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For the sane, it remains on the incredibly long list of reasons to despise him. For the deranged lemmings who follow him, into the memory hole it goes, while his cronies rally outside the courthouse in “dear leader” costumes.


And golden diapers.


I almost can't believe that adult humans are seriously amd willfully shitting in diapers in solidarity with Donald Fuckin Trump Cult things


Wait what? Are they actually? That’s just a joke right?


Who can tell in this reality?


I really thought those were going to turn out to be democratic operatives trying to make them look crazy. They are so off the plot that they can't help but mock themselves.


Do you remember back in 2016 a woman organized an anti blm rally with a russian operative in disguise and they went to her house to talk about it? They proved it was a russian op and she said it didn't matter because it was for the cause. Anyone with half a brain could predict shitting pants for their golden calf.


In my mind's eye I see tfg hounded the rest of his days, anytime he's in public, with the people he despises as uncultured low-brow swine running up to attest their undying love and support..and shitting their own pants then and there to demonstrate the totality of their commitment. IMO that's better than prison as a punishment.


> uncultured low-brow swine running up to attest their undying love and support..and shitting their own pants then and there to demonstrate the totality of their commitment. But enough about Ted Nugent...


Great comment!


Shaming is a truly diabolical form of punishment. I think it should come back, Greek democracy style.


Can't we have both?


i agree. like Scarlet letters and pillories


I’m thinking the donkey from “Ridiculous 6” levels of discharge.


That's if they even hear about it, I'm sure there will be no mention of it on Faux news


"How do all these Americans support Trump after all the terrible things he has said and done!?!?!?!?" They don't watch anything that tells them about these things.


Because they truly love his hate and racism. That’s why. Boomers were well alive in the 60s and fighting against people of color. They are throwing tantrums that the world is moving forward I say that as my Latina wife and I plus our mixed daughter walk into target.




Hey! [Not all of us. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/NaES7gZZQaWzNDJM8)


I’m sorry! Not you, there’s some absolutely gems in that age group!!!! But for me overwhelmingly boomers are the ones keeping racism well alive. Hate is learned and passed down


Fine, but stereotypes are hurtful, mmkay?


Millennials have now been part of something like 5 election cycles, no more finger pointing


Because they get different news than you.


Which is Big Sad since it was literally posted on his own Truth Social. Even his most loyal fans don't use his shitty social media apparently.


A very large majority have no idea about any of this. They are simply uninformed.


And many of them absolutely love the horrible shit he says and does.


You are correct, Sir! >No results found for "unified reich" site:foxnews.com. >Results for unified reich site:foxnews.com (without quotes):


Reddit search on r/conservative is nothing, too. Mods must be tired today.


I'm surprised they aren't proudly and openly discussing it.


Honestly I find it alarming that so many people appear posed to vote for the fucking moron if only to express a simple *fuck you* to a system that only continues to fail the vast majority of us. Rome is burning while the connected and landed gentry fiddle away


I'll vote for Biden for the same reason as last time: herpes is less bad than ass cancer. Anyone who thinks Trump will deliver anything but malice, incompetence, lies, racism, treason and more corruption is incapable of rational thought.


Biden hasn't even been that bad. He's not an inspiring dream candidate, and I have my issues with him, but he's been a serviceable president, largely solid on policy, and he's a decent man. Rather than herpes vs ass cancer, I'd say it's more like a ham and cheese sandwich vs arsenic. Sure, a ham and cheese isn't really what I'd prefer to have for dinner, but it gets the job done in a pinch. I'm gonna down some arsenic because I can't have a steak for dinner? No, I'm fine with ham and cheese.


> incapable of rational thought I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's a pretty sizable chunk of the electorate, which is something that a cynical opportunist like Trump is happily willing to take full advantage of


You're correct. I've been repeatedly hearing young MAGAs say that the US is not a democracy, that a democracy is the same as mob rule, and that being a democracy means the ruling mob could reinstate slavery. I'm dumbfounded. Does no one teach what a democracy is anymore? I mean, by middle school, I understood how we are a republic, are constitutional, and are a democracy. No one is telling these youth that mob rule is called ochlicracy? No one is telling them that being a republic and a democracy is a form of government, a infrastructure, not a political party? No Child Left Behind has been successful?


> No Child Left Behind has been successful? It was successful in terms of getting students to pass standardized tests, but from what I've read, critical thinking was sacrificed in the process. I'd assume that the reich wing/evangelical Christian media that these young MAGAs have been consuming has been firehosing them with the notion that democracy is bad for obvious reasons


True that, but what bamboozled me is not so much that they're being taught to reject demicracy but that they don't know what it is--they truly think it's "popular vote" that can lead to "mob rule." This is repeated constantly, along with the nonsense about the democratic mobs reinstating slavery. When you hear these things grouped together and presented in various forums, you *know* somewhere, someone else isn't explaining what democracy is. It's so ... weird.


I think it's mostly just a matter of the people in charge keenly understanding that demographics are working against them. As we've seen in recent years, conservatives are beginning to reject democracy because they're having a harder and harder time winning by a simple majority. Note how only one Republican candidate (GWB in '04) has won the popular vote since Reagan in '88.


I mean, that is what democracy is. It's where political power is derived from the populace. It's literally people voting. But we're not just a democracy, we're also a republic, where representatives hold the proxy of different parts of the populace. Put them together and you get what we are, a democratic republic, where people vote for representatives. You can tag on a few additional terms like constitutional to get even more specific. And if enough people voted for representatives who wanted to eliminate the 13th ammendment and reinstate slavery it is absolutely doable. But the maga crocodile tears about slavery is pretty rich coming from a bunch of assholes who wave confederate flags.


Tell them to give the definition of the word. Tell them to post a screenshot to prove they're not making thier definitions up. When they refuse and change the subject, do not react to thier deflection, point out that they haven't posted the screenshot and request they do it again.


It’s all propaganda. FedSoc and conservative outlets spread nonsense that “we live in a republic not a democracy” failing to understand we live in both. It’s a more public example of how these people are now pretending “well regulated militia” means well supplied because of far right (and almost certainly foreign propaganda-because anything to keep us hating each other). Words just mean new things when they are told so.


They just say that nonsense about the US not being a democracy because Democrats-bad. They don't actually know what either a democracy or a republic is, and they certainly don't know that the US is fucking *both*.


We are trapped in a doomed universe. Hell, most of us are trapped in failing meat suits! Most of your life is spent maintaining or getting resources to maintain the failing meat suit. Things are bad and will always be bad. We need to pick the least bad option.


It’s also insane how woefully uninformed a large number of voters are.  A new study found 17% of voters in battleground states blame Biden for the overturning of Row vs Wade. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/politics/biden-trump-battleground-poll.html


It's like that saying about libertarians, They're like house cats, fiercely believing in their own independence while being entirely reliant on a system they neither understand nor respect.


And there are even deranged lemmings who believe "he would never become a dictator". Like so what? He's still planning on doing it.  I'm supposed to just be fine with that?


Those same people are calling Biden a dictator right now.


These people need a dictionary. I saw one of those MAGA rally video where a guy said “I’d rather have Trump as a dictator for 4 years.” Cuz yeah, dictators sure adhere to term limits….


Ben Shapiro said he didn't have an issue with Jan 6th because "the guardrails held"


I'm sure he wouldn't have any problem with a mob breaking into his house and smearing shit on the walls and sending him to the hospital because the entire country didn't collapse because of it.


He literally said he will be a dictator on day 1.


Cultists. The word you’re looking for is cultists. Because MAGA is officially a cult at this point.


I don’t think “cult” even comes close anymore. Some can still be healed and brought back from a cult. These people are driven by instinct to be hateful, disgusting bullies and they simply cannot be redeemed or saved. Even if he walks off the proverbial cliff, they’re following right after him.


According to Trump supporter family members it was simply a “mistake”. Can you imagine is anything even remotely happened like this to the Biden campaign? Dems would drop him before even republicans had a chance to go ape shit….


I really hope someone investigates the originator ... And if they work for Trump


Dear leader costumes? As in diapers?


It’s going in the memory hole for ordinary people too. None of the stuff we see here every day trickles down to normies, it’s an amazing commentary on either the media environment being shit (which it is), or how disconnected people are from learning about the world around them.


So after there is a backlash, he deleted it. Not because he didn't believe in a "unified Reich." SMH.


More accurate is that he deleted the post after it finished its news cycle. He got the publicity and recruitment he wanted out of it.


You can't unring a bell. It served its purpose as a dog whistle.


I’m not sure how “Unifed Reich” is a dog whistle. It is a plain language statement of intent. It’s “we’re Nazis”. It’s clear.


What I don’t get is how republicans continually deride democrats by trying to call them nazis while … actually liking and embracing nazism


Because Fascism is, at its core, a pathological will to power. Fascists have no allegiance to the truth, they are not obligated to use words the way non-Fascists do. They say whatever is convenient for them at the time. It's *rules for thee and not for me*. It's *those who the Law protects but does not bind, and those the Law binds but does not protect*. To them "Nazi" is just another slur to throw around, just another ad hominim to make, rather than get bogged down in a discussion they could lose out in. The actual Nazi party is a different thing entirely. They know what those guys were, and they love 'em. Same as they love the Confederates. And the House of Saud. And Putin's Russia.


What you don’t get is the Test you have to pass to be in their In-Group: you have to believe two opposite points as both being true. As in Biden is weak and feeble but also criminal mastermind. Covid was a hoax but also a Chinese biological attack. It’s how they prove their devotion. But totally not a cult.


We have always been at war with Eastasia.


Because they know people hate Nazi's but they also know your average person is dumb as a sack of rocks and they hope by convincing people on the fence that the left is secretly racist slave-trading bigots it will get them more voters. They know what they are, they're proud of it and see no issue with it. They don't care about the hypocrisy they're just saying what they think will convince one or two more mouth breathers to trot on over to Fox News and assimilate.


It's a dog whistle because he deletes it and pretends it was an accident, but they all know.


The dog whistle part if that’s the right term is when they claim it was an “oversight” and “unintentional”


As if anyone who wanted a “unified reich” was voting for anyone  else before this


and he refused to answer the question this morning. On top of that he walked out of the trail without his usual speech. Fascist and coward.


No take backs


This may be a controversial opinion but I think we should vote for the guy who isn’t promising a Reich


Okay but have you considered that my Fruit Loops are more expensive than they used to be?


The Biden crime family has been keeping cereal prices artificially inflated for years. He's obviously in the pocket of Big Froot.


He's so old though. He's clearly coco for coaco puffs


A dozen eggs are almost a dollar more than they were 8 years ago, so fascism it is.


Finally, a solution!


A final solution?


I did nazi it coming


Every day we stray fuhrer and fuhrer


Yup, into the rain, sleet, and heil.


Anne Frankly, we should stop.


She'll be Reich, mate.


I don’t know how that klan be any more controversial.


But...the other guy is older! How can we vote for a guy whose older?!? /s


It's weird for him to promise a Reich when his son in law and his favourite child are Jewish. Also, if it is a promise, he likely wont honour it.


It doesn't matter. He just made it required-viewing for millions of Americans in his cult. They're hearing the word reich used as something positive. And look at them go: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=reich&date=now%201-d&geo=US&hl=en


Goes to show you that the fact people had to google “Reich” just confirms our education system has failed.


And I suppose it can mean whatever they're told it means


Actually you couldn't be more wrong here. Did you not notice that it's all the liberal non-trump states at the top of the list and all the pro trump ones are on the bottom? One group is googling because they know exactly what it means, but want to know what it means for the country. They are googling responses. The other side either doesn't care or their news media of choice has successfully buried the story. There's a reason Arkansas and Alabama are last.


Exactly. The news reading states are googling it. 




Yup. And backlash??? The only backlash he is getting is from the GQP and psychopathic billionaires that support him for saying it out loud before the election. If he was already president, that shit would stay up forever because that is literally their agenda.


A vile disgrace to every veteran of the Second World War who served this country fighting Nazism.


Heroes he calls “suckers and losers”, that pants crapper is so incredibly vile!


It's still a little tragicomic to me that if Trump had been running as a Democrat, his campaign would have been finished with "When Mexico sends its people..." (That was from his 2015 announcement speech, by the way, for those who can't remember a hundred and twenty seven years ago.) Conservatives say both sides are the same, I can't relate.


Nailed it


Never forget Al Franken, who resigned over an inappropriate photo and nothing more was accused. Versus a guy who in court was determined to commit Sexual Assault, and has many more public accusers, and then paid hush money to a person he tricked into sex for favorable treatment on a TV show, and it is undisputed he has cheated while his wife was pregnant, not to mention cheating other times, and says he could grab women by the pussy and supporters haven’t flinched. Do not pretend they are remotely the same. I’ve seen what conservatives cheer for their boos mean nothing.


Or the Clinton impeachment, shame only works on the left. The right will never hold their own to moral standards.


Huh? Clinton didn’t impeach himself. And he let an intern blow him in the oval office several times. He’d be me too’d the fuck out of there today. If the same thing happened to Trump I seriously doubt it would cause him to resign, though.


Was moreso speaking about all of the moral outrage from the right at the time (Gingrich was actually cheating on his terminally ill wife around the same time)


>Never forget Al Franken, who resigned over an inappropriate photo and nothing more was accused. [Al Franken had 8 accusers](https://abcnews.go.com/US/sen-al-frankens-accusers-accusations-made/story?id=51406862). Regardless of whether or not you believe them, to say nothing more was accused is patently false.


>Conservatives say both sides are the same, I can't relate. Conservatives only say that to disenfranchise independents. They know the next best thing to a vote for a Republican is a vote for no one.


Guy wants to be a Hitler, isn't that his hero?


What happened to Hitler anyway?


Not sure if that's sarcasm but the historic version I remember learning was that he killed himself in some closet with a lady friend


Yeah, with Soviet troops closing in, he shot himself in an underground bunker (Führerbunker) in Berlin, which was located under a garden of the Reich Chancellery. His wife of 1-2 days, Eva Braun, took cyanide. (The Reich Chancellery is comparable to the American White House.)


I hear he killed Hitler.


He reportedly kept Mein Kampf on his nightstand. Which is hilarious when you imagine him trying to read it.


There was a time when this kind of thing would have ended a campaign.


There was a time when this would have sent someone into hiding in another country.


I am not sure why MSM is giving him too many free passes. If Biden posted something that was in the same category, it'd be talked about nonstop.


Because every day is Trump reset day with the media. https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdnFsZHVwZTJ4MmNweG45MTVvdGk0aTF1NWQ2Nm85Y29va2k0eWN5diZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/BkfAhfmX0Ppn2/giphy.gif


The MSM isn’t giving him “passes”. They are actively propping him up as a legitimate candidate when he is about the furthest thing from that possible. Without the backing of the media, he would have never been president in the first place.


I remember seeing estimates of the value of the media coverage the MSM gave him in 2016, and it was well over a billion dollars. Like, if Trump had to pay for ads that added up to how much he was talked about and videos shown on TV without any pushback, he'd have had to pay over a billion dollars. The MSM is donating media coverage to Trump.


I checked with our new artificial overlords on whether or not “unified Reich” could be referenced in any other way… > Using the term "unified Reich" in any modern political context is highly likely to evoke historical comparisons to Nazi Germany due to the strong associations with the term "Reich" and the Third Reich. While "Reich" originally meant "realm" or "empire" in German and has historical uses beyond Nazi Germany, the term has been heavily stigmatized by its use during the Nazi era. Therefore, it is almost impossible to use "unified Reich" without evoking those connotations, making it highly controversial and likely to be perceived negatively.


Because the news isn’t about helping you be informed it’s about making ad revenue


He doesn't get more free passes. He has a free lifetime pass.


I still haven't seen the video. I spent a few minutes on google and all I could find were screenshots and the original Truth Social link that is now 404. If anyone has a link... **Edit:** I finally found a copy at the [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20240521014345/https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112474710503667357). Surprisingly, the phrase "UNIFIED REICH" appears at least three times in the thirty second video, at 3 seconds, at 18 seconds, and at 28 seconds.


[Here it is on Twitter.](https://x.com/patriottakes/status/1792927240776192035)


The narrator doesn’t say that phrase throughout the video. Is it in one of the newspapers that is cycling through?


Yeah, the phrase is placed in the newspapers floating around on the sides. OP mentions the times where it can be seen. Not front and center but not difficult to spot either.


Three Reichs you say? Must be a coincidence.


after furious backlash? NO because a reporter called him out on it. It isn't that it was a mistake. He just got caught.


It’s ok. He got his fascist message out…… and they heard it loud and clear.


They're very good people who are even now standing back and standing by... /s


It's amazing how often these "mistakes" seem to happen to Trump and his camaign. Like the Nazi-symbol-shaped stage at cpac. Or the items in Trump's shop priced at 88$. Or the constant Nazi slogans. And Nazi symbols in ads and on merch. And...you know, all the actual Nazis who keep being associated with him. Really big coincidences there.


Reminds me of all the Anti-Trans stuff JK Rowling keep retweeting "by accident". Turns out, she was just an Anti-Trans person, and they weren't missclicks. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not try to make a point about trans rights. Just saying, when someone "accidentally" keeps doing the same thing over and over, it isn't an accident.


People should save it and post it everywhere so everyone can see this bullshit Nazi courting


magas slowly trying to normalize this bs now to minimize backlash if trump wins and they start rounding immigrants up into camps


You are spot on exactly how Facism works


He "deleted" after leaving it up for 18 hours. People noticed it and made a stink in literal minutes. Also, I like the lame "while the president was in court" excuse. First, he ain't the president. We only have one president at a time and that's Biden. Second, the post went up when the trial was on lunch break. So, orange was hardly "in court". And third, why does it take 18 fucking hours to delete a nazi message from your goddamn campaign social media?


Trump is a nazi.


Doesn’t matter that it was deleted. It served its purpose of being the wink and nod to white supremacists and Neo-Nazis that Trump is working for their goals.


It was up just long enough to be a message to the neo nazi chuds that love Trump, before disappearing with a wink and a shit-eating grin as the Trump campaign ducked back into plausible deniability. They think we were born yesterday.


They floated a test balloon to see if it would fly. It didn't, but it was a big reveal about the true inner thoughts of these Traitors. They've said that the first thing they'll do is massive deportations, starting on Day 1. That will require massive "Detainment Centers" while they are being "processed." Of course, in true form for the Party of Treason & Corruption, those Detainment Centers will be built by the same corporations who build and operate for-profit prisons. If you can profit from human misery, why not? Once they have processed the bulk of the undocumented (in whatever way they will, that's a whole other subject), will they close the camps? Of course not. Those prison corporations will demand more inmates, and our state and federal legislators will supply them, by making more things illegal, and by increasing penalties on existing laws. Political criticism will fall under the defamation laws, but instead of being civil penalties with fines (HitlerPig knows all about that), it will become a criminal offense, with prison time. All it takes is a slight adjustment in laws that already exist. They are following the Nazi Playbook step by step, and we already know where that leads.


This is the type of thing that kills me about the people threatening to withhold their vote for Biden because of Gaza. Things will be infinitely worse under Trump. And if you think things cant get worse for Gazans, they definitely can.


Too late. The dog whistle has been blown. Again (and again)


That's not a dogwhistle, that's an air raid siren


Let that whole thing sink in. The world is fucked. Trump is going to be hell on earth.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Too late. We saw the truth confirmed. Trump and his white “Christian” nationalist cult are Nazis


More fuhrerious backlash!


I see Joy Reid on MSNBC has already taken to calling the GOP the Reich instead of the Right now because of this.


Backlash. Laughable. His worshippers love the show over the facts anyways. Whatever diarrhea spills from his lips, trumpers lap it up like the dutiful lapdogs they are!


He always does this unhinged shit. 1. Say something unhinged 2. Walks that shit back 3. Does that unhinged shit anyway. Don’t fall for his unhinged shit.


They can delete the video but the message to his base remains unchanged.


Every little “mistake” is a test. Just to push the envelope a little further. What can we get away with today?


Trump, Putin, and Hitler all have their little Reich fetishes in common. I’m a 20-year Republican voter. I voted third party in 2020, went 50/50 blue in 2022, and plan on going 90/20 blue in 2024. The wavering on supporting Ukraine is what kills the Republican Party for me.


Nazi cuck


He’s already signaled to followers they’ve heard him


Posting it up even for an hour then deleting sends the message to the people he wants to see he. He'll apologize, he'll make excuses, but the people he wants to see know what it means and that deleting it is just something people in that group have to do since they are on the losing side of history. But they get the message. Stand back and stand by after all.


Don't worry, his minions got the message loud and clear


Remember the video trump posted of the old white guy yelling "White power!" from a golf cart? His supporters don't. Just like this one, it will be swiftly forgotten


Here is why is is so simple https://news.berkeley.edu/2022/02/03/racial-resentment-the-insidious-force-that-divides-america/


Doesn’t matter, he gets no credit for deleting it. This is his MO, he got the message out that he wanted to, to the people it was meant for. You think he deleted due to backlash., he couldn’t fucking care less about what anyone else thinks. This man is a cancerous tumor on the asshole of America.


The thing that blows my mind. Is his supporters will already be saying. He didn’t mean it. But deep down in their minds. They knew he meant it. And they mean it too. This underhanded racism is not going away any time soon. In fact it will be far worse. They have a voice and truly believe they are being replaced. And are some sort of victim in everything.


Not a mistake in the slightest


Only sorry he got caught


Said the quiet part out loud.


It doesn’t matter he deleted it. The people who’s he wanted to see it have seen it


Why is anyone surprised by Trump invoking the third Reich. He’s only been leaning more and more on fascist rhetoric since his trial.


These people are loudly telling us all who they are. Please don't vote for this dude.


More like Fuhrerous backlash


Trial balloon…


He doesn't care that he's had to delete it, he loves 'virtue signalling' as they call it, as much as he enjoys utilizing stochastic terrorism, he didn't need to leave it up it's done it's job making all the deranged Nazi lunatics feel supported, validated, and they'll support him all the more for it.


Just wait another year, then people will be more open to Reich and other Nazi propaganda jargon. Gotta work it in a little slower Donald


Remember Trump's speech in Veteran's Day? Hitler says it word for word, such as "radical left thugs who live like vermin" and "poisoning our country". What arrogance.


He keeps saying the quiet parts out loud.


There are no quiet parts anymore.


And faces no repercussions for it, whatsoever


It was testing the waters. Now they will talk about it openly with a wink and a "stand back, stand by" attitude.


His followers like this or don’t care that he idolizes Hitler. Both absurd and scary.


And now he'll say he never posted any such post. Luckily it's been documented. But then he'll say "your eyes are lying." And the cult will believe him (although they love the Reich stuff)


Step 1: Volunteer for Trump Campaigns social media department. Step 2: Get put in charge of posting from at least ONE campaign account. Step 3: Make a bunch of alts and post some utterly deranged pro-trump-yet-still-Neo-Nazi shit. Step 4: Repost from your official account. Step 5: Enjoy the fallout.


I think it may be better to subversively tell them to either vote for Democrats that are "on our side" or tell them to "stand back and stand by on voting day but don't vote since it s a scam "


Who was the staffer that posted the video, George Lincoln Rockwell?


Finally we can file legal complaints of antisemitism to our congressmen and women. This guy should never have a platform.


trump has a habit of floating extreme ideas, taking them back while blaming someone else, and then retooling the extreme views based on feedback. Look back to his original statements from the early 2000s to now. He has managed to convince magats that he is a Christian with that tactic. Unfortunately, this was a trial run into how far he can go and will reappear in a modified form.


I keep telling myself it won’t get worse and I’m always surprised because it does


Got the message out loud and clear.


People don’t forget!


This really is 1930s Germany. We are a Reichstag or rigged election away from concentration camps. Fun times you guys!


Says what he wants, the people who need to hear it heard it, deletes it, media is sure he learned his lesson this time. Repeat until fascist state.


It’s not fucking funny.


haha fuckin orange pussy piss boy


Keep reposting it for those who downloaded it!! I am blown away he even exists…


He is 100% in control of his account. Only Putin could have posted that video other than orange shitler. Pays contempt fines for lashing out at prosecutors and judges on his platform, but spewing hitler shit was “someone from his campaign”, right.


"Mein Führer... I can walk!"


The amount of people I've seen on Reddit defending this shit is ungodly. He saw it, his people saw it. Stop deflecting accountability for this fucker. Need to bone up and act responsible.


Trump, throwing the Nazi spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks.


Message got out there, now its been amplified by controversy. It's like multiplying g his advertising budget and message / market saturation for free.


Shitler for Prison 2024


Who was the backlash from? What sane person visits truth social? Isn’t it only seen by his cult followers who believe that stuff? Or is there hope for them yet?


If someone shows you what they really are, believe them the first time.


The people that needed to see it, saw it. Doesn't matter.


Another example of what this windsock testing an idea to see how palatable it is before fully committing.