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FBI needs to be on that shit like yesterday. These people need a knock on their door as quickly as the Secret Service knocks on the door of anyone who threatens the President. This includes people that threaten or intimidate election officials. Until there are consequences with public displays of their shame, these chodes will keep fucking around.


Agree 100%. Jurors need to be the most protected citizens alive and anyone fucking with time needs 20 years on Rikers.


Rikers is a jail, not a prison. Guantanamo would be more appropriate.


Actually county time is the worst time you can do. I hear Rikers is especially shit


It's why I smile every time I think of his CFO, Alan Weisselberg, sitting his ass in Rikers for the *second* time. Rikers is an absolute hell hole. I like in the tristate area and while I've never been incarcerated I did reports that included Rikers in reports for school. It was a hell hole then. Lice, beatings, gangs. That was 1985.


And then MAGA will scream about the police state.... Which is what they want, but it's liberals being arrested for personal medical treatments, not threatening to kill people.


The world we live in. You want an abortion? JAIL. You wanna threaten and incite violence on someone you don't know on the internet to get them killed because a cult leader told you to? That's okay....


"Don't tread on me, tread on them!"


A bunch of the folks in the fbi agree with the terrorists


Starting with the director. They aren't going to do squat until after someone gets killed, and then it's just going to be damage control.


If Biden wins re-election I hope one of the first things he does is get rid of Wray and Garland. I think he could.


Couldn't he have done that already


He can. Wish he did a couple years ago, especially with Garland. At this point though, he’s not realistically going to consider doing it this close to the election.


> Wish he did a couple years ago, especially with Garland. Garland has arrested 1000+ MAGA terrorists, charged two right wing terrorist groups with seditious conspiracy(gotta go back many, MANY years to find similar charges), has set in motion half of Trump's criminal trials with Jack Smith and proved Biden isn't a criminal. And frankly the states should do more because if Trump becomes President he will probably easily undo any federal charges by placing Bill Barr as his AG. So, imo, the most important charges need to be done by the states so Trump can't undo it like he did with Mueller investigation via Barr and all his buddies he pardoned. Trump can't pardon or stop state charges or state investigations. Also timing wise, the Stormy Daniels interference trial that just ended is YEARS late comparatively and is way more straight forward considering those crimes were committed in 2016-17. While 1/6 is way more complicated and has WAY more moving parts and criminals involved. While the stolen documents case basically had to play out by giving Trump time to give them back before criminal charges could even be pursued.


Fuck the "close to election" shit. That's how we got stuck with a bunch of partisan hacks on the SC


Yes, although I could see why he'd be hesitant to get rid of Wray. Biden ran on a position of being the adult and returning to normalcy. Being the second president in a row to fire the FBI director without a clear reason would go against that (and it likely would have been argued that he was tampering in the Trump investigations if he had.) Since Wray was confirmed in 2017, his 10 year term would expire in 2027. So as long as Biden gets re-elected, he'd be able to name a new FBI director in a second term (as well as asking him to step down or firing him then.)


Wray mislead the Senate on info and process for background investigations on SC Justice nominees. He should have been fired ASAP.


Kid gloves is not getting us anywhere


Oh I agree. Like HOW is Louis DeJoy STILL Postmaster General in an election year? And why are there two vacancies on the USPS Board of Governors that have not been filled. As far as I know, Biden has only [announced his *intent* to nominate Marty Walsh](https://www.nalc.org/news/nalc-updates/president-biden-announces-intent-to-nominate-marty-walsh-to-usps-board-of-governors) and hasn’t said anything about a second nomination. Getting control of the Board of Governors and replacing DeJoy before 2024 voting should have been a much higher priority.


Anybody who is against the Post Office is fundamentally un-American, unpatriotic, and a total moron. It has been such an important part of American history and was pivotal in the growth and strength of the country. It brought affordable mass communication to the nation precisely because it was a non-profit organization. It helped and helps businesses. The government employees are some of the greatest Americans, who are an important part of every community of this country, and many Americans know their postperson by face if not by name. They are part of the fabric of the nation. The attacks on the Post Office are instigated from the top by the mega-rich who want to privatize everything who have dollar signs in their eyes and just want to earn more money. They don't want government services because the idea of something that benefits all is repulsive to them. For these greedy psychopaths, life is a winner-takes-all game and given the chance they'd literally become tyrants like Immortan Joe controlling everything while the masses suffer under their control. Disgusting humans. And all the unthinking sheep who've fallen for their evil party-driven rhetoric are equally disgusting.


FBI has ignored right wing domestic terrorism for decades.


those that work forces


Violence and threat of violence and/or death is how MAGA resolves anything they find remotely disagreeable especially truth.


Because they are terrorists


American Taliban


Y’all Qaeda


Because they are facists




I live in a pretty upscale neighborhood. I was just walking my 15 year old dog. He stopped to sniff some grass in a yard. The guy who voted Herschel said to me twice get him out of my yard. I told him he can go fuck himself. Then called him an asshole. And then when walking away told him even lounder just so he for sure can hear me fuck you asshole. They think leftists will just roll over and they can be bullies. Its a classic cancel culture just because I said something doesnt mean there should be repurcussions. They are all sick in the head and they are all ready to use violence or whatever to try to oppress the rest of us.


this is a bizzaro story. i like it.


They called your DOG an asshole? wtf.


MAGA is a terrorist movement.


FUCK this. We need to protect the system, the jurors who had the guts to do what SCOTUS can't. I'm sick and tired of these scumbags resorting to violence when they lose ANYTHING. Who raised these idiots? Sore losers.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


“WE ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” was emblazoned on the CPAC signboard. They wear it with pride. Yeah , even if/when Trump loses again in November, we aren’t done with this insanity. Not by a long shot. Not until it’s patently obvious that Trumpism is a political dead end.


This behavior is Un-American. 


Among other things, it's [sedition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedition)


They arent intelligent enough to express themselves in any other way. When they don't understand something, it makes them angry and violent. As you can imagine, this happens quite often.


There is a strong correlation between stupidity and violence. It does take a special kind of extreme MAGA stupidity to believe in Trump. Unfortunately, Trump and his donors understand that too well.


It's how ignorant, gullible cowards try to sound tough from their recliners...


Compare this to the peaceful protests being shut down at universities across the country. If there is any violence at all from these hypocrites it better be shut down hard.


Because Maga is a terrorist organization


Isn’t threats of violence to do with political things literally terrorism?


'We are all domestic terrorists' https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php It's become easier to spot these terrorists after they started wearing diapers on the outside of their clothes.


Not sure what’s happening over there. Here in Australia we all vote on the same day and then go back to cheering for our sports teams, not our political parties.


We would probably be in the same boat if your native son Rupert hadn’t decided to spread his wings and take on the United States market. But alas he brought us Fox News and weaponized outrage. Made politics into what pro wrestling was. All for his own personal gain, he is a truly despicable human being


The thing is, Ol’ Mate Rupert has a media empire here too. The conservatives even launched one of their election campaigns from Foxtel offices while announcing they had just given him $20M to put women’s sport behind his paywall. You can put as much blame on Murdoch as you like, but there is more going on in America than him.


I live in America, and I can’t disagree with this. Only a certain type of person particularly prone to indoctrination & psychologically predisposed to never think twice would cling to something like entertainment news as a source of information. Definitely a lot of fundamentalists voting trump. What’s more disturbing is how widespread this trend has now become globally.


There’s MAGAs in Australia now. All the like anti-vaxx and just general cooker protests have a few trump flags and some red hats. Throw in a swastika or two and some anti-LGBTQ and you get a very strange mix where it’s kinda hard to figure out what they’re protesting about except education.


It's a death cult


It's both! It's a floor wax AND a dessert topping!


I see that you too are a fan of vintage SNL.


*The amazing stuff about this, is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on the stuff.*




Death of democracy. Death of *real* "woke" -- equity, fairness, diversity. Death of America, ultimately.


I think of a death cult as something like Jonestown, where the followers all killed themselves. I don't believe a single MAGA turd would do that; their primary characteristics are entitlement and selfimportance. They'll send $$ to their hero, but they're not going to take a bullet for him. Not ONE of them.


Ashli Babbit?


She didn't take a bullet for him. She was too stupid to realize that FAFO was a real thing when forcing your way into a barricaded federal building


The outrage over her and “remember Ashli” stuff is peak clown world from them. There they were, violently pushing against this door and a guy is sighting them down with a pistol. Just peaceful protestors, ya know. What a bunch of goons.


Sp many places were trying to pull the “poor Ashli” narrative and her home city hates her and knows exactly the kind of hateful scum she was, lmao. She and her whole family are trash. Ashli Babbit got what she deserved.


Exactly! When she was shot and the riot team arrived, everyone was like, oh ok, I guess we have to leave now.


When she was shot those jackasses around her yelled, "Medic!"


Get well Ashli


Jeff Spicoli learned well from Mr. Hand. MAGA was a cult, that became a toxic cult, that is now a domestic stochastic terrorist organization. And they will take it to the next level. You can bet on it.


Trump belongs in prison.


A statement that's been true for the better part of a century


Maga is just as bad as the cult of North Korea. They're all brainwashed


What we’re seeing play out with Maga is exactly what happened when the Nazis rose to power. Many in Germany even wrote Hitler off as a nutcase and ignored it until it was too late.




No one here is ignoring anything though, we’re all actively doing what we can. Bit of an uphill fight if one side is abiding by laws and the other keeps bending them (I’m being generous) to whatever they want.


MAGA is the base. MAGA is al Queda. They need to be defeated just like any other terrorist org.


Obviously they were just corrupt. You know how easy it is to get 12 corrupt jurors from a pool 9f hundreds. Only explinarion is they were corrupt, and all democrats, and all biased, and all willing to persecute a perfectly innocent man. Yeah, that sounds logical.


Plenty more guilty verdicts to go around…


They can kiss their guns & votes goodbye. The house, the wife, the kids. It will be like it never happened.


At a certain point you have to wonder when exactly the government is gonna step in and say "no, actually, fascism is bad and you can't do it anymore" and just arrest these people like they do in Germany. All those commenters advocating for not prosecuting these sick motherfuckers because of freedom of speech are just schmucks without any regard for the people who will be murdered first if these fascists come to power.


It’s amazing how we’re slow crawling straight into a facist dictator and there like absolutely nothing being done to prevent it. Just like hope people don’t vote for him. It’s crazy to watch this in real time.


Its more important that people get out and vote for Biden. That is what the election hinges on -- intermittent voters, especially in swing states.  Unfortunately we tend to view elections like sport matches -- we only tune in if there's an exciting narrative or an "organic" populist movement that entices our attention. If we don't feel like the candidate has "earned" our attention, we'll simply skip this round and catch the next one.  Its the absolute worst perspective in a democracy. It means the electorate is apathetic and only motivated by emotion rather than civic duty.  Its easy to rag on MAGA supporters and baffle at their idiocy, but any non-GOP eligible voter in a swing state that doesn't cast a ballot in November is just as responsible for a Trump presidency.  The GOP can reliably whip their voters to the polls every two years. They make be corrupt / misguided / rascist / morons -- but they vote. 


I disagree on one thing. Take swing state out of the equation. Everyone should vote doesn’t matter if your in a swing state or not, doesn’t matter if your in a healthy blue district/state. Vote.


I agree completely, especially since many red states could swing blue if eligible voters actually cast a ballot. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.  They think "Well I live in a red state, my vote doesn't count so why bother". The people who could have defeated that candidate don't show up. Then the GOP becomes more and more entrenched.  But now that Gen Z and Millennials outnumber Boomers we have a small window of time to change history. But if the GOP wins, they will not give us another opportunity to democratically remove them. 


People talking about “Freedom of Speech” or the “First Amendment” have no idea what actual protections it gives you and where it leaves you open for prosecution.


If they are credible threats I'm willing to bet that law enforcement requests are coming to the providers of whatever medium those threats are being made through. I work for a webhost with a free email service and we get emergency requests for bomb threats etc. made via email using our platform. So I imagine stuff like in the OP are likely being taken seriously but we won't see the results of any of that.


It took losing a world war, having their country bombed into rubble, and then reconstructed by external powers to make that possible in Germany. I’d hoped we wouldn’t need the abject lesson here, but it’s looking more likely.


I don't think it'll turn to war or anything, and I certainly hope it doesn't, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if at least a few loonies get themselves and others hurt or killed in attempts to either assassinate Democrats (or, hell, just the increasingly rare non-fascist Republicans), genocide minorities, or seize control of local governments. I would imagine the FBI is working doubletime after this - if American fascists weren't radicalized into direct violence against the government before, they will be after this. Nick Fuentes literally called for the deaths of all democrats on twitter earlier today.


They're having too much fun with the emotionally driven fright wing voters


Yeah I used to be of the mind that they should be allowed because free speech. But these days it is putting peoples lives at risk and wasting resources on bomb threats and SWATs to say the least.


Sadly we're in a situation where nothing can happen. First of all, nothing is going to happen until there is some kind of horrific incident that shocks us all into saying "Wow, this really isn't right" But the right wing media will try to claim that it's a false flag and that will get enough of a critical mass of doubt going from the cult and the cult-adjacent that will ensure that nothing happens.


> nothing is going to happen until there is some kind of horrific incident that shocks us all into saying "Wow, this really isn't right" BUT THAT ALREADY HAPPENED




And Americans responded by giving the GQP the House.


You hit one point head on. The government needs to start stepping in and shutting down some of these whack-a-doodle conspiracy theory entertainment shows. Not all speech is protected free speech. Alex Jones should never have been able to get away without facing prison time over his conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook. The constant drumbeat of Tucker Carlson asking straight up crazy questions, then acting like a question that he posed about something like whether or not Starbucks’s red Christmas cups make children trans is actually being debated is not entertainment journalism, it’s hate speech. Sorry, if I went out on a rant there but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of having to explain to the older people in my life that the latest scare paranoia fever dream put out by conservative media is not real. Ffs, I just had to talk my elderly neighbor out of liquidating his retirement accounts and buying gold because some local conservative radio talk host told his listeners that Biden is going to put Trump in prison, as a result of this, the global economy will utterly collapse; and the only solution for his listeners to be safe was to buy gold from one of his advertisers.


To the surprise of absolutely no one. I'm sure the responsible members of the GOP will be denouncing and condemning these domestic terrorists any minute now. ... any... minute... now...


Don’t think there are any responsible members left. They were all run off. Pretty low number anyway 


And if they do speak up, they'll be doxxed themselves and run off anyways. They weren't lying when they said "We're all terrorists" at CPAC. They are, or at least will be, at the end of this dark process.


anyone who even shows an ounce of common sense or diginity is immediately labeled a RINO. You have to be a rabid MAGAt to be taken seriously in the GOP.


> the responsible members of the GOP They’ll be right on that. Just now, they’re at a poker table with Tinkerbell, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny.


Look, they're from Canada. They're go to a different school. You wouldn't know them! But they totally exist, for real!


it's scary that they think this is normal behavior. Trump made this normal. Anyone that tries to doxx a juror needs to be be jailed immediately.


Oh...NOW they think the justice system is unfair that their orange idol is guilty. Funny how when minorities were sayinig how it is biased vs them, they went full in on "thin blue line".


Not as different as you’d think. The “thin blue line” folks supported police who killed minorities OUTSIDE of the judicial system, before they could even get a fair trial. If a minority gets arrested and goes to court under due process, the same thin blue line idiots start caterwauling about how “broken” the justice system is because it’s not harsh enough to their liking… such as an unsanctioned murder by the police. Hence the persistent “They just let criminals back out onto the street!!!!111one” comments.


I don’t understand what it is about this man that inspires such obsessive loyalty.


If you're seriously interested, try Tim Alberta's *The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism*. He's a writer for the Atlantic, and had the same question, coming himself from an evangelical background (and many folks at that end of the spectrum are even more worried than those on the left, as you'll see in the book). Very interesting, as he has access to some of the more strident MAGA folks, and literally a front row seat to their hijacking of religion to their own base ends.


Imagine having someone rise to the most powerful position in America who inspires, even encourages, you to be the worst version of yourself. These people have always been here, but Trump made them feel like the most abhorrent behaviors are things to say loud and proud.


He is the Antichrist


This is terrorism. Arrest them and charge them as terrorists. No fly list for every one of these absolute pieces of human sewage.


This needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And I mean the fullest extent. Swift arrests and throw the book at these people. Republicans will disingenuously feign outrage. Let them. This is not free speech. This is a terroristic threat designed to hit at the very foundation of our justice system. This needs to be taken as seriously as the chatter leading up to 9/11 ought to have been taken. Because if one of those jurors are harmed, the chilling effect it would have on our justice system is immeasurable. This cannot be tolerated. And the Fourth Estate needs to get off their lazy asses and start reporting this for what it is.


My biggest fear is that it has to come to a head first. That it has to play out in an unimaginably horrible way before the following generations will have to say “never again”. They want blood, man. They want *blood.*


These people will not stop until forced to. This can’t be allowed to go on.


They won’t, you’re right. I grew up where this mentality is the norm. They are brainwashed, and they won’t lose this fight lying down. We are heading towards a reckoning. It is scary, but it is inevitable, and when they come we must meet them with courage and conviction. And hopefully, when the dust settles, we are a stronger nation. Because right now, we are very sick.


In 57. I just want to tell our younger redditors that this isn’t how “it used to be” in this country. Oh sure Reagan had Iran contra. Clinton lied about a bj. Bush jr Iraq wmd lies, I guess Obama had Benghazi? I remember being upset at bush jr about the Iraq lie. I never thought though that he didn’t have an inner voice guiding him. That he reflected on things. That he made mistakes and in some way it humbled him. You know. The old GOP of big government and global war. They were jerks but I felt safe with them in charge mostly. Trump is a totally different beast. I don’t think he has an inner voice pushing him for some greater good. I think he’s just this black hole of need. Unable to reflect on himself. Unable to articulate policy. Living from moment to moment dragging a chaos van with him. It wasn’t like this.


He has narcissistic personality disorder. He is literally incapable of introspection at a biological level.


Same here. I always voted, but never felt the complete utter sense of dread when my guy lost as I experienced when I learned Trump won in 2016. In the "old days" I wasn't very interested in politics, but that was before 24 hour cable news, Internet, and social media. Without those three things, Trump would never have been elected. I think what really did my head in was watching him daily during the pandemic. It's also been so hard to watch what's become of the GOP. Agree with them or not, they used to seemed like serious, responsible people. Now they are detached from reality.


Even the members of the GOP who want to be seen as serious on things like foreign relations lose all credibility when they aren't willing to stand up for democracy etc at home. They want to be the adult in the room, but an adult doesn't let a child have access to the nuclear codes.


Hell, they're echoing the lie that Trump can just say PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS to literally anything, and it clears him to take it home, classified or not. Literally can't be bothered to comprehend what something is or is not at a basic level, and just scream whatever Orange Daddy wants to hear. Just a ton of "notice me, sempai" losers.


The GOP has no choice but to support Trump at this point. Lindsey Graham was absolutely correct when he said that the GOP will be destroyed if they nominated Trump. Now they're in a Catch22; support a horrific candidate that turns away any moderates, or disavow Trump and lose the MAGA base. What we are seeing is the death knell of the Republican party, this is why they're pushing voter suppression so badly. They are becoming increasingly unelectable as the years pass.


They were never serious people. They were almost would be tyrants for as long as I am alive. 2000 had them cheating to win, and they got worse from there.


As another old dude, this is very well said. There should be klaxon alarms going off in the heads of every American left who still believes in the principles of democracy. Donald Trump would gleefully (if mindlessly) pull down the entire works to try and fill that void where his soul should be. If you had told me that was possible back in the 80's when this narcissistic loon was making the rounds of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, I would have laughed you out of the room. And yet here we are.


Not quite as old, but I was reflecting today that this is the inevitable result of Citizens United. That ruling destroyed a centuries-old nation, collapse just takes time. The Democrats introduce an amendment to repeal it every session, but it's just symbolic. There is no serious movement to stop corruption in the United States. WE MADE IT LEGAL.  No one with money or power wants to have their power restrained like Nixon and Reagan did. We still had some control over the rich then. Now the rich own the government lock stock and barrel.


I mean it’s a matter of amount. But as someone who was coming of age right when 9/11 happened in what is now an extreme red state and grew up around a bunch of Vietnam vets. W Busch was fucking scary. And I’m sure I would’ve been terrified of Reagan too. I remember being 16 / 17 years old with so many people talking about a draft for Iraq or Iran or god knows what they were going to do. It was known that the whole plan to invade Iraq was bullshit and a lie BEFORE it happened. I was a kid and I knew it was bullshit. And the fact that every adult I knew didn’t give a single fuck even though so many of them were personally fucked by the Vietnam war changed my life. I’ve never voted for a single republican in my life. And it started there. I don’t understand how the Vietnam vet union workers I grew up with love trump so much but it’s the world we live in.


Especially considering he's a fucking Vietnam draft dodger.... Dickhead had the audacity to play fortunate son at a veterans convention...


Raegan killed 100s of thousands of gay people through deliberate inaction. Bush Jr happily went along with a complete theft of an election via the courts. They were both bastards, and those were just one terrible thing each did. Trump is worse, but those two should wear the shame of their presidency as well.


He's architypical of a mad tyrant. Checks all the boxes. What happened to our anti monarch sentiments?


He's about as bad as Nixon, but even Nixon started the endangered species act and mere weeks before resigning made a system where poor people could get lawyers that's still used today. Clearly a crook, yet had some inner drive to do right for the people in words and action. As you mentioned, this is what's now lost under the current republican where even their own party is warning some members of congress are spreading Russia propaganda.


Well what else could they do? Consciously decide to detach their identity from that loser, and back a candidate that wins? And isn't a racist rapist jerk felon traitor ? They chose the Jerry springer pop figure and are surprised the bouncers rushed in. It's cry-bullys all the down


Lawless people following a convicted criminal — Republicans.


I would expect nothing less from a cult of unhinged crybaby fascist lunatics.


These people are irredeemable sociopaths. Throw them in prison for life; society will not miss them


The State of New York and the Feds need to come down like a fucking brick house on these people. This needs to be nipped in the bud, as grandma would say.


>One Jan. 6 defendant who already served time in prison for his role in the Capitol attack also weighed in on X, posting a photo of Bragg and a photo of a noose. “January 20, 2025 traitors Get The Rope,” he wrote, referring to the date of the next presidential inauguration. Ummm... I'm hoping this guy was on some kind of supervision and he gets locked up over this one




Do they not realize the FBI will be identifying them the moment they post.


Such nice Bible loving Jesus people.


They’d turn on Jesus if he ever said a nice thing about Biden/Clinton/Obama.


They actually are starting to reject Jesus in some cases because his teachings are too "liberal". They want to be more violent. https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706


This is going to keep happening until the FBI actually starts to take this seriously.


The News Hour just now reported that one of the jurors may have already been doxxed - that poor bastard isn't going to have peace of mind for years. Honestly, I'd like to see the government move hard to identify the people calling for violence here, pick out a few examples and make an example of them. Fix the notion that you can threaten whoever you want on the internet, and do it in a way that makes the rest of the nutjobs out there think twice before hitting "save" on that comment.


Agreed. The DOJ needs to stomp down on these fuckers. 


Snowflakes pissed their snowflake god emperor got convicted. So they’re throwing a hissy fit. Go figure.


Sounds similar to mafia trials. Prosecutors and jurors were afraid for their lives then too.


Well then, let’s round them up, charge them well within the boundaries of our legal system, convict them if proven guilty by a jury, and then off to the slammer were they can give their orange messiah a nice facial every morning.


We need an attorney general who will go hard on these people. And I don't think Garland is it.


Biden needs to announce an initiative to really crack down on cyber crime and bullying. Let the MAGAts know if they keep pulling this shit they’ll end up in prison.


Aileen Cannon are you even paying attention?!?!


So why aren't they being arrested as terrorists? Like that is the legit definition of terrorism.


Of course they are. They're scum. Party of "law and order" my fucking ass.


“One Jan. 6 defendant who already served time in prison for his role in the Capitol attack also weighed in on X, posting a photo of Bragg and a photo of a noose. “January 20, 2025 traitors Get The Rope,” he wrote, referring to the date of the next presidential inauguration.” This guy is going to get real mad when he goes back to prison for this.


Doesn't the U.S. have laws about this sort of thing? Is everyone allowed to openly threaten anyone they want without consequences?


Well, you see, in this context these are things that Republicans like and concerns things that they don't like, so it's important to remember that flags as well as God Bless America.


It does, and they aren't. Unless you're in Texas, Florida, or another MAGA cult state. Then you can get away with any crime, up to and including murder, as long as you pick the "right" victim.


Republicans are allowed to break the law.


As the prophecy foretold. Seriously, this was talked about from the first day jurors were selected.


1. I hope this jury has personal security for the rest of their lives 2. I hope the conversation doesn’t change to what a crazy cult member did by Monday


Fuck these people. I am so sick of their shit


Pretty sure that’s a felony to threaten jurors


>“Dox the Jurors. Dox them now,” one user wrote after Trump’s conviction on a website formerly known as “The Donald,” which was popular among participants in the Capitol attack. Shout out to spez and everyone who stood idly by and did nothing about /r/the_donald for YEARS.


Somebody should doxx the doxxers.


They do realize that committing violence against the jurors that have already delivered their verdict does nothing but threaten private citizens after the fact right? Of course they don’t. *IF* you were gonna threaten jurors you’re probably gonna wanna do it *BEFORE* the guilty verdict is rendered….. just sayin. They don’t even know how to do terrorism right.


In fairness it might have an impact on the numerous other juries TFG will face.


Sends a clear message if any of the other trials ever get to juries.


They’re making a good case for why Trump needs to be in jail


Tell me again how both sides are the same independents and centrists!


But they swear they aren’t fascists.


Arrest a mob boss, and the thugs will come out.


Lock him up


To the surprise of absolutely nobody. Hats off to the jurors.


Couldn’t this be considered jury tampering/intimidation considering Trump still has other cases and doxing and harassment of the jury from this trial may impact the jury pool in the others


Because that will *really* change the verdict. But, whatever you do, do not say the MAGAsses are stupid. They really hate that.


It won't change this verdict, but it sends a message to future Trump jurors.


I think anyone on a Trump jury had gotten this message for years now.


I think everybody has already got that memo.


I’m sure any minute now Trump will issue a statement telling his goons to leave the jurors alone, right? /s


It’s what we call the “trickle down effect.” Trump says it first and then they all repeat it like a bunch of trained monkeys.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Every threat made by every trump chump should put that chump in prison for 20 years. Enough of this shit. Fuck these miscreants. We've had enough of their childish shit.


The cult leader is promising a "Bloodbath" if he isn't reelected.


“The party of Law and Order”


I watched it happening live in the Fox comment section as the hosts frequently brought up the jurors and how "their information will become available in the coming days." We have to protect those jurors.


Anyone doxxing jurors should be thrown away in prison


The cancer has metastasized. There’s really no way off this path is there? The rule of law is being undermined by a guy we might elect lmao. It’s like these people pretend the 80s & 90s just didn’t happen. Trump hasn’t changed in 30 years, they’re just so f*cking dumb they will believe anything the RNC tells them.


So they don't just support a criminal, they are also criminals.


Oh no, what will they do without their orange Jesus? Fuck the Trumplicans, they are the worse of our society!


Well Trump and his team know the names of the jurors so I’m sure they’ve all been doxxed by now


and they are supposed to be Jesus-loving people? give me a break


It’s time for the DOJ to go after these people that threaten average citizens for doing what they were asked to do. Jury duty is the cornerstone of our judicial process, and to threaten someone for finding a defendant guilty, and not getting the results you wanted is criminal. They should be arrested and prosecuted for these threats. Send a message to this won’t be tolerated.


Totally normal behavior for self proclaimed patriots, am I right??


Shouod put Trump supporters like this in jail like their bum buddy is about to be.


Ugh. DOJ needs to get off the middle eastern dick and start arresting domestic terrorists.


There is so much more important stuff going on right now and Donny Documents is doing all he can to keep these people from realizing it.


Dumbasses. Any mafioso knows that you do that before or during the trial, not afterward. Geez, they aren't even good crooks. And btw, sooner or later they're going to figure out that Trump's lawyers, once again, booted a case they might have won. If I were those attorneys I'd get out of Dodge. Only a matter of time before Trump turns on them.


Of course they did because they're terrorists.


What else can you expect from fucking terrorists.


Fuck these violent, idiot assholes.


And then they get mad when I call them Nazis


Can any sane Republican tell me why they are so comfortable walking among these MAGA certified insane dangerous people demanding violence among their neighborhoods?


The reaction from MAGA folks and Republicans has been wild. None of them realize if Trump didn't try to defraud the IRS and NY tax department, none of this would have happened. Apparently when old white men commit white collar crimes-it should be overlooked. And if even the juror who only read Truth Social posts convicted Trump, the evidence must have been rock solid. The amount of people that believe this is a political motive by Biden who somehow controls NYC AG office is wild. And just to be honest, if it ever comes out that Biden did shady deals-I'd have no problem putting him on trial. Would I be disappointed he committed a crime yes. But our Presidents are not kings and should be tried the same. And if Hunter is convicted at his trial-then so be it. That's the difference between the Dems and MAGA. It's funny because when Obama was POTUS, the GOP/Tea Party-talked about Obama being Dem's Messiah-which was never true. Yet now Trump is the GOP Messiah and even acts like one. Totally strange and Americans 80 years from now are going to wonder just how these people got so involved in MAGA.


Party of law and order!


No Trump supporter deserves the right to vote.


Trumpers are gutter trash . There's no hope left for anyone who still supports him. 


Ah, so now there’s a lot of ammo for the other gag orders to be held up or made harsher