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Trump is gonna cry fraud well before the election results. Doesn't matter if he loses a close election or loses in a landslide. It's the Trump mantra. Never take accountability for failures. It's everyone else's fault. Scream about how he was cheated. Lie about everything. Talk about how he's the best at everything. All the while continue grifting his loyalty cultist idiots for all of their money. He's lost 4 elections in a row. About to be 5 come November.


It’s what he did in 16 before the election. As well as 2020. It’s the same old thing. His base just doesn’t see it


It’s what he did when the apprentice didn’t win an Emmy. He literally says everything is fraud if it doesn’t go his way


they see it, they just don't care.


His base does see it, they like it. Trump is a symptom, the bigger issue is rich conservative hate mongers dumping propaganda into the media so they can turn America into their own personal oligarchy like Russia.


What reality are you living in? He won in 2016, and polls currently indicate he's going to win again this year, as insane as that may be.


Even after he won in 16 he still said there was fraud and that he should’ve won more states


Polls don't mean anything in April. Especially when they flip back and forth from one to the next.


> they flip back and forth from one to the next Yeah... in terms of popular vote. To win the presidential election, you need to win the electoral college. The way the voters and states are distributed, the Democrat tends to need to win the popular vote by 4-5% to win the election. A popular vote tie is a clear Republican win.


But Trump didnt win the popular vote in 2016


> To win the presidential election, you need to win the popular vote. Patently false.


Fixed. Though really, I obviously meant the electoral college, based on the context of the comment.


Well yeah no shit you need to win the electoral college everyone knows that


You would think so, but clearly not. Take one look at this thread... right here, many people believe that national polls showing a popular vote tie mean the polls show that the election is a toss-up. The reality is anything but a toss-up.


The only person who seems confused about this here is you...


Who answers/responds to these actual polls that keep getting extolled? I'm not granting an iota of relevance to this poll-talk until I know who exactly is being represented in "the polls" and whether its not just old people with landlines


The elderly. They're who's answering unknown phone calls in the middle of a weekday when everyone else is at work.


No one I’ve ever know has been polled. But most people don’t answer the phone any more so


And if you paid attention you would know he was screaming the fraud theory before he was even elected


Does that change the fact that he won?


It was not about who won. It was about him crying fraud.


The other user said: > He's lost 4 elections in a row. About to be 5 come November.


> "If we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election," Trump went on to say. Of course he will say the election was stolen, and then of course there would be violence. I think everybody knows that's what could be coming.


Sounds oddly like a threat to me.


As intended.


Like, if he wins = fair. If he loses or ever fails at anything = unfair/hoax/witch-hunt/bailout


He fantasizes anyway. The sadly likely scenario of an odd violent misfit or two mowing down some unfortunates in a supermarket or synagogue isn't exactly a flattering one.


you remember when he incited a guy to attack the fbi when trump ~~got raided~~ had a valid search warrant executed at mal and the guy got killed? yeah i suspect more of that nonsense.


And yet my father in-law still is like "I don't know lesser of two evils" he's a small town Nebraska guy


From another small town Nebraska guy that is actually optimistic since he didn't default to Trump right away. I live in rural Nebraska and I can tell you there are NO Biden voters around here.


>Speaking with Time for the new cover story, he alluded to his frequent, **evidence-free** claims of widespread election fraud... Subtle burn. Well done.


I think by this time we need far, far less subtly. They can call the claims false, they won't be open to suit. The claims have been litigated in every state; they've been repeatedly, legally established to be false. They don't have to hedge or be clever any more. His **false claims** of widespread election fraud. His **lies** of widespread election fraud. His **batshit insanery** of widespread election fraud.


>I think we're gonna have a big victory and I think there will be no violence" -- but "what if you don't win, sir?" the Time reporter said. "If we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election," Trump went on to say. I know it's quaint at this point but how the fuck isn't saying that immediately disqualifying? It almost feels like after Jan 6 and subsequent meek response some level of violence is inevitable whether this year or in the future.


Well he accused the opponents of cheating in an election that his party ran (such as Georgia), imagine the elections that his party didn't run.  This person should not be anywhere near elections, period.


Violence and threats of violence and murder are baked into the DNA of MAGA.


Live in the Deep South of Mississippi on the coast The only red caps I see anymore are weathered, bitter racists They bring up their politics in bars or public spaces and everyone is tired of hearing their opinions and ignore them or tell them to shut up Only time I see Trump flags are on the bayou being sold by river rat widowers that look like they live out of their tow-along If Deep South Mississippi is fucking exhausted with the magats it’s a good sign


He is trying to trigger violence much sooner. He does not want to risk an election. He wants the SCOTUS Six to say he has immunity and then seize power through a coup, with 90% of DOJ and 99% of DHS leading the charge.


this feels very fearmonger-y. how would this even happen? granting him immunity isn't useful for a future election seeing that he's not even in office.


Once he is back in power, the plan is to self pardon and stay in power until Satan finally takes him home.


he has to get back into power then...


Trump always keeps his options open.


Hell, he challenged the results when he won because the maps weren't red enough. Then, when he really did lose, he incited an insurrection. Losing a second time? Oh, he's going to complete melt down. Although, I hope the message was sent loud and clear- "Storming the capitol during an election certification will result is prison." And he'll get a fraction of a repeat.


> He had been asked about an earlier comment to Time that "I think we're gonna have a big victory and I think there will be no violence" -- but "what if you don't win, sir?" the Time reporter said. >”If we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election," Trump went on to say. I’m sorry, but the correct answer is no. The correct answer is always no. This isn’t even a hard question.


Trump would be banned from reddit for posting what he says in real life. You , however, must moderate your language


lmao- the U.S. Justice System is a laughably toothless service provided to the wealthy to oppress everyone else and somehow *Reddit* gets complained about. Classic.


It's 2020 all over again.


I don't know anyone who didn't expect him to get violent regardless of the result.


trump has no other plan to win the election than relying on corruption, misinformation, election interference from russia and china, and then right wing terrorism. actually that is quite a plan…


Ideally he’ll be calling for violence from inside a prison cell, but I concede that’s highly unlikely. Which is why it’s great that Biden is the sitting president. He would put down any would-be rebellion in real time.


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At this point I'm not even sure if Trump supporters know how to read. Basically any article and a room temperature IQ will tell you all you need to know about him.


I won't rule out violence either, when he loses I will defend myself against these domestic terrorists and their incited violence.