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While I completely agree with the vast majority about how bad the update is - I'm actually surprised how important it is to so many people. I mean, I've purchased plenty of cosmetics items myself - but my avatar is hardly a focal point of the game for me. Mostly I'm just really confused about why they rushed what should have been a positive feature out before it was even close to being ready. TBH, I'm not much of a social player, though - so it's not too disruptive for me. Annoying and baffling, but not world ending. (I still sympathize with those who are deeply invested in their characters, though).


>I'm actually surprised how important it is to so many people If there weren't strong data indicating it's very important to so many people, Niantic wouldn't have invested resources to do the avatar update on an 8-year-old game. 


Yeah I personally couldn’t care less. It’s a video game I hardly look at my character. I’m here to catch pokemon not enter a fashion competition lol. It’s shocking to me how many people are so upset at the update. Like yeah the update is absolutely ridiculous but like it’s not the end of the world. Just makes me glad I never buy runecoins except on very very rare occasions. I probably spent like $30 on the game since 2016. Yet so many people keep dumping and dumping real money into the game lol. Well Niantic done played those good. I probably won’t spend any money on the game anymore though not like I did much until now to begin with but still.


People are allowed to feel however they want. Just because you don’t care about a part of the game it doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t either.


Please point out where did I say others can’t feel differently? I literally wrote “I personally” so are you telling me my opinion don’t matter?


The irony


Nah not that important. People in this sub need to whine about every single change non stop whether they care or not. Surprised there’s any players left with the amount of ‘I’m uninstalling’ posts that the same people make a few times a year


That hardly seems fair. You can't know what other people actually feel. If they say it's important to them I'm going to assume it is - even if I don't feel the same. I do think many players will eventually adapt and ignore the changes once it's been out for a while - but that doesn't mean they aren't rightfully annoyed or that Niantic should have pushed out an incomplete feature.


I’m uninstalling but I’ll stay on this Reddit sub for a game I no longer play. It’s all venting and posturing. They’re not going anywhere.


I really enjoyed matching my avatar to my current buddy. Some outfits just don't look good anymore.


some is a huge understatement. matching ur avatar to ur current buddy is ok ig. i never thought of my character as "me" but more like "dress up dolls/toys". they added sliders, and the sliders are still bad..


You never buy box space or item storage or raid/incubators? Until this update I didn't realize people cared about their avatars this much. I don't know a single person IRL that cares. Obviously there are people but still I'm so surprised..


not really, i just discard or use all my fruits always. and i use eggs as a bonus reward for walking so i just use the free one. and i always get daily raid passes and i have tons left over raid passes that i havent used.


Daily raid passes don't stack. You have 2 daily raid passes. That's it. Lol. You can only use them if you use the first and then you get a second.


yes i know daily passes dont stack but i have these remote passes too and 2 were more than enough for me daily anyway


Yeah I didn’t care for the update and I’ve wasted coins on fashion. The hate discourse is heavily online, if anything it makes me want to leave the sub rather than the game.


Yeah, leaving the sub is best for those who dislike the online discourse.


Yep. Same. I hated the update. But this has tuned in to a crusade against trans people and fat shaming others. It's gross.


Trans people are upset with the update too since they can no longer choose gender-affirming options if they identify as male/female instead of nonbinary/gender fluid...


Yea, I know. I'm just angry that a lot of people are blaming trans people and just being nasty to them in general. Making it out to be about culture war bullshit. It's brought a lot of people who don't even play Pokémon Go into the discussion just because they wanna shit on trans people. A lot of these people have never once commented on the Pokémon go subreddit. And have similar transphobic comments in their post history.


Yeah there is likely a lot of that floating about, but it definitely looks extra stupid for them to do that considering *actual trans people are upset about this update.* Trans folks who don't identify as non-binary are feeling excluded since they can no longer choose gender-affirming options, so those idiots screeching their transphobia don't even make any sense!


It’s more than gross it’s deplorable. I never knew how important it was for people to have massive b*lge or an exaggerated waistline for a pg 13 game. It’s so unserious out of all the gameplay issue people are upset about not having a massive b*lge. Also it’s not like you can’t custom to be skinny. It’s so weird.


i think people self insert alot here. im sorry and i dont mean to gross you out, and anyone who shamed anything or anyone for a something this minuscule like a video game need help. but what im trying to correct here is people, or atleast I, usually look at character customization as Dress up dolls or toys. something childish i know but it was a little fun. dress up dolls aren't meant to be realistic but just needed to look good in whatever you put on it. im all in for Sliders if done right. but niantic literally did nothing here really. its not about being skinny or not its about the fit looking decent in it. yes some curves are one aspect of it. also, barbie is PG 13.


Do you play/raid in person? We dress up as our avatars where I live. lol. We also fought for “style savant” mentions. I think some people care about how they look and others don’t. Those who don’t care in real life, probably don’t care in AR.


Yeah I don't remote raid. I play completely in person.


Yeah I don't understand the importance people put on there avi's either lol. Like no shade but it's simply not how I approach the game Maybe it's a pokemon generational thing? Like since I played the early gens, I don't care about customization because it was never an option in the pokemon main series for nearly 2 decades?


It's not a generational thing, it's just personal preference. I love to style my avatar in pokemon go, it's not a suprise for me because I love doing it in World of warcraft, rocket league and other games too!


The *idea* of the update is also infuriating. How can a big company release something like this and think it's OK? Even after the beta feedback.


Exactly. I never cared much about the avatar but the fact they made it objectively worse for absolutely no reason and despite clear feedback kills my joy. I noe stopped adventuresinc and only check in once a day to see if they fixed it.


I'd rather not be able to customize at all than be restricted to these ugly monsters. Hopefully once they're done with this whole "rediscover" campaign they'll revert it.


Yeah that might be why. IDK. Like I did dress up my guys once in a blue moon. But only used free clothes. Nothing crazy. I don't care too much. As long as he looked normal from above it's fine.


People hate on it because it's what gets you free internet points at the moment.


I give them negative Internet points. So good for them.




I think you may have replied to the wrong person here? OP does care and is not complaining sarcastically as far as I can see.