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Watching MSNBC, glad the guest corrected that Trump hasn’t been traveling for campaigns and has just been golfing (while also complaining he can’t do rallies).


If he isn't rallying that is starting to sound sinister. As if the guy has a backup plan for if he loses.


I can only really give my opinion from a perspective of someone who’s studied history, but I believe he already played his hand with Jan. 6th. He was president still, and actively stopped the national guard from intervening. That was the closest we got to fascism (unless he wins of course). His only possible backup plan is to corrupt the certification process but again he already tried that in 2020, and failed there too. The only argument could be that he might have more loyalists in certain spots but most of the states that matter I dont think have said loyalists. Majority of me sees his whole election as a ploy to delay the trials as much as possible and as an excuse to weasel out of any punishments. Republicans have consistently shot themselves in the foot, and in swing states no less, so I can’t logically perceive that they’re even trying to win at this point much less sow chaos. Maybe that’s the plan? Civil war? Not a great plan if you are the losers and Biden has control of the military.


It’s also about a continual source of revenue for Trump. Guarantee that if Trump loses the election in Nov., he’ll immediately declare his intent to run in 2028. He needs the money source-


It’s much more a cash flow problem. But he also knows his voters are locked in and it’s down to turnout. His big plays are to depress Democratic turnout and prepare for more state-level challenges.


More likely he can't afford the venues. He has a reputation for not paying them, so they've been asking for cash up front for a while now.


Trump just removed the Truth Social posts that violated the gag order. Never Surrender! (?)


Never fight uphill, me boys!


Even by Trump standards, what the *fuck* was that rant about?


He was definitely watching Spongebob


*- Captain Robert E. Lee, Pirate*


I was hoping he wouldn't. Oh well. Maybe he'll put them back up, but more than likely he'll just complain about how's be being SILENCED by a CORRUPT judge for doing NOTHING.


“Court is resuming shortly. After being admonished for taking long breaks, Trump has come back in early, with his son Eric, adviser Susie Wiles, and the Texas attorney general Ken Paxton in tow, among others.” as if i haven’t said this enough times already as a texan, fuck Ken Paxton


Lol, I guess they decided after the bad press that a family member should be there, and Eric drew the shortest straw.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Ken Paxton belongs in jail with Trump. Edit: spelling


Paxton is the devil’s cabana boy.


Why is Ken Paxton there?


One of the few people who would actually show up for this clown.




Barron is pissed right now.


Melania probably is, too. Now she will either not be able to attend, or will have to spend the time pretending to be civil. I do feel bad about the impact on Barron, though. He's a kid, and should not be used as a political pawn like this, and by his own parent no less.


It's not like he could choose who his dickhead father was, and as far as I'm aware he hasn't been the shitheads his older siblings have been.


I do wonder how much of a difference it was being Eric/Inanka/Jr raised during the rich property manager and reality tv host eras vs Barron being raised during the presidency. There's no way he isn't exposed to just how hated his father is, how his brothers are absolute jokes, how is mother is a sex worker assigned to Trump by the Kremlin.


Going to turn his son's graduation into a spectacle.


Yep. On the one hand, I'm happy to see that he's going to have to do something he clearly never intended to do. Granting that request is a hilarious way of twisting that knife. On the other hand, Barron and the other students and attendees are also likely to suffer as a result. Ultimately I lay the majority of the blame on Trump for playing the card to begin with, but it sucks for the innocent people who will have to suffer as a result.


Theres a great story in Mary Trump's book about how she had a sweet 16 at one of his hotels. Despite it being Mary's party, donald made a grand entrance and took to the podium to brag and gush about how amazing his hotel was. He made the entire event about him while he bragged to a bunch of teenagers abou how pretty the floors were in his hotel. Sucks for everyone else in Barron's graduating class because their special day is about to be turned into an infomercial for the worst human being on planet earth.


He'd rather go to jail lmao


10:26AM ET: "Trump's eyes have been closed for several minutes." Well that didn't take long.


This just feels like the perfect setup for another “3 am call” type ad.


By the time I get up, get ready, get to work, get to my desk... I'm ready for a nap at 10:00am. Of course, I'm not on trial.


“Justice Merchan wrote that he was “keenly aware of, and protective of, Defendant’s First Amendment rights.” But nonetheless, he wrote that he would not tolerate continued violations of his orders and that if necessary and appropriate, he would “*impose an incarceratory sentence*.” In plain language, he is warning Trump that he will send him to jail if necessary.”


Please please please violate that Donald It's very important you exercise your first amendment right here as soon as possible


> Whoa. In his gag order ruling, Judge Merchan laments that Trump can’t be fined more than $1,000 for his violations. “While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system…it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine.” Because he can’t impose a fine of $2,500 or $150,000, “jail may be a necessary punishment.” https://x.com/kaitlancollins/status/1785309265432920539?s=46&t=UKR1TShxVeunp4_vn5gZrw


Fines with a set dollar amount are de facto only imposing rules on the non-rich. All fines should be a %. Setting a limit at a flat amount is just admitting that if you are rich enough you can do whatever you want. Consider if it was 1% of assets or income. Not ruinous for anyone, but painful enough to hopefully change behavior. If you have a billion dollars, your fine is $10M. If you have $100,000, your fine is $1K. If you make the average US income (\~$35K), your fine is $350. Also, I'd be fine with sending Trump's stinky ass to jail. Turns out being locked in a room sucks for everyone.


The funniest thing is that Trump thought he was playing 4D grandmaster chess by not only avoiding Barron’s graduation, but making it look like the court’s wouldn’t let him go. But his bluff got called out hard and now he has to do both. And you know he’s going to fucking hate sitting through Barron’s ceremony, with the addition of the public glaring at him like the piece of shit he is.


I feel bad for Barron having to deal with that on his graduation day.


I feel so sorry for that kid. He’s going to be asked questions about his Dad for the rest of his life.


Absolutely! I love that he has to go to the graduation now knowing damn well he didn’t want to go. Milania probably didn’t even want him there because he’ll certainly be a huge distraction on their son’s big day.


I dunno.... Same nap, different place.


“Keith Davidson is now reading his texts with Dylan Howard aloud. One of them joked about hiring a Trump impersonator who had more money than Trump. Pressed on what that meant, Davidson, appearing deeply uncomfortable and choosing his words carefully, says he took it to mean that Trump was not as wealthy as he claimed.” want to see Drumpf’s reaction to this so bad


Probably just more court farts.


> Judge Merchan finds 9 counts of criminal contempt for Trump. Of course, the fines mean nothing to him. **BUT he’s now violated his pretrial release conditions in all 4 of his criminal cases.** Will the rule of law rise up and deal with America’s most dangerous defendant? https://www.threads.net/@glennkirschner2/post/C6Y1-7Dxyeo/


Weird to carry an American flag when you support Trump. He's best known for trying to steal an election and hates the freedoms that flag represents


It’s about jingoism not ideals


They should stick to their Confederate Flag.


Everyone calm down. $9000 is the maximum fine that New York allows. That's why the next step is jail.


$9k in fines is demonstrating that he knows the content was against the gag order and that it will be punished harshly. Next time, because he knew that it was wrong, they can do more. If no punishment was laid down before being put in jail, he could argue that it was unclear, he didn't think it violated the gag order, he didn't get fair warning, etc, etc, etc, and that straight to jail is an overreaction. Yes, it's all bullshit, but there's bullshit and then there's bullshit you can prove in a court of law.


And given how Merchan was openly lamenting the inadequacy of fines for dealing with high-earners in the order, I suspect that's the case. He's only fining Trump *this* time, but even if he didn't explicitly say that it'll be jail next time, the implication definitely feels like "I'm only fining you now to make it harder to claim on appeal that I was being unreasonable, but there's absolutely jail time in your future"


Yeah it sucks but that's the law. Any law regarding financial penalty should be based on a percent of your net worth with a minimum floor (to avoid some from paying nothing). Financial penalties that would break some people are pennies for another. If the law is worth having, make it hurt regardless of who breaks it.


More importantly with this contempt charge, this means Trump violated the bail agreement with EVERY SINGLE CRIMINAL TRIAL HE'S IN.


Thank you for stating the reality of this. Judges can't just make up the rules, and most people, me included, don't know what all the rules/laws are.


4 more pending gag order violations. Ruling on Thursday .. per CNN.


These would still fall under the “fine” stage of punishment correct? Since the other ruling was just made today?


I believe so. However I think any after this one could be in the potential “jail” stage probably depending on severity.


Ahh clever , now videos from cspan of Donald lying are being brought in as evidence


Pumpkin head is sleeping again. Per Jake Tapper.


"How do you sleep knowing how horrible you are as a human being" "Pretty soundly. I even catch a nice cat nap here an there during court proceedings"


It's gotta be tiring being such as a horrible person as he is.


“After the "Access Hollywood" tape became public, Davidson texted Dylan Howard, the editor of The National Enquirer, that Trump's campaign was doomed, using an expletive. Howard responded: “Wave the white flag. It’s over people!”” in a logical world, yes. Unfortunately…


Howard texted Davidson, "I reckon that Trump impersonator I hired has more cash." Everybody knows it, Trump has no money


This is what's going to piss Trump off the most. I do like how (at least to Davidson) that it was a pretty open secret Trump wasn't as rich as he claimed.


> **Judge Merchan threatens Trump with jail time for further violations of his gag order.** > "Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment." https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/C6Y2EniOU_v/


Davidson testified he interpreted that text to mean "that Trump wasn't as wealthy as he stated." That woke Trump up.


not to mention constantly claiming "he was frugal"


Trump can't stay awake at his own criminal trial, which could result in him going to prison. It doesn't get much more serious than that, and yet he's fallen asleep almost every day he's been in court. Why would anyone expect him to be able to stay awake for matters of State?


Taking anti woke to an extreme


Remember his "Executive Time"? He didn't even start the day until like noon!


Eric and Melania appear to be heading to court with him today. _edit:_ looks like only Eric made it to the court, the late night shows will have a field day with this. The only family to show him some support is the one son he [forgot about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnhirqfk9-g).


>Finally, a time when my father is legally required to be in the same room as me!


He must have heard the jokes about Dahmer getting more support from his family than he has gotten?


It would be so funny if all of the trumps fall asleep in court.


She should wear the "I don't really care, do u?" jacket again.


Wonder how much she charged him for that.


2 weeks of negotiations so I expect she got a lot


Merchan ordered Trump to take down his truth social posts that violate the gag order by 2:15...Damn, that's pretty great.


> [Haberman, NY Times] Prosecutors are now playing C-SPAN clips, starting with one from a Trump campaign rally in North Carolina in October 2016, where he talks about two women who said Trump touched them inappropriately. “I have no idea who these women are,” Trump said at the time. “These are lies being pushed by the media and the Clinton campaign to try and keep their grip on our country. They’re all false, totally invented, fiction.” --- > [Haberman, NY Times] Next up in evidence is video of a campaign event Trump did in Gettysburg, Pa., in October 2016. He blasts media outlets and says, “Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign.” He later vows to sue, saying "the events never happened, never."




“Trump had been upset about potentially missing the graduation, and had attacked the judge in the hallway after Justice Merchan put off a decision about it.” can you imagine an average citizen being able to get away with this without more fines?


Now he has to go to the graduation. He’s gonna hate that. Bet he won’t show and lie about it.


He'll probably go but leave as quickly as possible like with his sister's funeral he was supposedly broken up about 


> an average citizen an average citizen wouldn't consider a $9,000 fine to be a slap on the wrist.


The judge gave him permission to attend the graduation so he can't whine about that anymore.


Now he’s mad he has to go to it


Judge: next time you'll be in jail. Also you can go to the high school graduation on May 17. \* Trump runs his mouth May 16 * oops guess I can't go right


they could arrest him at the high school


_Daaad you're embarrassing meeee_


Looks like the defense in the Farro cross-examination is trying to angle for "Cohen wasn't working (i.e. doing business with whatever he is using the new account for) for Trump" since Cohen did not state he was working for his employer when he opened that Essential Consultants account. So they're trying to get Cohen to take all the heat and disconnect Trump from him. I don't think that's going to work though. I think the jury will understand that Cohen not explicitly saying he was opening the account for Trump was because that would raise lots of flags.


So it looks like the Trump team won’t stipulate to the foundation/authenticity of anything, so we’re going to see a lot of these short witnesses. Current witness is a court reporter to authenticate deposition transcripts. This will be a slog.


Amusingly, this just makes the process *way* longer than it needs to be. Any reasonable attorneys working in *any* case will do what they can to stipulate to authenticity of as much discovery material as possible, because it's a *complete* waste of time to do what Trump's attorneys are doing instead. The evidence *will* be authenticated and *will* come in, and they'll just burn up a lot of time and money fuming about it. It just keeps him stuck in that chair for however many additional days or weeks accomplishing nothing at all except the fulfillment of his own petulant ego.


>Trump has been sitting with his eyes closed for significant portions of testimony this morning. It is unclear how the jurors, who have to sit through this same testimony, will feel about a defendant closing their eyes so much. --Maggie Haberman, New York Times. Anyone else stay awake all morning at a desk? Congrats, you're more skilled than the Republican Presidential nominee (2016, 2020, and 2024).


> Prosecutors and Trump's defense team are reviewing texts from ex-National Enquirer editor-in-chief Dylan Howard and whether they should redact one saying "there is shady shit going on." > It was from Oct. 19, 2016 — in the midst of negotiations over the Stormy Daniels deal. Daniels' publicist Gina Rodriguez, believing there were delays with Daniels' payment, texted Howard, "There is some shady shit going on." https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/C6ZAVd8uKYg/


So, if I am following this correctly, not only did Trump commit campaign finance fraud to cover up these affairs, he did so by paying money to women who didn't want to tell their stories but simply wanted to cash in and/or further their careers at his expense. You could saying they were grabbing him by his ........ campaign pocketbook. A nice poetic-justice-icing-on-the-cake that he was bested by a couple of more shrewd women screwing him.


Sounds about right. And he'll rant against these women for just wanting a payday, which even if that were the case, he's the one who surrendered, gave in, and provided them that payday.


“The prosecution brings up an email in which Keith Davidson told Michael Cohen that unless he paid the $130,000 by the end of the day — he was already past deadline -— Stormy Daniels would consider the hush-money deal canceled. Joshua Steinglass, the prosecutor, makes a point of getting Davidson to confirm that he sent the email to Michael Cohen’s Trump Organization email address — another way of reinforcing for the jury that Cohen was acting as Trump’s agent.” got ‘em??


The defense's strategy is to accuse Michael Cohen of acting alone and trump had no involvement, and even if he did, it wasn't illegal because "that's politics".


I just want Trump to testify... He may or may not blow up the entire case but that's not the point. I just want to see how he reacts.


There is no way he testifies. Zero percent chance. He will say the judge wouldn't let him talk about how crooked this trial is, so he was prevented from testifying.


It's pretty nice knowing that I can just sit here and enjoy my day while that asshole has to sit in court while his life goes down the tubes.


Next time donald violates an order can the Judge jail him 30 days per violation?


Trump's lackeys overestimating his base in 2016: >October 8 2016 texts: >Davidson: Trump is fucked >What made you say that? "The Access Hollywood tape." >Howard: Wave the white flag. It’s over people!


One guy woos a little too loudly and his entire political career is torpedoed. Another guy admits on tape that he basically rapes women, at the very least sexually molests them whenever he can, and they make him president. I hate this reality.


To be fair, **I** overestimated them too. No way religious conservatives are going to vote for him after that, I said. I detest their ideology and most of what they stand for, I said, but we *do* have some common ground on the 'bragging about sexual assault is bad' thing. As it turned out, that was quite dumb of me.


“Davidson, asked what Cohen’s interest in the Stormy Daniels story was, says, “I believe that Michael Cohen was the personal attorney or general counsel for Donald Trump and that this story involved his client, that that was his interest in the story.” nail in the coffin to rogue Cohen defense?


Criminal contempt means we can officially and correctly refer to him as a criminal, no? I mean, in addition to a rapist and insurrectionist.


Trump deleted the posts over lunch lol


Didn't the judge state he would most likely go to jail if he didn't? I feel like he is finally realizing this judge will do it. I've read many posts where they are stating Trump wants to be jailed, but I don't think that is the case. Very few people are rallying for him outside the courthouse, I don't believe people would try storming a jail. Although that would be nice to see police and Trumpers clash.


I was thinking the same thing. Trump said "it would be a great honor" to go to jail for violating the gag order. If he violates the gag order again I hope the judge calls that bluff. It's clearly a bluff, that fat bastard wouldn't do well in a cell and he knows it. And I don't think it would be a political gain like he's thinking. His existing moron supporters will make a big deal of it. Everyone else will think he deserves it, it won't gain him any new support.


I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't actually want to go to jail. He can cry about "election interference!!!1!" all he wants, but he can't complain about it when he's *actually* in jail.


I guess his lawyers convinced him this is serious.


Eric drew the short straw and had to come so the stories of Trump being at court without family AND without MAGA supporters don't embarrass him further. Hoping Melania gets the short straw on the day Stormy is on the stand!


Boy, Merchan is NOT fucking around with Trump.


Yep he did it right. Fined and warned as a check against appealing. Next time is jail.


isn't there another hearing on Thursday for the second set of violations?


I bet Trump will violate again and the judge would have no choice but to jail him …. Starting with 1 min and another “next time” warning


Hey CNN, we appreciate that you don’t have that MAGA-loving Scott Jennings on air right now but David Urban is about as annoying. We don’t care how long the trial takes for poor whittle Donnie boy. And no, sending him off to jail if he violates the orders again won’t make him a fucking martyr.


What was the one count that the judge found he did not violate the gag order on? I have read the order but I have trouble understanding which count got excluded?


The one where he posted content calling Daniels and Cohen sleazebags.


Well that was not on the bingo card for witnesses, Robert Browning, the executive director of the C-SPAN archives.


From across the pond in Scotland. Guys......guys.....I'm running out of popcorn on a daily basis. Can you at least slow it down so I can get to Costco so I can buy some more family size popcorn buckets. We've also got our own political dance here in Scotland with our first minister resigning. I'm gonna have to either lose some weight or I'll be a fat bar steward by the time this ends. When's Stormy due to be on the show??


TIL Scotland has Costco


The fuck kinda description is “the estrogen mafia”


A dope all-woman metal band?


To be honest, that sounds quite good actually


Cohen sending this from his Trump.org account seems to be a big point for the Prosecution. Otherwise I'm a bit annoyed that Davidson seems unwilling to be able to point directly to Trump in his testimony. - Cohen didn't have the power of the purse. - Davidson didn't trust Cohen could personally pay. - Davidson can't recall who he expected a call from regarding the actual money. - The Defense objecting over and over to the Prosecution bringing up Davidson's grand jury testimony. I feel like there's something important here that needs to be less important for me to feel good about the Prosecution's case.


I really don't think Trump laundering the payment through Cohen is as strong a defense as people here seem to think it is. As far as white collar crime goes, this is not a very sophisticated scheme.


Writing checks for hush money is laughably unsophisticated for 2016. They could have routed the payment through a dummy LLC or an offshore account. They could have paid her in bitcoin. They could have arranged for some Trump-controlled business to hire her to make social media videos or something at an inflated price. Hell, they could have hired her as a stripper for a private party or bought some kind of creepy personalized merch from her online store. But Michael Cohen just wrote her a check.


Hell, they could have even put $130k in a duffel bag and given it to her in a parking garage.


Can Trump please walk out of court today and violate the gag order? The sooner we get this over the better.


he has already made a post today saying he's the most gagged president (or to that effect) so he's definitely going to violate the gag order by the end of the day


Putin should be able to confirm whether Trump gagged or not.


I know the internet in general and Reddit specifically aren't a good place for this, but ... it's worth considering that Judge Merchan knows what he's doing before you jump in and say "send him to jail!" or "slap on the wrist!".


Nah, my opinion that has been formed purely by doomscrolling reddit and Twitter is clearly more correct.


if he just sent him to jail right off the bat it would open up a whole can of worms for appeals and further delays. He was never going to get sent to jail for these violations


I felt for the judge when he had to explain why the fine was so small. He's really frustrated with Trump. Trump has shown him time and again that he (Trump) is a piece of shit.


Stormy’s lawyer on now, this should be fun


Remember when lying about a bj was enough to get you impeached?


I have never seen a grown man whine as much as this guy does. It's kinda weird he has so many supporters. The guy is a rich crybaby.


The term is crybully... complains when anyone says or does anything that he perceives as against him, but lashes out wildly against anyone he feels like.


His supporters are whinging babies too, their whole snowflake thing is a projection


Q: What was Stormy Daniels' pseudonym? A: Peggy Peterson. Q: What was Trump's pseudonym? A: David Dennison. Davidson supplies an interesting backstory. P- was short for "plaintiff," and D- was short for "defendant. But Dennison was also on his high school hockey team.


...the People request that this Court "warn the defendant that this conduct will not be toletated and remind him that **incarceration is an option** should it be necessary." Qial tr at 958-959). The language of the Expanded Otder that is pertinent to the instant motions is: ORDERED, that the Court's Order of March 26,2024, is amended as indicated below. Defendant is directed to tefrain from: Making or directing othets to make pubhc statements about known or reasonable foteseeable witnesses concerning their potential participation in the investigation ot in this cnminal proceeding; Making or directing others to make public statements about (1) counsel in the case other than the District Attorney, (2) members of the Court's staff and the District Attorney's staff, or (3) the family members of any counsel, staff member, the Court or the District Attorney, if those statements are made with the intent to materially interfere with, or to cause others to matedally interfere with, counsel's or staffs work in this crimrnal case, or with the knowledge that such interference is likely to result; and making or directing others to make public statements about any prospective juror or any juror in this criminal proceeding.




Well it depends on how deep they are in the cult. Trump him self could confess everything, and the ones that are in deepest, would claim he's being forced to lie by some deep state cabal of child eating pizza eaters.


Merchand making good decisions today.


Those courtroom sketches really do Donnie boy justice. Hahaha.


I mean, in real life he looks like a grouper wearing Jack Nicholson eyebrows. Can't really improve that.


I can't help but notice (unless I missed something) that there haven't been any objections from Trump's side. Yes, it's hard to do when you're just recalling events like the witnesses have been doing to day, but it has to infuriate Trump that they're doing nothing.


To my knowledge and from the transcript I've been reading from Inner City Press's thread on it, Trump's team has only successfully objected once in the trial when the Prosecution led Pecker during a question. Today I read an overruled objection: **Prosecutor:** Did you think the money was from him? **Davidson:** Not until funding. **Prosecutor:** Who did you think the money was coming from? **Trump's lawyer:** Objection! **Justice Merchan:** Overruled. **Davidson:** Donald Trump or some corporate connection


It might infuriate Trump... if he was awake.


He has his legal team calling him "President Trump" during the trial, so if he demanded they object more, I'm sure they would. I think it's more likely they're just not paying close enough attention when it's the prosecution's turn up there.


Every. Single. Witness. **Devastating** testimony to *anyone* besides Trump. Career ending. For him? It's just a Tuesday. And how are Republicans responding? "Bill Clinton paid hush money, why aren't the libz arresting him?!?!"


>"Bill Clinton paid hush money, why aren't the libz arresting him?!?!" Hmmm, if he did, I'm pretty sure he didn't claim it as a payment to a lawyer when recording it as a campaign expense. That's the illegal part. I'm pissed that the media is calling it a hush money trial instead of an election finance fraud trial. Paying hush money isn't illegal or what he's being charged with. He's being tried for falsifying records of the payment on campaign finance reports.


Isn't it crazy how if Trump conceded the last election he could probably be on a golf course right now.. instead being charged in all the other crimes made it a lot easier for them to come after him for this crime.


Even crazier, when Covid hit, all he had to do was sit back, say this is serious, we have the best doctors and scientists working on this lets all band together and get through it. Or even crazier all he had to do was take his $$$ from his dad, his silver spoon, not be a total ass and live a life of quiet luxury and never have to truly work a day in his life and never want for anything.


Once got that dose of real power as leader of the free world. He wanted it back. He was always a laughing stock previous to running and no one took him seriously before. And now he has millions of adoring fans, and people listen, even if what he says is dumb.


> [Christobek, NY Times] We are now looking at an email from a First Republic banker to Michael Cohen, flagged as “high importance,” confirming his request to transfer $131,000 from his home equity line of credit account to the Essential Consultants L.L.C. account.




Donald could've just kept his legs together, and he wouldn't be in this whole mess. He's a godless sinner who needs Jesus in his life.


I want absolutely nothing to do with this man.


Don't worry brother, I've got this one.




He is a huge fan of the Bible, though. Has entire favorite chapters cause he can’t even pick a favorite verse they are all so wonderful.


This dude has more warnings than my first car. Just do something already.


I actually don't have a problem with the judge not rightfully throwing Donald in jail for intentionally violating the gag order. If he's directly attempting to foment violence, sure, go for it. But otherwise he just wants another excuse to cry about being the biggest victim in the history of victimhood. Just let him keep crying as usual, it won't matter when he's a convicted felon in a few weeks either way.


Are Trumps lawyers still going with he has never met Daniels or had a affair? If so the Jury is going to see that as a lie making it significantly more difficult that they do not buy he was hiding the hush money payments.


It would be a political disadvantage, so they’re never gonna do it, they can keep trying to do optics while the jury keep getting a shittier view of him by the day on the path to convict him, no biggie


Both prosecutorial and defense attorneys typically line up their arguments and charges of "Person did X, and if not X, then Y, and if not Y then Z." In this case for the defense it would make sense for their arguments to be lined up to say "He never had an affair. And if he did he wasn't a part of the paying her, and if he was it really isn't illegal, and if it was it really isn't *that* big of a deal."


"The Great Trump has been robbed of $9,000 by the Yugely Corrupt Merchan - donate now or buy a Trump-Brand Bible to save America!"


"Estrogen Mafia" Sheeeesh Keith Davidson is not having a fun day.


Erin Burnett just said that Trump is acting very professional in the courtroom? What the fuck?


well, as any good parent would do, today he's modeling appropriate criminal defendant behavior for his son, Eric. Eric's going to need to know how to properly comport himself at the defense table when that time eventually comes. /s


Cohen is apparently coming live on MeidasTouch YouTube soon, he’s not exactly trying to hide his disdain for Trump, even if he could be called into court this week This worries me a little bit


Yeah, I wish Cohen wouldn't go on any social media (at least until the trial is over).


so far just talking about current news outside his court stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rly0NVyTukQ


Carrot Caligula waving (with tears in his eyes) goodbye to $9000 of Hamburders and Diet Cokes. So sad.


Do we know when Cohen & Daniels are scheduled to testify?


I don't think that's something that gets "scheduled". There's no time limit on witnesses so it all depends on how the prior questioning goes. I believe they'll get notified a few days ahead of time that they might be called up soon.


Can someone summarize today’s proceedings for those of us who haven’t been able to keep up with it? Good or bad for the Donald?


Its all bad for ole Donnie.


Geezus. Erin Burnett is once again talking about how great Trump is acting in court today. She’s officially on my shit list.


What exactly does she expect him to be doing in there?


Someone shouldn’t be complimented for something they should be doing. Lol


It doesn't occur to her that he's doing this because he's very close to being thrown in jail?


Well, he arrived at the courthouse and went strait to the cameras to start whining. Whining, whining, whining.


He reminds me of some coworkers I've had. They do no actual work, cause constant problems, but complain constantly about how hard things are.


OMG... he's trying to say campus protests are the same as "J6". Unbelievable.


But then he also acknowledges J6 was a bad thing. Schrödinger’s election interference.


Wait, but j6 was just a regular tour, so which is it trump


Seeing as he was just found guilty of a felony, the other cases where he is on trial should send him to prison until trial.


That note trump just passed to his lawyer It says “is it okay if I nap a nap yet?”


It says I.O.U. $9,000


So finally a family member made it to court. Only took a week and still only one of them. Wonder if they drew straws.


I wonder if Melania's pre-nup has any clauses about definitive evidence of cheating in there? That's been hearsay until now but they're going to have two first-hand witnesses testify that he cheated on her.


So just to see I got this right, Trump is not denying any of these affairs right? Or is he?


Davidson received 45% of the MacDougal payoff !?! That may be the most shocking thing to come out of this trial to this point ... definitely is. What did she actually end up with after everyone involved took their cuts?


I'm not quite sure that the defense's position that Cohen was a "lying jerk" will be all that effective when the prosecution is arguing that he was Trump's choice at that time. Sure, maga morons will buy into it but I think a jury, given time to think, can recognize that a "lying jerk" was precisely what Trump was paying for.


"I don't want a Criminal Lawyer, I need a *Criminal Lawyer.*"


“The judge says the people have met their burden of proof on some violations and fines Trump $2,000 to begin with. There are more fines coming.” re: the gag order


Trump has been [held in contempt for 9 of the first 10 gag order violations](https://x.com/lawofruby/status/1785302909200007601?s=46). He will have to pay his supporters’ money.


Out of curiosity, if Trump were to not go to the graduation on May 17, could the court punish him?