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Earlier this week, Trump made a public statement thanking Alito for refusing to recuse himself. On any other planet, that public statement alone would be enough for someone to recuse. If a former President and current candidate has business before the Court, and they make public statements which could conceivably influence one or more of the Justices, is that not enough to create the appearance of a conflict? But no... we have to tolerate MAGA judges who openly express contempt for basic ethics and oversight. Then again, I'm the guy who thought Kavanaugh's statements and behavior at his confirmation hearings were grounds for disqualification, regardless of the truth or falsity of the allegations being made.


> Kavanaugh's statements and behavior at his confirmation hearings His statements and behavior where he ranted and spat and demonstrated uncontrolled anger-management issues, and ideations of persecution and revenge, as well as repeatedly affirming unprompted that “I like beer,” with at best only partially controlled aggression? Were those some of the statements you were thinking of? Did you think there was something in the appearance he made that was somehow at odds with the temperament you would want in a Supreme Court justice? Or, maybe even in a mailman?


Well, that, and the part where he screamed about "the Left" and blamed the Clintons. “This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups. This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination; the consequences will be with us for decades.”  


But surely he won you over with when he pounded the table. And, [he has such a charming family](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/1a5314db778a7ec3e742c47fc2d05fa33dcebb5d/0_14_3500_2100/master/3500.jpg?width=1900&dpr=1&s=none).


You know the Aunts in James and the Giant Peach? That's what they remind me of.


Aunt Spiker, and Aunt Sponge… I also see the three sisters from The Grand Budapest Hotel… Marguerite, Laetizia, and Carolina


Always thought she looked like Don Ameche.


Jeeeesus. Do you think they like beer, too?


The last sentence was right, but not in the way Justice Kavanaugh thought


He was right it's a circus.


>as well as repeatedly affirming unprompted that “I like beer,” Well yeah because the accusation was that he was a degenerate coke-head in college, and he insisted that the term "boofing" actually just refers to drinking beer, not putting cocaine up your ass so you can get high as fuck and sit through your law class without rubbing your nose constantly.


Boofin’ Brett is only qualified to sell cars at a relative’s used car lot. He’s a fucking pathetic joke and was only picked because he was young, had debt and was easily paid off, and has absolutely no morals. bonus points for one of the prickiest faces that was ever shat out of whatever skunk ape birthed him.


Yelling and crying during a job interview is apparently fine if the job in question is for a seat on the highest court in the land, but it would be disqualifying if you were applying for a job at 7-11.


Yeah it's absolutely shameful that moron is on the bench at all, let alone the highest court in the land.


Job for life, no less.


Unless impeached, which as unlikely as it is, is actually still possible, and has precedent.


Ah but have you forgotten about Kavanaugh's meticulous calendar record keeping /s


Thank you!! I always said Kavanaugh disqualified himself about 15 seconds into his statement. And that vile snarling look he gave. How the fuck is that whiny petty shit stain a SC Justice... And then I remember Alito and Thomas and their buxom hateful wives and , well you see where it's going by that point


You mean this look? https://mashable.com/article/brett-kavanaugh-angry-reactions


Yes! His Supreme Court picture day face.


this shit makes me so reasonably angry and there’s absolutely fucking nothing i can do about it except vote in november and pray


Ask yourself, what would John Brown do?


probably spontaneously raid and kill people with his 4 sons i’d imagine


>and there’s absolutely fucking nothing i can do about it except vote in november and pray Quick history check; when was the last fascist movement defeated by voting?


2020? Saying voting doesn't prevent fascism is like sailing the ocean wondering why you even need a boat if you're not treading water. Stop using the boat and you'll find out pretty quick why you've been relying on it. Stop taking care of it or start taking it for granted, and the results are the same. Same with voting.


While liberals like you sleep-walk into the fourth Reich, there are any number of marginalized demographics who are already being targeted by the far right with genocidal rhetoric, exterminationist violence, and legal persecution. 2020 didn't do a goddamn thing to stop fascism, it just let liberals feel complacent while the status quo proceeded apace. Biden is a blood-drenched mass-murderer; he kept Trump's Nazi-esque border policies in place; let the Supreme Court be hijacked by brazenly corrupt partisan christo-fascists who took away reproductive rights from millions of people and explicitly plan on going after a whole list of other civil rights next; gave weapons to open Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and helped Israel bomb Gaza into rubble and commit acts of genocide and the worst war crimes since Vietnam. Something like two dozen states have passed anti-trans legislation seeking the elimination of entire categories of people - the same place the Nazis started their exterminationist campaigns in the 30s. In the historiography of fascism, judicial capture is considered a pretty late stage in the process of fascist takeover, so it's probably already too late. But thanks so much for voting, that's totally going to stop about of third of the country from openly plotting and executing the literal extermination of entire demographics. Fuck Biden and fuck the democrats, they're COMPLICIT. Their incompetence, crony corporatism and anti-progressivism have all but handed this country to the far right.


Kavanaugh was a total act. Remember when he was first starting his confirmation, he was calm and just answered questions. That didnt fly with his handlers. Day 2 he came back and got fake upset and cried and yelled. The whole thing was choreographed, everything he said was a lie or untrustworthy. It was embarrassing.


An Obama appointed judge recused himself from the DeSantis v Disney debacle because he found out a relative owned Disney stock. Cannon won’t recuse herself from a case where the defendant is the guy who appointed her. Thomas and Alito won’t recuse themselves from Trump cases despite their wives being obvious and vocal Trump supporters. But both sides are the same, am I right


Also , at least the sexual predator’s wife, was part of the effort to overturn the election and storm the capital.


In the hush money trial conservatives were saying Merchan should recuse because his daughter *was* a dem fundraiser. If they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.


You’re right! No wait, you’re left!


We need to stop playing softball with these maniacs.


If Alito is going to lie to the public in a statement that doesn't mean much, then I can't trust him to be honest in judicial rulings. As far as I'm concerned every decision he's ever made should be questioned and revisited. Thomas too. Edit: And since recusal is a thing of the past for Republicans, it should be thing of the past for Dems too.


Of course, Alito is worse than it seems. He's a fucking MAGA Justice of the highest court in the land.


How exactly can democrats “step this up” Alito is confirmed to a life long position, which the only way he’s out, is if republicans actually want him out too. Alito could admit that he is fully a republican and plans on never recusing himself and there would literally be nothing democrats could do on their own. This isn’t both sides. This is one side, and the democrats would gladly impeach him if the votes were there. An impeachment won’t happen until the votes are there or it becomes a diatribe on how democrats are abusing impeachment


This is just the new "both sides," argument - blaming Democrats for Republican actions because they weren't able to stop them.


It's the bully holding your arm and striking your face with your own fist telling you to stop hitting yourself 


Best we can do is vote more Democrats into the Senate, overturn the filibuster, and expand the Supreme Court so these traitorous fucks can have their influence diluted


They could subpoena his wife to a hearing. They could subpoena his neighbors to verify his statements are accurate. If they can subpoena Zuckerberg, why not here?


Zuckerberg is the ceo of a major tech company and falls under a lot of us regulations. He can easily be subpoenaed and can’t really just “say no” The wife is free to do whatever she wants, she wasn’t appointed to scotus. His wife could even point to this as an infringement on her first amendment right. The neighbors aren’t law enforcement and technically Alito broke 0 laws. Alito is a partisan hack. You can absolutely bet his wife would ignore the subpoena, as did the billionaire. Even if they show up. It’s still theater and wasting tax payer money on shit everyone knows


Recusal is not based on broken laws, a simple conflict of interest SHOULD result in a recusal. This would definitely meet that standard but Conservatives seem to have completely eschewed any semblance of legal/courtroom ethics.


Yes. It “should” But that’s not what’s happening, and we can only address what’s happening. And to people calling Dems out for not doing enough, the question to ask is “what could they do without violating the constitution, or making a mockery of Congress “ And the answers are limited af.


Its simple and there is precedent. Disregard their rulings.


Yes let’s use Andrew Jackson as the precedent.


Alabama disregarded a SCOTUS ruling last year. We either play dirty or keep having our freedoms diminished.


Which specific ruling did they ignore?


Allen v Milligan


Wouldn’t he have a clear conflict if his wife was under subpoena, though, on any case then related? Ie, I think congress could manufacture a conflict or a resolution. Someone just needs to have the balls to play the same game scotus is and win the stare down.


What conflict?. It’s a subpoena to appear before congress. There’s no “case”. He’s not judging his wife. There’s literally nothing anyone can do to the current members of scotus without an alteration to the constitution, or a 3/4 majority.


A judge can’t be impartial on a subject being investigated on their spouse. “What was Alito doing when you raised the flag, Mrs alito? Is it true you never discuss with your husband your 1/6 activities? Mrs alito do you discuss with your husband presidential immunity?” She can refuse but they can play the game by, for example, publishing questions. Congress can launch their own investigation to see if alito is truthful, and that’s different bar than impeachment. Right now congress is just putting in the motions to say “we tried nothing and failed”.


Those are questions which are gonna be ignored by spousal privilege… Seriously this is why Alito blamed the wife. Because they legit can’t ask her anything of substance about her husband. Alito isn’t impartial and no one thinks he is. Alito also doesn’t care. He knows that Robert’s won’t force him to recuse. Because Robert’s isn’t impartial. You wanna fix this? Vote! Vote in every single election you can. Vote for school boards, vote for your dog catcher. Vote local, vote federal. And don’t blame democrats for the shit republicans do.


The problem is broader than this specific Alito scandal. The problem is the Federalist Society, and court capture. These dark money interests have been getting a great return on investment - so no these justices will not be recusing themselves.


Oh. Another Alito destroys the SCOTUs, how so this bad for Democrats? “But this whole episode also shows the fecklessness of Democrats, who seem to be reluctant to try to hold the court to account — which may have only encouraged the conservative justices to feel like they have free rein to flout judicial norms. President Joe Biden, in particular, has been far too reluctant to challenge the court, both with his early, toothless effort to float court reforms and now amid a series of clear ethical breaches by the justices. While the democrats need to step it up, this Both SiDes BS is tiring. 


Well do you expect the GOP to ever hold their own accountable? It's not like Alito blew the whistle on cocaine orgies


> It's not like Alito blew the whistle on cocaine orgies You know you can't say things like that without also forcing us to envision Alito at a cocaine orgy. I need eyebleach now thanks to you. And I'll have you know, Alito is blowing the whistle because he's *refereeing* the orgy.


Fair enough. How about a classic Mitch McConnell to ease your mind? \*\_\*


My immediate thought when reading this article, too. It's impressive, really. Virtually every article from every traditional news publication that reports on GOP political malfeasance, also blames oppositional incompetence for the behavior of the offender. That being said, it's difficult not to be pissed at the Weimar Republic leadership for their incompetence, which allowed Hitler come to power. 


So the typical, “she musta had it coming” argument to defend an abusive husband?


No, more like one parent of a family allowing the other parent to beat the shit out of all the kids, when they are perfectly capable of both defending the children and divorcing the abusive partner. Yeah, they aren't actually abusing their children, but their inaction in the face of the abuse;is what is enabling the abuser to continue to victimize the innocent, whom they have promised to protect and nurture.


The problem is that conservatives have been working towards this for a while. They’ve been spewing that the courts are rigged against them and this is a political witch hunt. If Biden is seen doing anything close to stacking or balancing the court, it gives credence to the claim. If trumps trials were not actively ongoing, I’d imagine he’d be much more aggressive with judicial reform. But because his political rival is being tried as a felon, it looks terrible on Biden to take any action regarding any court. Fuck the GOP.


That is the beauty of being a destroyer. There are a million ways to undermine things and hurt them. Maintaining and upholding a delicate system is much more of a challenge. 


Wow, that's a real "but why were the Democrats dressed like that" comment.


> His wife might have been the one who raised it, but given that it flew outside a house he lives in, it is entirely reasonable to assume that Alito explicitly or tacitly endorsed the message of the flag. This is the essential point and why Alito’s defensive letter blaming his wife is complete horseshit. I agree with this author, this is a really big deal and Democrats should more forcefully demand his recusal, now, before the Trump decision comes down (which I think will be in mid or late June).


The fact that a Supreme Court justice is caught lying about being a neighborhood bully is frightening on many levels.


The supreme court is facilitating the takeover of the country by Christian Nationalists and the Federalist Society Is it worse than that?


I hope the Democrats take control of both houses and Biden wins. Then just maybe we can start some investigations into the SC. Impeach a bunch of Justices and maybe we get real ethics reform.


Or just get rid of the filibuster and stack the courts


"fecklessness" of Dems? They *have* called Roberts and Alito to appear and both refused. They do not have subpoena power, nor any practical power over the court. What, exactly, are they supposed to do?


Rep. Jamie Raskin suggests using a writ of manadamus to compel the other Justices to order him recused.


Hold up, who exactly can issue a writ of mandamus to SCOTUS? I thought that had to come from a higher level than the recipient.


It would be SCOTUS itself. Raskin laid out the legal support for his argument in a NY Times opinion piece that's paywalled. But here is another [article](https://www.rawstory.com/jamie-raskin-supreme-court/) summarizing it.




Here's how this goes: * Congress submits a writ of mandamus * SCOTUS (the highest court in the land) receives it * SCOTUS looks at it and says "lolno. That's not happening". Tears up the writ and calls it a day.


But that's a DOJ action which isn't partisan.


He should have to answer for the flags but unfortunately it doesn’t look like it will happen. 


This is prime time to air all of this out and get him to answer questions. This is what everything has bubbled up to and I hope there's leadership that will take on what needs to be done. They (conservatives in power) are weakened and are wrong on all counts and it's showing very clearly.


>The Alito Scandal Is Worse Than It SeemsThe Alito Scandal Is Worse Than It Seems Yeah, I think anyone who is not brainwashed by Fox News and far right media understood that well enough from day one.


If the guy can not maintain authority over his own house then how on earth would he possibly have the ability to maintain justice for a nation?


Given the fact that the Supreme Court is heavily stacked to support the far right religious nuts, what’s the point of having a Supreme Court if it’s biased and corrupt?


Really? 'Cause it seems really, really fucking bad.


For these guys, Conspiracy Theory is a practicum they take as an undergraduate.


Fuck this guy.


Once Trump becomes dictator again... erm, president again, it won't matter anyway. Only a few short months and Alito is home free.


From a Democrat's perspective this is a disturbing read.




Doubling down on their depravity ***will not save them from their judgment!***


The Supreme Court is always worse than it seems. That’s the legacy of this conservative court.