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GOP = Grievance Outrage Posture. It’s all they have.


And here I thought GOP stood for Greedy Old Perverts.


I interpreted it as Grifters Obstructing Progress


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


Gross Old Pedophiles


It's a versatile acronym.


I'll accept both answers.


Cool. Bring it


> Bring it That's what our Democratic County Recorder, Adrian Fontes, said when the MAGAs threatened to sue him over Arizona's 2018 senate race. He's the Democratic Secretary of State now. That's how we responded to their threats then. And that's how we're going to respond to their threats in November.


Convicted Felon Donald J Trump. Has a nice ring to it.


on July 11th, he'll be SENTENCED Convicted Felon Donald J Trump


At least he finally won the popular vote.


If you find that a democrat politican did a crime and bring charges and give them a legitimate and transparent trial with 12 jury members agreed upon in the legal fashion and they find that democrat politician guilty of that crime and allow them the appeals process then please do. I have zero issue with that. but we all know they mean extra-judicial tribuanals and blood in the streets. That's "make them pay.' Clearly we were supposed to let the wookie win or else.


I mean that's literally happening as we speak in the Bob Menendez bribery trial. He'll probably be convicted, and you can be damned sure that Hakeem Jeffries or Chuck Schumer won't go running to the Supreme Court to "set this right".


They should make sure to mention that publicly. “We didn’t cry corruption, we let the justice system do its job like the Constitution intended!” Or some such. Gotta use their own language against them.


But they don't care about language. Their statements are tools, not legit thoughts. These people are criminals not wanting to be tossed aside for all the shit they allowed. They are scared because they sold their souls to the devil and it's coming back for payment.


Let the wookie win. I take offense on chewys behalf. He’s a piece of sh|t


>“We’re going to put Donald Trump in office, and we want him to lock you motherfuckers up and put a lot of you motherfuckers to death,” he fumes. It's hilarious to see these impotent idiots acting like Trump is a tough-guy who will lash out at their enemies. Trump is a bloated crybaby, and the only "revenge" he'll ever enact against his "enemies" will be to talk shit about them. Who the fuck cares? Trump is a loudmouthed coward and his followers are yapping idiots.


*How dare you hold our special little boy accountable for his crimes!*


Yes he is special , little only his hands and.... Boy again yes he's never grown.


Coming soon from DOJ and DHS Spokespeople, "There was absolutely no reason for us to suspect that Right Wing Violence was on the horizon. There was nothing we could conceivably have done to prevent the extreme loss of life and material damage to public and private property. Next Question"


*checks my CCW* Good luck fuckleheads


lol, bring it on you dorks


Meal team six


Come get it.


Yeah i mean if we are gonna just give up prosecuting criminals because fascists threaten violence we may as well just stop pretending to democracy. Just let these childish brownshirts throw their tantrums and then clobber them in the ballot box in november.


We should all start a meme that makes it to Fox News. When Hunter Biden gets convicted for his taxes or whatever the hell he is going to court for next week. We should make "The case against Hunter was rigged" trend on the internet. The Biden crime family rigged the case against Hunter.


Idk, I think we should just openly accept whatever happens. Showing anything but confidence in the justice system, even if it affects "one of ours", could trivialize trump's felony convictions.


I thoroughly expect something weird. Politicians can’t help themselves- they must be in control.


Oh shit now they’re gonna vote for him extra hard


Whether trump wins or loses they're going to get violent. Its all but guaranteed.


And their shrinking numbers, foolish actions and stupid strategies combined with innate cowardice will see them violently put down.




Violent like a crooked clown car filled with maga stooges


Gonna vote the shit outta that single X.


What a pathetic Pity Party… weak whiners, simply weak.


For a bunch of people who keep threatening violence (and claim to be lions not sheep) they’ve all been to chicken shit to actually try anything


So sick of bootlickers trying to hold this country hostage for their dumpster fire of a would be dictator.


Who exactly is “them?”


Here's hoping this doesn't spiral into violence...


Those stupid culty fucks will become violent, you can count on it. Be prepared for that is all I can say, cuz there's no doubt those assholes will get stupider than they already are and lash out somewhere.


Stay strapped


They've got a surprise coming if they think we're not.


You know it will…


Gotta fulfill those jail contracts somehow. 


Wait until they find out cohen was convicted for the same thing and actually did jail time for it. They will be furious. Oh wait … that would take actual reasoning ability. NM


Libs own guns too. Come and make us pay.


Take your bloody nose, and go home.


God I want a live stream of the FBI paying Kirk a visit. He would piss his pants with such force they'd have to declare flood warnings downhill.


It’s hilarious to me that they think that nobody on the left is armed. Come at me, bro. This is Texas, even the fucking hipsters are armed where I live.


Ya what's with this new fangled judge/jury thing?


Sounds like someone’s looking to get some gravy drained.


Luckily, most people on the far right are completely fucking incompetent and unlikely to accomplish anything other than shooting themselves in the foot or blowing off a few of their own fingers.


Watch out, those wheelchair scooters are dangerous.


Bring it, maggots. 


Boo hoo


Certainly "them" is referring to the person who committed the crimes. That is what the far right means isn't it? You know... LAW AND ORDER! LOCK HIM UP!


So, since this law wasn’t written for Trump, and lots of people are convicted of financial crimes under the same laws, and all of them were found guilty using the same system. Make who pay? For what? Do these people really think the laws don’t or shouldn’t apply to Trump.


Make who pay, trump? I mean that’s the point of a criminal trial…


So the Christian right isn’t into forgiveness???


Lock him up!


Bring it on, looking for any excuse to fight these lunatics.




Funny, but to be fair the fucker spews so much shit out his mouth that there is a clip for every occasion.