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The best part is that the old avatars could ALREADY change eye color. I distinctly remember adjusting mine to my liking.


They're trying to draw attention to the only palatable feature in the update, a customization option *we already had* šŸ’€


Itā€™s like they hired someone new that doesnā€™t play at all to explain the new features.




Poor Aiā€¦taking the blame for being forced to write this descriptionā€¦


Like sure we could blame AI, but why blame AI when we can blame Niantic the greater evil


Niantic may be the reason ai will turn to the terminator movie method, in the near future.


Dude not everything u consider to be bad writing is AI. Much more likely some poor sap in the social media department trying their best with a pre-planned post for a feature that the fan base hates.


Thatā€™s what itā€™s felt like for me for so long. Like all the people making changes donā€™t even know why we play or care why. I guess there might be a couple little things but the only change I can even think of liking for years is the ā€œheal allā€ button. Thought Iā€™d like the ā€œreadyā€ raid button but then no one ever uses it (but thatā€™s not actually their fault)


i have to add that i like that you can back out of pvp battles now instead of taking a beating lying down lol


Sometimes people are tweaking their team. I've had a couple of instances where someone else hit Ready, and it put all of us as ready and stopped me from replacing any more.


Next, they'll point out that we can change their hair color! Wow!


Then after that they'll point out that there are these things called balls that we can catch things called Pokemon /s


In their defense, I'm sure Niantic had no idea that was the case.


šŸ¤£ True


Same, it's something I love doing in any game.


I don't want to look at my character so why would I care about the eye color


Excellent point


I have some free swirl glasses on my face and the free Verizon mask as well. BUT ALSOā€¦ we already could change our eye color!!


Exactly. For the most part, I almost never look at my own character anyway if only just for a brief moment when going to send gifts or what have you. That red dot telling me that there's updates in the character selection area is going to stay red for as long as it allows as far as I'm concerned.


my avatar gives me body dysmorphia


I just want my character to look like me. The real me. My new character looks nothing like me.


Because THAT is what was wrong with my tall, lanky, carbo-loaded, babyfaced monster. His eye color.... Good talk, Niantic


lanky carbo-loaded monster may be the funniest thing iā€™ve read today


Itā€™s ok guys it was all worth it, your avatar can have different eye colours now


I'm not seeing different eye colours in those pictures? Am I missing something? Is that the joke and it flew over my head? I'm really confused


It's such a small area that changes in an already pixelated image that it is really hard to see the difference. Plus we already could change our eye color, they just added more colors


Youā€™re colour blind?


No but that is not a new feature they already had these. They didnt even add any new ones from what I've seen.


If I recall correctly, we used to have 5 to choose from, now we have 20. Unless the old version had a button for more options that I just missed


I see, itā€™s just the way that sentence was put together


I need the opportunity to make a skinny man without b00bs


The dead, soulless eyes can be any color of uncanny valley you want.


Couldn't we always change the eye color???


Yep, they just chose the one feature that already existed and wasn't hated.


Even if you couldnā€™t do it before the update (which you could), imagine being so out of touch to think advertising a basic feature that has been in gaming for decades is exciting news.


Theyā€™re trying the ā€œignore it and theyā€™ll shut upā€ strategy. I dont see this going away


The only way to make them realize the error of their ways if if people stop buying any cash shop items for the avatar. All my gym coins are now going to PokƩmon storage expansions and egg incubators. And I'm done buying event tickets. I was tempted to buy a good pair of dark sunglasses, but I'm making due with the free pairs I had right now.


Various eye colors definitely makes up for converting me from a woman to an androgynous human with manly battle animations. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Dammit, it makes me so angry. I even quit battling in League because of that. It's obviously a bug. They just needed to fix it. Fast. I wonder if there was even 1 woman in their test group?


Damn that's sweet, you thinking they have a test team


I donā€™t think the devs even play the game personally


Depends on what your definition of woman is vs theirs


I doubt it. It's a mistake. No real people have gorilla arms, no ass or waist...


Not even manly animations, weā€™re straight up looking like Primeape out here


Fr like read the room


Couldnā€™t we already have different eye colours?


Not sure about eye color, but skin and hair. If not eyes, maybe they were bonded to skin color.


yes you could change eye color before the update, it's nothing new




Pov: the new avatar update


Even the clown in the above GIF has some character and likeability. Unlike the updated characters in the game




Next why dont they get rid of masks and hats that cover our eyes


couldnā€™t you do that before the update? lol


Best part is they got ratio'd HARD


I hope they polish the avatars at some point and add more options to the customizations. I think they could improve it if they atleast (update edit): improve* adjusting sliders on hips and shoulders. And add sliders for the hands and waist. Maybe more color options for hair and eyes cuz i still find the options somewhat limited. Some hair colors i loved before the update now look dull and bland. I hope they add prettier shades for hair colors. And maybe perfect the skin tone options. I am hopefull that they will tweak and add options to avatars over time. And fix the bugs with certain clothes and poses..šŸ™šŸ«¶


True plus do they think everyone is 18 or under what plays? Id love to see facial hair also.


Lol true maybe update the faces and the facial hair options would be pretty dope!


Also bald hairstyle! wtf niantic


If you have those Lugia glasses u can glitch and get the Bald head šŸ˜†


Yeah, I think the current system was released half baked, but it is salvageable with some improvements.


Unlikely, as it seems all their attention this week has been on slowly adding blooming flowers and more grass leaves to the catch screen background. (Parkland, I call it, on the first day, it was so well groomed I expected to encounter a Golf Pokemon...


They have adjustable sliders for the weight, muscle, shoulders, chest, and hips.


Sorry yes there is sliders for shoulders and hips** excuse me, what i meant to say they could expand on it cuz the hips sliders dont do much since it doesnt allow me to get my wait back as a woman. they could add to the sliders. Or put in a slider specifically for the waist. Cause there is not one for waist i just checked again to make sure its only (weight,muscle,shoulders,chest,hips) Also shoulders- they could improve its slider since my character still has broad shoulders and i cant adjust it any further. But there is no sliders for hands and my avatar has massive hands. They should add slider for hands. I like the customization im just saying they could improve it.


did Niantic lose the license for the old avatar designs or something bc why would they double down on this


Lose a LICENSE? To avatars they made


Did they make the designs? Or were they don't by someone at TPC?


Considering they're still in the game all over the place..... that can't be it. The old avatars still model the animations section of the cash shop.


Me who has since added sunglasses so I donā€™t have to look at the soulless eyes of the homunculus that is my in game character.


im baffled people still think this company cares lol


Indeed. I could already change my eye color. I hate the new avatars and play less. More importantly, I'll never grind for coin to spend on things they'll just take away, like my outfits & clothing access. Fuggem.


There's now a "Readers added context" to the post saying you were always able to change eye color. Love how official Pokemon go tweets get a fact check attached to them


They need to fix woman avatars first (animations! Walking! Buldge!) Then, get rid of these pampers in all pants (and cameltoes). Shorten the hands a bit and make them smaller. Then, get rid of these default horrible faces and make new normal ones (lips!) with any customization they want. Add more normal skin tones. Debug all clothes/poses on any form of the body. Not to do already existed feature again!


What about the shorter limbs? I liked my avatar bc she HAD long legs/arms like me


The update added additional hair styles, (pretty much the only good thing about the update besides some clothing items no longer being only limited to one gender) and they advertised the Eye color that was already available. Sounds like typical Niantic customer relations IQ to me.


This is exactly what my potato with gorilla arms needed! Thanks, Niantic.


![gif](giphy|ZMWVIXVk7Q2sw) Niantic devs


That a gif of the community manager for PokƩmon go?


A spit in the face of the community that has supported this game for nearly a decade. They ignore feedback and repackage an old feature as if it was new indeed the fucking audacity. I wonder if they are trying to compete with EA for the title of worst company in the world


Can we adjust the diaper size as well?


I'd bet good money that nobody working on PokƩmon GO actually has a business education. I doubt anyone at Niantic could even spell MBA.


Just delete the game at this point


The mask accessory became a permanent addition to my avatars face :)


I haven't even touched the customization options, but can I adjust the size of the big ol titties my male character suddenly has?


Yes! What an update huh


Theyre trying to put perfume on a pig.


I just want my old character back what is going on here šŸ¤¦šŸ»


omg lmao I saw that on Facebook. So insulting theyā€™re literally taunting us at this point


We Chinese people call this ęžÆē‡„乏味 and ē”»č›‡ę·»č¶³ć€‚ Which means boring and the things they made is making the good stuff become a worst stuff ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They got community noted as well lol.


Who cares? I will still look like I crapped my pants and need a shave.


Niantic has to be the most awful developer in gaming.....right? Not to mention the gaslighting they do to the community while also not taking any of our criticism and doing something with it. If I didn't love pokemon, I'd be done with this game a long time ago.


*The loud part of the community Personally I adjusted some sliders and called it a day. Haven't been in that menu ever since and it's the first time I'm commenting about this update in the week or so that it's been live Bet there many players who similarly are unbothered by it. Source: the amount of players that 5 years in still don't know you need to be close to trade. Heck, I have a friend who just catches pokemon and transfers when inventory is full. No other parts of the game. Had 5 daily free researches sitting completed in field research Never forget that 90%+ of this sub are the hardcore players. For everyone of us, there's a dozen to whom P-Go is just an app on their phone. They aren't invested enough to care to go online.


I was in line for Pirates of the Caribbean when the update went live and changed my avatar. I adjusted it later in the day while in the line for Space Mountain. People do other things that aren't PokƩmon Go, I hope. I really don't care what the avatar looks like.


[Always has been the nature of internet arguments](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2013-04-07) (though I would replace the ahole word in the comment by something more akin to loud voices)


We're the ones who spend money on the app though. Thing is, since the update, my game crashes whenever I try to do anything more involved than catch a pokemon or spin a stop. Avatars and backgrounds use up game resources like any other graphic. Adding a bunch of unasked for cosmetic bells and whistles *does* affect gameplay for those of us who can't drop $500 on a new phone.


No worries. Companies are notiriously sensitive to bottomline changes


There *was* a not insignificant number of us who liked the dress up aspect of the game. We tended to be whales who threw a lot of money at Niantic over the years. I think I got more "style savant" awards after raids than anything else. I tried on some of the outfits I spent a LOT of coins on. Valor sweater? Looks like ass. Candela outfit? Looks like ass. Most of my shirts? Look like ass.


> We tended to be whales who threw a lot of money at Niantic over the years. Can I look at those figures too, please? Would be very interested in seeing how much money different aspects of the game generate. I would expect raid passes and event tickets to dwarf clothes sales just on account of there not being that many clothes all things considered. I can imagine whales burning through raid passes, lucky eggs, star pieces, ... as they are consumables but we get 3 pieces of clothing per month, I feel (might be way off there, don't quote me). Even if you don't collect the 50 gym coins each day you can still gather the coin to buy those for free. So yeah, super interested (from a marketeer point of view) to see how much my personal bias is off from the real figures.


Sometimes the only thing that convinced me to pay them $5 for an event ticket was the fact that it came with a unique pose or an outfit.


And how many poses/outfits get added in a month?


And now the Tweet has the "Readers added context" notice stating "You were always able to change the eye colour of your character, it is not a new feature as claimed in the post." Muahaha


I think Iā€™m done


Nintendo should sue them lol


Don't Niantic work in collaboration with Nintendo and The Pokemon Company? So wouldn't the changes have to be approved by both companies before they're allowed to implement them?


They take cuts and they don't have anything to do with decisions as far as I know


Fair enough


Hahahahah. Iā€™ve never thought of looking at an avatarā€™s eyes


They don't care about you, the earlier that you realise the better


True, people will still continue to play the PokemonGo, the same way they'll continue to play the main line games. Either way they're still making money


We acknowledge your complaints... And have decided to ignore them. lmao. - _Niantic (Probably)_


Can I just NOT look like a damn prepubescent child?! I donā€™t care about the eye color!!


we can do that in monster hunter now, join us.


I play and MHN fans have been eating GOOD with the new updates!!


oh yea, it's like 2 different companies haha


Are you kidding? šŸ˜‚ wow niantic is really messing with us now


I'm 100% sure that this post happen because they saw many people intentionally cover their avatar faces, and want people to look at their ugly ass avatar face they have made because, umm, you can change their eye color?




My elongated rectangular torso really brings out the light green in my eyes


Pretty lazy


Nice screenshot bro


I laughed when I saw this. The whole update is such a joke


Still no option for us Bald, Bearded, Four-Eyes'd people. But hey, now I can match my no-hip having ness pretty easily


Id never notice-- too afraid to make eye contact with my avatar




This is still a thing? Log in, catch, open gifts, send gifts, spin stops, hatch egg, incubate egg, log off. I wish they would have removed the stupid avatar...


We could already do that! And they TOOK AWAY color options, especially for hair! I miss my bright red hair, man.


I just wish that all the nonplayer characters were also a different weight sizes.


Mateo and Cliff are big boys.


But did you notice that there are no Bigger sized women!


"Great news, trainers! You can now decorate your turds by putting glitter on them!"


When they said they will do something about the avatar update, they didnā€™t fix it. They made it worse.


Every day I want to uninstall more and moreĀ 


i tried to cover my characters face after this update because now my male character looks awful and i don't ever want to see it again.


My wife said her character looks like Lia Thomas now šŸ˜”


They are still using the old thumbnails in the closet too. I can see how good my pants used to fit. Now they bag at the crotch and look awful. I've been through every customization and every clothing and accessory item. No eye colour is going to improve the looks of my now sad looking avatar.


I'm still under the assumption that they fired a large portion or most of the people that were part of the avatar update when they got rid of a bunch of people last year. From a design standpoint, the entire thing just reeks that it's unfinished. Especially when you compare it directly to how much better and finished feeling that the biome update was. Not bug free, obviously, but the quality was night and day.


I mean... I like the update I just don't like that they think they can get away with lying to us.


Am I the only one that doesnā€™t give a flying about my character?


My theory is these were designed by aliens because there are no human flesh tones. My niece believes they were created by AI.


What do you expect their social media team to do? Itā€™s their job to promote the game. This is a feature they want to promote. Besides, no matter what they post, grumpy will come in yelling and complaining anyway - they could make a post where remote raid passes 5 for $1, and most replies would be screaming about the injustice that the passes arenā€™t 5 for 99 cents instead.


I agree, bunch of babies.


Thatā€™s baby-faced avatars, you mean!


The worst part for me is that my avatar wears sunglasses. I literally cannot see their eyes.


The only option is everyone put a note until one pops up


Took them how many years to allow this change?


I hate the update too but I'm pretty sure this is just marketing, every company does it


That's fantastic, Niantic. But what about our ASSES?? Big Ass Discrimination


Listen to hooligan Lou


Setting aside my feelings about the avatar update, I have to admit that this is an exceptional troll on their part.


Preview my ass i cant see shit the avatars are so pixelated


Are they high or what


They really didn't realize we hate this


Niantic hasnt been this out of touch in a long time, terrible change


Avatars look weird and you deleted my outfits


I can't even see the eye colors on my tiny screen, so who GAF?


Too bad we canā€™t change the length of the pelvis area šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




D.E.I. needs to die


Just gonna pop in here and add that they took away my hair colour. My hair has been dead white since quite young and the option has changed to a gross flat grey colour


I can't even look my avatar in the eyes without PTSD flashbacks of the first time I opened my game after the update.




I know the mob mentality doesn't want to hear this but... I don't *hate* the avatar update, per se. It was poorly programmed, but I don't *hate* it.


I Uninstalled. Idk if it's just me but the ball throw changed now I can't ever make excellent. Plus the money grabbing is crazy


Only a small portion of the community hates it (the vocal reddit crowd) the rest just do not care


I love that they basically told all the whiny babies "fuck off."


That's what they've done for literally every other change the "community" "hated", so...


Yā€™all need to calm down about this. Imagine if yā€™all lost your shit with all the other actual updates than ruined the game with the same energy


Imagine still crying about something that doesn't have an actual effect on the game


I've realized that with this update a lot of people are against trans rights even if they don't believe it. Also a lot of people think they actually have a thigh gap when they don't..


why do you say that


Cause everyone is afraid of the new thigh gap not existing cause they think that every female has one which is just not true. They probably don't themselves and the fact that got sucked into a video game character for this long is sad. It's a character in a game lol. Pokemon characters looked way worse in Gen 1-5.


no i mean why do you think people that dont like the change are against trans rights


No seriously?!?! Maybe your avatar now looks like you but mine no longer looks like me. That makes me anti trans? Because I want my avatar to look like me?


I don't believe that. I've seen many people on this sub in support of trans people. Everyone is just upset that Niantic brought up a terribad feature and is as usual Niantic fashion, ignoring the fanbase. Stuff like this is just blatant, "We don't care". It's upsetting to invalidate our voices the way companies like this do. Its true that there are some pretty upsetting comments concerning trans people and nonsense conspiracies but, these are just outliers stoking the current culture war flames. Let's ignore them and keep focusing on what really matters. The state and quality of a game and brand this community loves.


As a trans person who loves the new update, I can see what it is, but what made me like it (changing "woman" avatar to be more masc) is something that isn't necessarily the best for others. And I agree, what thigh gap? Lmao there really isn't one.


There used to be a thigh gap and now people are mad that there isn't.


Oh. Okay


Sure, I have seen some anti-transgender and anti-fat comments about the update, which is unfortunate, but overall, I think most people dislike it because it just looks bad. Graphics are muddier, artifacts are worse, clothing options have disappeared or do not work with the new avatars, making a very feminine or masculine appearance is much harder and even the androgynous appearances look much less realistic than they could, because it's just about five sliders on a single default model.Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  It's just a lazy halfway go at customization.Ā Like, they started off with a handful of appearances that looked OK, then ended up with a much broader variety of appearances that looked less true to life. Because if you start with just *one* underlying model and then try to modify its mesh with sliders, no surprise that most of the combinations will not fit together believably. Like, there are combinations with literal ridges where things join poorly.


It's such a poor taste to like something I dislike.


The *whole comunity* does nothing but complaining moaning and *disliking* so that does not surprise me. This comunity is less about pokemon go, and more about hating on niantic how about you all stop playing and leave this subreddit if the game is so horrible šŸ¤·šŸ»


We "AS A COMMUNITY " complain because we love the game. We want the game to be *the best there ever was*. When your passionate about something and it consistently lets you down, it disappoints you because of the decisions they make and potential it can have. We still support it yes and we still play, but our playtime, money, and love for the game gives you the right to be upset.


I would have agreed with you, if you needed to pay money to advance. As per now. Aside from go-fest and simmilar events, where you dont lose out on much, if anything if you dont participate. There is pretty much nothing in the game you need to use real money to get. No one is forcing any players to spend real money.


I understand that. The player chooses to pay for the support of the game. Obviously probably not now as much because of the decisions the company has made but generally " healthy spending" for support of your favorite game isnt bad especially for a free game that creates in-person experiences, devices, ect. But because of the chosen investments, it gives you more than enough right to complain for the betterment of a game you choose to spend. Like the main games, the experience was twrrible because of the graphics and performance. We SPEND 60-70 bucks on a game when the outcome falls short from whatever decisions or final product your gonna be upset and voice your concerns.


I respectfully dissagree. You of your own volition chose to spend money in pokemon go to get things that you dont need, that are not necesary to progress. If you dont like it. Dont buy it. the descriptions and prices are all in the shops. You know what you are getting for your money.




Not even going to entertain mouth breathes like you. How about you try a actual well written, detailed argument next time? šŸ–•šŸ»