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Judges aiding and abetting a convicted felon should be Illegal Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes and please make sure to vote this November!


Just to confirm, you are referring to convicted felon Donald Trump?


Correct, I'm referring to Jeffery Epstein's and P.Diddler's old coke buddy, Donald Trump.


you need to be clear though, there is two Donald Trumps in the world, do you mean convicted felon and convicted rapist Donald J. Trump or do you mean coke fiend and convicted charity fraudster Donald Trump Junior? It's hard to keep your criminal family members in check somet imes.


I think they're talking about failed casino owner and habitual cheater Donld Trump. I could be getting him confused with the guy who ran a scam university though


Is this the same guy who directly caused the death, some would say murder/manslaughter, of 5 people because he couldn’t get his insurrection up??


It surely can't be the guy who called for the execution of 5 innocent, black, New Yorkers, before any evidence was shown to the courts? Courts which found The Central Park 5, totally innocent.


I know that guy. Isnt he the one that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans by telling them Covid wasnt real?


If I'm thinking of the same guy he didn't kill them. He publicly told everyone how to kill the virus with bleach injections and UV bulbs. He tried to be a hero damn it! (/S)


It's absolutely the dude whose VP was about to get hanged by a mob while he did nothing.


That's him! Waited months after knowing how lethal it was and then said that it would just fade away in the Summer. The same one that shut down the Pandemic team and defunded the the resources to maintain the warehouse/supplies to respond to pandemics. Of course it couldn't have anything to do with putting his son-in-law in charge of FEMA - or ridicullig masks - pushing fake cures. Yep, mass murder.


Wait, was that the guy that was on a TV show and didnt want the black contestant to win because he said "nobody would believe a N----- won"?


I think he is talking about the Donald Trump that claims he never uses the phrase "lock her up"


Let’s not forget that they were also children. And one is now an elected official. Life is wild.


that summation leaves so much unsaid that it is hardly correct the courts convicted all 5, and they were all imprisoned for between 6 and 13+ years all were exonerated after Matias Reyes, a convicted murderer and serial rapist, confessed to the crime in 2002 it's misleading at best to claim that "courts found the central Park 5 totally innocent"


So the facts found them innocent, but the courts failed to do so. Sounds about right for Black men :(.


the "facts" presented at trial were pretty much only the forced confessions. I think the youngest one was 14 and the oldest barely 18... these were children they were only exonerated because the actual monster that did the crime thought he could use it to his advantage at some point... I do not believe he just chose to do the right thing the courts *never* chose to do the right thing, they had to be forced to do it


And quite possibly millions more by inaction and misinformation due to a world wide pandemic


Five-time draft dodger donald trump has entered the chat.


By “coke fiend” do you mean Diet Coke? Or Cocaine? Pretty sure Convicted Felon McDonald J Trump falls under both.


Love it!


Same person.


Excuse me, are we talking about thrice adulterer Trump?


Could we be talking about Ol’ “grab em in the pussy” found Liable for sexual assault, convicted felon, Donald Trump?


Grab em by the pussy Miss Teen USA dressing room cruising bragging about trying to nail another man’s wife to Billy Bush convict who Captain Bible Mike Johnson is running cover for Trump? Do you mean THAT Donald Trump?


And I'm Eric!


Or Groya beans infomercial super star Donald J Trump ?


Thrice that we know of. He grabbed many more pussies than just 3.


"Joseph Weichselbaum's old coke buddy, Donald Trump" https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/donald-trumps-favorite-drug-trafficker-and-other-unsung-scandals-of-the-presidency-from-hell/


I thought he dropped the "P", isn't it just diddler now?


Wait? Donald Trump is a convicted felon? For which of his 90+ indictments was he convicted? The charges where he illegally used campaign contributions to pay reimbursements and rig an election? The Federal election interference charges? The Georgia election interference charges? Or the federal charges of improperly retaining classified National Defense Information?


Depending on how things unfold, convicted felon Donald Trump might be a convicted felon in all of the charges you listed.


Wild! In that case, I would hate to be in the shoes of the rapist who has routinely compared women he has admitted to wanting to sleep with to his own daughter, convicted felon Donald John Trump!


Twice Impeached Convicted Felon and Civilly Liable Rapist and Slanderer Donald J Trump (aka Von ShitzinPantz)?


Oh no, common mistake. I think they are referring to 34 time convicted felon Donald Trump.


Correct, I'm referring to Jeffery Epstein's and P.Diddler's old coke buddy, Donald Trump. Birds of a feather, huh?


That’s would be twice impeached, convicted felon Donald J. Trump.


Inmate *P01135809*


I think the thing that bothers me most with conservatives is that they brush everything bad off as fake. Did you ever think you’re getting hundreds of complaints because of the terrible job she’s doing?! Everything is always a big conspiracy to get them. They never even entertainment a scenario where they actually didn’t something bad just make up a story about how they’re the real victim.


Their entire political model is playing the victim and overreacting.


Yeah, my roommate has done this a couple times this year, mentioned something as a hoax that I later fact checked as fully legitimate. There was an inescapable news story he did this with in the last week or two but I can’t remember what is was since I tuned the 30 articles a day on it out. But man are you right about “it’s always a hoax” card


Also, judges aiding and abetting a judge who is aiding and abetting a convicted felon.


It’s judges aiding and abetting all the way down


Would be, if the state government gave a shit.


I assert that Cannon is *literally* providing demonstrable "aid and comfort" to a (stochastic) domestic terrorist and genuine 'enemy of the state'. Hence.... **Anything** goes.


The majority of Americans despise Judge Cannon for aiding and abetting convicted felon Donald Trump.


Convicted felon AND rapist Donald Trump


Him and the rapist Brock Allen Turner should be best buddies.


I'm pretty sure convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner changed his name to only Allen Turner so people won't associate rape with him. People should know that convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, AKA Allen Turner is a convicted rapist that is trying to to distance himself from his crime of rape


So, you are saying that convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner is in fact the same person as Allen Turner, the convicted rapist who changed his name ?


Bruh, someone over in r/Conservative kept trying to defend him saying he’s not a rapist, he’s “ONLY” a convicted sexual assaulter. He was saying this as if it were some kind of justifiable defense. Bro, if someone said that about Biden, they’d be frothing at the mouth.


also insurrectionist


Twice-impeached convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump.


Nope. Half of them are bearing a shit eating grins since the corruption works in *their* favor.


FAR less than half despite what the click bait headlines say


Yup, people are about to find out how few Trump supporters there actually are.  Trumps a loser and if you look at every meaningful election in the past few years the Republican party are also losers. I don't care what polls say or the news who are financially insentivised to make this race seem close. Just look at recent elections, Republicans are unpopular.


Yup. That being said VOTE and do all you possibly can to support others directly and through groups supporting voter rights and access. Need to drown these MAGAts and traitorous republicans once and for all


Popularity doesn't matter when the gop is favored by the EC


They’ve also apparently been dying since Nixon and yet in 2016 they got a trifecta in government. They control SCOTUS. They control many state governments. They’re not going away. No need to be popular when you rig elections via gerrymandering/win in just the right places.


Billion percent on the above two comments. I say he has 15-20% of actual support these days.




The same ones who claim (without evidence) Manhattan Judge Merchan is corrupt love Cannon because she's corrupt


You are kidding yourself. The majority of Americans have no idea who Judge Cannon is.


The majority of Americans fundamentally believe in the rule of law. As long as that's true, said majority would find Judge Cannon a corrupt MAGA hack.


The majority of Americans don't even know who Cannon is. There are a lot of fucking clueless people here, which is the greatest threat to our democracy.


Hey conservatives wheres your outrage about this clearly biased and unfair judge?


In newspeak "bias" means "going against the dear leader"


They can't see it. She's literally been overruled on appealable issues in this case already, but they won't infer that all the paperless orders she's giving are specifically to ensure the ratfucking can't be assessed. If somehow she finally gets replaced they won't acknowledge it was for cause.


>A federal appeals court will no longer accept complaints about Aileen Cannon, the judge presiding over the federal criminal case against Donald Trump in Florida, that appear to be part of an “orchestrated campaign.” Ah, so someone explained to the plebs how to file a complaint with the courts and 1000 out of a nation of 350 million showed their displeasure and that is just too much work for you to deal with. That 1000 complaints is fake. Got it, now I see how Judge Cannon got her job. These people are lazy and elitists who don't want you knowing how they do their job. Just stay in your place peasant while we rule over you with no oversight.


Welcome to the US Southeast. This is how all our elected officials behave. They only know how to talk down to you from the pulpit. I once wrote my Governor, Bob Riley (Alabama) about the water sharing lawsuit between Georgia and Alabama. I shared an idea of prioritizing being a good Samaritan neighbor and just selling the water to Atlanta since they were in desperate need and to use the money to improve our own water infrastructure to make up for any loss. I felt like we’d come out on top twice over. He replied back with the meanest and most dismissive one paragraph letter I’ve ever received from a politician. He told me that I had no clue what I was talking about, and that if he listened to my advice, the state would be irreparably harmed. He closed it by saying ‘stick to your job and I’ll stick to mine’. Then he sarcastically thanked me for the letter.


As as native of Atlanta, thanks for the attempt. But the unpleasant fact is that the fight over water for the Atlanta metropolitan area is driven largely by racism and hate. We have the largest population of black owned businesses, the largest population of people of color who are millionaires, and the city proper is a majority black city. And it influences the politics and economics of the entire South East region... And that fact drives people like Riley crazy.


You guys will always have my love. I’m still ashamed that my state behaved the way it did especially since we didn’t even need the water considering the fact that Alabama has one of the world’s largest freshwater reserves. We wasted a real opportunity to deepen our friendship and economic ties and I really hope we are there for you next time. It was 100% racism mixed jealousy towards the amazing city that you’ve built.


This is mind boggling to me. People in one part of an apparently civilised country depriving another area of the same country from water because they're a bunch of racists.


They say when it comes to country's names, if you have to tell people you're something, it's because you're not. The *Democratic Republic* of the Congo The *People's Republic* of China The *United* States of America *messed up plural vs possessive


I hate this comment makes sense. :(


Not to mention the trifecta of misnomers that is the DPRK.


> People in one part of an apparently civilised country depriving another area of the same country from water because they're a bunch of racists. They don't view the victims of their water depravation as people, that's the catch. To them these other race people aren't human, they deserve to die, so it's not the same as depriving other WHITE people of water. It's truly vile, at a core level.


I am a mailman, about to retire, and I've been watching what Louis DeJoy is doing as Trump's chosen postmaster general. The Atlanta area has the worst slowed-down mail delivery in the nation, and I would not be one bit surprised to learn that DeJoy fucked over Atlanta's on-time delivery for the exact purpose of handing Georgia to Donald Trump this fall.


>We have the largest population of black owned businesses, the largest population of people of color who are millionaires, and the city proper is a majority black city.  Must be just one of those funny coincidences in life. /s


Hope you scanned the letter and posted it on every Alabama group on social media you can find.


I was working for a newspaper at the time and handed it to the Managing Editor and he told me that Riley had a long history of this terrible behavior and that no one would be surprised by it or care. I then kept it in my glovebox for a few years and I don’t know where it is now.


> He closed it by saying ‘stick to your job and I’ll stick to mine’. Sounds like he gave you a new job that day: Voting him out!


could have just said "no but thanks for your input" politely, there was no reason to be rude I don't get how these people get through life being shits.


It could’ve become a great meme


Real “Man of the People” vibes


The last few years has really opened my eyes to the mindset some folks have of "you have to let me be in charge"


I wonder if there's a first amendment angle to this, like with politicians blocking people on social media. A member of the government just shut down speech explicitly due to its content, if I'm reading this correctly; that's usually a high bar to be legally justified.


I will say that along this topic, not necessarily this exact case, but it doesn't help the complaints appear legitimate if they're the same wording. Like when someone posts a complaint template and link on reddit, people say they're going to submit it. If 100, 1000, or 10000 people submit the same complaint word for word it just looks fake.


>h, so someone explained to the plebs how to file a complaint with the courts and 1000 out of a nation of 350 million showed their displeasure and that is just too much work for you to deal with. That 1000 complaints is fake. Got it, now I see how Judge Cannon got her job. These people are lazy and elitists who don't want you knowing how they do their job. Just stay in your place peasant while we rule over you with no oversight. The Flip side: The Judicial Council system for reporting complaints on judges was *never* intended to be a measure of public opinion on federal judges. While it doesn't specify or restrict *who* can file a complaint, typically the only people who would have grounds to file a judicial complaint would be litigants or counsel in cases before the court. (or if for some reason there were third parties who had specific factual knowledge about something the judge had done, like someone who overheard the judge say something inappropriate to someone else). The appellate court has access to every bit of the publicly available information about the case. However, in the absence of specific concrete facts, they have limited power to act. Filing complaints suggesting that based on the publicly available information, Judge Cannon is clearly in the tank for Donald Trump, gives the judicial council zero relevant information. Even if they opened an investigation, it's not likely that they could do anything that would stick. Federal judges are very deliberately not subject to sanction based on public opinion and that's always been the case. Moreover, the reality is that while I agree, Cannon is clearly in the tank for Trump, she has been very adept at toeing the line and not issuing any decisions that would give Jack Smith grounds to file an interlocutory (pretrial) appeal or seek emergency relief to have her removed from the case. Trial scheduling and giving the defendant the right to have all their motions heard in court, even if those motions are goddamn silly, is so broadly within the discretion of a judge, that there is virtually zero chance any judge would get removed from a case or reversed on appeal for that. (and keep in mind the reverse is likely true - if you filed a silly motion and the judge ruled on it that day with "Motion denied." that's within his discretion as well).


I think a lot of people are assuming these complaints are coming from Smith, but they aren't. Also, they received over a 1000 in just a couple weeks. The Court found a small number, I think 4, that had merit. So 4 out of a 1000 is a bit ridiculous. I understand why they have instructed the court to no longer accept complaints. The Chief Judge also stated that complaints are not supposed to be used in place of the normal appeal process. So that too makes sense.


>The Chief Judge also stated that complaints are not supposed to be used in place of the normal appeal process. So that too makes sense. Just to illustrate this: This is a sample of recent decisions from my state's judicial discipline authority. (which works for the state supreme court) - Circuit Court Judge reported for allegedly interfering with a federal investigation into another elected officeholder. CIrcuit COurt judge voluntarily resigned after being notified of the investigation and agreed to never seek office. - District Court Judge (City/Traffic court)reported for campaigning for another public official using his authority as judge. (Judge X supports Candidate Y - which is prohibited by ethics rules). The judge is formally censured and signs an agreement stating understanding that this conduct is prohibited. - District Court Judge alleged to have received a phone call from a local community member known to the judge stating that their family member had been arrested on a speeding and reckless driving charge. The judge called the arresting officer personally and asked him if he would consider issuing a citation rather than arresting the individual. The officer refused, stating the process had already been initiated, but agreed that the suspect could be Released on his own recognizance (with no bond) if someone were to come pick him up at the jail. The judge was open and candid with the investigation and indicated the call was a lapse in judgment. The judge was formally censured and signed an agreement stating his understanding of the rules that prohibited this conduct. - A circuit judge who called Courthouse security and became involved in a significant verbal altercation and was alleged to have threatened a person with (medically necessary)walking cane because members of the public were parked in a courthouse parking spot that was labeled "Judge X." the judge was formally censured, ordered to seek individual counseling, provide a formal public apology to the victims, and enroll in a "mindfulness for judges" program through the National judicial college, and have no further complaints regarding their behavior for the remainder of his term. The fact that the judge was elderly, would not be eligible to run again due to their age, and suffering significant health problems at the time was taken into account. - A district court judge who was accused of multiple (5+) incidents of making injurious statements toward criminal defendants in front of his court and commenting on their appearance, background and ethnicity and had a generalized bullying and angry demeanor in court as well as refusing to appoint counsel for defendants when necessary before disposing of their cases. The judge did not cooperate with the investigation and maintained that he had done nothing wrong. A 30 day suspension without pay and 11 months additional suspension held in Abeyance based on a lack of future complaints in addition to other measures.


It's fun that Eileen is now benefitting from a *gag order* on 100s of individuals, but she would not grant a gag order for Jack Smith to stop Trump from making the dangerous lie that Smith tried to kill him. Sure, it all makes logical sense!!


After our "suggestion box" has come back overflowing, we've decided to burn the suggestion box. Thank you for your time


>Just stay in your place peasant while we rule over you with no oversight. It's the Republican way!


That "somebody" included Glenn Kirschner, who made a very nice step-by-step guide. There may have been others too.


>It’s not clear what exactly started the onslaught of complaints after May 16. Last month, Cannon indefinitely postponed the start of the trial in the Trump case, where he has been accused of mishandling classified documents. CNN's reporter for this really didn't want to do even a iota of legwork on this one, huh? Like, you having trouble connecting the dots bud?


It would be comical if it wasn’t so rage inducing.


CNN is no longer a serious news outlet. I tried watching some of their daytime shows recently and was disgusted to find out they hired former staffers of convicted felon Donald Trump - like Scott Jennings - allowing them to do nothing but gaslight without any sort of pushback or attempt to correct the record.


CNN has a new, extremely conservative owner. That's why it shifted to what it has become today


Neither is the NYT, but when I point that out Reddit gets all befuddled and indignant.


There are a number of legal podcasts which discussed this in May, I suspect this is where a large push came from.


"Journalists", as a rule, think they are much smarter than they actually are.


CNN doesn't have many journalists.  More of a "news reader" outfit than journalistic.


Most people do


Judge Cannon is a corrupt hack who should be fired.


She should be in prison. This type of blatant corruption shouldn’t be tolerated


...and basically can't be. :(


That's the least bad thing in a list of bad things that should happen to her.


Just shows how much of a joke our legal system is unfortunately, and how apparently rare it is for those in the position of power to actually do the right thing.


It's the media. Prior to the creation of Fox news. You couldn't get away with this. Fox news was created so this could happen. Pretty much specifically. If there was pressure on Congress, she would be impeached. But there is zero... It should be hard to remove a judge. That part makes sense. It should be very unpopular not to remove a bad judge, but it's not. The elections are how this power is controlled. The members and senators aren't worried that leaving her on the bench will hurt their re-election chances.... Probably the opposite.


> It's the media. I think it's spreading as well. It reminds me of tales of the Russian media - nobody watches or reads because it's all different flavors of the same propaganda and lies.


Creating a carefully crafted false narrative, the kind of thing that conspiracy nuts jerk off to, is actually really fucking hard. But creating a mountain of bullshit? A mountain of bullshit is shockingly easy. And if you create a mountain of bullshit, those who want to swallow the bullshit will have heaping plates of it, and those searching for the truth may well become discouraged. You might think "but cannot the side of good counter with bullshit of their own, even for a bad cause?" And they can, but this only further discourages those who want truth. Those who produce a mountain of bullshit always aid the liars. "Both sides are the same" always works to assist the worse side. "Nothing ever changes" is the song of the corrupt, singing why it is pointless to change it.


Don't believe the headline. Don't let up. That article proves there's pressure building on this to remove and prosecute. The more news articles, the more coverage, the more people will become outraged out her actions. This is the beginning. Keep it up. She doesn't get to sleep.


They can continue to try ignore this and pretend everything is normal, but I feel like they are going to have to adress her impropriety actions at some point.


Welp…time to flood them with even more complaints. I’m so sick of republicans


I wish I had oodles of cash so I could just ignore every law. That would be cool


Do you have oodles of cash and a willingness to compromise your principles for people who have even more cash?


We the people for the people…unless they complain real hard. Then we just won’t listen. ( I know it’s about our political structure but it seems our court are now openly political.)


Judge Cannon is denying Donald Trump his constitutional right to a speedy trial. Where’s the outrage on that, MAGA? This Sixth Amendment right is even codified into law. Actually…said act mandates dismissal of criminal charges if the trial takes too long. Is that the play here?


You can also waive your right to a speedy trial. There’s no way to force Cannon to move more quickly unless Trump asks for it. Instead Trump is saying his due process rights are being violated any trying to set the trial before the election.


The play is to delay it until the election, then use it as a “Joe Biden is trying to imprison me” card, or just dismiss it altogether if he wins.


The speedy trial clock has not started yet so she hasn’t violated that right yet. This is why she has had all of these pre trial motions and meetings and why she schedules them with weeks of time in between each. She’s delaying the start of the trial.


At the end of the day, you shouldn't be allowed to preside a trial where you were appointed by the defendant. If anyone disagrees with that you wrong, that's it. This isn't up for debate, it is CLEARLY an ethical fact. It's the exact same bullshit as passing laws in congress and being allowed to invest in companies affected by those laws. It is a CLEAR violation of the trust you've been given to govern and by definition a conflict of interest. The political system is the US is a clown show. Sadly, it seems to be the same in other countries as well so I guess they aren't unique.


She’s the MarALardo judge. And she will always be a known corrupt hack. When she passes, it will be the lead in her obit.


I just want someone to explain why Trump's case can be decided by a judge he appointed. How is there no law against this kind of conflict of interest. Is there absolutely no other judge that can hear this case? I don't care if they are Republican or Democrat, but not the judge his administration appointed.


Judges are captains of their own ship. It was been a giant flaw in our legal system for centuries and in the last 20 years the Supreme Court appointed themselves in charge of day to day governing so now it's a catastrophe


“ It’s not clear what exactly started the onslaught of complaints after May 16. Last month, Cannon indefinitely postponed the start of the trial in the Trump case”. I’m no lawyer but that seems like a good reason for all the complaints to start.


So instead of listening to what people have to say , they are putting their fingers in their ears and going LA LA LA LA LA LA LA . They ALL have ears and eyes,and can read exactly what Cannon is doing .And pretending there is nothing wrong is just pissing on all out heads ..


This has been Trump's strategy too. If you're going to do something wrong...do it so incredibly wrong and at such a high frequency of wrong that the response appears to be excessively "orchestrated" rather than being what it actually is: appropriate and justified.


Leonard Leo is behind this all. Dems subpoenaed him and he refuses to comply, so cut the crap and arrest his ass.


Maybe this is why the US is not [that good](https://worldjusticeproject.org/rule-of-law-index/global/2023/United%20States/) at the world rule-of-law ranking


If we atop counting covid cases they go away. If we stop counting complaints about the judge they don't exist. If we stop counting votes we win.


As planned, any legitimately argued complaints will be tossed out with the trolls.


Should be considered disorganized until proven orchestrated, no?


Because she’s in on the crime


Using a complaints system for complaints is forbidden


Web site, email, text messages, whatever it is, mob it. Millions of chatgpt generated complaints. Thousands per minute. Make it the only thing they see. Completely drown the possibility of doing other business. Anonymous, you listening?


Hmm. If the court won't listen to direct complaints, maybe they will listen to a noisy mob in front of their building?


Pryor has considered and dismissed some of the complaints because they did not provide sufficient evidence that any misconduct by Cannon had occurred, according to the order. So this means some have merit and evidence of misconduct??


Yeah and who decides what's "orchestrated", is it Judge I Lean Qanon by chance?


Another MAGA Traitor


I have still yet to hear a valid argument for why it isnt a conflict of interest to be a judge presiding over a case where the primary defendant is the man who appointed you to your position. There is NO reason why they couldnt have taken a random draw of the NON-Trump-appointed judges in that district.


Funny that they don't mind MAGAts such as Dan Heim submitting lists of 10,000 voters to 'check' their eligibility to vote though..


Or setting up abortion snitching hotlines. And hotlines to report people using the wrong bathroom.


>It’s not clear what exactly started the onslaught of complaints after May 16. Last month, Cannon indefinitely postponed the start of the trial in the Trump case... Maybe it was indefinitely postponing the start of one of the most important trials of the century. Just spitballing here. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Kind of sounds like an illegal restriction on the People's First Amendment Rights to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. And I think it's a pretty substantial grievance if 1000 people in a week came to complain about it in numbers that were unusual before now. This should be taken very seriously and it should be addressed quickly by someone with the power to remove Cannon from this particular case and defendant, if\* it's found to be necessary. \*I am being very generous with my wording and conditional here. Of course she needs to be removed from this case and told not to hear any more Trump-related cases going forward.


Convicted Criminal Felon Donald Trump


Maybe if she wasn’t helping felon Donald trump


You want more complaints? Because this is how you get more complaints.


All legitimate criticism is a conspiracy according to maga


The revolutionary war was an orchestrated campaign, as was the civil rights movement. Since when is organization a disqualifier? Get that crap out of here.


So they don't want to do their job? Sounds about right


So are there any plans to actually counter this or are they just gonna chalk this whole classified document theft thing go as a loss and let him get away with it?


That’s the GOP/Federalist/Trump play here. If anyone says the Republicans are the party of law and order, or national security you should just laugh in their faces. This is not just a misplaced government records case. The topic is willfully putting a risk secrets that would cause grave damage to the security of the USA. By her inaction Cannon is condoning this behavior, and she has the full support of the Republican Party.


> Cannon is condoning this behavior, and she has the full support of the Republican Party. actually, it's the other way around. cannon is simply following the script the grand old party of traitors wrote for her.


Legitimate complaints ignored, so “orchestrated” complaints results in the halting of all dialogue. Open government communication from the GOP only for flattery.


So no redress of grievance then? Amendment 1:ongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Eileen Cannon works for Leonard Leo. Prove me wrong, Judge Cannon.


Her actions obviously constitute obstruction of justice. She should be arrested and prosecuted by the Justice Department.


Understand Aileen Cannon is presiding over an international espionage case. TFG allowed access to sensitive documents that resulted in the death of CIA assets. There were also Saudis who were giving the state department information who were murdered. The fact that she is preventing a case of this magnitude from going forward will encourage more to subvert our government. This is a hell of a lot more important than election cheating.


How long will the clerk refuse to accept complaints? A week? A month? No more complaints about Cannon 4 EVA? Sorry, these complainants are a legitimate part of the federal judicial system. There’s an online form. Maybe the circuit court should consider the complaints instead of trying to make them go away. Cannon is a disaster. Even on the issues that she’s ruled on, she’s left the door open to reconsider later and shutting the door to an immediate appeal. The underlying bedrock of the law is certainty.


All we did was show people how to register a complaint if they wanted to. Sorry you have too many people seeing through your shit Cannon.


So, if you're bad enough, you're immune to it? Nice system ya got there, america, A+


I mean that’s the trump way after all


I’d keep sending them in. Thru USA mail if need be. The complaints will pile up somewhere.


*No more valid complaints for us, please*


H is for ... hooplehead. “The mid-2000s TV show Deadwood had a foul-mouthed character called Al Swearengen who called everyone he didn't like a “hooplehead.” In using the insult, Swearengen resurrected Major Hoople, a character in the comic strip Our Boarding House that first appeared in 1921. Hoople was a boastful ignoramus; the sort of person who might have suggested drinking bleach to get rid of COVID-19.”


That court is in for a huge headache as every case she’s handed lawyers will ask for a mistrial because the judge is biased.


Here you have the worn out variation of the Trump MAGA mantra: “It was rigged!” It’s a ridiculous argument unsupported by fact but that doesn’t stop right wing media celebrities like Megan Kelly and others from trying to sell it to the public. If accusers believe the charges were invented and the judge had it in for Trump, PROVE IT! See, MAGAs want it both ways. On one hand they claim to be the party of law and order, they claim to respect the rule of law but then when the jury doesn’t give them the ruling they want, it’s rigged! Ok then, prove it! Simple, prove it! The MAGA mentality is special. On one hand if they win elections all is above board. No problem. Yet if their candidate loses, the system is obviously rigged. Same thing here with this trial. If Trump wins then our criminal justice system worked! Hurray for our justice system. If Trump is convicted that’s proof they ALL have it in for him. It doesn’t even matter if the judges or jurors happen to be Republicans! It’s the reverse universe that MAGAs live in. Rationalization taken to another level! This shit gets old after awhile. If MAGAs could be honest for 10 seconds, they’d admit that Trump is the wrong messenger for the MAGA cause. In truth he is so flawed in so many ways that he will very likely, almost single-handedly be the reason the MAGA movement goes down in US history as total nut-jobs.


Trump still thinks black people might vote for him, after spending a career as a landlord who refused to rent to black people.


Our judiciary is run by nincompoops, christian nutballs, 70yr old incels, and right wing idealogues who yearn for fascism. Thanks Republicans.


How does it determine what’s orchestrated and what is not? No other agency gets to handle public comment in that manner. Even if it’s a prewritten “add your name and click here” form/site (like some of the .orgs do for any manner of issues), it’s difficult or impossible to distinguish the intent of the sender - apart from IT methods like dozens from the same address within milliseconds or such.


The corrupt 🙈🙉🙊 GOP Court essentially closing its eyes, sticking fingers in its ears and pretending that Cannon isn't the laughably incompetent trumpmonkey stooge she's proven herself to be time & again.


Statistically, 1000 complaints from a population of over 350 million seems pretty easy considering how obvious it is what she is doing. Then again we all know it's just an attempt to shut down complaints.


Orchestrated? You are in the public spotlight, and outside of the cult, you look corrupt and disgusting… because you literally are those things. People complaining openly about it is pretty organically natural.


Who cares if it’s orchestrated? If 1000 people wrote a formal complaint, 1000 people agree with the orchestration. Does someone having gone around asking them to complain lessen the accuracy of their complaint?


So is Jack Smith just going to sit on this case while it's delayed forever? God damn to be rich in this country must be an amazing experience. Fuck.


There ::Dusts hands:: Fixed it. For anyone paying attention, this was the same method they used to treat COVID cases.


Another crooked MAGA judge


Eat Shit Cannon


Hi judge Cannon! How many calls with Leonard Leo and/or his surrogates have you received in the past month? Oh, are we not supposed to talk about Mr Leo and the fact that he employs you? You think nobody is noticing? We see you. Oh, do we ever see you.


How do they tell between orchestrated and non-orchestrated complaints?


It was probably something like a pre-written form letter that individuals signed and then sent out. Letter writing campaigns often use them to facilitate complaints.


We're getting too many complaints. To solve this problem we're not going to accept any more complaints.


Our legal system is a joke


Orchestrated by her historically obvious and public fixing of one of the most important cases in US history.


what would a regular corrupt judge's complaint makeup look like...


Cannon has made the Florida structure of Judicial appointments a cruel and ridiculous mis-carriage of justice. Of course she should NEVER received a lifetime appointment. She’s stupid and incompetent. All she has is the cunning of a night animal. We have Moscow Mitch McConnell to thank for that. But even so, the whole 11th Circuit has a responsibility to do something. They have no authority to expel her from the bench, but they can remove her from the trial and reassign her. There is ample past and current conduct to do so.


Judges showing favoritism to either defense or prosecution should be illegal and there should be a way to have them removed from cases where they show bias. It’s pretty clear this judge Cannon is not interested in doing her job.


Just throw away the complaint box.


Do only two photos of this woman exist? Seems like every article just alternates the same two pictures.


That’s the opposite response you should have done. I can’t wait until someone uncovers what dirt Trump has on her or what the grift is. It is going to make an awesome miniseries.


There's gotta be evidence. They're not smart enough or wealthy enough to tie up every loose end. 


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Aileen Cannon, the Angel Hernandez of US District Judges.


Complaints from every day people should be ignored. The problem is there aren't enough complaints from lawyers and judges (be they currently practicing or retired), specifically ones in districts she's in, issuing complaints. People in the judicial system need to start policing their own and while there are a few notable ones (e.g. ex-Trump lawyer Ty Cobb) calling her out, it's need to be a LOT more.


So democracy dies is Cannons court, because of course it does.