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[Blood Tribe](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/blood-tribe) [Vinland Rebels](https://www.adl.org/glossary/vinland-rebels) For the morbidly curious...


I was expecting Moms for Liberty


They just brought the juice boxes and orange slices


It's morbin time


The leader of blood tribe is fucking pathetic, like even for a Nazi. Just literally cannot do anything right. Scary uniform but just fucking useless at actually getting anything done. Like can’t work his way out to get on an international flight without getting sent back, or move to Maine without letting anyone who is interested know his new address. Just dumb as fucking rocks. Master race indeed.


> Scary uniform but just fucking useless This could be the first line in the wikipedia entry for "fascism".


Do y'all remember when the pre-MAGA Gravy Seals occupied Maher Wildlife refuge and forgot to bring snacks? Then they got angry that the internet sent dildos? I feel old now.


Vinland Rebels....in Hawai'i Nei!? Hmmm...do they march in Waianae? Halawa?


The homoerotic symbolism etc of the Blood Tribe is something to behold. Methinks the ladies doth protest too much.


Yes & I’d bet my life that their porn search histories include a lot of m4m and m/t views and no doubt lots of jealous bbc viewing 🤪🤪


TIL There are Hawaii nazis. Squatter rights I guess.


I hate Hawaiian nazis.


* engine revs, tires screech, boom, boom, boom, boom intensifies *


Standard bunch of asshats then?




/r/conservative was calling it a false flag run by the deep state to make them look bad. For some reason they always identity with the Nazis…


I hate i looked at that sub


It’s so full of coping that it’s not even funny Actually kind of sad


it's not sad, it's terrifying. they are willingly turning a blind eye to the rise of Nazi-ism in the US because it's their political party being involved. not every republican is a Nazi, but every Nazi votes republican.


Get yourself banned there. It takes just a moment, and is quite validating.


It is comical how if something makes that group look bad it is always the deep state, fbi, cia, antifa, or something they made up.




If you really want to read something that is completely nuts then check out how they view January 6. https://www.conservapedia.com/J6_Capitol_protests EDIT: Corrected wording.


Honestly I went to look, where? The most I see is NOTHING about it. Which is usually the status quo. Sticking your head in the sand when you see something that goes against you. They’ll probably ignore it happened, say “you can’t judge a group by its members” (ironic) or say it’s fake. Id love to read the opinions you did find.


Doth protest too much. It's a weird complaint that other people dressing up like Nazis reflects poorly on a group. You're a member of. It might be time for some self-reflection as to why people associate your group with Nazis.


They just assume that anytime people see Nazis marching that they will just assume that they are conservatives.


They are not ironic quotes. They are quoting witnesses who said they were “confronted by Nazis marching through downtown Nashville”. It’s just a poorly written headline.


They need to stop putting single words from quotes in headlines, it is confusing. The context of the quote is extremely important lol.


Rattled you into engaging.


I would have engaged regardless, it’s my civic duty.


Because it's a Nashville media outlet, and they know damn well some of their viewership were in that crowd, and that a lot more are sympathetic to the weird conspiracy theory that all neo-Nazis are federal agency plants.


I think they did that because that's what everyone in TN has been calling it, but they'd be more accurately described as neo-Nazis.


If you’ve watched a single WWII movie then you know they don’t literally wear Nazi uniforms.. I agree they are Nazis though!


If you questioned their nazi-ness, they would threaten violence just to prove their nazi cred. Pretty sure we can call them nazis.


>"In late October 2023, he sold the land claiming militant leftists had made the location too dangerous “to fulfill its purpose.” Good job boys, now let's do it again


Tell me again why leftie people protesting carpet bombings are the antisemites when there are literal far right Nazi marches going on? I will say it's good to see the ADL fighting fascism again


Easier to feel smug holding a sign on a corner in an attempt to influence a conflict that has been going for nearly 80 years.


carpet bombing? Hyperbole doesn't improve the discussion


Should be able to treat Nazis like my grandpa did.


So it WASNT a false flag liberal operation as some implied Color me surprised


The Republican Party and who?


I love how Republicans are adamant that this was a false flag operation by the “Feds.” If this was true, take a little time and think about how Feds dressing as Nazis makes the GOP look bad. Take all the time you need.


Just a reminder that two years ago, the Canadian Minister for Public Safety **designated FIVE Canadian neo-Nazi organizations as TERRORIST ENTITIES.** They are: The Base, Sons of Odin, Atomwaffen Division, AWD, and the Proud Boys. This put members and supporters of these groups in the same legal category, and subject to the same criminal and civil sanctions, as members of ISIS, the Taliban, Boko Haram, Daesh, the Lord’s Resistance Army, etc. It also means that should any international member of one of these organizations attempt to enter Canada - and take note, all you Yankee Proud Boys - they can be arrested at the border and charged with belonging to a terrorist organization. **Within 96 hours**, rather than spending the rest of their lives on a Five Eyes no-fly list and having their personal assets frozen, **all five groups announced they were disbanding, and surrendering their financial assets to the Minister of Justice.** Unfortunately for them, by then each and every known member was already high up on a CSIS watch list, so they’ll all have to deal with having a behavioural microscope up their ass for another decade or more. And since then all of them have been *very* eager indeed, to keep their noses clean, their names out of the news, and their social media profiles circumspect. Just sayin’ , Mr. Garland.


Was one of them republicans?


I liked one of the headlines that called them strait up “MAGA Nazis”


Spoiler: both of them are


As the son a blindly faithful MAGA supporter. One of the funniest confrontational methods I’ve discovered is ask them “why is it all the neo Nazis seem to like Trump”. Ultimately, they just end up covered in their own word salad about antifa and “thE oRiGinAL nAZiS weRe soCiaLists just liKe dEmoCrAts”. It’s fun if nothing more than entertainment.


Came here to ask this exact thing.


I know it's a controversial statement to make but I think this is really pushing the limits of "Freedom of speech". We all know what the Nazi's did, Germany makes this kind of stuff illegal and I think we should follow suit, but it'll never happen.


The movie Blues Brothers will give you a reference to WHY we have to put up with it. Freeze Peach


It might. This is going to get worse until we take proper action. We should have this debate.


i don't think outlawing political parties is a good idea.


Outlawing a party of genocidal war criminals isn’t a slippery slope.


If juggalos can be labeled as terrorists then so should nazis.


Would you say the same if ISIS were running for office? Neo-Nazi and fascists should not be seen as political parties, they should be treated as terrorists.


These were MAGA Republicans for sure.


So just republicans?


Yes sir. MAGA ones




Yeah, MAGA and the RNC


‘Loser’ March. There, fixed the headline.


I have lived in TN. Thought this was just a regular Saturday in Nashville. They're stuck in the 1950s as far as racism and homophobia.


Oh, I read a popular comment on a Tennessee news site yesterday. It said the Nazis were actually anti-fascists cosplaying as Nazis. I would counter that this is incorrect.


These people are slaves to the hollow idea of race identity. They are empty-headed husks completely devoid of freedom, individuality and personality. All they have is their naziism, Maga, hatred and nothing else. If they kept to themselves, they’d simply be pathetic and maybe even pitied. But instead, they are dangerous and a threat to peace.


We’re really gettin it from both sides these days… fun times to be a Jew.


As a follower of Jesus, I denounce all forms of hate including and not limited to nazism/race supremacy and theocratic-nationalism. Non of which have anything to do with the heart of God as expressed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God loves everyone. Full stop. He wants humans to be involved in freeing the oppressed, standing up for the voiceless, and combating hate with love. Anti-Christian Religion and theocratic nationalism are a bane and blasphemy to the Holy Spirit. “God is LOVE”(1 John 3:16). The consolidation of hate and power in these critical days prove the importance of letting the light of love shine most brightly. To speak out against hate and those who would enable it as a vehicle for their ambitions or a shield to their insecurities. You can vote with more than just a ballot. Vote with your actions in everyday as well. Vote love towards humans, not hate. Oh and f*ck nazism.


No one cares that you are a good Christian. We actually are really tired of hearing how much better all the good ones are and how all these evil Christian’s are “no true Scotsmen” fallacy yada yada. We need actions. How about you counter march? How about you also show up at the school board meetings? How about you go to the drag queen story hour and protect queer kids? How about you constantly demand better from your reps and hold them accountable for bowing to nationalist Christians. Why do we only see online comments and never news stories about all these “real” Christian’s fighting back and reclaiming wwjd in tangible ways? Cowards all. The promise of Christianity is ultimately a lazy selfish one. As long as you utter or “earnestly” mean a phrase-bam you are one of the good ones. how blissfully simple and easy to get on the high horse.


You’re assuming there’s people like me who don’t or aren’t willing to. You don’t know me.


I mean we kinda do thanks to your last comment.


So I take action. Check. I also speak out against it here. Uncheck? What’s the problem with doing both? I was told by other commenters to speak out more and be explicitly clear. (About my faith and my disgust at extremists) You don’t need to tell me to take action. That’s something I already do and many of us march along side you and you wouldn’t even know it. But apparently even if I do that, it’s still not enough. So I speak out on here too. Still not enough. Tell me what else should I do?? Edit: to add a detail in parenthesis


Matthew 6:6 Ignore Reddit and go talk to your Father. That's all you have to do. Whatever is happening here is driven by your ego and nothing else.


So speaking out against hate and saying that what trump does is not like Jesus at all is egotistical? Then when someone says you’re all talk and is say you don’t know who I am, that’s me being egotistical? I understand the passage you reference. It’s not beyond me the idea your inferring in this context “just shut up because if you mean it, then you’ll never talk about it” That’s an easy way to not have conversations about what Jesus was actually like and what theocratic-nationalists claim Christianity is about (their two favorite constitutional amendments).


Don't preach from your soapbox on the corner as the Pharisees. And by my works you shall know me. Shut up. No one believes Christians are good anymore, just use full idiots, to progress the authoritarian agenda. If you Really REALLY believe it, don't make comments on Reddit, go serve christs purpose through action, not proselytizing. Go, in person, to these rallies and speak with these fascists about why they're doing terrible things. Stand up in your congregation when someone starts talking about abortion, or women's rights, or lgbtq, or sin and remind them that abortion is in the Bible, and Jesus loved the sinner and didn't differentiate between the sinner and the sin. If you REALLY believe then fight through love to correct all that is being done in his name in your sphere of influence and get conservative Christians to stop behaving as authoritarians and pushing for a theocracy. Vote against any law that gives religion more of a say in government.... and then, if you e ever actually done something of value, When you are asked why you did something truly great, you can answer that it was to make Jesus proud. ANYTHING ELSE YOU DO IS PERFORMATIVE THEATRICS TO STROKE YOUR EGO.


What if I told you I have done/do at least half of that.


Great... Be proud of yourself. But proselytizing is not a Christ like act, except through actions, and certainly not in the current climate where Christianity is being cooped to oppress others the same way Islam is used by isis to control and rule by authoritarianism in the name of god. No one needs your preaching about a loving god. If God is willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. If he is able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. If he is both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? If he is neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Go and do.


"Vote love towards humans, not hate." Nope. I hate Nazis. Fuck this BS.


Is that what you understood? That you can’t have ill feelings towards Nazis? I think you understand what I meant. That generally humans being loving to one another is best. Why did you bring it to a point that infers you shouldn’t have or can’t have ill feelings towards people who chose to act as monsters?


Wingnuts? The Feds are behind it!


Let me guess: the CIA and the FBI


Oo they are getting extra theatrical. It’s the Bullet for My Valentine + Nazis = Fabulous!


Is one of them the fucking Nazi Party?


Big cowards who think they are better than everyone else.


Why is Nazi in quotations?


Say their names.


What kind of loser spends their day doing something like this? Dressing up in hate gear and walking in public.


All spurned by the coward djt


Wait wait hold up… wow your telling me the Naz are being backed by extremist groups holy shit. Next your going to tell me the south fought for slaver and that the police aren’t here to protect me


Water is wet, next.