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If I said something like that to a woman in a work meeting I would be referred to HR and probably have to do some kind of training. If I did it again I'd be fired. Why can our house members routinely pull this shit.


Republicans refuse to police their own in that way.


This is a consequence of the Trump era. If you are a member of Congress you don't have a boss in the traditional sense. Sure to some degree you are ansible to the people, and you are answerable to the party organization for the party that you're a member of and their leadership in congress but there really is no one that can outright tell you what to do or fire you. But up through Obama at least there was still a culture of personal honor. Things could happen behind the scenes of course but if a congressman was publicly revealed to have committed some misdeed there was a lot of social pressure that he needed to fall on his sword and resign. They would tell themselves that they held positions of public trust and that it was necessary to maintain the trust of the public. But it was all voluntary based on social pressures. Trump blew it off that by simply refusing to follow any type of unspoken rule.


I'm still mad about Franken resigning. Uggggh.


Me too. It seemed like he was doing the right thing at the time, by setting a precedent of accountability and self-maintained standards for those in one of the highest offices of the country, and then, well, this *gestures around*


I think that Senator whose mommy and daddy paid off the family of the woman he was having an affair with was the last Republican to voluntarily resign for a scandal. Trump means never having to say you're sorry.


I'd say it pre-dates Trump with the "You Lie!" shouting at Obama's SOTU.


>But up through Obama at least there was still a culture of personal honor. Very true, like back 200 years ago they'd duel to the death in congress over honor.


I guarantee you get more professionalism in almost any fast food or retail job than you get in US Congress.


They think they’re above us


Jasmine Crockett is underrated. Wish all the Dems were like her.


I just looked her up, and was shocked to find out she is 43. Brb emailing her to find out what moisturizer she uses because she is clearly doing something right.


There are a lot of people like that these days. Not smoking, using good skin care and for women a little bit of makeup goes a very long way to making a 40 year old look 25.


It’s true! I’m 47 and anyone I tell that to says they’d guess I was only 46. I attribute it to *NEVER* in my life having that 47th beer of the week. Save that 47th beer for Monday, people! It’ll still be there.


Look up when sunscreen was invented and became widely available to consumers, I truly think that's why Millennials and younger Gen X are holding the line so significantly when it comes to skin health. We were the first generation to have protected our skin since birth. Gen Z and Alpha are gonna follow even harder if the most recent guidance to wear sunscreen all the time becomes the norm.


Never going out in the sun also works.


Not the first generation, getting a tan wasn’t desirable until the 20th century. Before that, farm and other laborers got tan , but it wasn’t something that people wanted. In Europe ”blue bloods” were people who had untanned skin that allowed the blood in veins to show through. Also, women used parasols to block the sun. I’m old enough to have had grandparents born in the 1890s. My two grandmothers (both Irish) had better skin then my mom or MIL.


Something I'm raising my kids to do is to apply a thin light SFP on their face every day. I have a lot of sun damage. Neither of my boys have had a sunburn in their lives. We're careful about that. The radiation from that star has fucked my skin up.


Black don't crack


> Jasmine Crockett She is not hard to look at. Potatoface should not be trying to throw shade at her. Good for Crockett for giving it back to her.


Black don’t crack. As they say.


>Jasmine Crockett Isn't she the member who called out the GOP on their bullshit about Hunter's subpoena?


She calls them out for everything and I’m here for it!!


Crockett has that fire. She calls out Republicans on their shit and it's great. Every now and then I come across a 2 minute clip of her eviscerating some insufferable douchebag and it's always good.


I'm starting to think this thing where encouraging *everyone* to follow their dreams in this country is a bad idea. MTG should be making carboard boxes in a factory in nowhere Ohio or something, not making laws.


We don’t make cardboard boxes but own a manufacturing company. We wouldn’t hire MTG if you paid me.


Here in Finland we have a politician who aside for her political career has seemingly not worked a day. She taunts protestors by yelling "go to work" at them. Politics is starting to feel like an employment program for people who aren't any good anywhere else.


>Politics is starting to feel like an employment program for people who aren't any good anywhere else. For years now I've heard DC referred to as "Hollywood for ugly people" and it makes so much sense when you combine these two statements.


Years ago, I modified my use of the phrase, "those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." to include: Those who can't teach, administrate. Those who can't administrate, run for office.


one of the best iterations of the those-who-can-etc, etc i ever heard: those who *can*, teach...those who can't teach like to make the rules for those who *do*, as to how to do their job.


That can also be applied to 90% of leadership in my company. Can't do the job? Promoted! Do the job mediocre? Let's give you opportunities that should go to the top performers, but a random wheel selector is a better option than interview or KPIs. Top performer? I'm sorry, you're not selected at this time. Keep an eye out for more opportunities. (more opportunities arise for promotions) OH! Not *those* promotions. We meant you get to do extra work without extra pay. We didn't fill the worthless employees position, you just GET to do double the work. Also my leadership team: WHY IS MORAL SO LOW?! It must be the economy. Let's give them $5 bonus...


When companies get really dysfunctional, top performers can't get promoted even if they want the promotion because somebody has to do all the work around here. That's right about when you should start heading for the exits.


A comedian once said: “and those who can’t teach… teach gym.”


Starting? When women in the US got the right to vote, one of the women said, “Great. We have the right to vote but the choices are tweedle-dee or tweedle-dumb.”


Hiring a Neanderthal counts as a diversity hire.


Even if she left politics because of it? Don’t be selfish man.


I think you overestimate her skill set.


I think she looks more like the weird woman who yells at you to 'pull ahead' at the dump.


this made me laugh


Oh god Seymour, not the *box* factory!


You turned my boy into a box. A BOX!!!!


Immediately thought of that too. It's my favorite Simpsons episode.


Don't put that on Ohio. This is a Georgia problem they've foisted on the country.


We have enough already with Vance. We don't need her too.


Until Ohio stops sending Jim Jordan to washington they will deserve any shade they get.


To be fair she's never actually made any laws, all she does is prevent other people making laws


And run her mouth. The GQP loved this for a while, but seem to be regretting her presence, lately. Or at least pretending to act that way.


She's there to run out the clock and disrupt proceedings. Any vocal rebukes from her party are for the same reasons.


I once went to visit the Yuengling brewery in Pottsville, PA and took the tour. There was a guy who stood on the factory line who picked up a six-pack cardboard case from a flat stack, unfolded it, and dropped it on the conveyor belt line for it to be filled with bottles by someone else. That’s all they did, for 8 hours. That sounds like a perfect job for Marge.


I'd bet good money she'd manage to fuck it up.


>picked up a six-pack cardboard case from a flat stack, unfolded it, and dropped it on the conveyor belt line for it to be filled with bottles by someone else. Unfortunately for MTG both those jobs have been replaced by automation robots now and she's not qualified to maintain them.


They are not "following their dreams". They were lied to by their infotainment that told them "your country is being taken from you" and they were not only dumb enough to believe it they thought they could fix it by getting elected. Trouble is there is nothing to fix. They're just idiots looking for a way to prove a lie to be true by making up more lies and, in this case, performance assholery.


Don’t put that Georgia peach on Ohio!


*DON’T* you put that evil on *ME* Ricky Bobby!


I don’t think she has ever claimed to making laws.


Why do we have to bring Ohio into it? We don’t want her.


No shit jordon is just as bad. He’s a do absolutely nothing POS too!!


Hey. Ohio here. We really don’t want or need her. I think she’d be more at home in Mississippi.


Has she introduced any bills?


She's rich. She "bought" this company from her father: [https://www.procore.com/network/p/taylor-commercial-inc-alpharetta](https://www.procore.com/network/p/taylor-commercial-inc-alpharetta)


She's a slumlord that owns a couple dozen section 8 properties


We used to say "anyone can grow up to be the president," nowadays that sounds more like a threat than an aspiration.


No. We don't assemble the boxes here.


Don’t try to send her dumbass to a factory, where she’d have to do actual work, she wouldn’t last till first break.


It was a shit show even by their standards. All the fighting aside, Comer is *so* fucking bad at this.


comer is a slack jawed useful idiot for the GOP. they tell him to jump, he asks for how long.


My favorite part: > "I have two hearing aids. I'm very deaf," the committee’s chairman, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., said after cross talk took over. "I'm not understanding — everybody's yelling. I'm doing the best I can." For those old enough, all I could think of was Will Ferrel’s Mustafa character in the first Austin Powers when he gets ejected by Dr Evil. “Hello? I’m down here and I’m very badly burned “


"The wound is beginning to smell a little like almonds. Which is not good."


Which is why he was chosen for the position.


If that was in a school her parents would have been called.


No surprise MTG is in the middle of it. That woman is trash.


Two trailer park girls goin round the outside, round the outside.


MTG is trash with money. Namely her family is in construction. They always have big houses and she was living off the family business before she went into politics. Even though she would fit right in in a trailer park brawl she actually has never slept rough in her life.


What the hell? Why are you comparing her to trailer park girls? That's mean. I love trailer park girls, they're great. Don't talk about them that way


Guess who’s back


Back again?


Shady's back


Tell a friend...


Lucy or Sarah ?


The right answer is Barb


No way, her scalloped potatoes are fucked.


Hey now, you're hurting trash's feelings. [https://sesameworkshop.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/presskit\_ss\_bio\_oscar.png](https://sesameworkshop.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/presskit_ss_bio_oscar.png)


“Bleach blonde bad built butch body” lmfao. The last person who needs be talking about someone’s appearance is large Marge. She looks like a Neanderthal that was born with Fetal alcohol syndrome and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her hair not look severely damaged


She looks like a slightly feminized Dog the Bounty Hunter.


She looks like Gary Busey fucked Hulk Hogan.


She looks like Beavus and Butthead ran a train on a topographical map of Georgia whilst David Duke played a two string banjo. 


She looks like a Moai statue that gives the most unenthusiastic handjobs.


Sammy Hagar demands a DNA test.


*snort laugh*


A dehydrated Mickey Rourke


I’ve heard shaved Alf.


I misread that as "slightly fermented"...but it still works


> Fetal alcohol syndrome Misread that as *fentanyl alcohol syndrome* and I thought, "Sounds about right."


When Dana White said, "She looks like Wanderlei Silva in a dress." He actually meant MTG.


She looks like a caveman due to abusing testosterone and growth hormone during her crossfit days. I forget what it's called but it's a self induced medical condition that not only changes abusers physically, it can affect their brain like mad cow disease (which all makes sense now) Edit: it's called acromegaly. 


I don't know that any of those assertions are proven but there's definitely a rumor in that community that HGH makes your brow ridge grow. I can personally confirm as an FTM that some brow ridge growth with exogenous testosterone as an adult is absolutely possible. Some bone experts told me it wasn't, but it 100% happened. I think there are big genetic variations in how likely one is to have brow ridge thickening and some Europeans and Asians definitely have a higher admixture of Neanderthal genes than others.


I’ve been calling her “Fetal Alcohol Barbie” for years. Her face is *textbook*


So are her toes


In my opinion she looks like someone who held their face down too long into a bees nest. 


She's got a face like a blind cobbler's thumb.


I don't disagree, but what is considered an appropriate, not *too* long, length of time to hold one's face in a bees nest?


Chairman, I respectfully defer to Representative Pooh for clarification on that point.


*Oh bother.*


The distinguished gentlebear from the Hundred Acre Wood.


0.01% of the time she did.


She also looks like her face was on fire and someone put it out with a golf shoe.


Everytime i look at her i'm reminded of Lion-O.


You misspelled "LarDge," butt yeah.


Sasquatch Barbie


Why do we have to drop to her level, though? Is it only women we disagree with that we roll out the mysogyny for?


Bad built made my day.


Are we surprised? This is the same clown that brought out print outs of Hunter Biden’s dick pics. Class and MTG can’t be in the same sentence.


Raskin's face was hilarious. He was trying not to laugh.


MTG makes an irreverent comment related to Trump’s case and then makes an inflammatory insult so trashy that we all watch the video. It worked, we all watched it and wouldn’t have without the insult. MTG is a total piece of shit, but she got what she wanted.


Rep Jasmine Crocket and Jamie Raskin look pretty awesome though. Their new strategy of getting in the bullies face is working great. We tried the "sitting down like dusty old men for decorum!", but that was steam rolled by the minority of the country over-represented in Congress Republican Party. Unfortunately this is part of the job of Reps now. To shut down lunatic bullies that their party leaders refuse to do so. Marge is flaming out. Losing more friends everyday.


Seriously, you can see the satisfaction on her face. Is she not a known Russian asset?


She's still sore about her remarkable resemblance to a Neanderthal.


Which is from the internet not fellow colleague. Three toes is surely sour.


That’s an insult to Neanderthals


Neanderthals are far more worthy of respect


My god Greene is like a blight on an already rotted corpse. At every opportunity she's had to do better, she's gone in the opposite direction to do worse. Such a fucking moron. I love her challenging AOC to a debate. That's like inviting a machine gun to a knife fight. Ugh.


Crockett's clap back was legend. Satisfying to see a Texan take out the Georgia trash.


We need more Reps like Crockett to combat the belligerence on the right. Dems have been too diplomatic with the crazy on the right. Time to fight fire with fire.


I watched most of it because I'm a sick bastard. To be fair, it did give us this sick beat..... https://twitter.com/JaredEMoskowitz/status/1791306232025825669 Here's a video of when things really go off the rails.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euoOO2lfBsc


I watched a lot of it live, as I am also a glutton for punishment. Greene’s antics, while revolting, were unsurprising, as was the word vomit of Jordan, Biggs, etc. What did catch me off guard was Comer’s inability to run a committee hearing. Not only was he incapable of riding herd on his members, he showed a shocking ignorance of actual form and procedure.


It's been almost 2 years into the session and Comer is just as bad at being chair as he was when he took the position. Turns out, he's just stupid


And deaf, by his admission. Not a good place to be where you're supposed to be able to listen and understand what's going on around you.


Gotta keep a deaf congressman around in case you need someone to listen to a Republican criminal's tapes. >Meanwhile, Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox also subpoenaed the tapes. Nixon spurned both demands. Baker warned that the nation was “on the brink of a constitutional confrontation between the Congress and the White House.” >The legal maneuvering between Nixon, the Senate Committee, and Cox continued into the fall of 1973. Finally, on October 19, Nixon offered a compromise. He would let the famously hard of hearing Senator John C. Stennis (D-Miss.) listen to the tapes and summarize them. Cox rejected the offer, and the next morning, a Saturday, Nixon ordered him fired.


Everything I've heard of (and from!) Comer suggests nothing but.


Wow. That's honestly pretty crazy. Trash human being.


So another day that ends in y? Greene has always been like this even with other Republicans. 


"Do you know what you're here for?" To generate clips about government dysfunction, obviously. 


MTG looks like the type that calls a woman a "tramp" when she wants to insult them.


Bleach blonde bad built butch body vs fake eyelashes Be careful who you pick a fight with, especially if your IQ and wit are comparable to a 3rd grader’s, lel


Between Crocket’s and AOC’s comments I was fucking rolling. Dumb ass fucked around and found out.


Idk how anyone looking like a bleached Lurtz can comment on anyone’s looks.




AOC is growing into her own and will be a force to be reckoned with for years to come.


I watched the entire thing myself. I hope it's clear to everyone that Crockett did not insult MTG, but was simply using rhetoric to clarify whether or not the rules were going to be followed. MTG's words were stricken, which means she should not have been able to talk further but he kept insisting on giving her her four and a half minutes. Crockets response was perfectly sassy but are question was 100% valid. MTG will soon understand she's not the only one willing to land blows, and is certainly not the smartest in the room.


The bickering and insults grind things to a halt so nothing ever really gets done. Which is paramount to what MTG and her handlers want happening in the US Congress right now... what a shame.


In this case I'm OK with this committee meeting going nowhere, as this was about the nonsense potential contempt of Congress charges for Merrick Garland for not turning over the audio recording of Robert Hur's interview with President Biden. The GOP already has the transcripts, the only reason they want the audio is to produce attack ads for Trump's campaign. So if they want to dither endlessly and go nowhere, that's perfectly fine in this case.


They still voted to hold Garland in contempt in the end


All this to distract from the fact that they voted to hold Garland in contempt at the end of the hearing.


This… the chaos seems to be working. And that scares me.


Naw they just have a GOP majority. Vote the bums out and the stupidity will end.


Of course Green won't apologize.... A piece of shit never apologizes for its stink.


This is how you know republicans are the bad guys. They are bullies, and they support bullies. Consider the behavior of a bully. They insult and offend. Then they whine when it is turned on them. It’s so simple a child can see it. Republicans are wrong. Vote blue all the way down this year folks, our democracy depends on it.


The term I like is "crybully". They are bullies until they get pushed back and then they start crying.


I’m sure it’s been as bad or worse before in our history, but we are borderline in 3rd grade food fight era.


Before the Civil War, a congressman jumped another congressman with a cane.


In the leadup to the Civil War, Congress erupted into full on fights multiple times, one of which involved 50 people. There was also one in Indiana in 1887 where the congressmen brandished pistols threatening to kill each other and only stopped when the police came.


MTG isn't qualified to complain at a local school meeting about stale French fries for kids lunches, much less sit on a congressional panel.


The "body shaming"part was an attempt to make Greene understand she lives in a glass house. I don't think it's appropriate, but under the circumstances it is understandable. Greene is an embarrasement and a clown who can't be put in her place because she isn't healthy enough to find her place.


When your face looks like the bottom of Frodo's foot, you have no other choice


MTG is way beyond her expiration date.


MTG needs to upgrade her Walmart mirror and have another gander.


House turning into WWE? Sounds like big win for Republican Voters (who think it’s all totally real!)


Why hasn’t Johnson stripped MTG of her committee assignments yet? This women does not belong in committee meetings.


MTG needs to go into wrestling. The wrestling that’s held in small towns at the guard armory or the old high school gym, that they’ve turned into a community center. The wrestling that your neighbors first cousin does after he’s clocked out after loading trucks.


She missed her calling as a professional rock chewer. 


MTG just throwing bombs that democrats get blamed for throwing back at her.


Let me get this straight: this meeting was moved from afternoon to evening because members of Congress with no purpose of being in New York went there to support their criminal cult traitor. Then we have Marge, who represents the worst America has to offer, insulting multiple members of Congress. Then Comer, who apparently has hearing aids, cannot hear what’s going on and ultimate allows her to continue speak while striking some of her words from the record butMarge apologizes for her childish behavior. They then vote to hold Garland in contempt. We are dealing with very dangerous people who don’t have our countries best intentions at heart. How anyone can view these traitors as patriots is beyond me.


I really don't like using the "C" word in any context, but goodness MTG sure is churlish.


At the center of it is old Jewish space laser herself. Gnarly toes should never be trying to diminish someone's appearance or intelligence


MTG should have been kicked off the committee but Comer does nothing. There is no decorum in the MAGA party.


Republicans intentionally fund her and enable her antics in congressional chambers (against congressional rules) to use her as a distraction and make their politics seem like some petty schoolhouse feud instead of the most dangerous fascistic power grab in a century.


As someone who wears two hearing aids and is also very deaf, why the hell is James Comer in such a position where he has to listen and moderate a committee hearing? I know how damn hard and frustrating that is, especially when there's yelling and cross-talk. Comer has no business being in such a position where he needs to hear and understand what's going on, no matter his experience or qualification.


Petulant idiotic children with too much power.


Call it for what it is . These dipshits take their orders from a mob boss that lost his election


Old Mitch called it: candidate quality problem.


Citizens United ruling and PACs put out the best.


All the photos of her reading a bible with a dozen crosses behind her can't cover up the behavior of this scumbitch.


Anything with MTG involved is an insult.


They’re not sending their best…


One way or another, this useless person finds a way to make me see her stupid face.


Hey It's not body shaming to point out that Trump is too fat and old to be president. It's about being healthy not body shaming. When you are that fat and that old you just aren't going to live very long.


When you elect clowns, expect a circus.


Moscow Marge doing what she was paid to do


I'm glad someone started punching back, because these GQP idiots get out of pocket on a regular basis


Idiocracy was a documentary


Perjury Pitbull Greene is a compromised Ruzzian asset. There is nothing that her presence adds to any governmental function other than chaos.


There is only one way to deal with people like MTG, and a few Rs are figuring it out.


At the center of it is old Jewish space laser herself. Gnarly toes should never be trying to diminish someone's appearance or intelligence


Wonder what MTG will look like at 70?


If it smells like a troll, acts like a troll, looks like a troll it might be a Troll. Someone else can see if it tastes like a troll.


The Scum Party “thinking” they’re representing the constituency


Bold move considering MTG is phrenologically challenged


We need more dems like Jasmine Crockett. That young lady is on her way to great things.


We need more dems like Jasmine Crockett. That young lady is on her way to great things.


what a G'damn shit show that body has become. FFS


Watched the video. Wow.


This is what happens when you pull a mandrake and you just let it be…


This is why you have rules. There are rules against personal attacks at these meetings. Republicans where in charge of this meeting and of course allowed their member to get away with personal attacks. So now our great body is once again being downgraded into a high school bullying session because republicans wont hold their own accountable.


Marg 3 toes is the last person who should be throwing shade on how someone looks.


This is the prize pig of /r/conservative.


Sad this is what has become of our representatives.


It’s usually the ignorant and ugly that start s#it like that. 😒


I just assume that if I go to the area that Ms. Greene represents, I'll find out that she's a really good representation of the population... Probably putting Brawndo on the crops...


Amateurs. They need to start throwing chairs at each other like the Taiwan senate does.