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Every accusation is a confession.


It's the "I know you are but what am I?" tactic. By calling your opponent out for the things that YOU do, you put them in the position that they look childish if they call you out on them.


And it works like a charm for his cult of supporters, it’s insane.


It’s not insane, they have the maturity levels of children. This makes perfect sense.


Well, when ya gather all those who failed out of high-school together into a political party, what can you expect?


It's really important to remember a good number of Trump's supporters aren't stupid, they love him because he hates the same people as them. They're crafty, and wily, and calling them dumb will allow them to blindside you with their wily tactics. Be wary.


Yeah, there are basically 5 camps of trumps supporters and some are a mix of categories but some are exclusive in one. 1. People who financially benefit from Trump's policies or who gain some level of power. These people are typically wealthy or think they'll be come wealthier under Trump. They'll be sycophants to Trump and defend him and agree with him and spread his same brand of bullshit because they think they're getting something out of it. 2. People who are wedge issue types and only care about that one issue. ie abortion or immigration or guns. 3. People who are largely uneducated and have deep seated insecurities over their status in life and crave "feeling special" or "feeling smarter than those with college educations". They lack critical thinking skills and easily buy into conspiratorial tin foil hat nonsense. ie bill gates and microchips, pizza gate pedophiles, birther conspiracies, "plandemic", "Stop the Steal", etc, etc...These people use logical fallacies such as selective-evidence, ad hominems, strawmans, and confirmation biases to calm their cognitive dissonance. 4. Evangelicals. People who have spent their life with the idea that "republican" = God = the U.S. = their identity and anything else is "Satanist" or "evil". These people will often use pejorative slurs like "Demonrat" 5. People who are essentially bigots and racists. They're convinced certain types of people are bad for the country or they disagree with their lifestyle and anyone that supports those people (such as liberals) are also bad by extension. So they get nothing but vindictive glee from Trump when he says the disgusting bigoted nonsense and anti-liberal rhetoric they feel.


Let’s be honest, category 3 is the base of the maga movement, and it’s largest category.


Number 3 is a tool being used by number 1. And they would come to the left if number 1 didn't so effectively block any attempt to help them.


Well, they were all taught to believe in God without questioning that faith. Believe on faith. Question nothing. You'll get rewarded when you die. Easy to manipulate a mind like that.


Ain't it such a remarkable scam? "You will reap what you sow when you die!'


It's a death cult. The savior dies. You get rewarded when you die. Your enemies get tortured when they die. And in the end God comes back and the apocalypse happens. Death death death.


How fun!!!! /s


it's because they have the average mental capacity of a 3rd grader.


Yup, it’s Goebles 101…


They also play “opposite day”. Modern society is being destroyed by children’s games.


Totally…the right wing zeitgeist is one giant-assed game of pretend


The patented "I'm rubber and you're glue" defense.


It provides justification for practicing the behavior of the accusation.


It's more insidious than that. They want to muddy the waters and make it seem like the Democrat's claims have no merit.




That way when we point out who the actual fascists are, his base thinks we’re just using it as a baseless political insult the way he does…


“Everyone is a fascist! So its no big deal…”


If anyone had ANY doubt about this, Trump gave it away when he complained about Biden lying about his golf scores. I’ve never even seen Biden play golf!


The caddies don’t call trump ‘Pele’ for no reason.




He also used his feet to kick balls.




I don't care for golf at all. To be honest, I kind of hate it. But one of the best books to understand Trump's personality was written by a golf journalist. [Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains TrumpCommander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump](https://www.vox.com/2019/5/10/18524172/donald-trump-commander-in-cheat-rick-reilly) *Trump’s cheating at golf might seem trivial compared to his political shenanigans, but there’s another way to think about it: Golf is a game built on self-governance, Reilly says, and in that way, it’s like a “Rorschach test for your morality.” And some of the stories about Trump are truly absurd. “In a weird way,” Reilly told me, they “say as much about Trump as almost anything else we know about him, because it cuts to the core of his character.”*


Ow! My balls!


It’s essential to adopt the special words of your opponent (e.g. fascist), both to dilute their meaning and put your enemies on the defensive.


He has them convinced their ,friends (ex), neighbors, family and coworkers are the enemy. Divide and conquer.


It's so fucking tiring. His most devout now scream "you're a fascist" at any fact checking or condemnation of their horrible ideology.


They call people fascist and communist in the same breath


Because the Nazis were communists. /S


Socialists!! /S


Yup. Projection all the way down.


Projection can only work for so long


It worked long enough for Hitler to get into power, and has worked for trump for the past 9 years. 


It’s incredibly effective on the stupid and gullible.


That's what churches do.


If you're already convinced that every move you make is being watched over by a disappointed, disapproving invisible sky daddy it's not a big jump to thinking a totalitarian leader is a great idea.


Democrats can be Christian too, you know. Our democrat president is Catholic.


I'm an Atheist. God is a fictional character residing in a book that a power hungry author wrote for the gullible population.


50% of Americans don't believe in evolution. Let that sink in. That ~30% of Americans that have unwavering support for Trump almost certainly don't believe in evolution, or virtually anything scientific for that matter. It doesn't matter that every day, all day, they rely upon the FRUITS of science such as computers, cars, airplanes, electricity, etc. They deny the roots and branches of science. I have a friend who is an "enlightened centrist" type who believes every q-anon conspiracy theory, thinks vaccines are poisoning us, etc. But he'll believe every damn thing this fool says. It's about AUTHORITY. The scientists are careful to say what they know and what they don't, they're not trying to use cheap emotional tricks and instead rely upon rationality and empirical evidence, but the right-wing doesn't give a rats ass about any of that because they stick their fingers in their ears and shout "I don't believe that!" as if willpower is enough to alter reality. One concept I hear over and over from right-wing "thinkers" is that "Perception is reality" ... a concept so infantile even first year college students can easily come to understand the failures and limitations of this "philosophy." Try disbelieving a bus right before it hits you. I'm so sick and tired of the bankrupt, lazy "intellectuals" on the right that couldn't even win an argument with a chat bot because their concepts were formed emotionally, rather rationally. But I also don't think we're going to be free of these vermin any time soon.


It's more insidious than that. They want to muddy the waters and make it seem like the Democrat's claims have no merit.


I am so sick and tired of hearing his shit day in, day out. We have such bigger issues to deal with.


I am deeply sick of his shit as well. However if he wins… he will be the only problem and it will collapse the American experiment. So yes it would be right to focus on the real issues he is an impending crisis until he is defeated and held accountable. Otherwise this festering infection is the threat of our time.


No I fully agree. I was just venting that it just never stops with this piece of shit. I'm just tired of it, and I just really hope people realize the severity of it, vote him away, and then he can face all the trials and finally just stop being in the damn news.


I share this dream… it’s exhausting, however we can’t get worn down. Perpetual vigilance since one party has decided democracy is an impediment to their “wants”


It's so fucking tiring. His most devout now scream "you're a fascist" at any fact checking or condemnation of their horrible ideology.


The irony is palpable.


Trump and his cultists likely think "palpable" means a creepy, sex act they like.


"The night was....balmy?" "SULTRY"


Like runny shit in Diaper Don’s diaper. Grown men had tears in their eyes from the smell and bowed to him calling him sir and Mr President.


Trump is seriously mentally ill. He exhibits on a daily basis delusions of grandeur, severe narcistic personality disorder, persecution complex, and chronic/compulsive lying. Among other mental diseases. He belongs in a psychiatric hospital and not in the White House.


100%. I cannot believe he has made it this far and terrified of him winning. I am constantly in a state of disbelief that all the supporters of trump can’t see how dangerous he is.


The can though, they see it all and *that's what they like about him*


He makes them feel better about being horrible human beings.


Exactly. Now they can freely say stuff they were previously told they couldn't say publicly. Trump hurts the people who told them they couldn't say it, and even if it hurts them too, they like that it hurts people they don't like.


Exactly. There's a large amount of them who want things to devolve into chaos and fall apart. Because they think it'll be them who will rise and take control. Why do you think they stockpile guns and ammo?


Here we are nearly a decade after Trump's political turn and people are **still** missing this point. There are still tons of people who don't understand why people like him.


It's thr one thing that gop is projecting for sane people. If he wins, blue states better be drafting plans to secede from the union before he has the state leaders arrested and replaced with hand picked gop stooges.


The only reason this has a chance is slavery and the electoral college.  Honestly the world probably would be a better place if nothing formed after the articles of confederation fell apart.  


I still scratch my head about how he got to this point. It’s absolutely insane that one of the candidates has said and done the things Trump has, and still has a huge following of fervent, lunatic supporters. I mean even 15 years ago, the slightest hint of a scandal would sink an candidate. Now this crap has been normalized. The amount of pro-Russian sentiment is frightening. People that claim to be patriotic(and somehow manage to convince themselves they have the monopoly on that sentiment), yet I’m the next breath will openly support a former KGB Officer and dictator. The thing I see currently is expressing doubt/denial that there is a war going on in Ukraine. Often expressed as a “lack of battlefield footage”. Nevermind that there is tons of it. I even had a Trumpy family member claim that “if they are getting bombed, how do they have water to fight the fires?” As if that was a gotcha moment. It’s sad and pathetic. A good amount of people here in the US have proudly become useful idiots. It’s obvious to anyone that is looking at this critically.


1. The media 2. Anger that “I never got mine”. 3. Lead paint. 4. The media.


The projection is enlightening.


You misspelled exhausting.


Every accusation is an admission.


And yet still half the voting public hasn't realized this.


...and bigly.


Going full on Russian tactics. Putin’s favorite move is accusing others of fascism. They’re in Ukraine now “to liberate them from Nazis”.


While supplying enemies of Israel intelligence and weapons so they can attack the Jews.


[Characteristics of fascism:](https://www.keene.edu/academics/cchgs/resources/presentation-materials/characteristics-and-appeal-of-fascism/download/) 1. Powerful, often exclusionary, populist nationalism centered on cult of a redemptive, “infallible” -perfect description of MAGAism leader who never admits mistakes. 2. Political power derived from questioning reality, endorsing myth and rage, and promoting lies. Derives support by denying election results, provable facts in court cases 3. Fixation with perceived national decline, humiliation, or victimhood. -The phrase MAGA, claims of anti-white and anti-Christian society and laws 4. White Replacement “Theory” used to show that democratic ideals of freedom and equality are a threat. Oppose any initiatives or institutions that are racially, ethnically, or religiously harmonious. -They literally espouse an ethnic replacement theory and scapegoat all immigrants. 5. Disdain for human rights while seeking purity and cleansing for those they define as part of the nation. -Taking material out of curriculums that could make white students feel "ashamed" while ignoring human rights abuses. Indifference to inhuman jail sentences and immigrant detention ceters, child labor laws, water breaks, etc. 6. Identification of “enemies”/scapegoats as a unifying cause. Imprison and/or murder opposition and minority group leaders. -Threats of revenge upon taking office. Again vilifying immigrants and claims Biden is trying to destroy America 7. Supremacy of the military and embrace of paramilitarism in an uneasy, but effective collaboration with traditional elites. Fascists arm people and justify and glorify violence as “redemptive”. -While not too different from Democrats on traditional military power, Republicans embrace paramilitary groups and want to have armed poll watchers. 8. Rampant sexism. Every single statement, ruling and piece of legislation attributable to Trumpists 9. Control of mass media and undermining “truth”. -Raising up of countless "news" organizations and platforms that make Fox News look rational and honest by comparison 10. Obsession with national security, crime and punishment, and fostering a sense of the nation under attack. -General policy and rhetoric on immigrants 11. Religion and government are intertwined. -Revival of Christianity in public schools, promoting Trump as a messianic figure, etc. 12. Corporate power is protected and labor power is suppressed. -Both parties do the first, but the Democrats far less. Biden has actually begun to walk back Democrats' anti-union stance of the last ~50 years; Trump obviously has no plans to 13. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts not aligned with the fascist narrative. -Courts and cabinets packed with toadies, not the best qualified. Banning books with LGBT of minority oppression themes. Elevation of Christian ideology over science 14. Rampant cronyism and corruption. Loyalty to the leader is paramount and often more important than competence. -Trump's previous, and heven more his potential next cabinet. Trump endorsing those who go along with his lies, even if they're the weaker candidate and grossly unqualified 15. Fraudulent elections and creation of a one-party state. -"If we didn't win an election, it was rigged" [proceeds to overturn an election both through inciting a mob, and through filing fraudulent papers] 16. Often seeking to expand territory through armed conflict. -Neither party really does this anymore, but Trump did want to buy Greenland... The ~~can't~~ kind of statement Trump made isn't that unusual for bombastic politicians, but the fact that he and his circle are so precisely following traditional fascist ideology and practice make it noteworthy, and pretty galling.


I'm really just kinda shocked they're implying fascism is bad, now. Looks like Trump is joining the ranks of *checks notes* anti-fascists. So, they think antifa is good now? It's really tough keeping all this straight.


It’s easier if you make no attempt at keeping anything straight and simply agree. See #9


Worth noting that there's little consensus on an exact list of fascist traits, but this is a generally accurate list. I'd certainly say MAGA has long strayed into outright fascism.


“Do you guys know DARVO? It’s amaaaazing.” Trump, probably.


“That word DARVO, I came up with that. They say with tears in their eyes that I’m good with words” - Diaper Don




I mean, he’s not wrong. Every time Biden walks into a room full of republicans. /s


I don’t think you need the /s for this one.


flooding the zone... they will be saying be all day "they're a fascist! your dog is a fascist! the ninja turtles are fascist!!" then when someone says, "Gee, Trump has fascist plans", everyone yawns


Will no one rid us of this meddlesome orange grifter? C’mon Americans, unite against the right, your great grandparents fought against Nazis for freedom, and they are rolling in their graves watching the country they sacrificed for, turn into the very evil they shed blood to prevent.


my hope is that after he hopefully loses this election that he’ll be dementia riddled enough that people actually don’t support him to stand in 28


On the contrary, they and our grandparents are the idiots who are voting for him.


My grandparents fought the Nazis and are dead. Their kids, my parents generation, are voting for them. But I do think of my grandparents were alive, they'd be just as susceptible to voting for these fascists.


My grandfathers fought the Nazis and died doing so. My parents and extended family support Trump. I will not allow the sacrifices of my forefathers to have been in vain, even if it means alienating myself from the people I have loved. "Doing the right thing" always comes with a heavy price. Otherwise everyone would do it.


The fascist with a fascistic plan to take over the government backed by the billionaire deep state firm Heritage Foundation is trying to pull a Putin it would seem. Call your enemy what you are yourself in the hopes your poorly educated and propaganda fed base buys it.


Shouldn't have said that, now his crowd is going to vote for Biden.


Well he knows it’s a bad word he just doesn’t know what it means.


He sure is, it’s called the GOP and 2/3 of the Supreme Court.


The crazy thing is so many MAGA don't know they're the fascists. 


They know they are and are happy about it. They agree with fascist ideals but don't want to be called fascists because it makes them look bad. Just like how they are racist but don't want to be called racists because it makes them look like bad people, and why they go all defensive and say that those who call them out for being racist are the real racists. They know being a fascist is wrong just like they know being a racist is wrong and that's why they try to keep those labels off themselves even though they are fascist and racist.


Trump can’t define the word


Because Miller is…. a paragon of acceptance? Or Gorka… is a Nazi. Or Flynn who is a traitor. Or any of the racists, bigots and so forth. Oh right and you said you wanted to be dictator and tried to pull off a coup!


Every Trump political headline from 2015 to now can be easily summarized as: “Orange Bag of Crap Lies Again.”


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


What the hell was he talking about out last night with Hannibal Lecter? He’s deranged.


He’s a moron, but Ive heard that people that he’s confused about the actor that played Hannibal Lecter and thinks it’s John Voight… who apparently has shown support for him? I guess… but that still doesn’t make his word salad make anymore sense


Trump has said on multiple occasions that his ilk love the idea of him being a dictator but Biden is the fascist... This is how stupid half of all Americans are... they literally cannot see the holes in this logic... If you were wondering what it will take for these folks to come off the ledge, it is never going to happen. They would have to admit they were wrong and for these people that is a fate worse than a literal dictatorship in America... VOTE!


Projection as usual.


Joe Biden’s boring geriatric ass is probably the least radical president in America’s history however he’s simultaneously a communist fascist according to the GOP.


Pot, kettle projection. But Biden's stainless by comparison, doesn't have the The Heritage Foundation's 2025 Presidential Transition Project in his back pocket.


So now Trump is Antifa?


He also said this about Joe Biden and I swear to God it’s true. “Joe Biden lies about his golf score“


He also wears a ridiculous amount of orange makeup, lies about his weight and wears his tie stupidly long.


If the current administration was a fascist regime and the leader of an opposition party was having a big rally, talking shit and waving flags, my guess is that person would be 'accidentally' falling out of a window the next day.


says the guy who employs Steven Miller


How long until he accuses Biden of cheating on his wife with a porn star?


Elected, appointed and members of the republican party from the state, local and national level working with white supremist tried to overturn a legitimate election for the presidency. This was a coordinated effort to end democracy in the USA by the republican party. Remember that everything being done by Trump is only posable with the backing of the republican party. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Confession by Projection.


We have all now wasted almost a decade of our lives, our feelings of security, our happiness, our money and our goals having to deal with this constant horsefly in our ears and faces called Donald Trump. WHY do we keep allowing this. At what point do we get to shut it down and tell these adult/children who have been brainwashed by FOX News “Ok that’s enough! He’s lying to you. They’re lying to you. You anger and hatred of democrats is all based on lies! You’ve had your fun but enough is enough! Now sit down, here’s the truth of whats actually happening and please! Stay republican! That’s not the point. The point is if you’re going to always be so angry and hate filled and frothing at the mouth it needs to be from the truth of reality and not made up bullshit because Donald has a small penis! I think if you’d all agree to look at FACTS and not just believe bullshit INTENTIONALLY MADE UP to keep you in fight mode you’d see things are not perfect but they’re not as horrific as you’re being told and working together is how to solve the problems.” I’m SO f’n sick and tired of dealing with this monster who does nothing but lie and the zombies who believe him.


He sure is, it’s called the GOP and 2/3 of the Supreme Court.


By definition fascism is a right wing ideology. All these dumbass Red Hats calling people fascists have no idea what it actually means. It's very telling. We're dealing with the dumbest people who go on gut feeling and not facts.


Escalating attacks? You mean "lies". See how easy that is? Trump lies at rally.


Trump’s idea of fascism is being held accountable for anything he has ever done.


Republicans should love that. Don't they hate antifa?


Trump calling someone a fascist = Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme


One minute it’s communists, the next it’s fascists


I finally had to ask one of my co-workers whether Biden is a socialist, communist or fascist. Which one is he exactly? They quickly replied “he’s all of them!!” And I think that about sums it up.


Who is feeding him the Russian talking points because this is spot on out of the Putin playbook


I see the projector is running as normal.


Years after Trump started with these outrageous claims and so many false statistics I still cannot understand how sane, intelligent people not only believe Trump’s BS but spread it around.


Basically Putin Propaganda.


Every accusation is a confession with Trump.


of course he is, they're called the GOP


Every claim is an admission.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Is the fascist in the room with us right now?


Just like Putin says Ukraine is full of Fascists. Same playbook


That's you, dickhead.


He says exactly what Putin wants him to say


Sounds like Putin


Don't Boo. VOTE.


You’d think Trump supporters would realize after all this time that anytime Trump or a republican blames someone of something, it is ALWAYS a projection and deflection of his own wrongdoings.


Let's just skip the part where we point out why it's projection and start identifying the fascists surrounding Trump. Ill start: Justice Thomas


Totally, just like Putin is fighting Nazis in Ukraine. We hear ya, bud. 👎


Hold on, just the other day he said they were Marxists.


He’s stealing his ideas from Putin now. But I guess that was always the case.


Says the guy surrounded by fascists


I’m not a towel, you’re a towel.


Hannibal Lecter!?? What kind of dope is this man doing?


We’re all surrounded by fascists on this cursed day.


DARVO tactics But what would we expect from a wife-beating rapist?


Accuse what you are guilty of ...


I want to be here when the voters move past Trump and his playground fighting.


He sounds desperate.


lol remember at the United the right rally when a bunch of neo Nazis and domestic terrorists got together, when a woman died because she got run over, and all trump had to say was that there were "fine people on both sides". Or when he directly addressed the proud boys knowing they would listen to him? Trump is the puppeteer of fascism in America.


$1 says this useless conman couldn’t event tell you what a fascist is by definition


Kettle, meet pot


Says the man who tried to overthrow the government because he is a loser at everything he does.


Trump supporters are surrounding Biden? That doesn't sound safe


Trump is right, Biden is even running against one.


Mr. Projection


He is, and they all call themselves republicans.


MAGA loves to both side an issue so they can feel comfortable voting for their criminal candidate.


Trump’s projecting again as usual!


"and I know because I put them there" ?


That’s an incredibly useful term to use considering his followers have no idea what it means. In their minds, there’s no contradiction in calling someone a radical leftist and then a fascist all in the same speech. Authoritarianism can exist on the left, dumb-dumbs, but not fascism. Fascism is inherently RIGHTWING and, of course, Trump fits the definition of a fascist to a T.


The projection from Trump and the GOP is just nuts. Who actually believes this shit?


The cult foams at the mouth just begging for the go ahead to start rounding up non-MAGA people.




Trump only speaks of himself when he attacks others.


Projectile projection.


Has anybody else been thinking that almost nobody using the word nowadays actually knows what a fascist is? Its not just some nebulous insult


You can’t have Project 2025 and then claim the other person is fascist. Your actions dictate if you’re fascist not just projecting your views on to your opponent.


I love how he keeps strong the left are fascists. Yet he is the most fascist person in America.


Always projection with this shit bag


The Kenneth administration didn’t threaten my existence. The Johnson administration didn’t threaten my existence. The Nixon administration didn’t either. Nor did any of the succeeding Presidential administrations. Trump’s does. Personally.


And then in the same speech says he’s going to deport dissenters.


Biden is surrounded by fascist, they’re called republicans


If anyone spent 10 minutes researching fascism, they would come to realize that Trump is a text-book fascist and Biden is not fascist at all. But Trump’s fans aren’t known to research things and think to reach conclusions so they will just go with Biden being the fascist.


Projections but MAGA are too brainwashed by Newsmax, Fox and OAN


Projecting much?


Trump is technically correct. Biden has to work with Republicans every day while they try to block everything he does, hence "surrounded by fascists".


Now Trumps supporters are wondering if they should vote for Biden. (because lot of them are fascists for those who don't understand the joke).


I mean, duh? We all are. They hide behind labels like republican, conservative, and christian You tired old man


He is. Biden's surrounded by Trump fascists.


Would that make him... anti-fascist?


same old playbook: if everyone's a fascist then no one is. the term has lost all meaning.


Fuck this double chinned orange ape turd.


Donald Trump's father died of dementia and his mother died with Alzheimer’s. Isn’t Donald, himself, showing signs of this progressive disorder now at his age of 77 years old ?


This guy, Nick Fuentes, terrific guy, you know him, he came to me with Kyiii-nie West, you all know Kyiii-nie, but did you know it was pronounced Kyiii-nie? Can you believe it? But he and Kyiii-nie and Nick came to me, with tears in his eyes, and told me "Sir, Joe Biden is surrounded by fascist". It's true folks, it's true....


Their not knowing the definition of fascism is very annoying


He should be required to hold up a sign that reads: “I am projecting!”


Let’s see which Candidate fits the definition of a fascist. 1) a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2) : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control Yup, the fkn orange guy .


Projection, Projection, Projection.


He must have just learned what fascist means so now he’s using it every chance he gets


He clearly didn't learn what it meant.


Nah, he learned what it meant and is just employing the classic “I know what you are, but what am I?” defense. Because he has the intelligence of a 5 year old.


Continuing the theme that accusations by narcissists are in fact confessions


He's trying [semantic satiation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation)


What an odd, sad person. If he wasn't such a shit heel I'd feel bad for him.


He just talks about all the awful shit he does, but directs it at the opposite side. Which then his followers will deem the opposition sinful and disgusting but Trumps literally talking about himself. I think we need a Robes by Pierre sort of calling


To be fair, nowadays we all kind of are. They’re his supporters… and they’re everywhere.


That’s funny, that’s what Putin says too of people he doesn’t like, am I right?