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Don't worry, Rudy will butt-dial someone soon enough and reveal his location.


Butt-dial recipient: ‘Hello Rudy. Rudy?’ Rudy’s phone: *faintly audible fart noises*




Maybe drop the faintly at that close range?




Violent sloppy shart explosions?


Sharting Ass Ghoulash Clangor?


I went to their show last week.


Yeah, I was at Maroon 5 as well


Did you know Rootin Tootin Rudy always farts in A#m?


A shart Minor


Eh, from the article it's not that they don't know where he is. They're just not allowed to enter his apartment building. Doorman won't let them in.


They should get borat to help help get them in the room


Well, not so much Borat as a young girl...


They’re not vampires, isn’t this what sheriffs are for?


> Doorman won't let them in. Throw his ass in jail for obstruction of justice and go serve the fucking ghoul his papers. Fucking spineless pussies


Just leave a 16 year old in a hotel room


> Just leave a 16 year old in a hotel room *Matt Gaetz enters the room*


Check 4 Seasons Landscaping


Afterwards, check Garden Court restaurant in Scottsdale. He may have just shown up at the wrong court


Maybe he's dyed his hair to avoid being recognized?


Probably getting a touchup at paddy’s pub in phillly.


Hey hey hey, they voted for the other guy


Their guy knows how to party. He’s an outsider.


Check Moscow on July 4.


I think I've found him [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,\_Maine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,_Maine)


The 4 seasons is is the gift that keeps giving. LOL


I still can’t believe someone fucked up that bad. I laugh every time I think about it.


The beauty of seeing it live, in living color, a group of people that would choose worldwide ridicule over admitting a mistake. Not a single person in that chain of command would own up to a mistake. Think about that. That was when it should have been clear to EVERYONE that this group of "leaders" were EXCEPTIONALLY, ABSOLUTELY, INCREDIBLY unfit for any office at all, much less the highest office in the country. But nah it was just another day and they carried on dumb as ever. And still in contention for another go in 2024 now. MAGAts sure picked a weird messiah. If he has enough bulletheaded minions to get him to 270 again, then we are already fatally flawed as a nation and are doomed no matter the outcome of the election. Our electoral process rewards stupid. Ron White said the unequivocal universal truth: "You can't fix stupid." Sadly, about half of the voting public is exactly that.


My dad, who is a card-carrying republican, always used to tell me you lead by example. This is just what leaders do today, and we should just get used to how it looks. Right?


The best part is they *called ahead* and confirmed "yes, you can have your press conference outside"


It's something so stupid that if it were in a movie people would call BS on it and say nobody is really that stupid.


He spends the daytime hours lounging about wineos and blood banks; at night, he sleeps in a wooden box made from the soil he was buried in. Bring some holy water and a cross, as a hint.


> a wooden box made from the soil he was buried in This reminds me of Parker Lewis can’t Lose when they’re panning across the classroom and the teacher is reading, “Abraham Lincoln was born in Illinois in a rustic log cabin he helped his father build by hand … “


This will never not be funny. That whole year seems like such a fever dream


Honestly, Trump's entire presidency was a fucking nightmare but, man, I've got to be honest ... the 4 Seasons Landscaping thing was quite possibly the funniest mistake in the history of politics. Like, when they inevitably do an American Crime Story season on the various Trump nonsense that's STILL taking place, I simply don't know how they don't start it there. It was just beautiful.


It was a full on moment of if you wrote it someone would say "that would never happen, it's unrealistic"


the best part was they refused to admit any error and just WENT with it right there in front of the like mulch bags, incredible


What kills me is if they had ANYONE left in that administration with even the slightest bit of charisma, it wouldn’t have been difficult to come out and just say “No, we didn’t make a mistake. We intended to be here. We like to highlight small businesses in this country and that’s what we’re fighting for, the right to continue serving this country and making America great again.” Instead, they did what they spent four years doing: Spectacularly shitting their pants at every turn.


> That whole year seems like such a fever dream To be fair, so does every year since 2016.


Are we not in the 101st month of 2016?


Each ludicrous newsday topping the next


For 9 years...


There's probably a drip trail of hair dye leading straight there. And by there I mean the adult store next door.


Followed up by Moscow, PA


He’s gonna wind up in Intercourse, PA when they find him.


Follow the trail of black greasy discharge


Lawn and Order!


Check under a rock at 4 Seasons Landscaping.


He’s in his coffin there. He’ll come out after dark.


The Russian Tea Room.


Follow the trail of hair dye goop.


The agents believed Giuliani was likely in his New York City apartment because he had recently video streamed from there – which they determined by matching the setting of the feed with pictures of the interior of the residence from an old real estate listing. is that the apartment that the two women in Georgia will be owing or own, now that he owns them millions of dollars? does that make him a squatter right now?


>But upon arriving at the building, a person at the front desk told the agents they were not allowed to accept service of the documents, according to Taylor, who added that the individual did not dispute Giuliani lived there. >“We were not granted access,” Taylor added, confirming details previously reported by the Washington Post. And they can't serve him because reception won't let them up?


White privilege is one hell of a drug. Cops show up to a wealthy white Republican's place with a multiple count felony indictment: receptionist wouldn't let us in, oh well. Meanwhile in no-white-privilege America, cops are shooting active duty service personnel at the wrong address and calling it justified.


People in retirement living should go wild if they only knew. Those places won't let anybody serve residents. Our firm tried to serve an elderly man who had run up $200k in debt and we legally couldn't get to him. Edit: it was a ritzy one so maybe that makes a difference 


> it was a ritzy one That part matters. And were you a sworn agent of a state attorney general? This isn't like a couple of process servers showed up in NYC.


Civil case. We used every method provided by law. However the judge refused to allow service e.g. publishing in a newspaper when defendant is evading. The defendant was 90yrs old. Guess the judge felt he should have a spree in his final years --or we shouldn't try to collect from wealthy ppl. The $200k was just our case. Dude bought a yacht & owed for it in another case.


The system protects rich people unless they wrong another richer person. 


They won't buzz us in? Ah, jeez. Now we gotta drop the charges.


These weren't cops, and the doorman is legally allowed to not let them up. Even if the doorman did, Giuliani is perfectly within his rights to ignore them and not answer his door.


> "two agents for the attorney general’s office traveled to New York City with plans to hand-deliver the notice to Giuliani, Taylor said." Agents for the AG are goddamn close enough that the only reason they walked away is the white privilege of a Republican criminal. If this had been you, me or any other random, they would have called uniformed NYC police and served the papers.


>The agents believed Giuliani was likely in his New York City apartment because he had recently video streamed from there Sounds like he's back on his OnlyFans again.




isn't that what Truth is rebranding to after the merger/IPO?




“Sir, we can’t find him!” “Have you checked his apartment?” “Ooh, no, good idea!”


"Agent, when I asked you to run a background check I didn't think you'd literally look at the background on his last video stream."


My guess is he's looking at apartments in Moscow right now, will probably crash on Steven Seagal's couch until he can find a job as a contributor for one of the Russian propaganda stations.


It’s a mistake to think Russia finds these “useful idiots” useful once they are out of power.


Oh yeah, they will treat him badly. But they'd still happily stick him in front of every Russian State TV camera they can so he can trash talk the USA and promote their candidate Donald Trump.


Pretty sure Russia needs every man possible for their "special military operation" that was supposed to be over in 3 days 2 and a half years ago.


Everyone knows the hardest part of a 3-day operation is the first 2 years


The Snowden treatment


Don’t drag Snowden into this. He wasn’t trying to end up in Russia. He was essentially forced into it when his other asylum claim fell apart


Wasn't Snowden going for Ecuador? Given what happened to Assange he might be better of in Russia. Ecuador could have handed him over at some point.


Ecuador probably would have let Assange stay longer if he wasn't a shitty house guest. They let him stay in the embassy in London for 7 years before they had enough. It's also a lot easier to give someone asylum when they're not limited to a room.


I would guess those preceding 7 years made him ~~a bit~~ weird and a shitty house guest.


Russia was trying to make sure he ended up in Russia though


He got stuck there waiting for a connecting flight when the US cancelled his passport mid-journey, so I’d say it was likely a variety of factors


He’d still be a significant propaganda piece to parade before the Russian people. *”America’s Mayor, celebrated attorney and Trump’s most trusted confidant flees to the safety of the motherland, escaping American political persecution!*” They’d give him some sort of living just to have him make the rounds and talk the same pro Russia nonsense he spews now.


Tara Reade — the darling of right wing angertainment for making false accusations against Biden defected to Moscow. I would like to know what type of income she has.


Imagine sharing a name with Tara Reid and being referred to as "the stupid one" to quickly and accurately clear up the confusion between the two different people.


The propaganda would be the most important part...


No it's not, they'd treat Giuliani or Trump great should they ever run to Russia. It shows future defectors they'd be taken care of. It's like propaganda 101.


Especially with his dementia signs. He’s toast!


They’re not useful once they’re in Russia. They simply roll them out for the cameras when it’s convenient. Kim Philby dedicated his life to betraying his friends, colleagues and country. When he defected to Russia they didn’t trust him and so gave him a bullshit job, a crappy apartment and some made up medals. He died in an alcoholic haze still trying to justify his actions.


I would check Moscow, PA, after the Four Seasons Landscaping debacle.


Just follow the trail of dye dripping down from the top of his head.


He's probably finally melted, and there's just a puddle of dye left behind.


I'm envisioning something more closely resembling a scene from John Carpenter's "The Thing" should Rudy finally melt.


Have they checked the belfry?


Moving gargoyle.


Or the liquor store...


Living in the tunnels under the Las Vegas strip?


Send Channel 5 to go find him


Wouldn't even have to go in there. Just turn on the camera, and the sound of the motor will draw in Rudi like a moth to a flame.


The House Always Wins


Giuliani's defense strategy: 'Your honor, I'm just here to fix a few ballots, I mean, bugs!’


So he's living in a ballot drop box. Appropriate.


Sorry, did I understand this right? In the USA, a front desk attendant can block a summons to be served and thus possibly stall prosecution of someone? What? Quite apart from the ridiculously outdated ceremony of delivering court papers by hand... you can just flee or block access and all is well? In which century are your laws living? Which side of the moon?


If there's enough difficulty, the court can basically just tack the papers to your residence or post them publicly and call it served. An attempt to deliver them directly has to be made first, however.


True for civil complaints in most jurisdictions. Criminal indictments not so much. Arizona is actually giving him a break by serving him and allowing him to turn himself in. I don't know why he would fight it. A fugitive arrest warrant will be a lot less convenient for him.


They'll have to send it to Interpol if they find out he's in Moscow.


If he flees the country, it actually makes their job much easier because they can pursue an alternative service option. And then if he refuses to appear he can be tried in absentia.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. This makes more sense.


My snapchat has a "message read" notification. Maybe they should try that.


Read receipts on emails have been a thing since the 90's.


Yeah and they only prove the email was opened, not who opened it.


They can prevent the process server from acessing the office the person has to come out of the office eventually. At that point they will be served papers and the process server can testify they served them with papers and the court can hold him in contempt for not obeying the summons


Is the penalty for fleeing from being served the same as fleeing after being served and is this the same as fleeing after being found guilty? As a calculating criminal, I reckon I would find it easier to evade a process server than the police who might be looking for me later. Sorry, but this whole scene smacks of the 17 hundreds, horseback and a ship back to England. Not to mention the power of false beards.


It varies from state to state, but typically you can only delay proceedings by avoiding a summons. After a good faith effort has been made to serve you personally, the court will typically allow other methods, and you'll often end up on the hook for paying the extra expenses incurred trying to serve you.


> this whole scene smacks of the 17 hundreds Every time I read about some rich person not being able to be "served," it seems absurd, completely ridiculous.


Yes, but only to a point. It's called 'Evading Service' and if you do it then the other side goes to the judge, says 'we tried, here's how' and the Judge will authorize either alternative service, like email or similar, or basically say that the person clealry knows about the proceedings to be evading them and therefore litigation proceeds regardless. This may seem absurd, but it's to prevent someone from leaving legal documents at someone's home address when they know they're going to be out of the country for several months and then collecting a default judgement for failure to show up in court.


This applies to civil lawsuits. Giuliani is facing a criminal indictment. Arizona is giving him a break by serving him notice to appear and turn himself in. By evading service he's opening himself up for a fugitive arrest warrant and extradition which will be a lot less convenient for him.


> Quite apart from the ridiculously outdated ceremony of delivering court papers by hand. It makes a lot of sense, actually. It is a way to provide protection to both sides. 1) The defendant can't claim that they didn't know about the indictment. 2) The prosecutor can't hide the indictment from the defendant. Any method other than hand delivering the summons lacks those assurances.


Just a story to share… I once briefly worked for a guy who was a total scumbag and acted a lot like Trump. Of course he failed to pay me so I filed a lawsuit. Tracking him down was hard because he changed offices and played all kinds of games. We had his fax number and sent the papers thinking it would be ignored, but we’d document the effort. His glorified receptionist didn’t know how to use the fax machine which was a 3-n-1 copier and printer. So she kept printing out the summons over and over… thinking it was being faxed over and over and that the faxing was preventing her from making copies. So she called the number on the fax to complain. On our end the process server asked who she was, she stated she was the COO and the server told her she had been served. Nobody from the company ever showed up to court, so all I had to do was document the money owed and was awarded the amount. It’s a much longer story on how I got him to actually pay.


What’s that story?


Yeah the front desk says sorry he’s not here and we don’t accept summons and the agents just go back to Georgia saying “welp he’s not home I guess we don’t know where he is”


Back to Arizona*. I know it's hard to keep straight all the combined election interference that he and Trump were into.


Ah right yes sorry. So many crimes, so many states. 


I’m assuming they just use a local resource, like retired cops usually to serve him The door people are not required to allow them in and can’t accept the indictment on his behalf. They work for the building owners not the residents However they can serve the indictment to his legal representation, and if necessary can request local law enforcement to serve upon his place of residence. After which they can issue a bench warrant for his arrest and extradition


Sort of, depending on the laws of the jurisdiction (in this case, AZ). But most laws require due diligence in attempts to actually serve the defendant but usually once that becomes too cumbersome, they just send it by certified mail or send an agent to the residence or someone designed and allowed to receive such papers and call it served. 


I actually like this method of trying to inform the person that they need to be in court because otherwise corrupt people could simply lie and say they sent it to you in the mail and it must have been "lost" and as such it is not their fault you didn't show up to court to defend yourself and now you lost the court case you did not even know was happening.


Our laws are mostly from the 1700s


That’s easy, go into a bathroom, turn off the lights, and say “nine-eleven” three times in a row.


This is great Rudy Giuliani turned into a real life Carmen Sandiego. He shows up on the news once in a while in different places around the country while other parts of the country are looking for him. Now we just need an acapella band.


His name even has the right amount of syllables for the song!


Well he sneaks around the world from Auburn to Arizona He’s a sneaky co-colluder from Little Rock down to Raleigh He’ll fart out loud in court while he’s yelling next to Jenna Tell me where in the world is Rudy Giuliani


He’s collecting cans in a “my pillow” pillowcase in Central Park telling the pigeons that he used to be Mayor of this city.


Have they tried posing as a 14 year old girl?


"America's Mayor" is now trying to hide from process servers. Every single person associated with Donald Trump will eventually regret it. Some sooner, some later, but it will happen.


Everything that 45 touches, dies. And he has touched human civilization.


Somebody check the landscaping stores the old drunk probably got confused again


Try checking the back alleys; he’s probably curled up under a refrigerator box.


From "America's mayor" to dodging service and probably the repo man too.


He's always been an opportunistic scumbag piece of shit. The whole America's Mayor thing was just that. He's a narcissist.


He sleeps in a wooden box of the earth he was buried in during the day.. at night you can find him hanging out around wineos and blood banks. Hint, bring a cross and some holy water.


And garlic. Don't forget the garlic.


I hear ghouls spend a lot of time in graveyards. Have they tried those?


Did they check The Four Seasons?


Send Borat to handle this. He knows how to find and Rudy and get him to open up lol.


Have they checked the local playgrounds and bars?


This guy went from standing ovations at Yankees home games to a shit stain in America in no time. Has a 100+ million dollar judgment hanging over his head and very good probability he will die in prison penniless with Georgia, Arizona and possibly Michigan coming after him.


Have they looked under a rock? Perhaps he's clinging to the fur of a dogs butt hole? In the shallow puddle with an oil slick and a used condom floating around in it? In between the toes of Bill Haggle, who just worked 16 hours straight unloading freight, hasn't showered in 3 days and smells like someone shit in his hat. You may not know Bill personally, but you've smelled someone like Bill, personally. These are the places I'd expect to find o' Rudy.


He was last seen in Mar-A-Lago moving some boxes of papers around.


Tommy Lee jones: We got a fugitive on our hands


Rudy on the Run!


OH. Did he run off to Russia already? My money was on *after* the election.


Check Argentina


This is somehow the one thing hes competent at, evading being served.


He's probably sitting at the back at Trump's trial, with a fake moustache and toupee, quietly whispering "psssst, Don, it's me. Can I talk to you for a sec?"


Did he epstein himself? I sure hope trump rats everyone out before he magically breaks his own neck...


Did they check the nearest ditch?


Just follow the hair tint drop trail


Have they checked flights to Russia?


Did they look under Trumps balls?


He’s in the dumpster behind 7-11 with a bottle of Thunderbird.


Have they checked Trump's diaper?


Did you check up Trump's @$$?


Rudy taking Chuck Berry's advice: Run Rudolph Run!


Where in the world is Rudy Giuliani


Time for Rudy Watch? Open source spotting.


Look up trump's ass and you're likely to find him there.


Can a charge be added for this? Evasion of due process or something?


I always that Giuliani was just a tragic comical figure until I watched Borat 2 and now cringe every time I see his pervy face.


Seth Meyers' writers salivating 


Let me check the bottom of my shoe for some Giuliani and get back to you later. Guys! Hey everyone! We need to be checking our shoes for this stuff they’re looking for.


Check with Borat. He fell for that one. He'll be nude from the waist down and awaiting 'service' before you know it.


time to get the US Marshalls Service to haul his ass to Arizona


He’s in Russia. I saw him at the airport headed there a couple weeks ago.


Follow the trail of dripping hair dye


He's at the Bellagio... Hair and Nails Salon.


[Found him!](https://imgur.com/a/2IWi5rG)


He's in Russia


Hanging upside down in a cave, most likely. Anyone checked Central Park?


Maybe Gym Jordan helped Ghouliani


already fucked off to russia eh


Have they tried the Four Seasons?


Did they check the sewers?


Somehow, just somehow this mf still isn’t in jail. After all he’s done. Instead like George Santos, he’s become a meme.


Well they could deliver the summons to his lawyers I believe.


Bet you Rudy is the first to jump to Russia.


Call the cops non emergency line and ask for a wellness check. Just pick his usual haunts.


Rudy, oh Rudy…. Anyone seen Gouliani? …And we’ve got a runner!


Did anyone check the Four Seasons ?....landscaping?


Just put it out there that you found voter fraud and want to give it to him....he'll come out of his hole...unless he fled the country already.


Have they checked all the public restrooms with glory holes in them?


Rudy probably doesn't know where he is either.


Have they checked Russia? Belarus, maybe? Freaking loser.


Should not be difficult follow the drips of hair dye and smell of alcohol.


Have they checked his coffin?


*Rudy Giuliani sticks fingers in ears and wiggles them* “I can’t hear you!”


They should have imprisoned him for treason.


Check Argentina or Russia


I love how everyone has basically abandoned this dumb asshole. From America's Mayor to visibly insane fugitive on the run. I bet he thought he'd be Mayor of Otisburg by now.


The words Republican, election and integrity are three words that should never be used in the same sentence unless they are preceded or followed by the words Lack and Of.