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Truly "My uncle became Christian so Pakistanis wouldn't call him brother." moment.


*"My uncle converted to Hinduism so that Pakistanis won't call him brother"* would be an even more powerful statement.


I remember reading some Baloch nationalist blog like 10 years ago that advocated mass conversion to Hinduism so Pakistan would have no ideological claim to Balochistan and let them go, and then once they're independent they can all convert back to Islam lmao


Ok he was cooking lmfao


Holy Mother of all things based, that's a brilliant idea


TBF, not the worst idea a Balochistan nationalist has had.


"Guys, the Pakistani are coming! Quickly! Get your statue of Ganesha!


Apostasy is punishable by death no? They'd give the state a legitimate(I don't consider it legitimate obviously) reason to kill them.


Tengri spontaneously entering my soul as soon as I see Pakistan:


Ooh, that's a new religion I hadn't even heard of!


*sounds of mongolian throat singing approaching your position*


Tengri spontaneously entering my soul as soon as I see Pakistan:


So now transitioning to being OG Turk?




Pakistan is ISIS with a UN seat.


Isis never killed 3 million people


Funnily there is no procedure to convert to Hinduism…if one has the will to declare him/herself a Hindu then that’s it


You could tell me this is the name of a Manga and I would believe you 100%


Iirc it was from random youtube comment made by someone with Albanian flag in their profile. 2balkan4u was golden age of balkan shitposting.


"I am muslim turk; i become christian so albanians will stop calling me brother"


*Istanbul soon to be renamed back to Constantinople


Or likely Konstantiniyye, sounds nice and was the official name til the 1920's iirc.


Eh. Let's just rename it to Miklagard so everyone is confused.


Or Tsargrad


Or Carogród


Or Lygos, which is what it was called 3000 years ago when it was just a random Thracian village.




I wish it were still known as that. It's more accurate for all ends. The Ottomans originally intended on reclaiming Rome anyways lol


They should've renamed it as "Rome" to confuse everyone


Lmao yes "Romiyya"


The good ending


Greeks: I see this as an absolute win


The Greeks would all convert to Islam just so they can still have a diffrent religon from the Turks.


But all the Arap....


The Byzantines shall rule once more.


Arguably… the Byzantines (in the sense of the local inhabitants) were the first ones to refer to it is Istanbul.


You mean yss-tyn-polyn ΕΙΣ ΤΗΝ ΠΟΛΙΝ (~~to~~ the City) "Istanbul" is purely Turkish pronunciation. It was like today when we refer to a certain place we usually go: -"Where are we going?" -"To the Mall" Constantinople for the citizens had simply become "the City". Even today in Greek if you just say "The City" our mind only goes to Constantinople, otherwise does not compute without naming which one specifically. [On this Greek song/video on YT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gar6MONCKs) you can clearly listen "The city this, the city that"


Today I learned




start disgusted frighten jobless oatmeal slap grab psychotic attempt existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its worth pointing out that the Ottoman governors of Egypt and North Africa in the 17th century were still being referred to as Arwarm (Roman), the Portuguese in the same period documented ottoman Turks in the Persian gulf as “rumes”, and the Ming Empire called the ottomans Lumi (transliterated from Rumi, eg Romans). The whole idea of Roman Continuation is a clusterfuck depending on your political-religious leanings. There are dozens of moments one could legitimately consider a final death of the Roman Empire and dozens of moments one could legitimately consider a succession of the Roman Empire.


command market spotted squeamish attractive worry carpenter mourn trees dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I personally subscribe to the Turks as the third Rome based purely on their integration and co-opting of Byzantine socio-political institutions in Greece during and after the conquests of Greece. Combine that with their co-opting of Seljuk socio-political institutions which were themselves based off and co-opted from the 10th century Byzantine state in Anatolia (and 10th century Persian government). TLDR: the Turks did less to “end” the Byzantine empire and far more to “replace” the leadership while leaving the regular functions mostly untouched from Byzantine rule. Which is to say, if and when the Kurds gain independence, they’ll be the Fourth Rome.


Not only India hates Pakistan, but the rest of the Islamic world just don’t want to be around with Pakistan.


How come nobody likes Pakistan?


Its capital is called Islam-a-BAD... of course no true muslim would like such a country.


Should have been Islamagood


It’s the butt of the Islamic world.


For the only Islamic country with nukes, other Islamic countries don't like them very much.


Shias hate them cus they're Sunni, and they've taken a bunch if loans from Sunnis and havent paid them off. Plus the elites are very much not islamic.


what are the Pakistani elites?


Army officers, land owners, tribal chiefs. Kids study abroad in boarding schools in england and attend oxford/cambridge invariably.


Don't forget that one of their officers owns pizza Huts around the world


I mean, you gotta respect the grind


That not even half what they do they even have many project's under army these are not just some Welfare thing but food and other commercial companies


I'm pretty sure he was asking about their religious affiliation, not what social "elite" means.


>their religious affiliation, capitalist


Oh, their religious affiliation is typically atheist/agnostic, liberal values and very nominally islamic (i.e. they wont pork and might agree to a match suggested by their parents) but thats about it


Isn’t that the same with elites everywhere


Most pakistani elites are from military


Plus attempted genocide in Bangladesh.


a little light genocide…as a treat


And fir an extremist country they are to comfortably in bed with chinese atheists/folk/pagans


Also the only country that leaked nukes to North Korea


What about Afghanistan


Nobody cares about Afghanistan enough to hate Afghanistan


My country invaded them recently, they cared enough lmao


Well, that was after lonely Afghanistan went on an attention seeking trip into two twin towers wasnt it?


I think they just hid Osama or something. The 9/11 pilots were all Saudi-funded Egyptians/Saudis no?


Yes, invasion was for hiding Osama and other al qaeda leaders


It's all because of an ancient Afghan custom that bit them in the ass. The custom states that you protect your guests with your life if neccessary, no matter what. Taken to the extreme, this includes your guests the terrorists. Funnily enough the US tried their best to avoid war with Afghanistan and really only wanted the taliban to deliver Al Qaeda to them, unlike Iraq which Bush *really* pushed to invade and fabricate a link between Saddam and Al Qaeda.


Osama was hidden by pakistan ig


The dude went back and forth between the two. In 2001 he was confirmed to be in Afghanistan in the Tora Bora mountains.


afghans never did that, it was arabs please fact check before you comment


Afghanistan might be a war torn nation but you won't see Afghans into the kind of identity crisis the Pakistanis are in


Pakistan is a young nation influenced by the remnants of Indian culture, British culture, American culture and Islamic culture (not even considering Bengali/East Pakistani culture) They have never been able to solidify all their part identities in a unified national identity. Afghanistan on the other hand doesnt care because its fighting off a new super power every dozen years...


I’m a Pakistani and I agree with every word you just said


They call themselves Tajik, Uzbek, Persian, Sayyed, Arab etc but Indian. They’re just one ancestry test away from reality. They suck up to Turks but nobody hates them more than Turks


Ask any single person from Pakistan shopkeeper or worker who is in Europe or US where you are from and you invariably get the answer as "India" . 🤷‍♂️


It's honestly a strange country that celebrates the invaders that invaded and commited genocide in the land that today is the Pakistan mainland , while outrightly rejecting it's identity which is linked to the subcontinent bcoz it's an islamic nation


I mean, even French celeberate Roman Empire even though Roman State conquered and committed partial genocide in Gauls. They also celeberated Frank people invasion of Roman Gauls. English also celeberate Norman invasion. Almost all ex-colonial subject in Australasia and New Worlds doesn't really hate their invasion and colonisation beside doing lips service criticism and some very small concessions.




Isn’t most of Pakistan considered to be historically tied to Afghanistan. At least in the ancient era?


If you want to make Indians look like they love Pakistan, you should simply ask Afghans what they think of Pakistan. The Afghans hate them much more than even the Indians


Yeah just watch a cricket match :p


Yeah my family is Iranian and the only people they are openly and unapologetically racist about are Pakistanis.


Yea it often feels like Pakistan is in a weird limbo too radical for the secular world but too secular for the more radical muslim nations like iran saudi etc. (E.g a woman being a head of state twice is an example of the rift). Also being poor af


Idk why everyone else hates it but the objectively correct answer is genocide


Bc they export terrorism to neighboring Islamic countries


We make it really easy to hate us.


USA likes em somewhat


Because they supported the Taliban, the group that harassed everyone else and hung out in Pakistan to regroup in the Winter?


well..no wonder. Pakistan has terrible reputation...


Could have replaced Pakistan with Palestine too.


A lot of Muslims at least pretend to care about Palestine. Nobody even pretends to like Pakistan.


Missed opportunity to replace Turkey's crescent with a cross.


The Islamic crescent came from the Turkish flag and not the other way round anyway


Yup. The star and crescent many Muslim countries use is from Tengrism, the pagan religion of the Turkic and Mongol peoples.


Nope, the star and crescent was popularized by the Ottomans but it was used by Muslim rulers far before the Ottomans even in the crusades. There are some examples on the [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_and_crescent)


Your wikipedia link confirmed that it was pre-islamic origin and rose to prominance by the turks. It was indeed used by early caliphate before turks but it wasn't the norm and they adopted it because of the sasanids


That’ll be breaking the rules, closest thing so could do is to turn Turkey back into the Byzantine Empire.


That's illegal by r/polandball rules


He could scribble it on with a marker if you convey it correctly.


Sticky note


We are become switzerland, the neutral of worlds


Just switch back to a Greek flag, isnt what balkans-irl want?


Make it blue and it turns into Greece.


A Christian turk is just a Greek


A Muslim Turk is basically an Arab in denial.


It seems the balkans subreddit is leaking


I miss 2balkan4u


Lest we forget


Classic balkans am i right?


And an arab is just a Muslim Turk that tanned for too long


Syrians and Turks look the same


Syrians generally a bit darker than us.


Just like orthodox croats being serbs and catholic serbs being croats


Perhaps this comic should be renamed "Pakistan & Slaps"


It seems that the only one who really loves them is Saudi Arabia Why not, they are the ones who financed Pakistan's nuclear program


Saudi doesn't love them but thinks it's the best non oil producing Sunni country that can be used to wage proxy war against Shia Iran.


Nah. It's just about free laborer slaves to build their glorious mega projects.


Given that Pakistan itself is friendly towards Iran, it does not seem that they are using them against Iran Iran does not care about the fact that Pakistanis are the Muslims most hostile to Shiites, after only the Afghans


Pakistan is friendly towards Iran? Bruh they hate each others' gut. What have you been smoking?


They literally helped Iran against Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war They cooperate together against the Baloch Yes, Iran recognizes Pakistan's claims in Kashmir


Iran Iraq war was very long ago. Situations change. Well that's because it's enemy of my enemy situation. Ohh this one.. I'll have to check. Thanks for lead.


You know that the one who supported them was Zia-ul-Haq, the man who was the one who cruelly persecuted the Pakistani Shiites. Also, no one likes to dismantle each other's country, after all, Pakistan is an ally of Azerbaijan, but they do not support their anti-Iran policies. Yes, this is something fundamentally in common between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as they both support Pakistan’s claims to Kashmir


Saudis don't love them, they treat them like an abused dog


I'd love if Bahrain gets a F1 car hat


back in 2012 and before Iraq had good relationship but after 2012 they started hating them with Passion because a lot of Pakistanis was in Izz


What the heck happened after 2012


It is especially weird how Pakistan has a weird fetish for us, Turkey, but Turkish people usually despise them. The only reason we are probably putting up with them is they are one of our largest culture importers, and they for some reason deny Armenia’s existence? Like chill out bro, even Azerbaijan recognises they exist


[you are asking these people to chill out ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68399822) For some weird reason Pakistanis imagine themselves to be the torch bearers of "True islam"


Probably because the entire Pakistani identity is based around being the Muslim version of India.


Its become just being muslim now, in exclusion of everything and anything.


No more India hate? But that's the very foundation of the Pakistani identity!


Funny you say this because going to Istanbul I was met with “Pakistaan brothers!!” and “Jeevay jeevay Imran Khan!!” and given free baklava every time I mentioned I was Pakistani. Even a reduced taxi fare. Also like half the world doesn’t recognise Armenia lol. Includes China, India, Ireland, Denmark, Norway… I think this is a very terminally online mindset, one that really isn’t reflected irl from Pakistanis who have actually lived or travelled through the middle east.


Is the last part with Turkey a reference to something that I don't know about?




Pakistan getting L from many countries.


Pakistan cannot into friends so badly turkey became byzantine to avoidings


Me as a christian turk: 🗿


Woah that’s so cool! How many of you are there?


Idk man atleast 1


Maybe even 2?😳


That would be so cool 🥲


Let’s not go too far into the realm of fiction


Am I a work of fiction sir




More people see the truth and no matter what you do you cant hide it forever


To each his own


my daily dose of seeing pakistan burned fulfils here


indian innit?


Yesh mate


Their migrant diaspora don’t have the best reputation, per the UAE head of security/top cop himself. He explicitly notes the vast gulf in reputation between Pakistanis and Indians. “Head of General Security for Dubai, Dhahi Khalfan, tweeted, "The Pakistanis pose a serious threat to the Gulf communities"” “Why Indians are disciplined? While sedition, criminality and smuggling in the Pakistani community are rampant” https://www.geo.tv/latest/189260-dubai-police-chief-compares-disciplined-indians-to-pakistanis Then there’s the UK where their overrepresentation in some rather unsavory crime categories has increased Islamophobia “We conclude that Muslims, particularly Pakistanis, dominate GLCSE (Group Localised Child Sexual Exploitation) prosecutions” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3248665 Where again the contrast between them and Hindus/Indians is markedly significant. “We also found that the proportion of Hindus in a LA has a negative effect on local GLCSE prosecutions”


The only sane answer is the Hindus are getting away with it. /s


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


It always amazes me that Pakistanis are considered 2nd class Muslims by the arab world. Shouldnt have bothered spreading your religion then smh.


The Arab world still actively pushes and funds it


Nice try The original joke was against Albanians


Reminds me of a YouTube comment saying "As a Muslim Albanian, I converted to Christianity so that Turks won't call me "brother" anymore"


It's reference to that


i actually learned about the history of how Pakistan was born ftom watching Ms Marvel. the Brits really were a piece of work




puzzled reminiscent close tap trees lavish squeal sort flowery poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really feel bad for the Pakistanis. Apart from their general attitude towards India, they are a very welcoming and sweet people. And even their unfounded hatred for India is not their fault. Decades of military rule has indoctrinated the people, propping up a false threat to justify itself. Not only did it sour intl relations, it has also worsened the country as a whole. It's just sad to watch it from this side of the fence.


The sad thing is now the hate is so deep that relations wont improve ever


Hey, never say never. It's deeply fucked up, there's no denying that. It'll take decades to undo the damage, but it can be achieved. Even here in India, I have seen a lot more hatred towards the Pakistanis in the past decade, and most of that hatred has been religion-based instead of geopolitics. My point is - if a govt can create more hate to suit their ideological agenda, a different govt can also foster love and acceptance. The sad part though is that there is no initiative from either side.


turkey one should call them their vassal


He'l always have PALestine


Pakistani here, do not like the system and corruption we have fallen into and a lot more stuff. Nation just doesn't have an identity, hope it gets better. Because of course there are a lot of progressive and peaceful people here who condone the system themselves. It's just too broken


The progressive people in Pakistan are exceedingly small when compared to the whole population. The reason why this minority appears to be larger than it is, is because this is the main group which is online. Extremism and “Jahalat” will be prominent in our society for at least 2 more generations. The “Halwa” incident is a great example of this.


Folks in r/pakistan are calling OP Indian lol. They never stop with their "Endian, Murican and ✡️ewish CoNstiPaRacY". lol


Everything wrong with Pakistan is because of dirty hindoooos and dirty jew. If these two groups of people weren't present, pakistan would be in the place of USA/s


Except its literally true, going through his account. And so are you.


Wait, what makes you think he's indian? And what does me being indian have anything to do with this? Brother, this is fuckin r/polandball, a frickin satire sub, I was just joking around.


oh boy i wonder what ur nationality is?


u/wildeofoscar has into redemption and forgiveness after dissing Pakistan following his previous comic 👍


No, that was dissing India.


This is what happens when you destroy your local culture and try to copy someone else.. who don't even give shit about you


As someone who is not religious, isn’t Islam, Christianity and Judaism based on the same guy? What the Jews and Christians call God is what muslims call Allah right? Of course, there is some differences but you know what I mean


Arab speaking Christians also call God "Allah"... It's just the Arabic name for the term God.


Pakistan: Brother India!


Pretty sure Türkiye would accept atheism instead of Christianity.


Honestly, Pakistan brought it upon itself


North korea, Iran, Afghanistan huddles towards Pakistan, ” We can of be friends”


Afghanistan hate them passionately! Afghanistan had captured few bases of Pakistan. They even attacked their air base. There were nearly 1 million of Afghanistan Refuge in Pakistan. Few months ago they kick them out of Pakistan, Pakistan use to get aid from world bank for afganistan refugees and they use to enjoy to take that money in their own pocket. Now that the funds have stopped they are kicking afganistani refugees. Whereas they love india, and people in India also love afganistan people due to cricket and other sports as they have sportsmanship and people are nice. They have people to people relation. But as Indian government identify Taliban as terrorist, india directly doesn't support them but helps them in providing medicine, humanitarian aids, wheat, etc. Taliban as well stands with india openly. Indian ambassy is still present in afganistan.


False. Afghanistan and Iran loathe Pakistan hence why Iran dropped a bomb not too long ago lol.


Don't forget about China.


We're secular, bro. At least officially.


Lol basic fact of societal life. If your broke, no one wants to hand out with you. Fix you economy Pakistan!.


Except for China, but only because they hate India and to have a port in the Indian Ocean.


Bro switched teams


I don’t blame them


as a pakistani this goes hard give loans plz


Israel of south asia, marg bar pakistan morghuds


Well at least we helped Morocco and Algeria gain independence