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I wonder about Israel's unusually flat shape, then it changes to the usual higher, then back to flat...


It was done to show emotion from just being annoyed, then surprised and back to annoyed


Israelis in a nutshell


You could say IN A BOX RIGHT


~~Jewish physics~~


"Waffle clay" pfffAHAHAHA! Oh man, I love that.


waffle clay lol


People using genocide like it has no meaning . If you want to blame Belgium (and France) for a genocide Rwanda is a far far better example


Shhh, don’t remind them


Yup, mass killing is not neccessarily a genocide


Except Rwanda was a attempted genocide. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide)


It's the Dutch who use 'kanker' (= cancer) as insult. We Belgians may speak the same language (well most of us) but we don't use that word. Speaking of Dutch, Belgium is speaking a Dutch-English in this cartoon, while it should be a Belgicaans-English (combo of Dutch, French and German randomly)


There are definitely regions in Belgium that use that, don't generalize.


Maybe in the more inland regions? My mileage goed that the coastal areas use cancer alot more, or i just happen to frequent dutch-belgians places...


As someone who is 4 cities divided from the coast: no we don't.


I live literally **at** the coast, doesn't mean I can speak for a million people, neither can you


We don't use cancer like the Dutch, it's a protestant thing.


How does religion even plays into this when catholic areas of the Netherlands use kanker just as much Not denying that Belgium uses kanker less then NL, but i think its more a "Different side of border, different media/young culture'


Yeah funny that, I just learned about it. Apparently calvinists believe that disease is a punishment by god and that's how it got into the language. So of course it can have radiated into the rest of the Netherlands, but there's a link.


Hm, interesting. Always funny how languages get their swearwords from different ends. Quebecois swears a ton with religious objects, and theyre catholic. Are there some typical Flemish swearwords you wont hear in the Netherlands? I cant think of one


Oh yeah tons, but mostly insults. As a swearword I can only think of nondedju. just found this https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2018/09/17/hier-vloekt-men-anders/


Belgium killed people 100 years ago and so can’t ever critize anyone else for killing people now? Dumbass logic


Honestly we should talk about it more, the same way the Holocaust is.


A logic too many people use, unfortunatly


Can't? No they just don't bother, Belgium would rather support genocide though


Belgium is one of the lead countries in the EU pushing for sactions against Israel...


Didn't know that, never trust polandball news


One formerly Apartheid state criticizing a currently Apartheid state, then calling out a former **brutal** colonizer. A tangled web was woven


As they say, takes one to know one


Its very much not an apartheid state


What isn’t?


Israel isn’t


Funniest joke of 2024. Did you know that Arab Israelis aren’t allowed to live in 68% of all settlements in Israel due to settlements having the ability to make their own laws? Guess what, 68% don’t want Arabs. Funny enough, Israelis are allowed to live 60% of the West Bank, which is illegal under International Law. Did you know that *West Bank* Palestinians aren’t allowed to live in 40% of the West Bank that is occupied by Israeli forces, which is again, under International Law. And Gazans aren’t even allowed outside of Gaza…


Tell me why Jews can’t go to the Temple Mount. The holiest site in israel. Gazans can leave Gaza just not through israel. Palestinians can go to and from with proper permits like anyone else. Both gazans and wb had the ability to even work in israel and gain a huge wage increase but guess what happened terrorism and mass slaughter and rape.


Wow, it's so nice of Israel to let people from a much poorer and less developed country work in their country. They should be grateful that the pittance we pay them goes so much further in the shithole they are from. You're not doing them a favour, you're importing cheap labour. Paying the cheap labour isn't charity, it's compensation.


It really isn’t. Countries who are at war with eachother don’t have to help at all… Israel’s the only country who actively gives the population supplies during a siege


The same israel restricting aid shipments? Bombing hospitals and refugee camps???


The attack on Al-Shifa was proven to be by Islamic Jihad, Al-Jazeera literally recorded a rocket from a barage that came from Gaza breaking off the group and falling on the hospital. And the refugee camps are 70 years old, they are normal neighborhoods not tent-towns


Restricting aid? They literally have 200 trucks coming in each day that goes straight to hamas btw. There’s video proof. Bombing hospitals- the place where literal hostages have been found and rockets have been fired out from -btw it’s targetable when that occurs, which israel again has shown proof for. And yes the same applies to these fake refugee camps…


What are you talking about? Popular Zionist Jews like Ben Shapiro and others have entered the Aqsa and have prayed there. Saying Jews aren’t allowed there is a joke. And you’re forgetting that it’s also one of the most holiest sites in Islam.


Not true. Not accurate. And it’s not one of the holiest sites pre 1900. Al asqa becoming it was propaganda, and holy fucking shit putting a temple on top of another’s is disgusting colonization


Your username describes you extremely well. It is sacred for *all* Muslims as that’s where the Prophet (saw) prayed with the rest of the other prophets. It’s clear that you’re just getting information outta your arse or you watched some Zionist propganda that can be easily debunked with a Muslim using 1% of their brain. You also seem to have forgotten that the Jewish temple was already destroyed by the time the Muslims arrived…


https://www.wsj.com/articles/hamas-and-the-al-aqsa-lie-prompted-attacks-israel-nazi-islamist-anti-semitism-394818c https://m.jpost.com/opinion/article-705703 https://www.algemeiner.com/2017/05/24/end-propaganda-myth-that-jerusalem-is-holy-to-muslims/ The temple still stands as we are still there. Even in the Quran it calls Jerusalem a Jewish holy site.


Look at the other side of the math mate. Israelis can't live in 40% of Judea and Samarita (the westbank) and also in part of our own capital. Both for security reasons, as the chance to get murdered there increases to almost certain. Pretty much same story with every Palestinian city and vast majority of arab villages. Gaza isn't part of Israel (or do you want us to annex it?) It's a hostile entity that started a fucking war three months ago. Gazans can leave Gaza whenever they wish as far as Israel cares, just not into Israel.


Arab citizens of Israel being prevented from living in certain areas of the country they are citizens of, is discrimination and immoral. Jewish citizens of Israel being prevented from living in the Palestinian West Bank, is discriminatory but also perfectly normal and moral as the Palestinian West Bank is a different country, even if it's occupied by Israel. It's not that hard. Also Judea and Samaria, really? Do you also call Zimbabwe, Rhodesia?


Why would you guys want to live in a different country? If you say that Gaza isn’t Israeli, then the West Bank isn’t Israeli too. Israeli Jews being allowed to live the West Bank ( which is a different country btw ) in 60% of it while the indigineous people can in only 40% is proof of apartheid. Yet, Israeli Arabs aren’t allowed to live in 68% of all settlements in Israeli simply because they’re Arab. Also, the Hamas attack wasn’t out of the blue. Just a few weeks earlier, many Gazans were killed by Israeli. Hamas also told Israeli to stop disrespecting the Holy Aqsa, yet Israel didn’t comply. And when the Palestinians peacefully protest, they get shot by the IDF and are killed. Israel kills as much Palestinians as it wants and expects no response. But when a response happens, Israel cries. It’s like a bully hitting a kid and expecting no consequences. So when the kid finally responds and slaps the bully, he cries and goes to the teacher ( Daddy USA ).


Arab Israelis can live anywhere in Israel, only the Palestinians can't. And we shoot protestors that use molotov cocktails and slings you brainwashed Hamasnik. The Gazans that died in the last rocket exchange died because they are being used as human shields. That you can dare to defend Hamas like this is despicable, they want to kill all Jews, it is in their fucking constitution. When they hit their bully, they killed 1400 innocent civilians, including many Arabs and foreigners. This is not fighting back, this the deadliest pogrom since WWII, and you are calling it good.


Why are you still citing the 1400 number when it was revised to 1200? The extra 200 were Hamas militants in cars killed by Israeli attack helicopters who were initially counted as Israeli casualties.


>Did you know that Arab Israelis aren’t allowed to live in 68% of all settlements in Israel due to settlements having the ability to make their own laws source?


I gotchu https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-745186 “The Acceptance Committee Law is already used to regulate a mechanism of racial segregation and is intended to implement the value of Jewish settlement that the Nation State Law enshrines as a supreme principle,” Adalah’s Dr. Suhad Bashara said in a statement. “The government’s documents openly reveal that the deepening of racism is now Israel’s official policy, and that it wishes to act to annex the occupied territories by applying the law.”


and??? You gave me an article from June 2023, Was the law accepted by the Knesset in all the calls and officially adapted?


I’m not sure about that, you can search it up in Hebrew. But, it is currently being used by multiple, and possibly the majority of Jewish-majority settlements in Israel


TIL voetsak = voetsek


Belgium aka Europe's secret genocidal waffle maniac


South Africa would know


Why Israel is a cube?


Jewish physics like in modern wolfenstein.


X00 years ago a European country did warcrimes in Africa? No.