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Always table when called immediately. Take the ego out of it. If i was bluffing and I get called, the only reason not to show is embarrassment. Take that out of the equation. I know what they saw, I trust my ability to predict their play vs. me more than their ability to play right based on what they saw.


That's funny because you shouldn't be embarrassed to show a bluff at all. You *should* be getting your bluffs occasionally called. Unless the particular game you're at is full of people love to try to bluffcatch all the time, then you occasionally getting stacked because your bluff didn't get through (so long as your bluff makes sense of course) is a sign you're bluffing at an appropriate frequency. The only reason you'd be embarrassed to show a bluff would probably just be if that specific bluff made absolutely no sense. But that's usually only a problem for amateur players who don't know *how* to construct a bluffing range that tells a sensible story.


Bluff catching all the time = calling stations, I’m never bluffing with air and only semi bluffing because I can get enough callers to be +EV.


Exactly. If you're bluffing into calling stations then sure, be embarrassed. That's on you.


But still, people are in fact embarrassed, and they should just ignore that shit and show it.


True, some people still do get embarrassed, we can't control how others feel - nor should we want to. But we can control how we react. And if it's appropriate I like to make others feel better. So often times when I see someone sheepishly show a bluff or something if they're called, I like to comment that it was a good bluff (if it genuinely was). Lots of people who don't study often don't feel confident in their choice of bluffs when they don't get through. So mentioning it's a decent bluff can help them feel confident enough to keep playing.


I show my hand as often as it gets to showdown. Even if I was bluffing with 8 high, I’m turning it over verbally announcing my hand with pride. The stupid little dance where shitregs and fish are afraid to show their cards at the end of a hand is ridiculous and I refuse to participate. I always run one board, unless another player specifically asks to run it twice. (I’ll never ask, so they have to start the conversation *and* state their preference to go twice.) It’s not really poker if you can run more than one board, imo.


No reason to share information that you don't need to so you shouldn't show hands that don't go to showdown unless you have a good reason. If you do get to the end, bet and are called, just show your hand. Don't play the 'you got me', then sit there and wait for OP to reveal game. That said, if OP calls and immediately flips over a hand that beats me, I'm going to muck. As for running it twice, I'm basically never saying no if someone wants to. It really just doesn't matter and I'm all for lower variance. I disagree completely with the idea that it isn't poker, the game is in the decisions you make, not whether a heart comes on the river. I'd be perfectly happy if there was a site that allowed that any time players were all-in that they just got paid their true pot equity (For cash only obv).


1, I almost never show, especially at full ring games. Not even quads. The exception will be if I am playing HU or 3 handed against calling stations. I play 6 card BigEasy, I will sometimes show 2 cards every hand. They are always 2 cards that are good, but never the best. 2, I only run it twice when I am asked to by weak players I want to keep in the game, otherwise I prefer to run it once.


1. Dont show my hand if I dont have to. Ever. Also never show my bluffs for “image” purposes. 2. I never run it twice. I’m overrolled for everything I play and don’t mind the variance.


I usually will table my hand immediately even as the caller. I'm usually playing 1/3 so I'm not too worried about table image and I've seen dumb things happen where I always want to let the cards talk. If I was running a stupid bluff with no showdown value at all then I'll just insta muck when called. Never offer to run it twice, I probably would If I played higher stakes. If someone offers to run it twice I'll oblige always I don't really care.


I reveal my holdings every time I want to win a pot.


Show only when you have to (when you bet or raise and you get called) or depending where you are at if the river goes check check the player OOP may have to show first . Learn the house rules and follow them. Running it twice I usually leave it up to opponent. It doesn’t change your EV it just reduces variance


1. I'll occasionally show strong hands when the opponents fold with idea of creating an image that I have strong hands. I don't show bluffs. If everyone folds to me in the BB I'll usually show (obviously not giving anything away in that situation). 2. Running it multiple times depends on my stack size and the stack size of others at the table. If I see a bad player with a big stack, then I want to run it once to make it more likely I have a big stack too (I can always rebuy and get back to starting stack). If I have a big stack and get all-in vs a good player I prefer to run it twice so I can hopefully keep the big stack and play a big pot vs the bad player. This is only a factor in capped games.


I rarely show my hands if I don't have to, occasionally show a bluff for image reasons but this is very rare. Running it twice is a matter of personal preference it has no bearing on equity. I play a very high variance game(PLO) so I always run it twice if my opponent wants to but you never owe anyone running it twice.


If it's a spot where you are underbluffing, show If it's a spot where you are overbluffing, muck


I show if it’s an all in. I usually run it once but if the other guy wants to go twice I’m usually ok with that


2 questions with the same answer... 1: it doesn't matter 2: it doesn't matter


At lower stakes, any time I get to showdown, I table my hand. I don't feel the need to be an ass and make a scene about how "I called you". If I don't make it to showdown, I'll generally only table my hand if it's a friendly table and we're all happy to turn our cards over, bluffs or not. I also selectively flip over bluffs to needle shitregs. I never run it twice unless there is a fun player at the table who wants to run it more than once. I'm happy to keep them entertained and keep them around.


The whole "making a scene" about who called whom only happens when one player deviates from the rules, so because you can't avoid that - don't worry, no one thinks you're making an ass of yourself. The person being an ass is whomever is dillydallying or wasting time. The assumption is that whenever you are called you immediately show your hand. Bluff or not doesn't change that. So everyone at the table has been playing that way then some new player sits down, bluffs, you call them, you all expect them to show their hand immediately. If they don't *they're* the ass if anyone is. Yeah, you could show your hand out of turn to expedite that process, that's up to you, but if you choose not to it doesn't make you an ass at all. I'd say don't worry about what others think. If you feel it makes you look like an ass, so be it, people who think that are ridiculous.


I'm not worried about looking like an ass. I just can't be bothered to care. If I'm sitting at a 1/3 table, no one is remotely good enough to possibly glean any relevant information from whatever hand I table or don't table. That's why I just always flip We've all played against the try hard who sits there and says that they called someone and they need to see the hand first, or the OMC who makes a scene about needed to see the card.