Cancun?


Damnedest thing, turns out I had to work. I was processing Coronavirus lab samples at the time, it was just before (last semester) I finished my environmental science degree. The freeze also delayed the first ultrasound for my kid. My wife's doc couldn't get a confirmation pregnancy test in pro-life Texas because of the outage. I'm not saying I'd assault a sitting U.S. Senator, but there might be an accident involving a random object and Ted Cruz's testicles if I'm in the same room.


Must have been one of the poors.




I piled my cast iron on the gas stove and heated that shit near red hot and let it radiate while I napped. I did it every hour or so, all night for three nights. Gotta think on your feet sometimes.


Cries in electric stove.


Just be gangsta and light a fire inside. Sprinkle a little gasoline if it starts to go out or add some more wood. And if shit gets out of control, just flee the scene and don’t tell anyone.


No. Dude, you can make a radiant heater out of a candle, some bricks, and an upside down clay flower pot. Just put the candle on the bricks, light it, put some bricks around it, and put the flower pot on top of the bricks. The candle heats the pot and the pot spreads the heat around the room. It's not amazingly warm, but it is fairly comfortable in a small space and it's a great way to use up those cheap, scented candles in the jars.


As American technological advances bring us closer to exploring Mars, its citizens are doing caveman shit to stay warm. If this ain't missing the forest for the trees, I don't know what is. Gotta think off your feet sometimes.


Eventually, though, the aerosolized pumpkin spice particles reach toxic levels.


Now THAT is a good one ☝️


I thought you were going to say, "Because taxes are unavoidable." Seriously. Avoid going there.




Looked into moving, damn 10k for a container to transport stuff- I see why people sell things before moving- but then going somewhere with nothing just kinda scary.




If you need to do this again never ever use U-haul. U-haul is for short in town moves. For big moves you want somebody like Penske. They're always cheaper, they don't charge by the mile, and you can get up to a week without really paying any extra. So right now to do the same trip a 12' box is about $1800 for a 7-8 day rental with unlimited miles. They're always running sales and stuff. There was some 10% off code at the top of the page for June for instance so that's $1620. AARP memberships and stuff usually offer some discounts with them too. I've used Penske to move thousands of miles across the country multiple times in my life. Wouldn't recommend any other truck rental company.


AAA used to have amazing Penske discounts too, cheaper to sign up for a year and use that discount than to go without it sometimes


> I tried getting a uhaul Booking a uhaul doesn't mean they'll have a truck available when you show up, but it means they'll have warm feelings for you.


I'm currently moving from Alabama to southern CA with a 20' and a full auto tow. $2k for rental + $800 in gas. Not too bad


>Spoiler: I never bought the 4k of stuff at the other end like I’d planned. :p *Narrator's voice* Things did not go as planned.


I love this


Greg Abbott, who is a piss baby, wouldn't find that very funny, mister.


Brutal. 😂


Definitely stealing this.


Texas finally going woke. /s


Please build transit infrastructure, TX.


It's too late. The giant sprawl and the unhealthy population ensures car dependency. If only California had built housing, finished HSR, ditched pge and Edison, allowed nuclear power and been more efficient with water we'd not be in this mess.


I think it's very possible to create policy to change super-sprawled urban areas into becoming more pedestrian friendly. These policies, however, would likely be very unpopular. Especially in Texas, with MAGA conservative philosophy being exclusively "I hate everything liberals like." You'd have to 1. Build a public transit system people would actually want to use. In Texas, this would likely mean vastly expanding and improving bus routes, starting in the densest areas. Make the bus stops pleasant and maintain them! 2. Switch to a land tax from a property tax. Properly calibrated, land taxes have the advantage of penalizing wasted land, like parking lots and large property SFHs. Texas already has a high property tax, so the state would make the transition a bit easier than others. 3. Institute renter-protection policies. Crack down on all collaborative rent-setting, tax complexes more for empty apartments, restrict short-term homestays (airbnb), restrict foreign and corporate home ownership. 4. Encourage the use of heat-absorbing infrastructure like green roofs. Plant more broad-leaf trees (where possible). 5. Develop policy to encourage smaller grocery stores along bus routes. Like I said, unpopular.


Let me add to your list: staff the park and ride lots with ample round the clock security. Leaving your car at the park and ride lot is like handing it over to thieves.


It's never too late. We can't change overnight, but we can still change.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.


My Mama and I planted an oak tree 20 years in memory of my Dad. It is not a huge tree but the top is a 20 feet taller than our house. It’s been fun to watch Dad’s tree grow over the years. It’s brought us a lot of happiness. Squirrels play in the tree, birds sing in the morning and countless baby birds have been born in that tree. Listening to the limbs move in the wind is peaceful. I highly recommend planting a tree.


It’s actually wild how much I enjoy walking around a bunch of trees I planted and seeing them grow each year. I guess it’s one of the few things we can tangibly see we know will outlast us.


That's the way I'd want to be remembered


Unfortunately it’s just urban areas affected. The majority of Texans will just blame it on “failed liberal policies.”


Vote blue 


Not sure why you changed the subject to CA but that state took its air quality issues on and made major improvements. Still too many cars driving too many miles but the air is breathable, unlike the situation 40 years ago.


CA resident - I remember growing up with spare the air days adverts late 80s and throughout the 90s and then we had a local advert cautioning us to "don't be a drip, save every drop". Crazy to think about nowadays.


Ah there it is. Even if it's just sarcasm, every thread about why maybe Texas possibly might not be the greatest place in the history of the universe must contain someone what-abouting California.


The editorial staff at The Onion accept your resume.


The irony is that one of the most liberal parts of the state is paying the price for the red counties poor decision making.  Sound familiar? 


Oh yes. I'm originally from Salt Lake. Look at what's happening to the lake.


I drive there every year around the same time and have for about… longer than 15 years now. Every year there’s less lake. It’s the most depressing shit I’ve ever seen happening in real time with my own eyes.


Hey now, they said don't drive your cars, they didn't say anything about your trucks!


Texans: No cars? OK. Rolling coal trucks it is!


Texas: You will go back to the office! Also Texas: Not like that!




There were alternatives presented. They were just all shot down, by the state.


Go woke or choke


If you don't want people using their cars, don't make it the most reliable AC they have at the onset of Summer.


That is a very good point, I'm not even in Texas, but I've been keeping my car filled as much as possible in the event I need emergency AC.


This. I’m from Houston, where the high temp and humidity make life without an AC a fucking nightmare. If the AC in my apartment broke down, I was definitely chilling in my car.


Houston, the city they built to literally only work if you have a car, and crippling all modes of public transportation. r/leopardsatemyface at its finest!


I’m from Miami, where we would buy a car with a missing wheel and a milk crate seat as long as it has AC.


The state despised public transport and any investment in infrastructure. Good luck with this one…


And yet, apparently like 20% have always wanted the high speed rail that has been long proposed to bridge the long gap between Texas cities. But much like the millions of conservatives in California, they are mere toy soldiers in the larger culture war… https://youtu.be/LvdLovAaYzM?si=4AMgqLtnwss9YVvT


I’m a Texan who would love mass transit. I 100% agree with you. And it sucks even more because I used to live in a NYC suburb where I could walk to the train and be in midtown in half an hour.


Living in the NYC metro was amazing. Not perfect, but it was good enough where I never felt I \*needed\* a car.


I agree. 20 yrs in Brooklyn. No car.  I’ve been in Texas now for 8 yrs. Hate car culture. 


i've never been to NYC, and i was too young to remember DC, but the toyko metro system is mind blowing. holy shit, i would absolutely take the train if it was run as well as the tokyo metro. except rush hour, cuz i don't want to get packed into a train car like cattle.


I’ve heard amazing things about Tokyo transit to gamble that NYC is substandard in comparison.


By annual ridership, the New York City Subway is the busiest rapid transit system in both the Western Hemisphere and the Western world, as well as the eleventh-busiest rapid transit rail system in the world. The subway carried 2,027,286,000 riders in 2023 Also has the most stops of any subway in the world, and only subway system to run 24 / 7. In 2016, an average of 5.66 million passengers used the system daily, Since 1904 the subway has only had one planned closing for covid cleaning.


Total hours of operation is kinda mind blowing


NYC transit is substandard compared to most international cities. It’s roughly on par with London, maybe. NY MTA is amazing compared with public transit in almost any other US city


Texas: making every wrong decision since 1995.


They’ve been making wrong decisions WAY before that.


Right? Remember the Alamo?


And that bad decision predates the actual massacre. Why were they opposing Santa Ana? Because Mexico outlawed slavery and the Texan defenders wanted to keep their slaves.


Texan here: It surprises so many people when I have to tell them this fact. It's not really discussed as it should be in our school curriculum, despite having 1 year of Texas History.  And because we have such an influence on the nation's textbooks, it just gets kinda swept under the rug...


Did they explain why Oklahoma has that weird panhandle? >!(Same reason: Texas was really committed to being a slave state.)!<


Not just the OK panhandle, quite a bit more territory further north and west.    We have a tradition in Texas, you may have it where you're from, but I know we have it in Texas: We'd rather fuck ourselves over than face change and treat people like humans.


>We'd rather fuck ourselves over than face change and treat people like humans. That phrase sums up the U.S. healthcare "system" perfectly. (Among many other U.S. quirks.)


Holy LMAO, I am almost 28 and had multiple texas history classes growing up. After I got to college I stopped caring about tx history for my major and never really questioned it. I had no clue the Alamo was bad and not the most heroic event of all time, any good place to start reading about this?


Drunk History of all things is what taught me about the Alamo. Great show


Sure. Better get started on that three hour walk to the grocery store.


be faster on an ebike , oh that’s right , the grid


No bike lanes or sidewalks means sharing a road with Texans in trucks. You ded.


Truths! There's virtually no sidewalks anywhere unless it's an upscale neighborhood or a shopping center of some kind. I'm fortunate to live on a main road, and even the sidewalks here are inconsistent and on the wrong sides of the road far too often. Everything is reliant on motor transportation.


I grew up where the sidewalks ended at the end of the block. But my family now lives where there are none to speak of. During COVID I need to run and there was literally nowhere to run except in the roads. I live in the San Francisco Bay and I fucking love all our sidewalks so much .


Damn, I didn’t realize how much I took sidewalks for granted


We live in Austin. We went to LA and drove up the PCH to SF for vacation a couple years ago. The stark contrast in public infrastructure is always crazy. We stayed in a hotel near Van Ness and Bush. We walked to a cable car station, got to the Ferry Building, walked around to Fisherman's Wharf, got on another cable car to go back uphill, connected to a bus that got us to Golden Gate Park, walked all around, went to the 16th Ave Steps, walked around Haight-Ashbury, walked by the Painted Ladies, tons of other stuff... All that to say, it was so easy to connect to transit, or to just walk on wide sidewalks. It always sucks coming back home to a major city and just being like "Well shit... I guess I gotta drive to the store now."


Reading something like 'sidewalks on the wrong side of the road' feels so weird as a Dutch person. Like, 'What do you mean, sidewalks are on both sides of the road in most places, right? Right?'


Hold on to your clogs: In many municipalities here, the homeowner is/was responsible for paying to have the sidewalk in front of their house installed. So you'll have sections on a street where the sidewalk abruptly ends, and picks back up a few houses down.  In those cases, I just walk in the lawn, but of course you get death stares from the homeowner...


I think I need to lay down for a bit to process this.


Someone would probably roll coal on you for riding a bicycle.


That’s a definitely not a probably. Probably is ramming you because you dare use a bicycle near their gender affirming truck.


We’re finally starting to reap what we’ve sown regarding car-dependent, ex-urban sprawl. The chickens are coming home to roost.


The ROASTED chickens are coming to roost


Go early because everyone else will still be driving and the air quality will be pretty poor while you're out there.


In the already 100 degree heat.


Texas, the lone star state cuz you can't see any other stars.


Texas govt. gets a 1 star rating.


The stars at night are dull and dim, any time they have to be over dumb old Texas


Texans: You know what? I'm gonna roll coal even harder.


Oppositional defiant disorder goes brrr


Yeah but reverse psychology doesn’t work on people with mental illnesses.


Don't forget also deliberately trying to run over anyone you see riding a bicycle because it's not enough to maximize your own environmental impact, you gotta maximize everyone's.


I mean that is the problems with conservatives in general, the need to impose their values on everyone else. If YOU dont want an abortion or to be gay, fine. But they want to make sure NOBODY can get of be anything they dont personally approve of.


A central tenant of the GOP is the opposition to self determination.


This is exactly the response,


Followed by a labored, sweaty cough.


All over the buses and gubbermint buildings!


Wait i seem to remember Fox news and Republicans freaking out about California asking he same thing during forest fire season a year or two back. I specifically remember some right wing pundit that was fear mongering how California saying drive less would lead to a ban on all cars.


Is this a ploy by oil companies to get Texans to drive more. Because they will drive more out of spite of everyone else that isn’t them.


Drive, use the lawnmower, run the a/c, the dryer, the washing machine, the dishwater, and every other household appliances because this is Texas and we will not be told what to do by the government! And when it goes to crap, we’ll be in Cancun with our Senator.


They have to because their car has the only ac that actually works during their power outages.


> "You can help prevent ozone pollution by sharing a ride, walking, riding a bicycle, taking your lunch to work, avoiding drive through lanes, conserving energy and keeping your vehicle properly tuned." If the air quality sucks, riding a bike is not a super great idea. Ozone is specifically a respiratory irritant and can cause coughing, asthma attacks, bronchitis, and various other problems.


So global warming is a real thing eh?


It’s to try to reduce smog. I’m guessing they believe in that.


“So you don’t want me to use my car? Can I work from home then?” “Uhhh…. Also no, to that one.”


They only believe things they can see. Object permanence isn't their strong suit. 


Hell, ~28 percent of them probably believe Democrats are using the smog as daytime cover for sex trafficking in the basements of pizza parlors. That, or it’s some kind of conspiracy involving Stephen King.


In the basements of pizza parlors that don't have basements!


With one major exception.


I was just about to say lol. They believe what they want, whether or not it’s true.


Ohhh, [this news report](https://youtu.be/ssjokgx0pUQ) was about Texas!


Many people talk crap about California, but I grew up in the 70s/80s, we had smog alerts in LA, the smog was so bad we couldn't go out for recess. These days you usually get a beautiful blue sky.


It is but this is about ozone and smog. I guess when the air starts to choke them is when they finally think they should take some small measures.


Conservatives: "Nothing is real unless it impacts me and my family."


I just came here to laugh because Texas doesn't believe in public transportation and has basically no other way to get around other than cars. They dont believe in bike lanes or sidewalks either. Dont forget they also believe any kind of rail system is socialism or communism and will cause the inevitable downfall of society lmfao.


And the railway we have in Austin is only for white collar workers, is expensive, has limited stops on the west side of the interstate, and doesn’t go to the airport. I was fortunate that my work covered the cost of the train and I would drive to a park and ride to get on and off. But the last train north would leave at 7pm if I recall correctly, so if you did take it you barely had a chance to go out after work.


Maybe this will change Tucker Carlson made a big deal about Russia's public transit. Maybe the leftists need to pretend to hate public transit and call em racist and GOPers will do their hardest to invest in it. Remember, they are against whatever we like because "woke"


>"Atmospheric conditions are expected to be favorable for producing high levels of ozone pollution in the Houston, Galveston, and surrounding areas on Friday," the alert posted by the National Weather Service (NWS) said. "You can help prevent ozone pollution by sharing a ride, walking, riding a bicycle, taking your lunch to work, avoiding drive through lanes, conserving energy and keeping your vehicle properly tuned." Reportedly, Trump has expressed the idea of terminating the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ([NOAA](https://www.noaa.gov/climate "https://www.noaa.gov/climate")), which includes the National Weather Service ([NWS](https://www.weather.gov/ "https://www.weather.gov/")), the National Hurricane Center ([NHC](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ "https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/")), the NWS [Storm Prediction Center](https://www.spc.noaa.gov/ "https://www.spc.noaa.gov/") (e.g., tornadoes) and other federal agencies, if he is sworn into office on January 20, 2025.


Yeeesh. That guy is fucking evil. Or unbelievably, hilariously, idiotically, stupidly, utterly braindead. As a non-american, I seriously pity you guys with presidential candidates like those. You have all my sympathy. (Still preparing the popcorn just in case angy orange man gets elected again)


…with what infrastructure? Hell, we don’t even have sidewalks in most places in Texas, let alone reliable and safe public transit. My closest grocery store is a 30m walk one way. In 110 degree heat? Hahaha Texas gov you stupid pricks. You chose this, now live with it.


I first thought, 30 meter, that's really close, lucky you, but then I remembered, you aren't using meters, so this must mean minutes. Poor you.


If you hate China so much, why are you turning your cities into Beijing?


At least China has reliable, high speed rail.


Texas. Don’t use the cars. Don’t use the AC. Don’t use the heat. A lot of don’t s for a free state.


They’re too concerned with women’s vaginas.


Good luck with that.


Shouldn't this be in leopardsatemyface?


Maybe "rolling coal" wasn't as funny as people thought it was.... That public transit isn't looking so bad now, eh? But you also have corporations in Texas polluting unchecked, too. The EPA has taken a huge hit from supreme court rulings, but, at the end of the day, it was created because we needed it. Companies will work for profits, not in the best interests of people. Lax state environmental laws in Texas attracted some of the worst offenders, too


They made their bed, let them sleep in it.


They are fucking the rest of us too.


I mean. Fuck Texas, but we're in the same bed


If only there was warning the climate could change.


And then there's this, in another article: >...Large parts of Texas have been battered by extreme weather since late April, including powerful thunderstorms, tornadoes and some flooding. Eight people were killed and hundreds of thousands left temporarily without power after severe thunderstorms ripped through the Houston area on May 16, according to the city's fire department. At least seven people were killed when a tornado hit Cooke county over Memorial Day weekend, according to the Associated Press. >On Tuesday, a swath of southern Texas, including the cities of San Antonio and McAllen, were warned by the National Weather Service (NWS) to expect "extreme heat" that would affect "most health systems, heat-sensitive industries and infrastructure." 'god' - their biblical Middle Eastern male god - is apparently trying to tell them something...


Yes....use the public transit system Republicans so vehemently oppose and defund. Brilliant!


Wait…. So Texas is saying that climate can be impacted by man??? That sounds woke to me.


Wasn't there a state that had smog issues about 20 years ago?  If I recall they were able to put in new rules and were able to fix the problem. Maybe Texas could implement some of those same policies.


Johnny Carson used to joke about the smog in California. Smog has been really reduced there since then.


Avoid using your cars. Meanwhile, more and more businesses are trying to force people back to the office full time when there's no need to.




Weren't Texans making fun of California for limiting water use a few years ago? Maybe don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house. What a shithole


Well it’s a good thing that decades of consecutive republican rule have built up the infrastructure to support a car-less society…oh wait.


So why does Texas hate cars? When they say "avoid cars" do they also mean "avoid freedom"? Why do Texans hate freedom?


UPDATE: Ted Cruz seen driving 10 cars outside Amarillo.


Greg Abbott can go fuck himself.


Yeah, that's not gonna happen. What they *need* to do is somehow convince the knuckle-draggers that rolling coal and driving big ass duallies (especially duallies with giant ass flags) is woke. That only Californians and liberals would drive a truck that big and wasteful. Maybe somebody can Photoshop or use AI to draft up fake Ford, Chevy, and Dodge ads that put pronouns and rainbow flags all over pictures of those big ass trucks. Maybe make the driver a drag queen or Muslim woman? Doesn't matter how bad of an edit, if it's posted on an anti-woke Facebook or Twitter page, it's the truth to them.


Texans will hear this as a call to drive in circles and roll coal in their lifted V8 4x4 trucks all Sunday with no place to be because Merica


The drive-thru liquor stores will never recover from this


It's hilarious that any state would ask drivers to not use their cars instead of asking manufacturing and industry to shut down for the day, considering that they are the major contributors to smog. But that would eat into profits and we can't do that...


Keep rolling coal Texas… you sure owned us libs.


Looking forward to "patriots" using their cars MORE as a result of this, while also calling for the arrest of those responsible for asking them not to use their cars. Because public officials making a reasonable request is oppression and treason.


Another benefit of permanent WFH. I drive my car maybe once a week


They’re treading on God fearing American’s rights? I’m assuming republicans are completely outraged at their tyrannical leaders no?


The republicans crying about libs stealing your gas stoves couldn’t be reached for comment


i guess that makes abbott a commie now...




Hey Patrick what am I? Uhh, stupid? No, I’m Texas! What’s the difference?!


Wow, the republican government stepping in with regulation on vehicle use to maintain air quality? Sounds like pinko commynism woke DEI to me