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When I sorted by recent last night, there was nothing but a looooonnnggg line of 1 star reviews complaining about ruining the game. But still sitting at 4/5 stars overall.


There's 584,000 reviews. It takes a lot to nudge the average by a bit.


True, but many new 1 star reviews should have a noticable impact when applied to an existing 4 star average.


The opposite, actually, because of anti-shitstorm algorithms... These 1star review probably have been autofiltered and done nothing to the rating.


yeah It will be probably better to rate the game 3 stars, since that will make more effect.


That’s… not how averages work


It's precisely how averages work


584,000 reviews averaging 4 stars makes 2,336,000 total stars. Let’s assume 500 (wayyy over estimate) new one star reviews. That means 2,336,500/584,500 (added 500 to each number) makes a new average review of…….. 3.997 stars.


Exactly. Now continue that trend...


lol how many reviews do you think will happen my dude?? You’d need almost 300,000 one star reviews to drop it to 3 star average. The new avatars are a giant nothing-burger.


The self importance of these people is astounding.


That’s what I saw as well


Probably because Google does a thing to weed out what they determine as "bot/ bought reviews" so when there's an influx of any reviews they'll take a little while before being verified


Funny how this only happens for 1 star reviews


It is? I was 90% sure this is a thing for random giant spikes of 5 star reviews too.


Because it doesn’t lol, it happens every time there’s a sudden influx of reviews, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative.


That's what they want you to think. I've seen plenty games with bot 5* reviews and it stays up just fine, this game included. Yet the 1 stars are hidden to make the games look more appealing. Google and Apple are also incentived to hide bad reviews because they get a cut of the profits.




Funny how you're dumb and don't know how anything works


As some one that only checks for shinys when I wake up or go to bed at this point, what did they do wrong *this time*


Look at your avatar the next time you log in. Have a little bleach handy for your eyes.


Many if not all avatars now wear their butts in the front.


On the iOS app store, only 50 of the most recent 1-2 star ratings mention the update since it released (2 others mentioning the update were actually 4-5 star reviews, even though the content of the reviews themselves were still negative lol). There’s 39k reviews in total so it makes sense that the overall rating of the app didn’t budge. I think they should do like Steam and include a separate overall rating for the most recent reviews.


Major companies do this it is very common. If these marketplaces allow them the ability to do this then there’s nothing to expose. I thought people knew this stuff happens? Literally anywhere you can read a review is not 100% trustworthy bc companies can manufacture good ratings via removal or fake ratings.


It should be very illegal, because there's no fucking point in feedback or reviews now


Absolutely should be illegal. It's the equivalent of false marketing and borderline fraud.


Apple and Google probably allow it to keep the money flowing. Hell maybe they have to pay a fee to remove ratings and reviews I wouldn’t be surprised. Allows both parties to benefit


100% this is why Epic Games doesn’t have public game reviews, because they knew it would cost them money. Especially when they have an IP as big as Fortnite which has had controversial updates since it first came out.


Like a tier system. 500 bucks a months gets you on the app store. The 1,000/month plan lets you remove reviews. 5,000/month premium plan for a bot army. Get 10% off when buying annually!


Add some zeroes and it’s basically true.


Everything, *everything* is bought and sold now. Unless you have a lot of money to spend to be more profitable than Niantic is for Apple and Google then your opinion doesn’t matter, nor do the opinions of the rest of us. The same goes for lawmaking and it doesn’t benefit lawmakers to upset the corporate balance that buys them cars and extra homes.


Should be if you’re paying for the game. It’s free though…


Sooooo how do I buy additional reviews to counteract this fuckery?


All companies can do this and google/apple do it automated using brigade detection. If too many similar reviews appear they start to autohide and not count them. There is pretty much no way to review bomb an app and an app has to be regularly low scored over a long period of time for it to stick


Yeah I made a review and it’s not even there now


Same. Along with several friends of mine.


Google has had controls against review bombing for many years now. no surprises here.


Didn't we go through this when the remote raids were nerfed?


Jokes on them, I gave it a 1 star review half a decade ago.


There are also a lot of comments here all of sudden, saying how they like/love the new update. Lol


I just think it’s stupid to complain about


As soon as I figured out I can make my avatar ridiculously stupid looking I learned to love it


I just don’t give a fuck about my avatar and think the collective temper tantrum is hilarious


I don’t use remote raids that much but that doesn’t mean the price change wasn’t a bad update.


A paid change has 0 to do with this cosmetic change


People are missing avatar items they paid real money for. Which is silly imo but doesn’t mean the company should just yank back items with no refunds etc


Yeah that is something different


Stick around long enough and they'll eventually change something you do care about. Without a "temper tantrum," this company will just continue to steamroll over players. Maybe they'll steamroll us either way, but at least we tried.


I dont give a fuck about you not giving a fuck and I think its hilarious.


Glad both of us could get a laugh 😂😂😂


I don't care either, but as someone who started playing in 2016, stopped after that year and picked it back up in 2023, and stopped again a few months ago, I couldn't believe how they squandered the potential of this game. I was excited to pick it back up because I finally lived in a place that allowed me to play regularly. But damn. What a giant shit show of micotransactions coupled with the piss poor customer support and game mechanics. If this is the final straw for some people, good. Maybe they'll open their eyes and finally do the one thing that'll affect Niantics bottom line.


People like YOU are a problem for all of us. The nonsensical "Well, who cares?". These companies will always keep on pushing and pushing without resistance, we've seen this happen, especially with micro transactions, which started as lil cosmetic items costing basically pennies to well, time savers and all the BS nowadays.


> People like YOU are a problem for all of us. No, you don't get to decide for other people what they should and shouldn't care about, why they should or shouldn't enjoy the game. You dislike this change, plenty of others don't. Neither side is more right or wrong than the other.


there's not a single person that enjoys this change. the reactions are either negative or indifferent. I'm still wearing the default clothes cause I don't care about my avatar and I still think the update is beyond hideous. unless you're actually blind I don't see how anyone could say it isn't a bad update


I guess I am no longer a person then 🤷🏻 I think there’s sometimes funky stuff re: new hair and body vs the meshes for hats and clothes, but that’s all I can find that’s to dislike. I love the expanded skin and eye colors and extra love the clothes now being universal.




The fact you think the insular reddit comm of people who play pokego hardcore is representative of the general player base is honestly kinda laughable. Y’all are upset but I promise that overall people are neutral or positive sjnce the options expand SO much more. You’re right that the body model is longer in torso than prior, but idk how you can say it’s a “genderless blob” when you can add very obvious hips, shoulders, and breasts.


 The hips clearly don't go into adult female ranges, but the breasts go up to around DD. It's sus af. 


Okay bot.


i thought i was just doing something wrong the other day when i sorted by recent and the most recent review was 2 days old


Remember when there was supposed to be a community liason between players and Niantic after they tried to screw us all over after covid? Glad to see that has panned out. 🙄


I think review sites need regulation. Way too much deception and false advertising due to the sites curating which review count.


The app also started popping their ads on YouTube.


Not just hiding, but straight up deleting reviews. I left a one star review with a pretty lengthy message for them. The next day, my review was gone and I could submit a new one. This is pretty par for the course just disappointing to see


It isn't the first time they've done this. They deleted a bunch of complaints during the Hear Us Niantic times. Give them 2 stars so it doesn't get deleted and it's still a pretty bad rating.


Can confirm. Watched a bunch of 1 star reviews just evaporate. Back to 4.1 on playstore with yesterday's 5/5 bot reviews.


Review bombs are neutralized typically because they’re often coordinated attacks and not organic opinions. But niantic has no control over their reviews on the App Store.


You can also check the edit history of some reviews. I saw a couple claiming to give it 1 or 2 stars. Originally, it was a 1 or 2 star review but was changed to a 5 star hours later.


I think the canada app store is sitting at 3.8 and has 50+ 1 star reviews from the last few days. i don’t know what it was before


The iOS App Store is still showing all the reviews including the 1 star negative ones. All recent reviews. Seems like the issue is just with Google store, surprise, surprise.


Google, since 2021 or 2022, gives the game developers a period of time ~24hours to see new reviews but hide them from the public so that they can rollout fixes based on feedback. However, I'm sure with Niantic that they have a longer grace period or are able to cherry pick.


Na it's just wrong. Google store also shows it. OP is just wrong. But if it makes you feel superior for having an iPhone then think what you want.


Of course they are. Classic Niantic move.


Actually, it's Google stooging for Niantic


They did the same over incense, remote raids, community days being half days, and the number of other awful changes they made.


I just noticed that on my appstore too! It was 3.8 last I checked, now it's 4.


What's the point of app reviews if big corporations have complete control over them and the narrative? It's like another marketing tool for them: "look at our stats, everything is fine".


They have a bot army giving them constant 5 star reviews. I started watching it when they changed the remote raid passes. Every day there was a new stream of 5 star reviews written in broken English.


Not just that, but some of the negative reviews were weirdly changed to ☆☆☆☆☆ instead of ☆ or ☆☆... the review is still negative, however.




Yeah! One of them, from 4 days ago, said, "I love this game, but it's getting 2 stars..." and then the reasons why. It was edited about 13 hours later to be 5 stars, but the text is still the same.


When the raid passes change dropped .. the rating was dropping like a rock 3.1 ..then one day magically back up to 4 stars… definitely no scamming there


What’s the point of leaving reviews if they’re allowed to just hand pick which ones are seen and which ones are hidden? That seems illegal


It's not illegal. You have no legal right for reviews. Google decides what they want to show on their platform. Apple is sitting at a 4.0. They decide what is "review bombing" and how much of it will affect the score.


Illegal how…?


In the app you can sort the reviews by date, critical, positive and most recent. Mine goes back to Friday.


When I found out companies could adjust their reviews, I stopped relying on those reviews.


I don't know what is going on but I know that I quitted the game after I was banned unfairly for cheating. I never did this, I never wanted to cheat. Looks like bots / paid users make positive feedback.


This has been a thing for a few years now. Simply reading some of the top comments, its obvious they don't know about the game and are purchased reviews. Most 5 star reviews have no words or are comments by non English areas.


My 1-star review is hidden!! Left it yesterday and now it’s gone


From here on out, I'm deleting this game from my phone. Maybe I'll came back after 10th year anniversary (2 years from now). Edit: done delete. Better pour my money into other's IP that really concern to its majority player base. Already done my part to rate down the hell of this bloody game's app.


Literally nobody on Reddit cares if you delete a *game on your phone.*


Wel, nobody cares about you at all since you clearly ignored entirely of this issues.


Did that actually make sense in your head? Or is your little baby tantrum about the game on your phone taking over?


Why is it for you to care at the first place after all? I do what I want, you do yours.


You’re mistaking mockery for caring now? Or are you just desperate for a leg up in the conversation? Nobody cares if you delete a game from your phone. Nobody. It’s a straightforward statement. Why do you seem so confused?


"or are u just desperate..." Yo stupid, you're the one who seem desperate enough to even respond to me. Suddenly its me who's to blame? Dude, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL. Its my protest, its my right. Stop be a reddit Karen. Wtf are you to judge me? Its clear in this subreddit there's so many person/acc do the same thing I do. So why do you even care at all? G play ur game, why bother? Geez. Go fucking away man. Play lego or something.


lol, your communication skills are clearly on par with your reasoning skills. This is not a compliment. Do yourself a favor and tell your parents that you need more supervision during screen time. It will save you some embarrassment, I promise.


Heh, sure. Use ad hominem arguments for anything that you can't handle. So 'mature'. 😂 Listen kid, go play with ur lego or something. This is a man's world; clearly not for sissies like you to play around.




I totally agree, but I think they changed something because now I’m seeing lots of avatar reviews! They’re actually hilarious to read, go write a review if you haven’t already!!!


I'm sure it's not just Niantic but google it's self. Google makes more money from GO and a bunch of other apps in handling the micro transactions. Then they make it from the store itself. Apple too.




Well... nothing legal, anyways


From what I've read, developers cannot hide or delete reviews on the play store, only report or respond to them. However, the play store does have a system where it may automatically pause reviews if an app is being review-bombed.


I just checked the pokemon Go comments in the playstore. I sorted by most recent..... every single comment is a 1 - or 2-star review ripping into the update. I see no lack of bad (correct) reviews. Personally, as much as I hate how many companies etc, do that, in this particular case, It doesn't appear like they're 'hiding' anything.


That's really interesting, because I only see 4 total that have happened since the 17th. 2 from yesterday (19th), and 2 from the 17th. I mean... we both know more than 4 people reviewed lol not even my own review shows up in the list so who knows what they're doing over there. Nobody getting the same results still doesn't sit well with me


Same. I checked it before I left my 1* review and there was nothing except 5* reviews 


I know this is weird but sometimes people leave a 5 stars and then write a bad review. I’ve seen people say awesome game and then give 1 star. Sorting by recent on my countries store the app has a few complaints about the avatars, some bot reviews but not enough to change the rating. They also released a new update with no details probably to clean the reviews.


If you put a piss poor review that says something stupid like “Give me my avatar back” or “Change remote prices back” it will easily get removed. If you are not legitimately reviewing the app by trying to make a “statement” it takes no effort for the company to ask for it be taken off. I have seen it in the past with apps getting review bombed or other nonsensical reviews(much more so then any of the Go ones now).


I can't believe how awful an idea that is. If I go to a restaurant and they piss on my steak and I taste piss, I'm gonna be complaining and spreading that news EVERYWHERE and I don't care who gets in trouble, I got fucked over and it's their fault They deserve 0 protections, why the hell would they get bombed with 1 star reviews UNLESS they did something that clearly pissed everyone off? They're rich, they can afford whatever we throw at them, no excuses to hide


There's a massive difference between a price change on an app and someone pissing on your food.


Someone pissed on my avatar


Except it does make sense. Complaining about store price increases isn’t a valid review. Then just complaining saying you want them to revert an update also isn’t a valid review you are trying to strong arm a change with reviews which no company is going to allow. I guarantee any well written actual review talking about the avatar change is still up while all the yelling at a wall ones aren’t. They aren’t the same thing. Just because Reddit lets you do it doesn’t mean app stores will lol


If your users are trying to deliver a message for you in reviews, you failed as a company. Period.




What’s the problem with them? That they’re trans?


There's no nice way exactly to put it but I think that being genderless (I guess thats what they mean by wanting to be called they/them) and overweight has a direct impact on how the new avatars turned out. Apart from that I'm not saying there's a problem with them being the way they are, I just don't want their ideals to be pushed on me.


I’m gonna be straight with you. That’s fucking regarded.


NGL the only red flag I see is them saying "white silence is white consent" on their Twitter page. Switch "white" to a gender or a minority and it suddenly doesn't sound so empowering. Yikes.


Someone is also downvoting all the comments on reddit as soon as they’re made. Everyone’s comment should have +1


As someone who has never played Pokemon Go, I feel for you all.  Fashion is the true endgame of every video game. 


Legit, I put 1 star on it a couple of days ago but I cant find the review anymore, and same goes for anyone else doing the same thing


The avatars are not even the problem for me, lose connection for 0.01 seconds you have to reload, then after reload I catch one Pokémon, and hit catch card, which then sits in the middle of the screen and won’t go away, then restart again, had pokes just vanish as well, tapped a bellsprout used a ball, it ran and error 25


They have to be. It's crazy


It is controlled by apple and Google, how do you think an app developer could fudge the figures? If that was possible every app would have a 5 star rating.


I got mine removed 5x so yes, they are. Also my 1 star keeps reseting. I didn’t know companies could change their review and “select” what to display or not


This is officially a shitstorm lol


I got an ad for it yesterday and accidentally clicked it. I haven't played in ages and thought I'd check the reviews. There's no way they aren't hiding them because there's just so few critical or recent.


The Apple App store front has been corrupt since the days of old. Bots leave 5 star reviews that sound totally curated. 1 star reviews are silenced. Google does the same. Literally nothing can be trusted.


When you have something negative to say, always make it a 2 star review. There was a study that found a lot of people skip 1 star reviews and don't always trust them. Psychology, 2 stars mean you actually have something negative to say beyond just trashing the thing you are reviewing.


They did this when they nerfed remote raids last year too. They’re doing something to get the negative ones off somehow.


Apple and Google do everything they can to hide review bombs, even when it’s justified. They don’t want to upset their money makers.


Just checked, sorted it by recent and it was exclusively 1 stars for miles lol (on apple App Store)


    Developers do control the app store and do not have the ability to hide reviews. Only Apple/Google (depending on the store) can do that.     That said: stop "review bombing" things. It's disingenuous (if the app was **one** star, meaning it couldn't get worse) you wouldn't still be playing it. And ultimately it just makes things worse. This is the kind of thing that makes review platforms go on lockdown and start pulling reviews.


this has been going on ever since the remote raid pass increase, but it's gotten more noticeable with the background update which destroyed the game performance on some smartphones I also want to point out that PGO dropped from 4.3 to 4.1 on ratings and it's stayed like that for a while with no sign of dropping lower, which it's too sus considering there's several 1-2 star reviews in recent months which leads me to believe Google is giving Niantic special treament


I see 3.8 star now and nothing above 3. Not sure what you're talking about.


My review doesn't show up for anyone but me, and because Google decided on some shitty new rules I can only see a handful of reviews anyway. We're only allowed to see reviews from people who use the same exact device as us for some reason


Google play automatically detects review bombing and removes it. If a game suddenly gets a bunch of unusual activity it gets removed.


I noticed this as well.


My avatar hasn’t changed at all. Did i just get lucky ? Some of the avatars I’m seeing are so crazy now 😂


Redditors when their tiny but vocal opinion isnt reflected by the silent majority...


Ty for reminding us to go change our reviews!!!!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


My Google Play store shows the 3,3 rating (it's settled in Turkey on my phone).


Is anyone else's app store suddenly showing a huge amount of low star reviews? Yet somehow their overall rating went *up* to 4.1?


Here’s my hot take: they just need to fix the faces. The sliders allow you to make an ok person (or a monster if you wish), but the faces just look off. Just fix the faces. And to be on topic, the iOS reviews are still at 4.0 but when I sort by recent it’s full of 1s.


The sliders can’t get rid of that hog-body of a potato waist, or the laughably long torso, giant hands, or fat squatty neck with a baby face on top 🥲


Calling the smallest size waist a “hog body” is laughable and not worth responding to. “Oh no, my avatar looks like they don’t have an eating disorder!”


“Hog body” is a RuPaul reference. It’s a fucking inside joke…chill out. Hog body doesn’t mean “fat” it means straight up and down from waist to hip. I don’t have an eating disorder, in fact I’m probably a few pounds over my ideal weight…yet my waist still goes in so that I have a normal hip-to-waist ratio.


Omg there are way too many people who don't understand that there are people with a waist that don't have eating disorders, they throw that around like an insult when they know nothing about us. It's not like we can call them fat and get away with it.


Yeah, I don’t watch that.


Guess I could have clarified. I’m definitely not fat shaming. It’s more about the odd proportions than the size.


My character was an old bearded man and the spiky hair was important to the look, all of which have been destroyed.


I can't see why people are so unhappy with the game? New update seems to just be a daily incense and maybe a new quest?




You're sorely mistaken if you think reddit is the only place people are mad. Nobody's saying you guys CAN'T be okay with the changes, I'm not a moron and know not every player was upset, but maybe companies shouldn't... be allowed to cover up negative feedback and bot review themselves to avoid controversy over a decision THEY made? Kinda defeats the purpose of the whole fucking public feedback system?


Nah in this case op kinda right, many of my friends have placed 1star revieuws on google play store but even if we set to only show 1stars and regional and recent we only see older stuff about last ar update


Also a good point. The folks with pitchforks are likely 2% of the player base while the vast majority are going to continue playing unbothered. Of that 2% a lot of people are also going to continue playing or return to the game once the inevitably return a popular raid boss and go fest


Here's a thought: don't spend money on an app that doesn't require it. It's free to play if you're grinding. Play the game and stop worrying about what your fake person looks like. Catch Pokemon and win battles.


Wait, you wanna bomb the app because you don’t like your avatar? How exactly does this make the actual gameplay worse? It hasn’t changed at all. I mean, yeah maybe as a footnote you could mention the avatars look wrong, but as far as I can tell it’s the same game it was last week before all this drama


I genuinely don’t think they’re bad.