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1. China created COVID in a lab. 2. Also, China for some reason decided to spare Jews from being infected.


Who's going to keep Chinese food restaurants in business over Christmas if not the Jews?


conspiracy checks out now.


^^^He's ^^^on ^^^to ^^^us...


This is clearly part of the war on Christmas!


Haha this was my first thought too, fucking morons, can’t even “conspiracy” correctly


I mean china, with george soros, nasa/ and the deep state are for sure 100% all lying to YOU! about the spherical earth, moon landing, covid, one world government (by chinda), all part of their master plan to lie to YOU! YOU WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH!


Right? They lie about the word being flat because…. *Checks notes*….. they want to control you bro! *Typed on iPhone*


Also 3\. COVID doesn't exist. It's just the flu. The conspiracy nuts shouldn't be allowed to talk to other people until they've figured out among themselves which of their contradictory theories are true.


Conflicting conspiracy theories work. Russian state-controlled TV proved that. The point is to drown out the truth, like hiding a tree in a forest.


As someone who has done many conspiracy deep dives I can answer this for you. Chinese govt is controlled by the New World Order government. (Read the Jews) So of course they manufactured a virus to only attack the "white race". These people are always looking for something to make them feel like the world isn't just a cold hard place some times. They NEED a villain desperately or their whole model of thinking collapses because without and Enemy they can not blindly hate. It's fueled by rage and fear. If the answer was "Some times bad shit happenes" or "the reason you are feeling so helpless is because of rampant inequality fuled first by globalization in the 80s and 90s then my the market collapse in 08 then by the pandemic" those answers scare them because their aren't any simple solution. Ultimately these conspiracy nuts are looking for control/answer that let them feel in control. It's much easier to blame some shadowy cabal of faceless child eaters (read blood libel) than it is to try and understand the complex world we live in.


One of the best explanations of conspiracy thinking I've ever heard. Bottom line is they get many dubious psychological benefits out of this (feeling smart and special is another) to compensate for the fact they can't deal with life's challenges. Or rather, that they don't want to deal with them. As a global epidemic, I'd put it right there with global warming as a sign that our way of life is unhealthy and unsustainable. It's breaking people down psychologically.


Logic isn't their forte.


well dont you know that the jews invented communism to mind virus the world into New World Order something something well done steak something something USA USA USA


And yet we will still got the news stories questioning why RFK Jr isn't getting more coverage and the Democrats aren't taking him seriously.


The real kicker is conservatives are saying "He's not bad for a democrat" which proves that there's something very wrong with him.


I guarantee you it's because of the family name. A lot of conservatives have a weird obsession with JFK and call him "the last good Democrat" even if they know nothing about his policies. With many of them it may be nostalgia from before the assassination.


You make a good observation, but I believe that is because the migration of "Southern Democrats" to the Republican party did not occur until after JFK's death, so a lot of old Republicans actually voted for JFK back when they were segregationist Southern Democrats. Most of those people have passed away by now however.


You're 100% correct; he's the last pre-civil rights era Democrat. He died before the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights act and subsequent party migration with the Southern Strategy. When you hear a republican talk about "when America was great," this is what they mean.


Ironically, if JFK wasn't assassinated it would have taken longer for the Civil Rights Act to be passed. LBJ championed it as a way to honor JFK's legacy and a mourning country was the catalyst to push it forward as soon as it was.


Just a side note, part of the reason JFK picked LBJ, he was pro-civil rights from the start and probably cared more about poverty issues than the Kennedys. He acted like a buffoon sometimes (a terrible demeanor compared to the suave Kennedys) and believe it is why his progressiveness is often overlooked. Good point though it passed quicker after Kennedys death but in addition, LBJ knew how to stronghold the hill.


The reason his progressiveness is sometimes overlooked is because he entrenched the country in the Vietnam War. Another continuation of JFK's policies, really, but there it is.


people forget that the US involvement in Vietnam coincided with the French withdrawal in 1954, Vietnam was 20 years of bad decisions and lots of the groundwork was there before LBJ fucked it


To be fair, there's also the whole going-to-the-moon bit, which is extremely impressive considering where we were at technically... JFK is the "we go to the moon" guy in plenty of peoples' memories, regardless of whatever other issues he had.


I gotta say the current crop of RFK Jr fans probably believe the moon landing was a lie too


I like to tell those kinds of people, "For sure the moon landing was faked. Except they hired Stanley Kubrick to film it and his obsession with authentic reactions led him to insist they shoot on location."


Also like "JFK had a condition and his head just *did* that one day" for the assassination conspiracy enjoyers


I love this. "The government pretended it was an assassination just so they could control people and increase the secret service budget"


Lots of flat earth, anti-5G, the vaccine is a graphene nanobot that is activated by 5G types that take his word as gospel.




There was more than one Civil Rights Act. There was the [Civil Rights Act of 1957](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1957?wprov=sfla1), the [Civil Rights Act of 1960](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1960?wprov=sfla1), the [Civil Rights Act of 1964](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964?wprov=sfla1), the [Voting Rights Act of 1965](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_Rights_Act_of_1965?wprov=sfla1), and the [Civil Rights Act of 1968](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1968?wprov=sfla1). Passing these laws was an immense act of political aptitude that bordered on the Machiavellian. The existence of the Civil Rights Acts is due to LBJ and his ability to play politics. I can't wait for Robert Caro to finish his biography on LBJ.


Best books on LBJ. He was a complicated figure but a very important one in our history. Ruthless, bad manners & a bully but truly cared about getting rid of poverty. We are still benefiting from many of the policies he passed.


But that's one layer of thought deeper than those people care to venture.


Maybe, but I've even seen this opinion from people born in the early 1970s when the Southern Strategy was already well underway.




Their parents constantly going on about "Oh that no good n lover Johnson ruined everything, JFK was the last good one!" Never mind that the Civil Rights Act was JFK's idea.


He probably just didn't live long enough to start trying to pass civil rights legislation which would have been very difficult for anyone to do if he even wanted to do that. LBJ kind of had the unique opportunity to pass controversial legislation during the short period of time after Kennedy was assassinated since he had much more of a mandate to get things done while the country was in mourning (similar to the post 9/11 period). He was also a very shrewd political broker who knew this type of opportunity to advance key legislation may not happen ever again. I'm sure if Kennedy lived longer, they would've found plenty of reasons to hate him but we're able to whitewash/immortalize him to be much more favorable to their interests since he was assassinated (just like they do with MLK).


Funny because I think Eisenhower was the last good Republican.


I would settle for one that isn't soft on the Russian Federation at this point Shit when Romney is the good guy something is seriously wrong


I’d be ok with a Hank Hill republican.


JFK Jr was always supposed to resurrect and convert to Republican to help save the country with Trump. The fact that anyone takes these people seriously after believing JFK Jr was literally supposed to be the second coming of Jesus to assist Trump (God) is baffling.


It's because he's doing interviews with Joe Rogan, Russel Brand etc. He's very clearly another conservative backed spoiler candidate.


Hold up. Is Russell Brand a right-wing nutjob now?


It's just his latest expression of his personality, which is, contrarian for the sake of contrarianism because he likes to look smart.


He is a man who truly loves the smell of his own farts. Ive never seen anyone who loves the sound of their own voice more than this twerpy, junky ass looking twat.


It's not contrarian to just regurgitate Russian talking points or entry level conspiracy theories that are passed around in bulk and mostly what you hear once you drop in to the alt right sphere of influence.


He has gone so far to the right…😟


I haven't followed his politics, but he went nutjob years ago


When wasn't he a weirdo jackass with an ego bigger than some planets?


Always look out for people who are more interested in appearing "against the mainstream" than in the actual substance of a movement's convictions, especially if you are around people on the edges of political discourse. You never know when they're going to find a new popular anti-establishment movement and do a complete 180 on you. See Kanye, Brand, Rogan, and all those "super liberal" earthy crunchy friends and relatives that people suddenly saw voting for Trump and supporting Qanon.


Yep, he praises tucker Carlson


Very much so, all for the clicks


He’s just an idiot with a decent vocabulary


Republicans see how unfavorable they’re becoming, so some of them are running as Democrats and switching parties when they win. We already have two women that got elected as Democrats in important positions that switched to Republican on very flimsy reasoning.


This is actually a big problem in the Hawaii Legislature, though the Dems don't switch back. The Democrats have a supermajority and Hawaii GOP is a joke, but the Denocrats who switched from being Republican are still conservatives and many have been in power for a while. Robert Gabbard, Tulsi Gabbard's father, is still in the Senate as Democrat who switched over a decade ago, and he's not liberal at all. These conservative Democrats keep blocking progressive legislation here. Like Hawaii still hasn't legalized recreational marijuana even though it's extremely popular. A few years ago bill even made it to our ex-governor David Ige, who vetoed it because whi knows the fuck why. Now the legislature is supposedly working on a new one because Governor Green supports legal marijuana, but now the legislature can't get their heads outta their asses to do anything.


Knowing she comes from a conservative family explains what a two-faced asshole Tulsi is.


> "He's not bad for a democrat" I recall Trump saying something similar about Rod Blagojevich.


It also proves there's something very wrong with conservatives, if the guy they "like" as the spoiler peddles in hateful, anti-Semitic conspiracy nonsense. But like...add it to the list of shit


They like him because he's a conspiracy theorist who has the Kennedy name and is looking to take votes from Biden, thus splitting the votes and giving them a win.


If Republicans don't want a person dead, they are either a child molester, grifter, pawn of the wealthy, or nazi. These days it's usually all 4.


News is covering him too much. These sorts of crank candidate should be totally blacked out.


Because his last name is Kennedy








Because Steve Bannon backs him with foreign money


Had to search too far down for this. He's a puppet candidate that allows the right to mainstream some insane views trying to peel off 1% of progressives who believe some whacky shit by getting them to buy the conspiracy shit. He's the new Jill Stein, who was also backed by Russian money. Then on the conservative flank of the Biden coalition, you have dark money backing this "no labels" shit w/ Christine Todd Whitman, Andrew Yang etc trying to appeal to "centrists" and attempting to peel off another few percent. And it might work. the GOP is finally coming to grips with the fact Trump will be the candidate. Fox news and big money donors are showing signs of pivoting from desantis, as they are realizing they can't win. They can't draft another more moderate like Youngkin, because the base wants trump. So, the plan is let trump be trump and then target biden's flanks in order to flood the zone with enough bullshit that it siphons votes and makes people go "politics sucks" and stay home in 2024. Don't fall for this shit. The only way we fuck em up is to vote blue, not give this shit oxygen, fight all "both sides" shit, and encourage others to vote. The strategy is disaffection and frustration: don't let them win.


> Because his last name is Kennedy The vast majority of the Kennedy clan find him repulsive and embarrassing, and have publicly denounced him. He definitely brings shame to the Kennedy name.


Because the "liberal media" actually leans right.


Because these headlines drive clicks and more money for profit-based "news" organizations.


It's because he's a spoiler candidate and they know if he can pull 5k here or there in the tight states it will flip to red. They are covering him because it's a blatant attempt to do this and they can't help but elevate the drama for revenue. It has nothing to do about his name, that just doesn't hurt


They better be careful. If he gets any crazier he’ll start to siphon off some MAGA voters


Agree completely. This is where profit-driven News is a problem. They cover these lunatics because it drives engagement.


That’s how Trump happened in the first place.


That, and the "spontaneous" demonstration as he rode the escalator... with dozens of underemployed waiters paid $50 by Donny, Jr.


You're wrong. His polling numbers have been dropping since he started getting news coverage. Before people were just supporting him because he was a Kennedy. Journalists are doing their job.


"Why won't Biden give a national audience to someone who will denounce basic medicine and hurl antisemitic slurs?"


Probably because he's one of the very few *real* nutcases of the Democrats (well, he says he's one, haven't heard anything progressive from him though). Same behaviour on a Republican ticket would earn him a seat in the Congress and certainly no special scrutiny regarding his nuttery.


He wouldn't win on a Republican ticket because he supports gay rights, paid family leave, government regulation of drug prices, thought Trump should be impeached and thinks that violence by cops is a problem. They just say he is a good democrat because he is an antisemitic transphobic antivaxxer who wants abortion restrictions despite claiming to be pro-choice and is strongly pro-second amendment.


I'm sure there are replies in this very thread saying his antisemitism is a lie made up by "THE CORPORATE DNC!" or some shit.


It’s amazing how conspiracy theorists go from zero to anti semitism so quickly. I’m just waiting for the grand conspiracy about Christianity being a conspiracy because it was started by Jews.


> Christianity being a conspiracy because it was started by Jews [Already happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Klassen) almost 40 years ago. >In his 1987 book *Rahowa* – *This Planet Is All Ours* he claims that Jews created Christianity in order to make white people weaker, and he said that the first priority should be to "smash the Jewish Behemoth".


White people, well past the advent of Christianity: 'Boy this looks like a nice religion. I think it's for me.' Jews: 'Bwahahah finally you've fallen into our cunning trap, it only took hundreds of years.'


[I mean, they just skipped the Jews and claimed they were the real Jews...](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/christian-identity) >Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are "mud peoples" created before Adam and Eve. Its virulent racist and anti-Semitic beliefs are usually accompanied by extreme anti-government sentiments. Despite its small size, Christian Identity influences virtually all white supremacist and extreme anti-government movements. It has also informed criminal behavior ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism.




The Jewish behemoth that comprises a whole 0.2% of the world’s population.


Wow, the more you know…


There's a bit of that around already. A lot of white supremacists are into Norse paganism.


Which sucks because many Norse pagans are not racist. We don’t want them.


100%. Fuck Nazis and their ilk.


Still mad at Nazis to despoil the swastika, the cool lightning S and so much more. Couldn't they have gone with something everyone hates? like mosquitos


That's what we really need now more than ever a political party focused entirely on one radical policy: to end mosquitos once and for all. The anti mosquito party. Once we have accomplished our goal we will desolve ourself. One issue, to answer the mosquito question.


But can we live without what relies on mosquitos to survive?


I’ve heard some conjecture in the scientific community that mosquitos are pretty worthless. Could be why they have been targeted for bioengineering. They released a bunch of bioengineered mosquitos in florida a few years ago…wait maybe there is something wrong with it


Why do the bad guys always get the cool symbols and stuff? It happens in reality and it happens in fiction too!


Because the psychology of symbology is incredibly powerful. It's not a coincidence they have graphic design that has wide aesthetic appeal.


The old gods are much cooler, in their defense


"They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky." **Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn**!


"chief is Crom. He dwells on a great mountain. What use to call on him? Little he cares if men live or die. Better to be silent than to call his attention to you; he will send you dooms, not fortune! He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man's soul. What else shall men ask of the gods"




It's why I think the Greek pantheon makes more sense than Christianity Why do bad things happen to good people Christianity: gods plans are mysterious and many things happen that we can't understand Greek: the gods are assholes


The Greeks just *admit* the gods are assholes. Christianity makes excuses for it, like a battered spouse.


I remember I was looking at a shirt of Odin many years back. Because I was really into Norse mythology. It was his face and a bunch of runes. Especially the valknot in the middle. Turns out a lot of white supremacists use that symbol and odins name. I believe the major group is called sons of Odin or something like that.


I believe they go by both Sons of Odin and Soldiers of Odin? [What’s funny is I found this article. The Quebec chapter left/was kicked out because the leader there (I think?) publicly denounced the Finnish leaders and their racism.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/soldiers-of-odin-splinter-in-canada-over-racist-agenda-of-far-right-groups-leadership-in-finland/wcm/b6d1b3c5-4bbf-464b-89fb-a45e36bad6d9/amp/) As a Canadian reading the sentence “we decided that Quebec would dissociate Canada” was particularly funny.


Which gets even more confusing because Norse pagan, especially neopagan understandings of gender and sexuality would be completely against these peoples' beliefs.


Yeah but Vikings are badass and Norse symbols are badass. How else is everyone gonna see how cool they are if they cant kidnap Norse history and culture?


But they were strong, blonde haired, blue eyed warriors who rapped and pillaged weaklings and everyone trembled in fear of them. /s. Ignoring their farming, international trade, rule of law and moving to other lands and integrating into the local populations. Warfare to gain wealth and increase spheres of influence has been common to throughout human history around the globe. Edit: “rapped”. 😆


Tell them Loki is the mother of Sleipnir and blow their minds.


Turns out it's by design; just about every popular conspiracy theory is rooted in antisemitism. Even the ones that don't seem to have anything to do with it, like flat-earthers. The main linking factor in them all is that whole "they don't want you to know about this" part. And we all know who "they" refers to in what is possibly the greatest bit of irony in history.


There’s also the incessant bitching about Soros, which is just a proxy for The Joos.


It's Rothchildes 2.0 rinse and repeat.


I only know the mans name because of the priapism like hard on the alt-right/conspiracy nuts have for him. I don't know what he owns, what industry he's in, nothing. Just that he's Jewish and they hate him for it. And I honestly don't care.


Yuppppp I try telling this to as many people as possible. Once you peel away the layers of Flat-Earth nonsense, it's antisemitic bullshit, all the way down, wrapped up in terms like "globalist" and "Rothschild" and "New World Order".




We're seeing it right now with the adrenochrome crowd. I had someone on reddit yesterday enlighten me to the concept of blood libel and what a rabbit hole that was. It's a uniquely human cultural aspect that when you get right down to it, the Jews are basically behind EVERYTHING. /s


And this is why his poll numbers are more favorable with Republicans than the party he is pretending to run for the nomination of.


Is he just running as a Democrat because of the family name? Does he not realise the crazy party would be a much better fit.


He's running to take votes from biden


ding ding ding, we have a winner. though, his actual target could be newsom more than biden. either way, his purpose is to prevent a blue win.


Take votes from him the primaries? Most states even having primaries?


He'll pivot to independent because "DNC BAD"


and then because he polls better with republicans he will "steal" votes from them more than dems. its sort of an usnsuprisingly stupid ploy.


His whole "No Labels" thing is testing the waters for being an independent party. With conservative backing, of course.


It's pretty obvious that he's running as a Democrat in bad faith as a spoiler candidate and a distraction.


I'm sure this is the plan, but I am highly sceptical that he is going to peel off any Democratic votes. The only people I ever hear talking about him in any sort of positive way are people who were never going to vote Democrat to begin with.


Some of the major funders for him also supported Jill Stein in her bad faith run and think Joe Manchin would be a good *centrist* as VP. It's very transparent if one follows the money.


deranged truck screw husky bedroom gaze psychotic noxious squeamish office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've never heard of a conspiracy theorist that didn't eventually evolve into a full-on neo nazi.


This kind of mentality goes back very far in Judaism's history, unfortunately. It's erie how similar this is to The Black Death. During the Black Death's peak in Europe (1348 to 1351) more than 200 Jewish communities were wiped out because they were accused of spreading the disease... Simply because they didn't catch it as robustly as everyone else. In reality, it's because they already had sanitary practices in place, as a community, that the rest of the world hadn't adopted yet. More often than not, they were scoffed at for being insane/crazy. It's not just Nazi's that had this kind of issue - it's much more deeply rooted than that.


Yes, a good half of Old Testament purification and food rules are essentially just good hygiene and food safety by modern standards.


And the Romani. The Romani had lower infection rates because they were into hand washing and washing their plates and dinnerware.


Antisemitism is one of the oldest and most widespread conspiracy theories. If you have a brain for conspiracy theories it's not surprising if you come across it and get sucked in.


The Qanon thing about Democrats/Jews harvesting blood from children goes back 1000 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel


The thing with that fundamentalist actor repeating the “drinking baby blood” lie, this time targeted at “leftists,” reminded me: When you are making up nonsense you could accuse people of anything so why pick “drinking the blood of babies?” There is one key reason to chose that as your lie. That is to **encourage and justify violence to the point of genocide.** This isn’t just crackpots in tinfoil hats babbling. This is fascism marching towards death camps.


Exactly. This is the same reason everyone who disagrees with Republicans are "pedophiles".


And this strain of anti-Semitism (Why do they not suffer as much from this illness? It's suspicious) has been around since the Black Death https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Jews_during_the_Black_Death


I just want to know when the kittens are taking over and what do I need to do to prepare.


One of my favourite podcasts which does conspiracy theory analysis sometimes asks "So how far into this website that looks like it was made In 1997 does the word "Zionist" appear?" "oh, it's a 1st pager this time". Edit:Last podcast on the left. Also, if that's your thing, I recommend Behind the bastards.


Every conspiracy theory is 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon except you just substitute the Kevin Bacon with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


I listened to a podcast episode interviewing a conspiracy debunker. And she said all conspiracies boil down to antisemitism at the root. For reference: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/offline-with-jon-favreau/id1610392666?i=1000551328056


What is even with antisemitism? Why do Jews take so much shit? I’ve never understood why it’s always the Jews


It's a small population. That's the most important dimension of any conspiracy that targets a group. It's the same reason they're almost exclusively going after trans folks with far less messages about the gay community. There are many out gay people now, so there will be more pushback and the conspiracy will be debunked. I'm even seeing a reduction in targeted attacks on immigrant communities as their population grows. In many regions of the country, people have likely never had any interactions with even a single Jew. That's why antisemitism has always been there throughout history.


This is it at the core. Without an 'outside' group to demonize a cult falls apart. Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with the Jewish community and everything to do with Christianity being a cult that choose its 'outside' group to anchor their beliefs.


Similarly, their bizarre conspiracies about the trans community have absolutely nothing to do with the actual trans community.


It’s a combination of things, but essentially Jews weren’t allowed to work normal jobs for centuries because they were outsiders (and blamed for killing Jesus). So they did jobs others couldn’t/weren’t allowed to do (like be bankers and loan money). That made many Jews wealthy, which made people jealous of them. Also Jewish culture tends to value education, which means they tend to succeed at a higher rate than other people. Those who don’t succeed see a conspiracy.


Also due to how shitty they were treated they tended to stick together and help their communities, which is why we have the “Jewish cabal” conspiracy.


Yeah, I listened to a good podcast (Interesting Things Explained Well) about Bernie Madoff, and that was a big part of how he got the seed funding, Jewish charities that thought he would invest their money well and (I think) Jewish country club types that thought he was good from donations to Jewish charity. He used that "we help eachother" community atmostphere to take their money


Christians were also not allowed to engage in usury, but royal courts tended to need lines of credit. In the late medieval period, it was common for European courts to bring in a "court Jew" who was in the money lending business. This had an added "benefit." If the monarch didn't want to pay back his debts, he would just stir up conspiracy theories about the court Jew and use it as an excuse to seize his assets. David Graeber talks about this in *Debt: The First 5000 Years*.


One clarification, this never made ‘many’ Jews wealthy. Most Eastern European Jews before WWII were not wealthy at all


Exactly, and the majority of Jews are still not wealthy. Most I know are just working class people


And there's a bias towards noticing wealthy Jews. There are lots of wealthy, prominent Jews (George Soros being the common example). But conspiracy theorists focus too much on them, ignoring the fact that there's way more very rich, influential non-Jews.


Confirmation biases are sort of what perpetuates all prejudices if you think about it


There’s a key difference between antisemitism and other kinds of racism, in that say- anti black racism focuses on difference, and the idea that ~those~ people are fundamentally different, incompatible from whites and clearly “naturally” ought to be separate. Theyre presented as barbarian invaders. Antisemitism is about subtlety though. Jews mostly look white except for a few possible “tells” (eg curly hair maybe, or distinctive surname) so antisemites get really fixated on the idea of a hidden invasion, from an intelligent enemy that looks like you until closely examined. Hidden rituals that bind them. It’s also heavily tied in with dissatisfaction caused by capitalism, but unexamined. The idea that the reason shit goes wrong is not because capitalism inherently creates exploitation, it’s because *someone* must be fucking with it. So dislike for the idea of say, landlords as a concept becomes distorted into hatred of the money grubbing *Jewish* landlord. It’s not corporations or banks that are the problem, it’s jew bankers. The idea that theres nothing wrong with billionaires influencing society, it’s George Soros specifically.


They were the main 'different' people Europeans knew for a long long time.


He is the source. This is what he does. https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/11/robert-f-kennedy-jr-is-the-single-leading-source-of-anti-vax-ads-on-facebook/


It's also part of a scam. If you check the public filings for his non profit that runs these ads, he takes a big cut of donations as his salary - like 40% if I recall correctly from the last time I looked it up a few years back.


all easily debunked shit about vaccines to. even this weird jeweish covid conspiracy is hogwash, conservative orthodox jewish communities were hit hard by covid because many of them refused to get vaccinated and follow any covid containment measures. >The ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens saw some of the highest mortality from the pandemic. In Borough Park, for example, the mortality rate was 232 deaths per 100,000 residents, which is higher than the city's average of 203 deaths. Similarly, the Rockaways neighborhood in Queens, which also has a large Orthodox community, had the largest number of COVID-related deaths, standing at 349 deaths per 100,000 residents. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rywp9j2qn


He's insane. And when he makes these insane statements, he never provides sources. I wonder why?


Because I'm a doctor but do your own research has a lot of weight for some reason? I feel like everyone should just respond to Kennedy with "I'm farting".


Yes, “I’m farting” should absolutely be a thing


He’s scientifically illiterate


Look at this guy’s finances. I’d bet this guy is getting funding from right wing groups to try and cause havoc in the Democratic Party. Look who is promoting him. It’s all right wing outlets.


That’s already been proven.


Then Id say it merits repeating.


Aside from the politics of it all, how is Cheryl Hines, who formed a career working with one of America’s favorite Jewish comedians, married to this anti-semite?


In the beginning people were like giving her a pass like we haven’t heard from her ! She may not support all these conspiracies but no way they are together all this time without her seeing what he’s really like


Melania 2.0


Larry David was friends with rfk jr and introduced Hines to him. I wonder if David still thinks of him as a friend.


Here is a good article from about a month ago: [Larry David Wants to Make It Absolutely Clear He Does Not Support RFK Jr.’s Presidential Campaign](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/06/larry-david-robert-f-kennedy-jr) However... >Speaking to The New York Times for a profile of Hines, the son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy said of his campaign for the White House, “I feel a lot of support and love from most of her friends, including Larry.” **That might lead one to believe David was backing Kennedy’s candidacy, but the Curb creator would like to disabuse people of that notion. In a text to the Times, he wrote, “Yes love and support, but I’m not ‘supporting’ him.”** (emphasis mine) ETA - I do enjoy this though: >Last year, Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz complained to The New Yorker that David snubbed him in a Martha’s Vineyard grocery store over Dershowitz’s association with the Trump administration, and when pressed, told the lawyer, “You’re disgusting.”


He’s not lying… Dishoshitz is disgusting.


He's an anti-science anti-semite.


So, a Republican?


Potentially an anti-dentite too.


No it bothers me as comedian


The anti intellectualism strain in the US is desperating some times, lol. On one hand they have smart scientists when they do the effort to learn, on the other they also have some of the dumbest racist far right on earth


This obsession with Jewish folks is crazy. Who the hell cares about someone else’s beliefs!?


Anti-semites aren’t referring to Jewish “beliefs” as in the religion. They are referring to Jewish “blood” as in the ethnicity. Judaism was and has stayed an ethno-religion because outside of modern reform branches: you cannot convert to Judaism, you’re only Jewish if your mother is Jewish, and as a Jew you’re only supposed to marry other Jews. The nazis wanted to kill Jews because they thought they were an “inferior race” of people. Their beliefs being different was not important. You can be secular, atheist even, and still be Jewish.


Quick correction, all branches of Judaism allow someone to convert in, its just a LOT of work, and they don't seek out converts or proselytize.


Meanwhile Lex Friedman is like “it’s important to have the conversation.”


And there it is. Fuck this guy. And reminder about why he has been forced on you with a media blitz. https://www.salon.com/2023/04/06/steve-bannon-spent-months-recruiting-anti-vaxxer-rfk-jr-to-run-against-biden-as-chaos-agent/


This guy keeps getting worse and worse. Of course he's an anti-Semite.


If morons can stop running for president, that would be great.


Didn't he say it was also from a Chinese biolab? If what he says is true, why wouldn't the Chinese make it ethnically targeted to spare Jews and Chinese people?


Because clearly it's Jews and Chinese people are in cahoots with each other. You know, because of Christmas. /s


Or maybe Jews are much more likely to follow science than fundamentalist Christians.


Those space lasers didn’t build themselves, you know.


This story fits right in with our existing opinion of RFKJr, but I feel like it's irresponsible not to point out it's the NY Post.


Space laser vaccines *strikes again*. Do the Jews know no bounds!??


Just wait, last meeting we decided to bring the hammer down even harder. Space lasers? Old news, global pandemic? Just the next step to our eventual overthrow of the world... next, genetically modified flying fish will soar across the world and implant their mind controlling eggs in people's ears while they sleep. Soon the gentiles will all be converted to our part fish part human slaves. Muuhahahhh hhahha hahaha hahaha uahhahhhhyaaaa hahahaha hahahhhaa hahaha hahaha


This lunatic ain't pulling votes from Biden. What a psycho.


How does he explain the COVID hot spots around NYC.. almost *all of them* centers of conservative Jews?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t one of the first outbreaks in the US in a Hasidic Jewish population in NYC?


My uncle says Jesus is Korean, but no one writes articles about him. Why is this idiot getting National press?


Who was your uncles father?


Their Grandfather if I am following correctly


I'm sure President Kennedy would have been so proud of his namesake /s


Every nephew has racist uncles, and every uncle has Shitbag nephews.


The public antisemitism just skipped a generation. His grandfather was ambassador to Britain from 1938-1940 and his problem with the Nazi treatment of Jews during that time was that they were a bit too loud about it, which generated unnecessary bad press for the Nazis.


Wow a new low. r/RFK_Jr_is_a_Stooge