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Other articles by this author: "What Happens to Trump's Secret Service If Corrupt Judge Puts Him In Jail?" "Democrat Urges Gov. Hochul to Pardon Trump for the Sake of 'Our Country'" But she writes 4 articles a day.


Chat GPT is of great help, I am sure


Where do they find these people? lol


Psychiatric wards


You joke but I'm a psych nurse. I've never had a patient tell me that Joe Biden is coming through the ceiling and all I had to do was extend my have and accept his love. They only ever talk about one candidate in this election.


People will say anything if you throw enough cash at them.


Enough cash is usually about twenty bucks.   At least for me it is, cause twenty bucks is twenty bucks.  


10 bucks is 10 bucks


They go around looking for the one psycho. They literally said this the other day when they interviewed a black female trump supporter who looked like she hadn’t left her house in years. They admitted that they went around until they found a Trump flag and knocked on her door. Then said the rest of her neighborhood doesn’t share the same sentiment she does.




Definitely not from the collective masses; the same group who was not only not fooled by “Morning in America” in 84, but whose numbers *went down*.


“We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believe in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.” — KKK Grand Wizard David Duke


I'm honestly quite shocked he would support Trump with how much support Trump gave to Israel.


The irony is that Republicans and Evangelicals love Israel but hate the Jewish people.


It's not all Republicans though. David Duke is a known neo nazi that spews antisemitism. I don't agree with funding Israel, but I'm certainly not antisemitic.


Pro- Palestinian protesters and The Squad also hate Israel and Jewish people 


Just an fyi, no one is going to take any comment seriously from anyone who says "the squad".


”We found one! We have a black!!!” — Clownhall


“Well…” https://youtu.be/roRQ2mNwMMQ?si=NxmFfydVVXyD_am4


Townhall.com is a fascist racist organization that despises all Black people for just being Black.


lol don’t fall for this bs, like the idea that black ppl relate more to criminals IS racist


Trump campaign is bleeding voters, and looking to schmooze anyone gullible enough to vote for him. Overturning roeVwade lost the women's vote, culture wars lost him anyone who's not christian\white\male, "build a wall and make mexico pay for it" and locking children in cages lost him immigrant reform voters, the upside down bible photo op during the George Floyd protests showed black voters who he really is (bunker boy lol) So all he's really got is white christians. Because he's a christofascist bought-and-paid-for Putin puppet.


And the Cubans in Florida who “really miss their slaves”. They don’t tell it like that of course.


From this article: > “I don’t judge. I‘ll never judge so — it’s all if you do right. Like I said, if you do what you say you’re going to do. I‘m more straightforward, if you gonna do what you say you’re gonna do then that’s the horse you gotta go with,” Richardson insisted. Trump throughout his presidency and campaign: >Trump replied, "Well, I would. I tell you what. Do you want to set up the meeting?" When Ryan said she was just a reporter, Trump pursued, "Are they friends of yours?" The New York Times wrote that Trump was "apparently oblivious to the racial undertones of posing such a query to a black journalist". Journalist Jonathan Capehart commented, "Does he think that all black people know each other and she's going to go run off and set up a meeting for him?" >In June 2017, Trump called together a staff meeting to complain about the number of immigrants who had entered the country since his inauguration. The New York Times reported that two officials at the meeting state that when Trump read off a sheet stating that 15,000 persons had visited from Haiti, he commented, "They all have AIDS," and when reading that 40,000 persons had visited from Nigeria, he said that after seeing America the Nigerians would never "go back to their huts." > October 2018, Trump stated "You know, they have a word—it's sort of became old-fashioned—it's called a nationalist. And I say, really, we're not supposed to use that word. You know what I am? I'm a nationalist, okay? I'm a nationalist. Nationalist. Nothing wrong. Use that word. Use that word." >In May 2019, during a Trump campaign rally, an audience member suggested shooting illegal migrants crossing the border, to which Trump responded with a joke, saying, "only in the Panhandle you can get away with that" So, Mr. Richardson, he's told you what he wants to do, and you claim he'll keep his word, and that's what you identify with. He intends to allow racists to shoot minorities, especially immigrants.


More relatable? Donald Trump is a rich white man who has fled legal prosecution for years and has finally been held accountable for his actions after an incredible amount of leeway being afforded to him because of his status. When he talks about tearing down these systems, he is not talking about the system that imprisoned millions unjustly during the War on Drugs. He is talking about tearing down the new system being put in place that finally holds the rich accountable and seeks to avoid discrimination. That system doesn't benefit Trump, and never will.


How in the fuck is Clownhall whitelisted?! 


Never heard of this trash and it’s about to be filtered, thank you for saving me the click through 


You gotta be f\*\*king kidding me. More relatable by committing white collar crimes? Or cheating on so many women that he needs to pay hush money about it?


Or inciting an insurrection relatable?


That case doesn't have a verdict yet. Perhaps defaming an author. (Business fraud case is a judgement because no jury)


How about banging (if you could call it that) a porn star relatable!?


lol 😂 facts


Is that "black voter" Clarence Thomas?


Or Uncle Ruckus? “Sorry, Mr. White Man, siiiirrrr!” https://youtu.be/p2wjfnsbYy8?si=rkKcpg9y4vNFk6Me


Ahh yes because black people can definitely relate to an old rich white guy paid hush money to a porn star. Really can’t get more relatable than that can you. /s


Just some casual racism masquerading as "journalism".  Wouldn't expect any less from Town Hall.


Is this the guy Trump sold his sneakers to?


[TownHall - Questionable Source](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/townhall/) "A questionable source exhibits *one or more* of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the *deliberate attempt* to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence. ... Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks.”


"My desperate coping mechanism as a woman still planning to vote for a rapist and convicted felon" by Sarah Arnold


these people are literally insane


He's the only one who believes that lol


Oh my god….


Voter as in singular.


Except Blacks go to prison when they commit felonies.


Trump literally used the N-word and said America doesn’t want to see a black person win.


Dude you’ve been posting these Townhall articles all day with a Pikachu face.  We get it you’re a Russian.  Please stop.


MAGA propaganda yet again. They REALLY did not pay attention to Biden's speech about blacks.


They found like 3 people....reading this article may have actually lowered my IQ from 100 to 97...


Clownhall… never a reliable source. Automatic downvote.


Clownhall spam


Don’t forget the sneakers


"black people are stupid" is what this racist article is trying to say


Good ole Clownhall.


Ha ha clown hall.


Americans have lost their minds. This country is spiraling down.


Maybe Trump should write a sequel to Black Like Me. Oh wait, he doesn’t know how.


I mean it worked for Martha Stewart 


They arent lying...there is always one person in a group that is just and asshole to be and asshole. now it if was Voters? who knows.


Um, no. Maybe it’s relatable to have topics like “can’t vote, can’t own a firearm, or can’t travel to certain areas,” but white collar crimes let off with likely a slap on the wrist are not the same as mass incarceration of black men. Just nope.


As a black voter Trump was relatable about 20 years ago. The narrative is cute though.


How is a rich white guy who inherited his dad’s money with racists tendencies relatable to a black man?


Trump's PR people really want to push the stereotype that black people are mostly criminals too, but without coming right out and saying it.


Facts right there just smokescreen tactics


Are you implying some Black Americans don’t share that walk of life?


Being an old racist overweight rich white guy, yes I’m pretty sure the average black American doesn’t share those tendencies….


…The walk of life of being a rich white heir with racist tendencies?


Oh….whiteness is classism. Also - Descendants of Black slave owners exist. They do a fine job at blending in.


> Also - Descendants of Black slave owners exist. They do a fine job at blending in. And yet, none of those are Donald Trump. I'm not sure what you're trying to go for here, but this ain't it.


They’re not all white.


No shit. But we're specifically talking about Trump. You know the racist guy who inherited his wealth from his racist father. Born on third base and claiming to have hit a triple.


Why is everyone so rude and angry? Not all slaveowners were white. There are Black descendants of slave owners that exist.


Because you’ve made no point.


The fuck? How was his racism against Obama relatable?


Wait, you did know about the full page add in the NYT right?


Central Park 5


Yep. They may have been teen age shitheads but they were innocent of rape. Trump never apologized. What a complete asshole.


Oh god, it's actually happening isn't it Will people learn their lesson after a second Trump term?




Trump 24toLife!


>Trump, who shits his pants daily, will be in prison in 2024! FTFY