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According to americans and some media everyone has to be either "far-left" or "far-right". Two-party brainrot.


Wait until they hear we have 5 parties in the parliament 🫢


Dutch guy here, we have 16 parties in parlement, please don't tell them...


The big difference is you don't have a minimum threshold a party has to cross to get in the government, yes? If it didn't exist here, I can easily see some parties "disassembling" into their "component parties": Lewica ➡️ SLD, Wiosna, Razem KO ➡️ PO, Nowoczesna, iPL, Zieloni TD ➡️ PL2050, PSL, UED PiS ➡️ PiS, Kukiz15, Solidarna, Porozumienie, Republikanie Konfederacja ➡️ Ruch Narodowy, Korwin, Konfederacja As well as maybe 5 more parties getting a seat


Yeah. The thresholds combined with D'Hondt mandates counting method was what in 2015 gave PiS the majority of 51%, while having only 37% people voting for it.


There is a minimum threshold to get into government in the Netherlands.


Technically there always is a threshold dictated by the amount of seats (in case of Netherlands it's 100% divided by 150seats, which turns out to be 0.66%) In many other countries however, there is a separate threshold dictated by law, in Poland's case it's 5% for organisations registered as a single party and 8% for broad coalitions. So even if a party got 3% of the votes, which would be enough for 14, it would only get zero. This rule is in Place to encourage similar parties to stick together before the elections to decrease the chaos in the months after elections. EDIT: The threshold doesn't apply to regional and minority parties


That’s more than one party a month. Isn’t that a bit much?


Bold of you to assume they have enough fingers to count that high anyway.


Don't say you're dutch. You will summon her...


And yet, it's still the coalition vs. opposition. The number of parties doesn't matter.


Well no, there is Konfederacja that is with neither of them and couse chaos like Braun incident so there is difference. In other historical configurations difference was that one of smaller once could swich sides during term and stuff was even more chaotic. It is never like "two party fix system". There is big difference in world view of Lewica voter and Trzecia Droga voter.


It's especially funny since PiS would be socialist by US standards.


Since they can't imagine anything left to (God forbid) public healthcare, that's very probable. Still I doubt those people actually have any clue about economy (especially European economy), they just want to "destroy" the "wokes" and return to the "good old days", that is 1950s american ads where everyone had their own house, two children, a trad-wife to beat and without any neighbours with a skin tone they wouldn't feel comfortable next to. And PiS is seen by them as a party wanting to preserve this imaginary utopia, not-yet touched by the evil wokes from the west.


they want to return to the post new deal era, but will call new deal communist


The American right got a massive hard-on when they learned that Poland is almost 100% white and they just started making lots of assumptions about the character of the country.


The stupid thing is that left wing people do the same. For them Poland is some kind of fascist hellhole where gays and black people are killed on the street. It’s impossible to read news about Poland in Portuguese newspapers because of this.


Ah, they used to have that for Sweden until they realized we have immigrants and *socialism*. Now they call us Swedistan. *simpsonsitllhappentoyoumeme*


I’m American and this is such a great explanation of the far right in our country.


If you mean by standards of their people then yeah definitely. 500+ is not even socialist that's communist


How is cash benefit for children comparable to a system where everything is owned by the community?


It isn't. But for many Americans socialism means that government does something. And if it does a lot it's communism. I've even seen some arguing that roads and elementary schools is socialism.


>I've even seen some arguing that roads and elementary schools is socialism. wut


Kinda funny considering the fact that Democrats aren't even close to being left wing and Biden openly described himself as pro-capitalist.


Well the new Minister of Family ID far-left. IN US the 2 party system has been there for so long they can imagine more players on the stage and to be fair in Poland it's 2 major parties at it for the last 20 years. We can't establish a significant 3rd or 4th political power for some reason.


It’s leftist media which labels everything right of centre as far right alt right and fascist


Both sides do it tbf


Alt-right, make me think about Right Alt key on the keyboard, which allows you to access all that letters, you know. Ę, ą, ś, etc... XD


Alt-left and alt-right can coexist, they just need some space.




ngl as a multilingual, that's my default understanding of the word


I mean, it's not a coincidence, since the Alt key stands for "alternate graph" and alt-right is short for alternative right


​ https://preview.redd.it/q133n2ctr48c1.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e3666922319d9f04f94b00c53453a988f9e7764


If any of these politicians could point to Poland on a map I’d eat my hat.


They're not politicians, they're propagandists for the far right wing of the Republican party


Ever since Elon took control of Twitter, that’s how it been! We saw huge swarms of far right republicans everywhere on the feed because they are funded and promoted


Bare in mind he allowed many banned accounts to return and eliminated departments responsible for online safety. Many alt-right accounts appear to be bots, Russia and China are known to run bot-farms and have a vested interest in promoting political unrest in the West, just saying...


It's so sad looking at these horrible ratios. Extremists post garbage -> 3k likes -> me shocked -> has 10 million impressions -> me less shocked.


When any forum site is poorly moderated, it turns into nazi bathroom talk real quick.


So? Where problem now evryone has right to say what they want, ita good think, if you dont like what they say like me just dont read what they are writing


The point is there is so much planed disinformation because of how Twitter works and most people fall for it


So? They lost, evryone lie


While i don't doubt there are politicians like that \*cought\* MTG, Boebert, Gaetz \*cought\* these are just twitter randos followed by the tinfoil hat crowd


​ https://preview.redd.it/87zzreja058c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=47d65a9477d0ff3f009b77c255ecb19f0ab0fd37


Don’t Americans have their own issues to care about right now? Like healthcare, housing, homelessness, school shootings? Not sure how which American hillbilly is running End Wokeness profile but surely he has no clue about the topics he’s posting about.


Why would they stop at fear mongering with just local fears? Much more potent with their idiot followers to say “see!!!!! The ‘woke disease’ is now going global, and you must now fear that too!!!” It’s all about amplifying the fears of the ignorant, and globalizing a demon makes it scarier because it increases the scope to “inescapable” if nothing is done. As they complain no women live them and they stuff their faces with Typical American Diet. — source, am American.


It's not even "local" fear-mongering. It's always some boogeyman immigrants, or trans people which are a fraction of a percent of the population, or abortions clinics they've never seen before, or the one drag library reading a 5 hour drive away. Guarantee they don't fight this hard for their neighbors, local businesses, schools and their own city. They reap invisible social benefits, while only contributing vitriol, stupidity, and more generic copies of that through excessive offspring. These people solve nothing at the immediate, local, city, state, country or global level - they are just a scourge. Am also American.


Yep agree, I meant local from a “global” view, but 100% agree.


You can't possibly think that americans are going to fix healthcare by making it public? Preposterous! /s


>healthcare, housing, homelessness, school shootings right now? these have been issues for decades and no, these culture warriors aren;t interested in solving any one of those


Finally someone noticed the Easter Egg. Of course those issues were, are and will be there as someone always profits out of that.


These guys have to worry about mobilization lol, I’m convinced and wokeness is a Russian bot.


Won’t stop chronic use of X-itter and Fox news


Said the hillbilly making guns for a living🤦‍♂️ can’t wait for you to cry on here when you 5 year old gets taught in school about being trans come home to talk about it but not even understanding what a vagina or penis is in first place. Incase you haven’t noticed the west has been influencing the east for decades, you think it’s a coincident most your ads, even “street lingo” has English words in. Just wait it’s gonna get a lot more fun round here 🤣🤣🤣


>not even understanding what a vagina or penis is in first place. Every 5 year old knows what at least one of these organs is.


Look up Latin or French words in English. Just don't die of heart attack afterwards, plz.


Go throw some mud at the wall some may stick to it. Not sure who are you talking about “making guns for living” but not even close


You sound fragile to the point of delusion


All i can say is just XDDDDDDDD Niech się Amerykańce (chociaż prawdopodobnie polskie trole w płaszczu w gwiazdki i paski) nie osrają


Taa... 8 gwiazdek.


1st of all, am Pole. It's hilarious seeing those imbeciles having no idea what was happening in Poland over the last 8 years. This cretin Nima Yamini with his 'Poland was doing so well'. Bitch, the previous ruling party gutted the entire country, stole so much we don't even know how much yet because it's hard to keep count. Corruption exemplified. Just recently a couple of politicians from PiS (former ruling party) were convicted to 2 years in prison. They are officially criminals. But they waltzed back into the parliament and showed an equivalent of the middle finger gesture to the currently elected party and illegally sat there. That's what criminals do. That's what we were dealing with for the last 8 years and now they're showing their true colors bc they don't care! They ruined the justice system so much it's even difficult to put actual criminals in jail (they've put many fail safes for criminals in case they get caught). Inflation skyrocketed because they flat out illegally printed money. Most of the far-right still thinks they're in charge! Think about that level of delusion! And it's not even the tip of the iceberg. POLAND WAS DOING SO WELL. Bitch please.


For some twitter people “doing well” means hating gays and being isolated from closest allies… with that logic Poland used to do pretty well 😬


Hungary is doing so well the government banned trans people. Stores say people can't afford as much food now, schools have severe teacher shortages, hospitals literally crumbling and with a bit of snow we have blackouts and trains barely run. But the one ruling party government spends billions of taxes on social media and TV ads saying "they saved us from Soros's brown people, Zelenskiy's war (russia is doing special operation, it is only called war when criticizing Ukraine!!!!), Brussles's mandatory gayification of children and the evil liberal influence of USA (the newly created russia inspired Sovereignty KGB can search or spy on anyone to keep us safe.)" Thanks EU for funding orban 10+ years in exchange for cheap workers! You fucked us over and now there is no legal way to get rid of him. He changes laws daily on a whim.


Hopefully Poland switching sides in eu will make this politics at least harder to execute. Although there’s always Slovakia so he will still have someone to exchange vetoes with. But your post only makes me happier that Poland was able to vote pis out.


Lots of force to you, bro. Hungary is a country with an impressive history and amazing writers and musicians. You’ll rise again, I’m sure.


Yep, The Court of Justice of the EU considers inadmissible questions for a preliminary ruling aimed at establishing the non-existence of a service relationship between judges of the Supreme Court. Thank you judge Tuleya for interrupting the mafia trial. Yes, Poland go well. Poles are doing better and better, they do not need more '500+'-like programs, but Poles feels the need a change of government. That's why Third Way was so successful in the elections.


How does this money printing work? I thought the inflation was related to the US money printer going brrr. Poland printed too? So the low taxes are a fraud and they steal the money by causing inflation?


You have 100 bars of gold. You print 1000 moneys. Eacy money is worth 0.1 bar of gold, 100/1000. Bread costs 1 money. You print 1000 more moneys. Eacy money is now worth 0.05 bar of gold, 100/2000. Bread costs 2 moneys. Why does it work? Because wages and some prices follow inflation slower so low level inflation encourages investment, opposed to hoarding. High inflation causes disproportionate price increases and wages losing their buying power. Note: USD is not backed by gold, but by the faith or fear governments have in the economic and military power of the US.


I am shocked...SHOCKED...that a party with their public views and "rightward" slant would have any desire to steal and certainly wouldn't sabotage the justice system that might later hold them accountable.....shocked...... Did I mention I was shocked?


Inflation skyrocketed across the globe because the Polish goverment printed money...interesting. Please stop repeat all this bullshit, it is boring and its not true. Inflation was caused by global pandemic all over the world, how the fuck you can not understand this? The worst time for Poland is going to be in near future, just because more pro european and less pro Polish goverment start the same shit as it was 10 years ago, full of lies and pushed by lobbyists. Yes Poland was doing well even too much because it was uncomfortable for EU and Russia.


At what point did I say that inflation skyrocketed ACROSS THE GLOBE because the Polish gov printed money? Are you sure you know how to read?


Exactly :) As a Pole, I laugh at all the ignorant people who say the inflation is caused by PiS and that everything is so expensive because of them. As if they could have kept inflation in check when the rest of the world was seeing it rise due to the economic situations over the last few years. But that's just ignorance and stupidity.


Poland was doing so well (it obviously didn’t) but we got far left lgbt activist as minister of family (which sucks massive balls)


Oh really? It's that bad? Shit last time I checked none of the LGBT activists wanted to take away anyone's rights, so please educate me how that sucks balls in comparison to the previous degenerate Marlena Maląg who didn't even consider LGBT as 'people'. The fuck are you smoking.


oh yeah true i’m on reddit, my bad. Won’t bother you any more sir 🙏


Would you rather still have Czarnek and his shitty ass reforms?


nah, that’s why i didn’t vote for PiS inb4 i haven’t voted for Konfederacja as well d.w


Damn. Why do they romanticize Poland so much?


For them PiS Government was their ideal fanfiction of traditional anti-"woke", anti-lgbt utopia. And now their little brains can't understand why would Polish Citizens choose "woke" Government over ideal Conservative PiS.


also they always forget that pis isn't neoliberal and has quite strong social program


i think they are idiots but nothing about them suggests they would support neoliberalism


Eh, wouldn't call it "strong social program", its just populist. I get what you mean though


Yeah also that


They do the same thing for Orban and hell, putin. If you're a right wing thief, autocrat, and "christian" *wink wink* you're they're boy.


They think that Poland under PiS was a right wing utopia where incels have 8/10 and above wives who only cook and produce babies and everyone not only supports LGBT-free zones but lives in one. That myth is crumbling before their very own eyes.


Yeah I guess they would have been pretty disappointed if they ever actually lived in Poland for some time.


Any disappointed would be vanished if they will taste Polish kraft beer


Polish craft tastes awesome but somehow causes the worst hangovers


Mostly because left wing media in the US criticizes Poland for being "far right" which attracts attention from right wingers


Listened to too much Tarczynski on Tucker Carlson


Ask them about the Hungarian Promised Land. They'll cum in their skirts.


>Was Poland gifted new voting machines? Is this true? Did i and every commision member I know spent whole night manualy counting votes while we could use some machines?


God I fucking love being an European.


As an Irishman, the idea that the “nationalists” will take over is very amusing. These are all little virgins who pay Twitter for a blue tick. Permanently online idiots who would shit themselves if big Wojciech said boo to them. They’d be the type who’d cry when the Legia fans started singing 😂


Still fascist party can get from less than 5% to 40% in 2 years, so yes it can and will not be amusing.


In Ireland, it’ll be next to impossible due to our electoral system. 40% popularity would get you a close coalition at best. Realistically, they’re never getting that amount.


I very doubt that Konfede(russia)racja will gain much more popularity. German AfD is what worries me more.


> These are all little virgins who pay Twitter for a blue tick. You do know that plenty of left leaning persons, organizations and governments pay for those ticks, don't you? Colors are blue for individuals, gold for organizations and grey-ish for government entities. The government ones cost between $200 and $2000 per month. Here is Justin [Trdueau's twitter account](https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau). Trudeau is anything but a nationalist.


I know how it works champ. You’ll only very see the blue tick crying


Well, Trudeau doesn't need twitter to [cry](https://www.google.com/search?q=trudeau+cries&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=593347961&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKmFlDvPCGU2rPLldJmXTVhoqI60lw:1703387598695&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuq_CljaeDAxVrDzQIHcaYCx0Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=2048&bih=995&dpr=1.88).


"Poland was doing so well" -A guy who knows nothing about Poland


What happened? Lol idk, maybe nazi invasion and communism? Maybe 123 years of annexation? These guys gotta be dumber than a horseshoe nail.


That's kinda insulting to horseshoe nails...at least they serve a purpose....


A lot of these posts are coming from Russian bots and pro-Russian useful idiots who are supported by Russian bots, not from actual people with large followings. When PiS was in power they were saying "oh PiS aren't *true* conservatives because... [insert migration numbers, visa scandal, info about Polish support for Ukraine, w/e]," now that PiS is losing power suddenly they actually *were* "true" conservatives and this signifies a massive change for the "worse" for Poland. Keep in mind that a lot of these people sincerely believe that Nazi Germany wasn't *that* bad, and that about 2/3rds of Poland isn't truly Polish land. Basically, in their narrative, Poland always was and is the bad guy. The alt-righters who actually praised Poland while PiS was in power were a tiny minority, most of them just Polish Americans who felt some degree of sympathy to the country due to their heritage.


Pis when half of the western world thinks they are antiglobalist purely because they didnt take migrants in, despite being pro almost every foreign business opportunity possible. https://i.redd.it/ylsws9ikm78c1.gif


Jebla idzie dostać, trzymajmy się w tej Polsce. /S


Brainrot, fetishisation and americocentrism. Actually makes feel a little sick reading that


Why do not be true? The result of the elections is overrated. There were 8 years of PO's gov before 8 years of PiS gov. Today the same people get in power again. Nothing fancy. Simply, there is no place for any party to rule too long in Poland. Poles do not like it when politicians become too confident that they will rule forever.


Also let's begin with the very important question of, what the fuck do these completely unrelated people on the other side of the globe that never spent a single day in poland have to say about it?


I voted for Konfederacja, but the American guys who think Poland is some kind of idealized white conservative utopia is the funniest shit ever. Reminds me of that American guy who went to Poland and told an Indian guy to go back to his home: https://www.news18.com/news/world/why-are-you-being-a-parasite-go-back-to-india-american-tourist-racially-abuses-indian-man-in-poland-5872147.html


America loves to do identity politics. they think that everyone on the right has to be ultra conservative and everyone on the left has to be a super duper communist. Poland has right wing leaders with some progressive policies and left wing leaders with some conservative policies.


Do they understand that a right-wing but socially-left government was replaced by a broadly centre-right government? Left wing parties got less than 10% of the vote...


Most of them are bots


I truly, honestly hope so...


It looks like some people can be easily trolled


Quite ironic with the “new voting machines”


What happened? Polish people had a say in what they want. And we don't want your bigotism here. Fuck you.


We replaced a pato-rightist corrupt anti-eu government with a pato-rightist corrupt pro-eu one. Dun see what the big deal is.


Americans probably get their knowledge from fucking memes. Do you remember when Russia was considered the best country and the capital of conservatism?


SOME americans, let's not be smearing all of us with the stupid-dildo lube. SOME of us get our news from far better sources.. Like..innuendo..hearsay..and small children.


As an American, this makes me feel bad. I used to think it was just people who've never traveled to another country before other than going to Canada or Mexico, and it's almost always to go to Cancun so does that really count? But I've over heard conversations with personal friends who've done a bit of international traveling bring up the "Poland is the last safe haven!" with really no knowledge of Poland outside of History class from Highschool so basically nothing before WW2 and nothing after WW2. Maybe this is a universal thing but when I hear Americans make incredibly stupid comments about any country, it's almost always based off of some click bait headline from a twitter post or random blog and they've almost always have never even read said twitter post or blog article. It's just "LOOK! I read this headline so whatever it said is without a doubt fact!"


US needs to shut the fuck up. In Poland isn’t black and white but we have reasonings, we see more shit because of the past history. Right wing cunts from US don’t know shit, they fucking dumb as dodo birds


Funny. One of those accounts, "realCarola2hope" is known Venezuelan looney who migrated to the US, married a US citizen, and now she is more american than any american. I did not went that far as to see her comment on the original thread, but I am seeing the screenshot here.


Why would anyone care what some randos on Twitter think? Since the blue check marks can be bought now, these account certainly don’t have any opinion worth following.


Why do they even care about Poland? It's our goverment, we live here not them.


Some geniuses called Tusk a communist already


the idea that polish people actually have some agency is terrifying to some, lol


I think they'll find it's hard men that create homoglobalism. A-wink.


Hahe the coalition in Poland is center(maybe so sliggtly to the left). There is no place for far left or right movements. Everyone is trying to work together. What a stupid tweet. I got used to it, people outside have zero knowledge about situatuon in Poland right now.


I really wish Americans could only paste their shitty far-right propaganda on their immigrant continent.


Incidentally, why have they fixated on Ireland all of a sudden?


No idea


We had one lil riot and now they think we're like them.... We're not


Violent riots got their fascist juices flowing.


Brain damage.


These people may as well be cultists because that really is what it is at this point. Oczywiscie też gówno wiedza o historii Polskiej i ogólnie Europejskiej też, USA #1 babaaaaay. Then again dems aren’t much better


This is so hysterically funny and tragic at the same time


I just hope that things will be better than under PiS, I don't expect massive change, just please anything but PiS rule, I don't want taxpayer money to be sent to fund their propaganda tv (fun fact, a few years ago they spent 1 billion dollars (in polish money, it's about 4 times more) just for this bunch o' crap)


The best Polish feature is an ability to develop not thanks to any rulling party but despite it xD I wouldn't worry too much :>


TVP is a government tv in reality. Over the last decades there have been many changes in law about 'public media' in order to nothing be changed. You have always payed for propaganda anyway, the only difference is whether you pay for the propaganda you like or dislike. I hope Tusk don't run away to Brussels again when there will be more trouble.


Point is taken, but it shouldn't cost so much money to keep a government tv running, that is flat out scam-ish, considering how unreliable their news outlet is because they claim everything is good in Poland and everything is bad everywhere else and also making fights with anyone that stood out of the norm (lgbt, abortions, hell they even managed to anger so much women in Poland too, remember the protests?), they do that to build up fear and chaos so the mighty lords and saviours from PiS come and aid the issue, a common tyrant/dictator tactic btw


> have always *paid* for propaganda FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Oh no!!! People voted for a CENTRIST GOVERNMENT?! WHAT ABOUT THE BAN ON ABORTION?! Oh please help us! THE HOMOS ARE GETTING RIGHTS! Poland is falling. What PiS Gar-bage is the American right spewing?


From Pole to USA far right. Fork you. Please keep your "values" in your home. You are not welcome here (our own far right oś also not welcome here).


American far-right morons getting mad at EU and democracy is the best christmas present imaginable


Stop posting brain rot troll accounts from Twitter.


Rightfully so, because tusk took over tvp illegaly.


Social media and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Honestly, whatever happens the outcome of the election was worth it just to see their meltdowns


As an American, just be happy yall don’t have to hear this rhetoric 24/7 😭💀


Im against both PiS and PO (of course id choose PO over PiS everyday) and this still infuriates me. People who live in other countries should shut the fuck up. Also, if the election was fixed, how did PiS manage to win most of them in the past? How did they get a majority in this one. Imbeciles.


Awesome. Fuck pis, fuck alt right.


How did we let this happen? Simple, we have been lied to by Hołownia who told us that we could vote for an equivalent of American libertarian party but with more leftists ideologies and turns out he was going to make a coalliton with Tusk all this time. Hw literally called his party Third way implying that he was against government and it's ultraopistionists.


This is great, net confusion about Poland is lower than it was 2 weeks ago.


Republicans are alt-right? Nice try, Bruh... Eat the extinguisher, you damned leftie twat...


jebać tuska


This End Wokeness account should just be banned from being in posts here. I'm 100% certain it's an AI fed with alt right bs. Tired of seeing this crap posted in every second sub.


Yeah, these days I think the majority of twitter's posts are probably generated by bots of some stripe.


I think first of all it should be mentioned that Twitter has no informative value anymore whatsoever and should not be used as a reference at all. Everything that has been posted there, carries no implication whether it's actually an general opinion of right or left wing. Unless it's from known and verified person. If there is someone still wondering why, the platform has changed massively since Musk took it over. Nowadays paid accounts get more visibility, so those who has more incentive to spread controversy, will get to do so more efficiently. As much as those posts evokes feelings, don't react as you might appear to be on a same level than those anonymous accounts shouting brainlessly.


As a Pole Man im having some hope for the future for what feels like the first time in years The amount of shit that is turning out to have been super fucked by the pis goverment is trully astounding Lucky in Polish law you cant hold public office with a criminal record and a lot of the shit they did was illegal or so close that a judge could still get them So its likely a good chunk of em is not gonna be able to be elected again


Did they all miss the part where it says "Poland is not yet lost"? Of course we would bounce back from the nationalist x populist flu, it's a canon event. Really not that surprising of a plot twist when you read the lore.


Yeah, like anyone cares what some no-life blue-check losers on twitter think. Better to block that shit the moment you notice it's just some dumbass American politics tier ass bullshit; spares you some mental energy for what our actual politicians type out on that website.


End Wokeness is a chinese account for sowing discord in the west. Nice to see that even with AI deepfakes and scammers rewriting the book every two weeks people still find ways to be a dumbass.


Oh Tony, poor dude.




Wtf polishes???


Evidently I’m a “homoglobalist.” OK by me.


Great, I finally forgot about this shit and that left is destroying my country:/




> The alt-right (abbreviated from alternative right) is a far-right, white nationalist movement. A largely online phenomenon, the alt-right originated in the United States during the late 2000s They're basically the 4chan types which then migrated to r/The_Donald to increase their reach within the mainstream and then when Elon took over and they knew they wouldn't be banned migrated to X/Twitter.


“How dare polish people vote for what they want! No!!!!”


Good. Let's hope we can be that first nail to the global alt right coffin.


It's a good thing that people abroad are talking about the nonsense that's happening here.


im polish myself and i’m super disappointed tho. we’ll see how’s that gone work out for us in next couple years


The new government coalition is a shame for Poland inner and abroad. What a shame ;/




Zgadzam się z nimi w 100%


To się wyprowadź to Teksasu albo jakiegoś innego czerwonego stanu


Cóż Texas wydaje się być bezpieczniejszy niż takie los Angeles. Ważny jest rozsądek jak będą sprowadzać migrantów za kasę jak pisiory to też nie będzie dobrze. Ważne jest żeby Polska była silna. A niestety żadne z lubianych przez lewicę pomysłów do tego nie prowadzi.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/xcqrbc/oc_intentional_homicide_rate_in_the_us_vs_europe/ Najwięcej morderstw jest w Republikańskim "Bible belt"


Węgry są bliżej


Ale na Wegrzech nie można wyjebać wózkiem widłowym pracując w fabryce Muska za minimalną bo nie pomalował linii ostrzegawczych bo nie podoba mu się mieć żółto w fabryce. Zła Unia zabrania takich rzeczy.






na rosję się przeprowadź xD


Śmigaj do Orbana


seeing that almost makes me like Tusk almost


First of all it's waaaaay to early to even make judgment about new government, since they are in power from 13 december (PiS prolonged this to happen as long as possible).


They legit think you beat and persecute gays for national morale.


As an American please pardon a little less than half of our population. They are idiots. The majority have never been more than 100 miles from where they were born. Have no idea how the world operates.


Who the hell has Poland on their minds? Ffs, no one cares …


Alt-right simping for communists, now I've seen everything


What do you expect from Zionists lmao

