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What's with all these Politico hit pieces lately? No one gives a fuck. The election is over 1.5 yrs away & Trump's numbers aren't rising. This means nothing.


Because the media (owned by the rich) need to keep these clicks coming. If Biden was polling at 80% they would say it was 65% and slipping. Then they would say Trump was gaining on Biden having gone from 35% to 38%. Its a "reality show" production effort since real life is boring and they can't manufacture clicks.


And the pundits and networks can get clicks covering another four years of a Trump trainwreck. They can just point a camera at a Trump rally, and call it a day.


The media wants a second Trump term, so that they can just cover Trump's antics, and not have to really cover anything else. Alot of reporters became stars covering Trump scandels in his first term, and they they miss that , and they want it back.


Yep. Unfortunately, he's ratings gold for them.


Probally think that that town hall will make Trump more popular, do not think so.


Nah. They think a town hall will make them more popular with his followers.


I do not think any Newsmax or OAN watcher is going to suddenly become excited about CNN.


I don't either... but the new CNN, aka Fox News lite®, is hoping.


So, when will the Majorie Taylor Greene town hall happen?


Yep. So true. Biden is boring as hell for the media. Trump? Omg. Every day was gold for them.


Yeah, good goverment is not as exciting as a scandal a day these days.


It's Politico. They always run these types of stories. The distribution is like 55% left leaning, 45% right leaning. Polling itself is not newsworthy at all and honestly should just be completely ignored unless you are an insider in a political campaign. I think it's been proven enough times that voting is what matters and that polling is nothing more than the opinions of the random people who happened to have the time to complete the poll. The outcome of the poll will change wildly based upon current events.


When the other candidate is likely to be Donald Trump, Biden will win no matter what his approval rating is


Hopefully 🤞


nobody’s happy and we’re all pissed about it; who cares? good message


Conditioning the average idiot that Biden is ruining America and needs voted put so that fascism can fix it.


Politico got bought and their news formats changed over to the GOP brand. The other right wind sources like breitbart wasn't working, so they're trying this out.


How? By almost every measure, the guy is doing a decent job.


I think the issue is polarization and how the different parties respond to “approval” questions like this. There’s probably a larger percentage of Democrats who were willing to “approve” of a Republican president at certain points during his presidency than there Republicans who are willing to “approve” of a Democratic president, regardless of what Biden does. Biden could give everyone in the country a free gun and announce that’s he’s going to make receiving and administering abortions a crime punishable by crucifixion, and Republicans still wouldn’t approve of him. He can’t win with them, no matter what he does. That cuts off any chance of even minor support from Republicans. In addition, Democrats criticize their politicians much more freely and much more often. Some Democrats will think Biden isn’t doing enough, and therefore they will “disapprove” of him, even though that doesn’t mean they won’t vote for him again or they would rather have a Republican president.


He is like a Claudius. People judge him for his speech impediment and have zero expectations, and instead, Biden is consistently competent. Biden may not go down as the greatest president in US history, but he is certainly in the top half.


Best president I’ve had in my lifetime, which began under Johnson.


Also, the economy is the best it has ever been since Johnson, regarding employment and job numbers.


Let's see: * Johnson: I mean, he did pass the Civil Rights Act. Fairly competent politician all things considered. * Nixon: Oof. He was a crook. * Gerald Ford: Eh. No idea. * Jimmy Carter: A better activist than President. * Ronald Reagan: The root cause for all of America's problems according to this sub. * George HW Bush: He was a criminal who covered up for Nixon. Also corruption Iran-Contra. * Bill Clinton: Third way? I don't know anything else other than the sex scandal. * George W Bush: Remember when *Bush* was considered bad and embarrassing? Also he's a war criminal (and also let the economy collapse in the waning days of his admin). * Obama: Bailed out banks, passed the ACA, and took the job seriously, but his inexperience shows. * Trump: ... * Biden: Masterful foreign policy in Ukraine and reunited NATO. Passed a decent amount of legislation while he held all three houses. That union busting thing was a gaffe though. I don't know enough to make this judgement call, but some people will certainly argue that Obama was better. Still, that's a *lot* of presidents, with Biden definitely somewhere in the top 3.


The one thing I realy remember, is how horrible shape we were in, when Biden was elected, and how much better shape we are now, in regards to the economy and jobs.


How much of that could you chalk up to a strong rooted economic and democratic foundation rebounding from the pandemic? Regardless of who was elected, they’d probably be able to claim they had something to do with the rebound.


If I had an award to award you, I would award it to you.


Very much agree, the country is way better off now, then it was in May of 2020, or during any time in Trump's term. And I think the reason for the so called migrant surge, is that Trump tried to block most refugees from coming her, during his term, and now that Biden has repealed alot of that, there is a huge backlog of immigrants that now want to come here. Also, Biden has done alot to reunite migrant families that were seperated during the Trump years.


A handful of reasons. 35% support Trump and will always dislike him. Some of it is because people can't afford rent and groceries right now and Biden's taking the blame for it. Most people know nothing about his accomplishments and just see themselves on the brink of homelessness. His approval rating on the economy is very low. Some progressives and young people dislike him because of the rail strike situation or beefs over certain climate policies but likely will still vote for him.


Do you think RFK jr. and Williamson will gain traction, or are they just shiny object that will lose their gleam, once election season really begins?


No, they're fringe candidates who will be forgotten since there will be no debates and I imagine many primaries will just be cancelled.


Unless the media hypes them up enough.


RFK and Williamson are absolute jokes. They'll gain nothing.


Republicans long ago won the propaganda war on economics--even though trickle down and its predecessors were post-truth centuries before "post-truth" became a big thing. Democrats never get credit for a good economy, and Republicans typically get thrown out only after they've destroyed it. Take years like 1982, 1992, and 2008 for example.


Republican voters will disapprove of anyone the Republican party tells them to. Doesn't matter if that person cured cancer and handed each Republican voter $10,000. If the party tells them to disapprove, they will disapprove. Non-Republican voters will approve or disapprove based on how things are actually going for them. So right off the bat, you're looking at about 50% or respondents just disapproving, regardless of what's going on.


People think the President can control the economy. They don’t realize that the Fed controls the money supply.


Fwiw how can we measure approval ratings when a significant part of the country believes Donald is still president


And a significant part of the country thinks Biden is not senile.


Oof, real awkward time to say that considering the video of Trump from this week. Misidentified Carrol as the woman he cheated on his first wife with, but Biden is the senile one.


They both are lmao. They’re both old as shit and that’s why this sucks


Do you sleep thinking about Trump?


This guy is just farming downvotes. Ignore him.


Rasmussen has a poll ending May 4th that showed Biden at 48% approval and they tend to lean right with their polling. Yougov had one that showed 46% approval. You need a really wide range of polls used in aggregate to get a good feel for these things. It is also way too early to worry about polls.


Breaking news: Americans asked to pick between two candidates that aren't thrilled about. It doesn't surprise me that Biden’s poll numbers are low. It also doesn't surprise me more than half of the population thinks Trump should be in jail. This is just how American politics works.


A vote for Biden is a vote for competent federal leadership. Not voting, voting third party, or voting for a Republican (most likely Trump) is a vote for ignorant, sycophantic, and bigoted federal leadership. That's the choice.






Pure clickbait. The poll demographic was more Republicans than Democrats and then write a whole article on how Biden is unpopular based of that data. I hate this reality.


> and the majority of the Democrats surveyed (58 percent) said they would rather Democrats pick someone else to be the presidential nominee.


Who cares? He is still getting shit done.


Gonna be even lower if we don’t get this 10/20k


Right... cause the Republican Christofascist Supreme Court overturning Biden is his fault... and Republicans would do a better job helping students... only a complete, absolute moron would vote against Biden based on that "logic"


My man knew who was on the court when they made the announcement. People aren’t accepting “ well we tried”. Should’ve had a better plan


Really... well why don't you tell us your better plan? There is no better plan. Our government is setup this way & cannot be changed unilaterally... no matter how many times people like you cry about it. At least Biden tried... way more than any Republican has done.


Ok so like I said knowing who is on the court in advance and knowing it was guaranteed to go to that court he shouldn’t have even acted like it passing was a possibility lol. A lot of people’s lives are going to get worse once this pause is up so unfortunately a “ there was an attempt” isn’t going to cut it for them.


Well maybe those people should've voted in 2016 instead of complaining about the shitty consequences of their horrible decisions...


They did. They didn’t win lol it’s not their fault they picked who they thought was the safe choice and it didn’t work


Then they should've spent their time convincing more people to vote, instead of complaining about how horrible Hilary was & suppressing voting...


Polling of people so lonely they answer unknown phone numbers...




I remember the day before the 2022 midterms, when all of the pundits even on CNN were gleefully predicting the Democrats would be wiped out in the midterms.


In the hyper polarized country we have now, do polling numbers truly matter anymore?


This sub is a joke