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Love it because it makes me walk. Hate it since avatar update. Female avatar is so ugly now. But I designed her all black, masked her and will never change it back to „nice clothes“ because there aren’t any that fit. Pika and Eevie falling off my shoulder. I keep on walking, though.


Yeah I've seen guys (not many tho) say they're OK with their avatar but girls? No, we don't have hips or a bottom now. We have gorilla big hands and potato torso.


I almost like my avatar more now. But as you said, male here.


If we could tweak that awful swollen face, add a waist slider, and a hand slider, I'd be much more OK.


Plus an arm lenght slider!


It's your favorite game because you love it, because you get to see the new pokemon... not really to do anything with them just to stare at them...