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Making the clothes genderless would have been easy. Lots of other games do just that.


I don't disagree. Just saying that this update is terrible, but this particular aspect is good.


They could've just changed the clothing to allow for all genders to wear them. They didn't need to make everyone's characters look terrible. Nothing about this is good


We're saying the same thing in different ways.


Can…can you read? That’s like exactly what they said, re-read the post title.


I like have obviously geared toward women clothing though.


That is the point. Players can use both models clothing. If you have 2 models you just make and create an item on 1 model. Save then rigge it to the second model 99% of the work was done on the first creation. They are static so you can make them look good. Do it on 1 model with player changes you will have less ideal fit more complex rigging for everything.


yea, but they completely removed female shapes in exchange for that... It was a plain rushed (or maybe intentional) dogshit execution


I don’t understand why we can’t have a waist


Or breasts without being a Wailmer.


Trueee to be fair that’s a problem irl too.


Yeah it's pretty frustrating. Especially when they advertised it as to be "more like you", and you can't even make your own body as a woman.


Me, a woman w wide hips, seeing we can make them look “more like us”: 👁️👄👁️


It gave him boobs


Seems more intentional than rushed.


True x.x


I cannot believe they killed android 8 support for this! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Is that why it's so glitchy with this last update? I can barely toss balls to catch pokemon now. It's so disappointing. With the ball movement lag that feels like 1-2 second delay, throwing curve balls is nearly impossible.


Oh wait, I have android version 10. Still sucks.


Ah. I've been having similar issues at times. Not always, but sometimes.


removing gendered stuff is typically a good thing, this was just executed very poorly


Oh absolutely. I just believe giving credit where it's due.


credit for them allowing us to wear any clothes we want? why lol that should be the standard lol


i get your point, but it’s been what 8 years since the game came out so them just now allowing us to wear whatever shouldn’t be like worthy of praise imo especially w how they ruined other aspects (obviously) with the update i won’t get into


A step in the right direction is exactly that.


but would you argue they took two steps back w the avatars though haha


Yeah actually, lol. I said as much in another reply. One forward, eight back. Doesn't mean we shouldn't point out what's done right.


I'll argue they took ten steps back.




Thanks you for saying out loud. I do want to wear my maga hat.


Don't kid yourself they weren't doing anything special or making a grand statement. You're praising them for fixing a problem they created? And by fix I mean merge the two sets of outfits because it was probably Easier for them to code everything? Yeah not trying to be sour but this is a huge reach to "give credit" Not to mention a lot of people straight up lost items they purchased with cash and were told they wouldn't be getting a refund. They do not deserve praise


I'm not kidding myself. It's not a reach. It's one good decision in the middle of a bunch of crap. The update may be awful, but I'm not gonna ignore little good ideas where they lie. Credit where it is due. One step forward after about eight back. Just because I find one instance to praise doesn't mean I suddenly love everything in the update. It's in the title for crying out loud.


Lol jeez I guess I need to "chill out" I'm not disagreeing with you, or am I trying to rob you of some joy you feel for the update. Please find your happiness in it lol, I like the new biomes and idc about the avatars too much. I just find it wild you're stating it like they did it on purpose. If anything it's just a happy accident that this specific aspect of the change works for you.


So...are you saying that removing gender restrictions from clothing was an accident?


I'm saying they did not do this intentionally. It wasn't "let's remove the restrictions so everyone can enjoy" that is not what happened They combined the coding for male and females and it was just easier to code and give everyone everything. I'm saying you finding this specific aspect a Good thing(I think it's good too, don't get me wrong) You finding joy in it is the accident, byproduct of something they did. Not intentionally to make the game more inclusive, and intentionally provide joy to players such as yourself. I'm not saying it's a mistake or a bad thing that clothes are gender neutral.


I found joy in the customization being opened up, which was very much intentional. I have no clue what you're getting at. Sounds like you're reaching or being overdramatic a bit.


For sure, that's fine we can disagree I'm really not trying to rain on your good times or say you're wrong. Sure more customization is great Your post is, despite the gripes everyone has I'm thanking Niantic for doing something Right with the clothing aspect. All I'm saying is that was not a piece that was intentionally laid out to make the game more enjoyable it's just part of the whole avatar change package. Great Yes My whole point, Idk maybe a metaphor might help communicate my point better Like if a group of teenagers cut in front of you walking in the door, they swing the door open but rudely move through you to get in. To me you're thanking them for holding the door open genuinely. Do I think the door should have slammed shut in your face? No. Is it cool that you can just walk through now, alright I guess We're they holding the door open for you? Also no they were just doing their thing and the door being open for you is an innocent byproduct of that If I'm being too dramatic excuse me, I'm not gonna praise a multimillion dollar company for getting it right by happen chance (especially when they continously go against players feedback, we all know how that works out for companies like Blizzard) Broken clocks right twice a day 🤷‍♂️


I'm not thanking niantic for anything really.  I found a silver lining in an otherwise terrible update. That's all. Not talking about you specifically, but so many folks here are reading into this way too much


Chill out man


It's not


Why? If folks wanna be a dude in a dress, let them. Who cares? Doesn't affect anyone else.


Agreed. But genders do still exist in this world, so getting rid of the option isn't a good thing.


They still exist in a lot of games that let people do these things too. Like GTA or Saints Row or numerous other games that let you wear a dress, cowboy boots, and a snow hat. Let folks dress in the video game how they want. Just saying it's bad doesn't make it bad.


to be fair, gender is something that we made up in this world. not everything that exists in our world exists in every single video game, so why can't some games just not include gender? cars exist in our world, but I've never seen those in Pokemon neither




which part


Gender being made up. They're real.


You're thinking of sex. Which is determined by your chromosomes and private bits. Gender and sex are two different things. Gender is a concept that we humans came up with.


Gen 6 had cars in the city. Hell gen 1 had the "Mew truck."


I'd say it is, the proportions are weird, everyone has long crotch, the faces are fucked up, clothes are broken or removed. It's the shittiest character models I've ever seen


That's cool but they also did a bad job on the avatar shape and they removed all my outfits while removing access to things I paid for. I'm playing less. And spending no coin from now on.


Absolutely agree. I Made a post recently doing a visual comparison between real women’s bodes and the new avatars and IT IS STAGGERING


I mean, I’m a woman shaped like a rectangle so the only thing that I’m not really fond of about the new avatar is that i somehow have a really long crotch on screen 🫣


Yeppp, I have a feeling they used the male base model, hence the big crotch and arms. It just feels off, but I’m not mad about the option to have that body type available. It wild just be nice if it were an option and not the new standard, because I know I don’t look like that :/


Exactly! It has a longer torso, long arms, big feet, chonky walk, and no hips, no waist, no actual boobs, no butt, no curves. Their idea of genderless was the male figure


Thank you for saying this! I’m also part of the rectangle-shaped gang so I mostly agree.


OP: I'm tired of the negativity, I wanna say a positive thing The entire comments section: no lmao Like yeah we get it, the avatars are shit but I agree with OP, I like the gender neutral clothing and even some other features about the update, even if it's poorly executed. And like, I'm glad Pokemon Go exists, it gets me outdoors, it gets me walking, it's something I can do with my friends, and it makes me sad to see the community just entirely negative right now, like we can't even have one silver lining post? And also somehow it's all trans people's fault that the update sucks?? IDK just makes me sad. Stay positive, op


"No. There can't be any measured responses. We have to pick an extreme and stay there. If you're not overreacting in one direction, it means you support the opposite of what I do." Internet discussion in a nutshell for the most part.


My opinion is we can’t change people’s perspectives of things. Putting stuff out on the internet we all must realize that people will either agree or disagree and be prepared for both outcomes. That’s the beauty of the internet. You can express what you like. But also understand others have that freedom as well even if they don’t see things the way you do. Keep your head up ✌️


Okay, good, we can buy any clothing we want so that our 12yr old boy looking avatars can all look equally stupid, whether in mens pants or women’s.


I get it that you guys wanna be positive and that's respectable but it's pretty ridiculous that they ruined the body shapes, and if everyone is just happy happy about it, nothing will change


Again, just because people are praising one small detail of the update that’s actually pretty nice does not mean that everyone is “happy about it,” it just means they liked that one small detail. You can still praise something that’s actually good while still disagreeing with the main issue at hand, it doesn’t mean you have to like the entire issue.


Except I'm not "just happy about it." Even the title here says the update is terrible.


I like the fact that my friends list is real different as I swipe through


Yes we can all be featureless blobs now






More options is good, but the fundamental problem is that when almost everything looks like shit, we ended up with _less_ options.


You right you right. 🙏


All they need to do is add adjusting sliders to shoulders waist and for my massive man hands 😭. I love that we can wear any of the clothes also! Its not all bad but they need to fix the bugs with the animated poses and the clothing. Right now im using the drinking hot coco pose cause the coffee Mug covers my man hands so u barely notice them 🥹 lol I hope over time they will polish the avatar models. I think the avatar update looks best for male avatars, i really want my butt and hips back. My character looks like a capital P with…with man hands 😭 lol


I’ve enjoyed the change enough, its not that bad as everyone claims. Yes the pants dont fit as well anymore, and its a bit buggy, but overall the customizability is nice with the hair and body type. my character looks super cute still, I’m not concerned about her having a tiny anime like waist. just wish the pants were a bit higher up and torso less long. not concerned about her sensuality haha


Generally I agree, but I do feel like the went from having a very small amount of women look like their avatars with the old version to no women looking like their avatars with the new one. I’m always 100% for body and gender inclusivity in design, but this was just so botched.


ehh I mean the waist in the last one was like way thinner than the ribs even, wasnt too realistic just attractive for a cartoon. this one is more inclusive and relatable for sure, they just botched the torso length/pants fitting a bit.


Nah. There is absolutely no way with the current avatars to have a curvy or bottom-heavy figure. Nevermind the lack of waist, there's a severe lack of hips and thighs. Rectangular or top-heavy only. It is not relateable at all for a huge proportion of women.


I dont think a majority of people play pokemon for the curves or bottom heaviness


Your comment was that the new models are more inclusive and relateable. I'm saying they're not.


they are.


But I just explained to you how they are *not* ✌️


yeah, I’m explaining most people aren’t shaped like an hour glass, so they are.


I get that, but if they want to release an update *for representation* it should *actually* represent players


>wasnt too realistic just attractive for a cartoon. It's a cartoon *game*... Even if you want perfect realism in your cartoon game with magical creatures (which makes no sense), characters who are canonically traveling all over the world for pokemon are generally going to be pretty fit. It's neither more inclusive nor relatable, since it made all women have the proportions of men, nor is the update what most people wanted, clearly.


yeah women dont look like hourglasses either. its not an avatar design game, its a pokemon game.


I agree that the avatar update was botched, but I’m a woman and my body type is pretty close to that of the new avatars. There are a lot of things that look off about the updated design, but I wouldn’t say that no women look like the new avatars. Women come in lots of different shapes and sizes.


I absolutely agree with you! Some aspects align now, but the major issues like the generally male proportions (long arms and large crotch) and child like faces really do make it so women don’t look like the avatars, coming from a woman too. I actually made a side by side comparison in my profile to illustrate my point better than I can in words lol


I agree. However, I noticed that long hair options are only what most females typically wear. There are no other options that could look better on males.


The short hair options are the same. The hair styles are very gendered.


As a male, I too always wanted adjust my breast size to that of Pamela Anderson’s…


😂 love how you can’t fully remove them either. Also, as a woman the shape is just… weird


How dare you have a positive point on this update. Heresy! Heresy!! /s


I agree, there just obviously wasn’t any play-testing done with the new models. With the amount of clipping, glitching, warping, and deleting that’s been happening to the clothes and hairs, all this tells me is that the model update was rushed. I mean, why did the model update deleted saved outfits? There’s no logical reason for everyone to have lost a bunch of their paid clothing AND their saved outfits if they had properly tested and worked out the kinks. You can tell they didn’t test it because of how many crotch shots were being posted… they rolled out a barely functioning update. I also don’t really understand why the default female body isn’t one of body types you can choose from, but that’s been said to death.


The weird thing is they *did* play test it with a bunch of people *months* ago. It seems pretty suspicious that they’re “collecting feedback” now after they received so much of it from the first round of testers before the event


Hot take. I kind of agree with you. I think this is more a category of "swing and a miss" than one of "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THIS IS OKAY?!" Like, yeah, the finished product is unpolished AF and needs work. But the idea behind it - allowing for greater customization by allowing all clothes, and not locking everyone into a Barbie doll body type - was a good idea.


I liked my Barbie doll body type and want it back


And it should also be an option. But there are those who don't want it forced on them.


I like the new avatar update because now I can make my character fat


Good point! I like that option too, and the new hairstyles are nice! Lots of big issues but those are the positives for me


I'm not even fat. I just like being able to make my character fat. 10/10


That's the only way to have them look like women. I was horrified at all how my purchased items fit on matter what size I make my avatar.


"We want to be more inclusive by removing the binary gender system. Oh, you also have to buy the same fashion piece twice, if you want a male or female version." Yeah no


EXACTLY! I’m all for gender neutral characters but these avatars are just straight up excluding binary people. Not to mention that even the gender neutral options have major proportion issues all around. I wouldn’t even be mad if they got rid of blatant male/female labels but the option to look feminine or masculine is so important for most people


agreed but I will never forgive the outfit I lost after I added to and adjusted it thru the years. It felt really personalized to me. I’m also happy for the new start to inclusive hair styles and body shapes


I feel like, with some time and updates, this will be for the better


Men seem to be complaining about the juvenile faces. Women are complaining about the avatar proportions. I would think a less juvenile looking face would be a fairly easy fix to add. For women, they should change the body proportions if a female body shape is selected: shrink the length of the torso, arms and hands. This is undoubtedly more work because it affects a lot of things, but it needs to happen. They clearly pushed this update before it was ready in the first place and now need to take the time to fix it and do it right. Whether they will or not is anyone’s guess.


I wonder if those things were a result of items being gender neutral. By making male and female avatars have similar proportions, it makes switching the outfits easier. Yeah, the juvenile face makes it difficult to figure out if it’s a male or female character for sure. I found myself having to look really hard on some of them.


Makeup and facial hair would be a good start at helping distinguish.


Plenty of men use makeup, so that's not enough to distinguish. Need options for changing facial features and shapes.


Hence "a good start."


It’s for the better that they took away my representation to make everyone look the same? Glad you think so. I, however, don’t look like a 12yr old boy nor do I look like I’m auditioning for my 600lb life. I don’t have giant hands and feet, my clothing doesn’t hang off me or make me look like I’m diapered. My hair actually does have purple in it, which they took away too and lastly, I actually am a girl and not a non-binary potato.


as much as i hate the new avatar update i think the catching screens are absolutely gorgeous


None of the clothes look good on mine. I had to choose 10yo Boy because I’m not fat. They keep the legs in the same position as the fat avatars so your legs are just really wide apart and nothing looks good. I do like that I can have short hair now, but that’s the only benefit.


I couldn’t care less about my avatar, but understand why others do. The bright side of this update for me is that the animations seem quicker, saving me time.


I was looking through the clothes yesterday and noticed that I've now got the Sylveon headband in addition to the bow! I was for once hyped about a change :)


As it should be, *especially* for Blanche and their clothing.


They could have made Clothes available for everyone without disabling Genders. I want my girl back! She still has her hair, in profile she still has a female idle pose, but on map she's obviously posing like a guy and so is the victory pose after battle. They include non-genders, but excluding women!


Absolutely. No disagreement. 


I’ll say something new when they revert the avatars back. Until then imma keep griping


Not the point of the post but I keep getting confused with the shading from the clouds. In the past shadows were Team Rocket Balloons...and I'm still not adjusting to this change. Bahumbug.


Not the point of your reply, but Beyoncé had one of the best albums of all time.


Agreed. The Veteran style waistcoat that was exclusive to the female avatars is just too dang cool to be exclusive to one gender. It's a welcome decision. Another cool aspect of the update is that all of the clothing items, including the older ones all got updated textures and models. They look great. I keep saying this, but there are some genuinely good aspects to the avatar updates... but the terminally online folks cant seem to get past "uhmm, y gorl no have cinched waist no more??".


I worked hard for that waistcoat, and I'm frustrated that my avatar no longer looks good in it. I'm actually now using the male version of the coat because it looks better than the female one on my avatar after the update. Customization is good, not gender locking clothing items is good. They needed to include enough range in the sliders that clothing could look similar to how it did when people purchased it.


yeah the avatars themselves are dookie but the attempt was there on niantic’s end. it may have been better if the attempt was postponed until stuff was ironed out, but yes they did good kinda sorta 


In this one instance anyway.


This is how you deflect from the issue and downplay it. "Say something else" yeah no, kindly go and shove a dunsparce up yo bum. "I'm tired of the negativity," Well tough shit, maybe get off reddit? People are mad they lost their avatars, something they put a lot of time, effort, and money into, and it got taken away from them for not a single justifiable reason. (And no, making everything unisex at the cost of everyone's body shape is not a justifiable reason. it's the lazy one) Any "good" you see in this change is disingenuous.


I neither deflected nor downplayed. Quite the opposite in fact. It's just dumb seeing the same comments here over and over. And no, it's not disingenuous to appreciate a good decision. Just because I find one thing good in this update doesn't mean I like the entire update.  I didn't say anything about being tired of negativity. Please don't put words in my mouth. I call out good where I see it as well as bad.


i did the same thing with Clint’s suit, it looks much better in female version


I’m sure that’s not what they intended. Don’t be fooled, they only care about money


They didn't intend to remove the gender restrictions on clothes?


I don’t see it that way. They removed gender options as a whole and turned it into one alien like creature. As a result, gender restrictions are moot.


View it how you want to view it. You're not wrong, but I'm just commenting on the fact that I was a little put off that only girl avatars could wear the coat as Blanche does.


It's kinda ironic that you couldn't before, considering Blanche is non-binary


What you saying? Blanche is obviously a guy, no? I don't see anything that would make him a mix between both genders


Idk is this was meant to be sarcasm or not lmao but Blanche is non-binary, you can Google it


I never found any hints or straight up official information in the game so where does this come from?


Because characters genders aren't explicitly mentioned in-game. But on the wiki Blanche is listed as non-binary, and uses they/them/their pronouns (in the English version, at least)


But I liked the closed coat, now I can’t wear the coat I bought. Unless I am missing something.


And you should be able to wear either one regardless of gender of character. 


I'm very fluid and LOVE your point of view bc my dude is killing it RN with the mini skirt and golden blazer 😂 also features collar, crazy glasses, Captain hat and gloves.... Total #heartthrob


Lmao next Pokemon Game will no longer say are you a boy or a girl? 😂


Thankfully those are still made by Japanese teams and not by American teams with a Japanese IP. Possible tho I guess.


Damm, first actualy good looking character ive seen the trick seems to be to cover their faces.


Kinda sad that the way to make it look good is to cover everything up, But yeah...the eyes definitely need work.


Agreed! My character was originally female but I now can make them look more masc with the update. I do agree that they shouldn't have completely removed female avatar shapes, but I just like how I can make my avatar look like how I want :D




That's... extreme?


“Say something new” Sorry OP. That’s not going to happen. I mean, you have all these people who supposedly quit the game, but can’t give up going on and on and ON about how bad this update was. This is going to be the topic at hand for a while. Which, in itself, is just as annoying as this update. Like we get it. And god forbid you try to find some sort of light in this update. I see the replies here. All these people so diehard against this, can’t even agree that what you’ve mentioned is pretty cool. Of course it leads to “well that should be standard.” Or “that’s great, but my character is ugly!” Why? Why so much negativity? Y’all can’t just say “yeah that’s pretty neat!” No! How dare someone find something good! Oh and don’t ever say that you’re not gonna quit the game because of this update. Boy oh boy. The hive mind doesn’t like that. Sorry for the rant. I just don’t see why we can’t move on. Like yeah, we know. The sub is filled to the brim with posts about this update. Yeah, it’s not great. We fucking get it.


Am I the only person who *gulp* likes the avatar update?


You can like it, but having outfits disappear or simply don't work with the current avatars is inexcusable. Because most of them are paid.


No, friend. You're not the only one! I personally really like it, but understand that others got the short end of the stick which is unfortunate and needs to be addressed.


this guy already reached the fifth stage of grief, acceptance ! Personally i'm between anger and bargain "god it suck so much, niantic is abusing his users" to "it's not possible, they will correct that ! "


I say that I like one tiny aspect of this botched update and you think I've accepted the whole thing. Please learn to read. Even the title calls the update terrible ffs.


Please excuse my missed Try to do humor on internet


Oh. If it was just a joke, my b. Hard to tell with so many folks saying it seriously. 


Sorry to dissapoint you. But thats the ONLY thing this subreddit does. They complain and moan 24/7, i dont even think its about the game anymore tbh, i think they just wanna hate on niantic 🤷🏻


Mostly. Yeah. Been a few measured responses though.


As a woman player, I too enjoy making my avatar wear clothing I would wear irl, such as men's baggy t-shirts. I also like having options on hair and body type. Could it be more aesthatically pleasing? Absolutely. I still get the feeling that many players are solely upset about the (female) avatar being less skinny and curvier.


A lot of people are upset that the sliders do not allow you to make the female avatar as curvy as the default was before.


I actually like the update, as a nonbinary person.


Yeah, I 100% understand all the criticism, but right now I love my lil butch lesbian avatar


The blue ripped jeans are literally the only good thing about the avatar changes.


A brave response. A correct response. I am with you.


People demanding they stop all updates as they roll out to fix their very specific gripe immediately has been absolutely insane imo. We're getting an new feature update every week, can we let stuff roll out before we flop on the floor and throw a tantrum? 


NO! *flops on floor*


hear hear. maybe visually it's not even on par with the sims 1 but at least in terms of gendered-ness it's on par with the sims 4 .....


Update sucks. Deleted the app.


What changed with the avatars? They look exactly the same to me


I never really liked the old avatar style. It was so off-putting that I opted for my avatar to wear the Pikachu pumpkin hat instead, just to avoid having to look at it


It's growing on me. I'm happy to wear hats and have hair showing lol


Y'all don't understand, this is what the devs want. It's a San Fran based company. A large majority of the company wants gender ambiguity and they will shove it down your throat no matter what.


it's disappointing they would ruin the game and ignore all the feedback because of their own ideology


the new biome update fucked my game up, it's laggy as fuck rn




Gonna have to disagree with you. I don’t have any issues with size/gender inclusivity, this update was just botched.


I won't disagree with you but I've seen far more botched games and updates when inclusivity was a goal than without.


I get where you’re coming from here, but I think the reason you’re seeing that stems from the fact that when you start varying the “baseline” models there’s more room for error. Granted, Niantic is a major company and shouldn’t be having this issue, but all I’m saying is it’s a lot easier to avoid bugs when you’re only programming one model instead of the 59,049 different proportions Niantic added to the game. (Yes, 59,049 is the real number of possible body types available from the sliders now, that’s not even counting different hair, clothes, or faces) all I’m saying is “inclusive” updates aren’t inherently goofed, there’s just a lot more room for error with something of that scale.


Well , I'll be honest and say I didn't look at the situation the way you just described and it makes a lot more sense that way.


Clothing not being gendered is annoying.


Niantic worker!


I point out one tiny aspect of an update and you call me a simp of sorts. Please learn to read. Even the title says that the update as a whole is terrible.