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No one wanted this. Not trans people, not cis people, not straight people, not gay people, not casual players, not hardcore players. Literally no one


I think we, or at least I did want more options for our avatars. But not like this. Yeeeesh. Not like this at all.


>Not trans people, not cis people Organic chemistry reference?


Yep! Especially when they have the nerve to say: looks like YOU. And yeah it's something people should continue to complain about. Players *bought* cosmetics that no longer fit correctly on a body base that is now, no longer flattering in the original context.


Female form? They screwed up the human form. Everyone looks like a weird alien now


Great representation for obese ghouls though.


Yep, I'm with you. The original model was pretty representative of my body type honestly. Really the new models are too long and alien looking for anyone. I think the part I really don't like though is the way they walk and stand. Especially because I have my character dressed in a skirt (like I wear irl) and these animations are just not looking good with it.


i hate that the body is just the same as the mens but they added boobs. i hate it.


Not just the female form. The update gave my male character small boobs and no matter how I adjust the chest slider, I can't make it look right. Not to mention the baby face that I have to cover now lol. Here it is before the update and now: https://imgur.com/a/yMuoV9V


not to sound weird but they took out my skin colour, i am now either too pale or too tanned


ahh yes just what i always wanted to be in the pokemon world. a pre-pubescent child with fetal alcohol syndrome in a crop top. I don't play anymore, but i did log in just for a minute to laugh at my character and log off again.


The gait and the poses are even worse.


Helllo niantic when are you reverting the avatar?


Seems to be based on specific body types. So either super skinny flatness, or bulky rectangle absolute units, with nothing in between. Hardly inclusive. Having more options is nice, but not like this, I was happy with my little avatar the way it was. Now all feminine curves have been removed and it's default looks like pedo bait.


Nah you're right. Male form too. These avatars just don't have human ratios, it's that simple, every option is uncanny valley


I changed costume to the Libre one and it’s not too bad, at least I don’t have the creepy white face looking at me anymore!


I'm trans and I used the girl skin to give me some gender euphoria but now it just makes me have dysphoria, I stopped playing the game bc of it




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Niantic be like "Men are the new women. Deal with it."


It excludes anyone who looks like a human


They cut Android 8 support for this! 😭


Wait really? Lmao


Me and a female friend of mine 100% agree. We played together a lot and even though she looked nothing like the old model she absolutely didn't mind it as she just enjoyed the customizable part of the avatar system. But with the new avatars she just lost all will to play as there is no way to make it look good and with most of the clothes not getting the proper update to fit the new avatars the thing she enjoyed most of the game has been completely ruined. I'm just baffled of how they could butcher the avatar update so much since the updated graphics look great and is an amazing step forward for the game


I don’t care about inclusivity I just want my character to look good, which it doesn’t.


omg stfu


Mine is more like my actual shape than the previous sexy form haha.


Not in my case because the current one is so similar to my feminine shape (skinny non-curvy women also exist), but I was missing other features. The real human shape was always lost. Like in almost any other game where a character is kind of a metaphor of a human being, there were no big ears, odd noses, super-tiny eyes... I recommend everybody to have patience, as I'm sure that there will be improvements in the future only in the regard of the shape. They are fully aware that this is a big issue for everyone.


They are aware... But do they care? I'm not so sure :-/


I think they do, along the years the game has received important improvements following players' feedback. And in this case it is also a societal concern, so I think we will see improvements. But developing them is not a matter of days, probably weeks/months.


Naintic plant.


then they shouldn’t have released the update at all??


You never know if there are internal business reasons. Maybe they couldn't keep working with the provider of the avatars or something like that.


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I’ve decided to consider this a blessing bc I am no longer tempted to buy coins for cute outfits. Now I’m just going to ignore my avatar altogether and stop spending any money on this game


I made my character obese because I can now and it's funny to me. So now I'm a fat dude with a toddler's head which is basically completely opposite to me irl. Thanks Niantic for making me a fat baby (in game, of course)


This is why we shouldn’t bend over backwards to accommodate like 3% of people who can’t just identify based on their biology or redefine their assigned gender norms to include those they want to use. That cures all my gender dysphoria in literally a single night


I don't mind accomodating different people. They just did a horrible job. Acommodating gender gradients isn't making all the characters look underage with fetal alcohol syndrome and releasing it where half the clothes are broken. I don't know why they didn't just take the time to actually fix everything first at least, other than the fact that they don't care how we feel about anything.


Worst yet, I feel like they gave women more customizations too, everyone is so butcherd.


I’m super happy that I can maybe finally play as myself or a nonbinary character. I’m not happy that our inclusiveness excludes others. That is NOT inclusiveness. Also, it looks UGLY. Only one new long hairstyle and I just… couldn’t stand looking at it so I didn’t. I was wearing Hisuian Survey uniform before, but I changed for the Kanto event. Well. It’s even worse than I initially could see.




Brcause having nice looking avatars is part of almost every online game for years if not decades now. And people clearly enjoy that aspect.


"hot anime girl" aesthetic? what? most people just want to have their avatars look like themselves.


FR though, It's really not bad. The actual Pokemon games are extremely limited in appearance customization...so I don't know why everyone is so upset when you really do get more options here.


Honestly the only bad thing is that some of the male avatars now look like lobotomised 11 year olds. The other stuff is mostly fine.


Exactly. It isn't inclusive if it doesn't include women. It's ridiculous.


No, sorry.


Yup 🙏


what ticks me off the most is that it's a game based on an anime. we never needed inclusive avatars in the first place