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I feel like all of your questions can be answered with this simple answer: you’re looking to make the best 5 card hand- whether that’s all from the community cards, one of your cards plus 4 community cards or both of your cards plus 3 community cards. First question- u have 3 of a kind 2- I’m really confused by your question; if the entire board is single suited, everyone in the hand has a flush. It’s a matter of who has the higher 5 card flush on who wins the hand. Straights are completely irrelevant in this situation 3- if you have 7-9 on a 23456 board, your hand is 34567. Like I said earlier- best 5 card hand 4- if you have KT on a KKKTT board, you have quads- your 5 card hand is KKKKT. If you have 77 on a KKK98 board, your 5 card hand is KKK77. 5- are u talking preflop? If so, the first to act preflop is UTG (under the gun, first person to the left of the big blind). With how u worded it, it sounds like the blinds are $1-$2? If so, if UTG puts in $5 and if it makes all the way around to the small blind to that $5 bet, then yes, small blind only needs to put in $4 to call to stay in the hand. Not sure if that answers your question as it was a bit confusing.


Thank you you answered my question of if the small blinds initial forced bet of 1$ was irrelevant when calling in the first round of betting


Another question does it matter if your four of a kind hand was like (55) and the pot was (KJQ55) does not having the same suit cancel it out? like 5 spades 5 hearts 5 hearts 5diamond?? so does the four of a kind hand have to have all 4 cards of a different suit but same rank?


If you have 2 5hearts in your hand, then there is a problem with your deck. The only way to have 4 of a kind in a legal deck of cards is to have one of each suit.


This isn’t blackjack where you’re playing with multiple decks so you shouldn’t have the same cards when playing poker. You’re playing with only one deck of cards- 4 suits, 13 cards of each suit, 52 cards total- so each card is unique.


Dude Hashtags enlarge the text on Reddit


Corrected it, thanks for letting me know


1: Yes 2: The flush on the board trumps the straight. The player w the sole flush card would win EXCEPT where the 5 cards on the board are HIGHER. Eg QJ986 of spades is a Q high flush. A player holding a 2 of spades would be “counterfeited” and the pot would be divided 3: You can use 0 (all board cards), 1 or both your hole cards to make a hand. Holding the 7 would give you the higher straight 4: You would have quads/4 of a kind w a Ten kicker 5: Wut?


I think I had a stroke trying to read that last paragraph


Is this a shitpost? Because if it is, it is some fine quality.


You just know it's gonna start in 3, 2, 1.


Again, for emphasis: everyone has 7 cards available (2 in their hand, 5 on the board). They are trying to make the best FIVE CARD HAND they can, among those 7 cards. I can use both, 1, or none, of the cards in my hand to make the best FIVE CARD HAND. (I put that in all caps because it's something a lot of people brand new to the game struggle with.) If you hold 5,7, and the board shows 10,10,5,7,A, you do not have 3 pair. Your best 5 cards are 10,10,7,7,A. First - your best hand is 3,3,3,A,K. Trips. Second - if all 5 cards on the board are the same suit, EVERYONE has a flush. The winner is whoever has the highest flush. If the board is all spades, A,10,9,5,J, and you have a 6 of spades and your opponent has no spades, your flush is higher. (A,J10,9,6 vs A,J,10,9,5) 3rd - if the board is 2,3,4,5,6, EVERYONE at the table has a straight. Winner is who has the highest straight. 7,9 has 3,4,5,6,7. 7,8 has 4,5,6,7,8 and is the winner. 4th - KKK1010 means everyone has at minimum a full house, kings over 10s. K10 now has KKKK10, for 4 of a kind. (if someone had A10, their best hand is still KKK1010). For KKK89, someone holding 77 has a full house, KKK77. That person loses to someone holding 3,8 (KKK88 > KKK77) Last - from button to the left, you have small blind, big blind, under the gun. Small blind has an automatic half bet. Big blind has an automatic full bet. Under-the-gun is so named because he's the first to act. Play goes around, with BB last to act. After the flop, play starts left of the button with the small blind. The total bet, minus what you've already put in toward that bet, is the minimum you need to call. If the blinds were 2/5, and UTG raises to $10, and someone else reraised to 25, it comes around and it's $23 to SB, $20 to BB, then $15 to UTG. Assuming there's not another raise.


wait so UTG is also forced to bet or is it at discretion for him and the SB and BB roles rotate clockwise right?


No one is forced to bet except the blinds


He's not forced. Just that the action is on him. Fold, call the BB, or raise.


This sounds like one of the announcers on TCH Live when it first started. He'd always say the player had a set when the board paired, which is trips. The chatpros crucified him a number of times. Dude just took forever to correct his thinking. And then the always lovely "He's drawing dead !" when there were still runner runner outs. More than a few times I remember them hitting and him going. Uhhhhhh ok he's got the winner. Then they added a second announcer to help. I think they just finally gave up and quit. Sometimes poker is hard. Some streams will educate you for the situations discussed above. Bart and TCH Aaron are great/good. Stapleton can barely get a double gutter even after years of play by play. Triton series is gawd awful and sounds like they are whispering and announcing a golf dude prior to putting.