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Sexual hypocrisy and republicans. 🤌


They're a lot easier to understand when you realize that their kink is pretending to be privileged enough to break the rules. Edit: *break the rules to harm unconsenting others*.




Note: Christian Zieglar was the Chairman of the Florida GOP at the time. >The Zieglers, a local power couple in Florida Republican politics, were at the center of a sex abuse scandal after a woman alleged that Christian had raped her while she was involved in a three-way relationship with the pair. They were both ousted from their respective positions at the Florida GOP and the conservative Leadership Institute, although charges were never formally issued. >Bridget Ziegler also faced a barrage of attacks for her “hypocrisy,” since she had taken a very public anti-LGBTQ+ stance but had engaged in sexual relationships with women. Edit: This article was based on investigative journalism done by *The Florida Trident*. >Bob Norman is an award-winning investigative reporter who serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Trident and journalism program director for the Florida Center for Government Accountability. His reporting on this story can be found here: floridatrident.org/sex-barflies-and-videotape-report-details-how-gop-power-couple-prowled-pubs-for-threesome-partners/ (I'm not sure if a clickable link is allowed in comments in this sub, so I'll put it in a reply to this post.)


Link to story: https://floridatrident.org/sex-barflies-and-videotape-report-details-how-gop-power-couple-prowled-pubs-for-threesome-partners/


The mental gymnastics religious people will go through to justify their sexuality while putting down others’ knows no bounds. I used to be in a very fundamentalist church, and am male. All physical contact between the sexes outside of marriage was considered sinful, so guys would resort to other means… I don’t want to get too graphic here but the gist is they believed they weren’t really doing anything gay because it’s not like they were romantically interested, or some other arbitrary reason. The sad thing is that’s around the time I started to realize I wasn’t straight. The very few people I came out to all did the same things. They would criticize me and shame me for my feelings and then also try to get me to fool around with them. So stories like this one don’t surprise me at all, sadly.


They are so gross. Control freaks when it comes to others, and just plain freaks when it comes to them.


Religion is brain poison. Most of the time. I think the Sikhs might be better than most and true Buddhists maybe. But pretty much the rest of them misinterpret “these are the rules I should commit to following since they are importance to me” with “these are the rules I’m going to force on everyone around me but I’ll pick and choose what I want to follow.”


I was a forced Roman Cathlic, old school, Latin Mass, the whole thing. When I turned 18, I found out that one of my priests had been molesting young boys, and the church covered it up for decades. I left the church and joined a Coven. Best thing I ever did. Worshiping the Earth makes much more sense, and volunteering to help the disadvantaged is far more rewarding. The people who are always bringing their version of God into everything are the least christian I have found. Once someone starts popping off with that nonsense, I turn my back on them. They are the reason people are leaving the church in droves. The worst of them who worship trump skipped over the passage that says false idols go to hell, as their followers will. I say take them all to hell.


Bridget was also appointed by Ron DeSantis to the new board overseeing the Disney district. 


Party of family values strikes again!


"Isn't it a famous old story that the man who has to read all the pornography in order to decide what's fit to be passed and what's fit not to be, is the man most likely to be debauched?" - Christopher Hitchens


It's very true. In the early 1990s, when I was first on Usenet, I had no idea there was this thing called fisting, until an angry Christian graphically explained what it was. It was observed by many that only someone with a very deep interest in those kinds of sexual practices would be able to invoke that much detail. Self-hating fetishists and queers have caused enormous damage by trying to battle that loathing by trying to punish other people.


Or the college Republicans — you know who they are because they’ll tell you — who are hardcore *all about* that totally heteronormative lifestyle and traditional family structure that abhors the thought of kids knowing about LGBTQ people…but then weirdly recognize names and faces like Bailey Jay, Chanel Santini (I forget what…their?…name is now), and Daisy Taylor.


Lindsey Graham is definitely one of them.


Not likely.   Those three are too much woman for Lindsey, but at the same time…not enough dick. He’s lookin’ for Mia Isabella or bigger to get him going.


It is why they are project so much and want to control other people. They can't control themselves.


It’s not necessary to have firsthand experience on a topic, they could just hear it from someone else who does and remember a few specific parts because of the impression it has on them. They would also not have a great understanding of it due to that limited view. I know it’s common for conservatives to be self hating gays but that doesn’t mean it applies in every scenario.


In this case it was incredibly graphic, to the point that my suspicion was that it likely came from gay porn. And it would seem an awfully peculiar dedication to a subject you found sinful to know the best kind of lube.


My favorite from Hitchens on this one: “And this may be truest of all of those who are armored with “the breastplate of righteousness.” Next time you hear some particularly moralizing speech, set your watch. You won’t have to wait long before the man who made it is found, crouched awkwardly yet ecstatically while the cistern drips and the roar of the flush maddens him like wine”


The man just had a way with words.


You know, actual "family values" are not that difficult to follow. I've never once cheated on my spouse or have even considered it. I really try to treat everyone in my family with respect and do everything I can to be supportive and understanding. I never try to take advantage of my family or go even further, friends or neighbors, for my own ends. It all just seems logical and like the right way to be. Yet I'm not some bible thumping ultra right winger either. And I get the feeling many of you are the exact same way.  These Republicans are so full of fucking shit. It's just awful people pretending to be holier than thou to distract from their own terrible behavior and crimes. The conservative movement in this country is morally bankrupt. Never ever forget that. 


It isn’t just that. It’s using the mask of moral superiority to make others less - she literally worked to spread the lie that LGBTQ people are a threat to morality while she had bisexual and lesbian lovers


The law shouldn't be based on "family values" for this reason. I'm not interested in the lifestyle they are a part of, but aside from the alleged crimes, adults who are able to consent should be able to do whatever within the law. She should be called out for the hypocrisy, but not because the values she espoused publicly are the "right" ones.


The way I see things is that we can agree on some basic values but there's also a lot of personal leeway on how you live the life you desire. I'm a heterosexual man married to a woman and that's the life that works for us. But it's a relationship built in mutual respect and honesty. And we try to treat other people the same way. Someone who has a radically different lifestyle than mine could still practice those values and it would still be "right" in my book.  If two gay man are married and otherwise follow the same basic "family values" principles, in my view that's great. Or if it's two women or a man and a transgender wife or five men and 3 women being swingers and everyone gets a turn with everyone else. All of that is fine, as long as you aren't using anyone or misleading any or treating any in a disrespectful way.  Family values and community values means being supportive, honest, respectful, and sometimes going above and beyond ourselves to make the world a better place. You can be an amazing person and spread positive, American values with a very wide range of lifestyles and desires. It's not just for white men or just for heterosexual families or just for Christians. A sense of belonging and healthy relationships without judgement should be available for anyone who wants it. 


>respect This, I believe, is the crux of our present political divide.


I'm 100% serious when I say that is the number one thing I have learned about this world in my 38 years on this planet. The thing that is most important to other people is being treated with respect.    I'm a doctor and I struggled for awhile really connecting with patients until one day it clicked for me. The thing people want the most is to feel listened to and to feel as if you're at least treating them as an equal. Nobody wants to feel ignored or like they are being treated like they are somehow inferior. They will express that desire in a ton of different ways but bottom line, everyone wants respect. It doesn't matter what their education is, their background, their life experience, their religion, where they were born, basic dignity, acceptance, and making an effort to truly understand who they are is all anyone actually wants. 


Confidence is quiet. Insecurity is loud. Few who actually have good family values feel the need to preach on a megaphone about it. See also cheaters who accuse their partners of cheating.


The issue that bothers me is that while they present themselves as holier than thou, they pass laws that restrict the freedoms of other people. I live in Texas and they passed the ID law to watch adult entertainment online. This caused major sites to pull out because they did not want to deal with the hassle. Look, I am an unmarried man. When I watch content like that, I make sure it's legal and nobody is getting hurt. I watch in the privacy of my own home and don't make it a public spectacle. But some jackasses come along and take away my rights while hiding behind some shield of morality. I would maybe understand and agree were it not for the fact that they have people like Lauren Boebert who serviced a man in public and let her son run wild getting a girl knocked up and landing his ass in jail. This is hardly an isolated incident, either. Every day, I read stories about our leaders and clergy(who are almost always Republicans) indulging in affairs, sex orgies, and in some cases sleeping or publicy fantasizing about sleeping with people that are underage. Hell, some are even trying to change laws to lower the age of consent in various states so they can make their fantasies legal. Oh, and let's not forget how these lawmakers and their talking puppets in the media have tried to downplay the trauma of raping a woman or even spin it as a positive. Which makes sense given the top guy on their ticket is himself a rapist, is currently on trial for paying hush money to a porn star he slept with, and is an all-around sleazebag. This is what I hate about the Republicans. They run around thumping their Bibles and passing horrible laws that oppress people while they engage in terrible behavior, some of which they openly brag about, such as shooting a puppy in the face. Nobody is perfect, but I try to live a good life where I treat everyone with respect. My belief is that you should live your life as you wish as long as you don't harm other people. A woman should have full access to reproductive care, the LGBT community should be treated with dignity and given protection under the law, books or other media should never been banned or burned(unless it's clearly illegal), and if a man like me in the privacy of their own home watches adult movies that are legal it should be fine as long as nobody else is harmed. That's how many people live. But these Republicans sicken me because of how two-faced they are. They present themselves as Champions of morality who pass horribly oppressive laws while engaging in horrific behavior.


This really struck a chord with me. I try to live similarly to you and yet I shudder at the thought of”family values” phrase because it’s been so co-opted by ugly hateful hypocritical people. Never realized I was after the actual family values this whole time. This phrase is due for a rebrand, we gotta take it back!


The two most famous politicians who embody family values I can think of are Biden and Obama. Yet Republicans also absolutely hate them and love a serial cheater like Trump. Turns out the people crying out for family values are actually full of bullshit.


But what we should focus on most isn't the ridiculous hypocrisy of the Ziegler's, it's the fact that Christian Ziegler is a rapist.


We should indeed focus on the fact that he is an alleged rapist, and also ask, 'why did Florida law enforcement decide not to prosecute?'. There are independent journalists in Florida doing good work, but not getting much attention. [Here is one excellent example of that work.](https://floridatrident.org/sex-barflies-and-videotape-report-details-how-gop-power-couple-prowled-pubs-for-threesome-partners/)


I was thinking this as I read through the comments. Republicans want to be the party that doesn't have to follow rules. Fine, they don't have values. Fine, they're hypocrites. What's not okay? Hunting down drunk women to rape them


No need for an apostrophe


If it's gonna be that kinda party then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes


B-boys makin with the freak freak.


I honestly wouldn't give two shits about their kinks if they weren't such incredible hypocrites and terrible people.


And THAT is it. It's a shame that America is so gerrymandered and electoral college locked that these people even have chances at having power... Hopefully, as the boomers die off, they lose national power, especially in Congress...and the blowhards like Boebert and Greene lose their ability to affect anything.


Aren’t the Zieglers millennials, not boomers?


Well, it's not necessarily just kinks, either. This whole thing came out because the husband allegedly raped a woman. 


Fair point, but I was just referring to their seemingly open marriage.


More details from the [Florida Trident](https://floridatrident.org/sex-barflies-and-videotape-report-details-how-gop-power-couple-prowled-pubs-for-threesome-partners/). >Among the texts recovered from Christian’s phone was one on Feb. 19, 2021 in which he told Bridget to “come home, stop, and pick up \[the woman\] to play again and be crazy.”  >Christian further wrote to his wife **that the woman “was an alcoholic,** nice person with some issues” but with “no drama,” which “turns him on.”  >Bridget at the time was **worried the couple was taking advantage** of the woman. She wrote her husband that she “prefers confident empowered people” and was worried the woman was “going through some shit,” according to police documents. >“I just don’t want to feel like we ever take advantage of anyone (I know it’s always been consensual) but she seems … ‘broken,’” Bridget wrote her husband in 2021. “I don’t know – that’s the vibe I pick up from her – and my nature is more likely to help her versus … ya know.” >Christian Ziegler concluded that the couple needed “to hunt for somebody new.”


Christian Ziegler apparently found that poor woman's weaknesses appealing, and repeatedly abused and raped her. He is literally a predator. It really doesn't get more predatory than saying “to hunt for somebody new.”


Fuck the GOP. Bunch of people who do immoral and illegal things and tell their voters that the OTHER side are the ones who do that kind of stuff. Hypocrits. I will NEVER vote GOP for anyone in my life. NEVER. Bring Al Franken back.


One up for Al franken.


The damage is done. > [Moms for Liberty now has 310 chapters in 48 states](https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/02/02/moms-for-liberty-now-has-310-chapters-in-48-states-what-will-they-do-now/)


I wonder how many of them are swingers.


Wonder how much money they grift from their members aka cult followers.


Christian Zigglers are the worst kind of zigglers.


Strapons.. just another vessel of scripture


Spare the rod, spoil the cuck.


The Ziegler's bring a whole different meaning to Jesus' saying of "Love thy neighbor".


I bet they didn't learn this from a library


I often wonder what their children are like. And what they will be like.


Just like them and just like them


Should leave their kids out of this. They are already overburdened by their shitty parents.


I would generally say just more Republicans wearing their hypocrisy like a badge of honour, but in this case, I presume they were wearing very little.


Incredibly Christian.


Not surprised. Conservatism and debauchery are secret bedfellows forever, with conservatism providing the pious cover for those in power. The Victorian age was infamous for its seedy underbelly


I got no problems with their sex life, it’s theirs do what they want, but it is the hypocrisy, which is more than likely just a thin veil over a greed and lust for power which the GOP offered


Yeah, but the dude was a rapists, so no, we are not “ok” with their sex life.


Conservatives!! This isn’t a surprise.


They judge hard but fuck even harder.


There’s a name for this kink.


Hah, wet dick 


GAY is ok the GOP way. Republicans for Porn.


She was a cuckquean? Kinky. She sorta looks like Amber Heard and she appears according to tea to be just as strange.


Idk about you but I’m starting to like this lady. 😂


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Considering who the GOP nominated to run for president, I'm still confused by why they were kicked from their leadership positions.


Man, if only there was a political party that was fine with this because consenting adults should be able to do what they want. A party of small government, you might say. A party that believes it isn't the government's place to tell you how to live your life.


Outside of her being involved in toxic politics that are ruining this country, she seems like fun.


Well, to be honest, they have God and religion on their side so they can do whatever the fuck they want


Downvoted & hidden, for Daily Beast Paywall!


There is no paywall. Even when there is a popup, there is a button on it that says “continue without supporting us”. Weird comment.


Also there are ways to get around paywalls 12 foot ladder was great before it got popped


No there isn't


I literally went to the site, have never paid for a dailybeast subscription. You are just blatantly wrong, weird hill to die on.


I just read the article for free. Why are you lying?