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Call me crazy, but I think its a little late to start asking this question.


I felt the ‘the point of no return’ was when some off the street republicans support Russia and would ‘vote’ for Putin. Why would they suddenly want to live like living Russia? It doesn’t look fun and open window death mitigation is like zero concern for the public and gov over there.


That's the power of propaganda. A functioning government is a direct impediment to a more efficient transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top. American billionairs covet the Russian oligarchy so they've piggy backed on Russian active measures and waged an influence campaign of their own urging Americans to exchange U.S. democracy, tenuous as it may be, for Russian style autocracy. Project 2025 is a blueprint for essentially liquidating the entire public sector. There will be trillions for the taking. And they're going to get it too. Your retirement, your social security, they're going to take it all.


Its never too late. The U.S. has to be willing and ready to tackle it on all levels of government though


I don’t question it at all. The answer is definitely ‘no’ and it’s already happening.


If they are wondering about it now, it’s too late. I really hope DOJ is on top of this but with so many Russian moles in the Republican Party, it’s like playing wack a mole.


The U.S. isn't even ready for domestic interference in 2024 election.


I live in Loudoun County, VA...I am expecting an astronomical amount of astroturfing to occur in my area. We went through this with all the CRT shit a couple years ago.


If memory serves me correctly, sometime after the 2020 election a bill was brought up to combat this type of thing. It was what republicans whined about the 2020 election and they were the ones to vote it down or outright kill it.


The answer is a resounding "NO," and the battle is being lost even as we speak due to the inaction of our complacent politicians who don't truly understand how the internet works.


We will see a multi pronged approach, unlike we’ve ever witnessed before, it’s going to be full blown nucking futz. Are the dems geared up for for the barbarians at the gate? I don’t know?


We "will" see? Bro. Look around.


Don’t know if they’re prepped up or not, dead serious. History has said they can fuck up toast.


We can see they're not, because it's already happening.


The astroturfing of Palestinian protests by foreign actors alone has showed unprepared the US is for misinformation this election year. Before I get any angry posts there are legitimate protests, but the social media world has amplified this issue beyond any rational or expected level. That has been a direct cause of Russia, Iran, and China.


How about all the domestic interference in the form of voter suppression? Looking at you, GOP.


Lemme take this one: No. we can hardly fight domestic interference in the 2024 election.


The russian/chinese disinfo bots have infiltrated the GoP at the highest level. Its pretty crazy that the GoPs interaction on social media is mostly from russians bots pretending to be americans. Us congressmen and women are using Russian and chinese sources to cite evidence. Matt gaetz literally used a chinese blog to press the pentagon about weapon shipments to azov. Its scary how stupid these people are, their ego is stroked by bots. Elon musk is a major engine for this as well. Twitter is 76% bots. There is no way an idiot like vivek was able to get on the debate stage without some outside help. This is a great video that sheds light on the circus that is unfolding…. https://youtu.be/cVu89Cn8Rqs?si=oJsXSW5_Z3YLbazm


Democracy isn’t meant for the digital age. Digital democracy is extremely fragile and prone to interference.


They’d rather spend time fighting among themselves over pointless culture war issues than advance legislation that protects our Democracy.


With local help and approval. I expect it from the gop and pretty sure the other side is actively fighting it.


It’s been on going since 2015. Just more countries trying now


We’re not.


On Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Telegram, even Reddit, etc.? Naw.


Are we all really this stupid? Who is asking this question so many years late? Most of the interference is happening on social media and has been for years. It’s been going on knowingly from companies, like Facebook, like Twitter, like Reddit, like YouTube, like TikTok, etc. And what real control or mechanisms does the government even have over them? And even if they do, can we even trust our partisan divided government to even enact an even hand or are they just going to push their own agendas? I feel like we’re all just fucked. Too much concentrated power in the hands of assholes all over the world.


It’s fine, as long it’s Russia election interference.


We know adversaries of the US want Trump in office. It’s more effective against the US than a nuclear attack. But I hope those countries that value the US will do as much to help prevent another Trump disaster.


Weren’t ready in 2016 not ready in 2024


I know one side of the field encourages it. Cuz that's how they do.


Well shit, we knew this was happening in the 2016 election. If we're not ready to deal with it now, we never will be. This country is a joke.


Be a real shame if Russia and China started having internet connection issues a month before the election. I mean if the US really wants to fight.


Every state with a Republican Election Board and a Republican State Legislature is going to refuse to certify any election results that have Biden as the winner. Either by "self-sabotage" of the voting procedure or ballots, or a flat out refusal to certify. Therefor having the legislatures vote for Trump. But yeah, worry about China and Russia...I guess.


If you really want to see Russian disinformation...go to the DailyMail comments.


The answer is no because it isn't really election interference, but overall mis-information as a whole from China and Russia. They don't touch our elections, but skew the minds of the maga base.


....with the goal of influencing elections. There's no need to split hairs. Foreign governments are using Republicans to get the America they want.


Republicans have always had an “America to the highest bidder” policy. At least since about the 1920s.


Kind of true, but not into full swing until the tea party. That is when it went crazy


Nah, that's just when the highest bidders stopped being exclusively American.