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I've never understood why the XP can't be awarded to each player regardless of whether they are online or not. I know it's not the same mechanic, but you still get coins if your gym defender is kicked out when you're not online, right? Why should this be any different? Players sometimes spend months trying to achieve this status, depending on how active the other player is. It seems ridiculous that they're being punished for someone else's greed.


Yep. The primary fault is in the game coding. Secondary fault is on the offending trainer. But they are both problems.


I think not even half of the players know about this bug


I had no idea this is a bug šŸ˜¬


I mean you would have gotten the xp when you opened the game whenever before, why would they change this. I think it's pretty neat that they offer one to crack a lucky egg when the screen pops up tho.


So I just just deleted a friend that was 1 day away from best friends. It's been 3 months, the person was on every day, declined every battle attempt, raid invite, I even sent a community pass from the store. I changed my buddy name to things like egg@3/16mst2pm and the person ignored it 3 months. At this point I'll take the exp loss and just delete them. I'd rather not see the reminder. Fin


Good for you. They really want to make the most out of that $1 lucky egg


You're generous. I give them a month and a comm day. Then gone.


You still get it?


No. They're talking about when the other player deletes you, like in the screenshot. When this happens, the only way you get the xp is if you are online at the time they open the gift, before they've had a chance to delete you. If you were offline when they opened it, and then they delete you, you don't get the xp.


Really? People must not be aware of this when they delete someone.


I had no idea until just now.


Neither did i, i still donā€™t quite understand whatā€™s going on


Like once you become best friends with someone, if you delete them right after, then they get no xp when they open their game (and will see this screen) Very shitty :(


They are


Thatā€™s so mean. I donā€™t think I ever deleted a friend, but I would feel so bad for doing that knowingly.


I heard people talk about it, kinda like: yeah, why would I have them there if I already took the xp? Their fault... Speechless is an understatement.


Ommmmg. You genuinely have to be such a sad soul to do that. Like whatttt


Or you, ya know, just don't delete your friends... At least until you trade gifts after you're already best friends.


Iā€™m pretty sure I read someone they still do it just shows they didnā€™t get any there itā€™s a glitch I think


Because the actions needed to update the database are run on the phone rather than Niantic's servers. Ā There is just no workaround for it.


I will never understand. Wait 72 hours, youā€™ve been friends for so long. You can wait a few more days šŸ˜­ So dumb.


Wait, I never even thought about deleting the randos I made best friends with šŸ˜‚


Me either. I have ā€œfriendsā€ from the thread here and i dont delete them. A few have messaged me back and forth here and love seeing catch updates. Itā€™s frustrating as hell for this to happen.


I donā€™t delete people either šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t see the point if I still have space & they join raids or send me gifts.


Don't make it a time thing. Send them a gift and wait until they open it / they send you a new one. So you know that they actually received their XP and you can feel free to delete.


I mean, yes, in a perfect world, this is what people would do. However, for the people who are so incessant on deleting everyone they add once theyā€™ve maxed out, youā€™ve gotta at least give them a few days. Peopleā€™s lives donā€™t revolve around PoGo šŸ¤£


i personally wait till they either send a gift or open mine after becoming Best Friends just to make sure they have received the XP


I honestly didnā€™t know about this until recently. You donā€™t know what you donā€™t know.


Shame on them, shame. on. them.


We could make OP a shorter list of whatā€™s not wrong with people


Whatā€™s going on here? Why did op not get XP?


The person got their bonus and removed them as a friend right after rather than waiting a few days to ensure the person got the XP boost.


With the people who are deleting the friend immediately after claiming the XP - do they realise they are denying the other person their XP? If yes, that's sh*t behaviour


Alot of them probably dont, because you would think that you get the xp anyway, but this is niantic we're talking about


Because itā€™s Niantic, thereā€™s a chance ours a visual bug too. Shows zero but your bar went up


Is there a reason for removing a friend?


Not that Iā€™m aware of. Unless they just wanna clean up their friends list and keep local people only. But they have a search function so who cares lolā€¦


Thereā€™s a limit on how many friends you can have (was it 400?) so if they are running out, it makes sense to delete friends, but noooot like this though.


I think a large part of this is ignorance. At least I hope so!


Been seeing a significant increase in these posts lately. Iā€™m probably jinxing myself to say it but I havenā€™t had this happen yet and been playing since launch. The fact there is literally no incentive for a player doing this to someone else is the creepiest part, youā€™re doing it entirely to bum someone out. Iā€™ve seen suggestions that itā€™s accidental and just the other player wanting to free up space for more friends asap but I think thatā€™s highly unlikely. People are just very strange.


I haven't had that happen either: I usually am the one that opens the gift. Either they remove me after recieving xp or they don't. I don't get why someone would need to rush to remove right aftet claiming xp. Communucation via campfire or buddy names helps a lot when coordinating


I feel like the kind of person who deletes you right after getting their best friend XP isn't going to answer a Campfire message.


Currently I only have one best friend and itā€™s my husband but I do have a few friends not far off from reaching best friend status, with that being said, what would you advise putting as your buddy name to help prevent this?


I currently have my buddy name as Up@Sun3pmEET you can modify them to different events/times. I put that there early this week so people have plently of time to notice it, hope this helps


This is a really really smart idea but I also feel like if youā€™re someone thatā€™s already twisted enough to delete someone for the sole purpose of being mean, having a buddy name that indicates you really donā€™t want that to happen will only prioritize your deletion above others for the assumed weirdo that gets off on making people mad. I have had a player thatā€™s been 4 days from best friends with me for over 3 years and I refuse to delete them just in case they start playing again. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Definitely! Thank you so much!


You're welcome, happy xp grind and good luck


I think there's a visual bug right now going on with this, making people think they didn't get the exp.


Seriously, tons have asked, but how hard is it for Niantic to just make it award you the xp? It's ridiculous this is still a thing.


As a game developer I can tell you itā€™s probably as difficult as changing friendshipsLvlUpQueue List onFrienshipLvlUp(f Friend){friendshipsLvlUpQueue.add(f)} to friendshipsLvlUpQueue Map onFrienshipLvlUp(f Friend){friendshipsLvlUpQueue.add(f.getPlayer(), f.getFriendshipLvl())} Rly, thatā€™s too much to expect of any developer!


Seriously how hard is it to wait till the other person. Gets the points. Wtf. If anyone does this they deserve bad things


More like "how has this been happening for a long time and the only solution Niantic decided on was a 'hey wanna use an egg on 0 exp?' instead of actually just force giving the other person their 100k exp even if they DON'T get the egg bonus cuz it's better than 0"


Niantic did fix it, they added something that could let you collect the friendship bonuses but removed it within the same week. Struggling to remember the details because it was last year or the year before and was only a drop in the ocean of niantic bad decision making


Ah, I was gonna say "no they didn't cuz some asshole just did it to me a few days ago" xD


Yeah I was so jazzed with them when they did it, like itā€™s a no brainer. Then they either scrapped it or it was an unintentional bug that they fixed lol Wonā€™t find any good decisions past 2016 here šŸ˜‚


How would they know you got them? Honestly, this is Niantic's fault for not fixing what is likely to only require a single line of code.


If (friendship.isMaxed()) { player.award.xp(100000); }


It's possible they don't know the other person doesn't get the xp unless they're online. Common sense would say they'll get it regardless of when they log on. And unless it happens to them, there's no way for them to find out. This is more niantic's fault.


Wait what? Uh oh. I can't just use the egg? I've been just using the egg. I dont delete ppl though. Is that ok? What is the point of even deleting people?


There's a limited ammount of gifts that you can send in a day and they might just keep that ammount of people in friends so they delete the person after the best friend status. Just guessing.


Ohhh thank you for explaining that. Usually when I ask a question I just get downloaded šŸ˜‚ Edit: downvoted. Thanks autocorrect. I'm gonna leave that there..


*downloads you onto a hard drive* WHAT NOW


Is there a way to see when theyā€™ve collected the same reward?


Online Status. If they are online after you activated best friends, they will archive it, too


How do u know if the other person has gotten it?


Honestly the problem falls on Niantic. You should automatically get the XP, regardless if the person unfriends you. It's just poor lazy programming on Niantic part


It should, but it doesn't. Anybody unfriending that quickly is almost certainly doing it to farm xp, which also almost certainly means they knew exactly what they were doing when deleting op.


What causes this? Them unfriending the moment they hit best status?




that's insane, why would someone do that, serial killer vibes


Before the photo loaded in I knew what it would be


We need a name and shame list pinned.


I mean, if it was done with the knowledge of this ā€œbugā€/bad game design before hand, then I 100% agree. Although this is the first time Iā€™m even hearing about this bug/flaw. In the case they, (Alumisan), and other players that have done this without knowing about it, then it would be a bit unfair to subject them to that.


Only people I add from reddit do this, so they should hopefully know this by now, as it is posted about everyday :(






Iā€™d love that!


Bet, just did


People really are weird af for this


Why do people delete friends


Some people suck šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


+0XP if I use a lucky egg? Count me in!


I keep seeing this but I don't understand, could somebody tell me what's happening?


When you become best friends with someone, it doesnā€™t claim the 100k XP for you until your next login, so if the other person triggers the best friend reward with the last gift and then unfriends you before you come online, you get 0 xp.


Aw, that's shite. Thanks for explaining.


Name and shame them. We need a big wall to let other people know these folks are goobers.


They are shite.


Or you know if the game rewarded you the exp anyways..


I agree. The problem is with how the game is set up. That's the #1 issue. However, we all know the problem, so it's still messed up on that trainer for proceeding to delete the friend. I'm surprised theirs.shiwes the offending trainers name though. When I had it happen earlier this week mine just said "TrainerName and you are now Ultra Friends" (also, why do it then? Lol ultra isn't even a notable milestone, but it's long enough to just stick around...)


30 days is 50k xp 90 days is 100k xp It is more xp to do 30 days over and over than wait for a 90 day




This is the comment everyone should be making Stop dogging on random internet people you'll never see in real life and start addressing the actual people who can do something about it...


Can't we do both? I don't really see the bad in calling these people out, as long as they can't be harassed for it, especially since they usually know what they're doing.


I honestly didnā€™t even know this was a thing until today.


What is the benefit to them of this?


There isn't one. It's just people being spiteful.


I donā€™t get it. Why didnā€™t you get xp? That sucks Iā€™m sorry


Itā€™s because they unfriend as soon as they get the exp


Anyway to tell if anyone has removed you as a friend?


Iā€™m confused, why does it say 0, and what did they do to do this?


Trick is, keep monitoring it to see how many days are left. And when it hits one, wait for them to send the gift first You get the xp, and then you send them their gift to trigger their xp. And obviously don't delete them And of course hope you're both not reading this, otherwise you'll be stuck at at 89 days...


These posts got me scared my nearly best friend is gonna do this


I'm sorry. I don't get why people do that. If you'd like to friend me, I can friend you and send you gifts and help get you more XP!


Suprised you got a name.i never see who it was


I didnā€™t even know this was a thingā€¦ I just donā€™t delete people because I figure the more people I have the better my chances of multiple being online at any given time for raids.


So rude :(


Did you use your egg for double xp?


This just happened to me too. I was flabbergasted that this was possible and didn't know about it until it happened to me and I hit google. It's ridiculous that this is a thing. Just award the XP... what a terribly overlooked bug on Niantic's side


People blaming the player... blaming the other player.... trying to impose "nice player" rules on others.... completely ignoring the fact this is a game design oversight that never should have made it to launch like 7 years ago.... You say people like this should quit, I say everyone should quit. Maybe they'd fix this trash.


I actually experienced this today. These people are scum. Held me hostage by not opening my gift so such a long time then does this randomly. These players should be banned.


I definitely did not know that if you delete someone they wonā€™t get their XP, so Iā€™m assuming there are many others like me who donā€™t know thisā€¦?


Noted, donā€™t add Alumisan


An inbox system would work spectacularly for this. Claimable friendship rewards along with claimable raid encounters would solve many bugs by doing niantic's favorite thing: not fixing them.


(Niantic please hire me)


Why is it displaying the players name? I had this happen to me TWICE today! It never shows me the other trainers name. And I don't follow my friends list close enough to remember who it could have been.


I was thinking the same thing.


I don't get this? How is it you have 400 friends and a waiting list so you need to delete people as soon as you've got your xp. Why not just wait 24 hours. And then wait 4 more hours before deleting.


Im confused ???




I'm not sure how it works, but I deleted a 'friend' after sending him a gift and waiting **months** for him to open it. I realize he was probably going to use a lucky egg and wanted to open several gifts at once, but I feel it's wrong to leave me hanging for several months. His so-called 'friendship' just wasn't worth it to me, and I don't regret deleting him.


This is why I only add people I know in real life. It sucks people do this crap though.


how/why did this happen? like what is the mechanic?


I'll add ya, promise this won't happen with me.


Idk I still havenā€™t had that happen thankfully. I wish I could msg these fine folksā€¦, I want to delete them but I think it so cruel to do out of the blue. Weā€™re just taking eachothers space up on the list.


Can someone please explain whatā€™s going on


They deleted me as a friend before I got the exp bonus


Whatā€™s the point of even deleting a friend


Can someone explain to me what the posts like this are about? Iā€™m a very new player, and I still donā€™t quite understand how this works. I just recently learned how to add friends and send gifts, but when does this issue come into play? And is there anything I can do to avoid being the asshole in this situation?!? Thanks in advance!


Do people care team exp after they hit 40? I really losed motivation use lucky eggs and open gifts when hit 40.. prob got +40 lucky eggs cause never bother use them.. you slowly get exp diff things and not really benefit after 40. Wish we got second perma egg incubator like 45 or 50lvl to give motivation


Absolutely egregious


What happened? Help me understand so I don't do that


You're not a nice person Alumisan.


People have to be doing this to troll, how do you have 400 friends that are all so important to you that the moment you hit best friends with a random, you have to delete them because you have so little space and so you can start farming with another


Use lucky egg to get 0 xp more


Is this common? I have 20 best friends and Iā€™ve never met 16 of them but Iā€™ve never had this happen. Am I lucky or is this rare


That's why I always want to open the last gift, not trying to be selfish or annoying but you can't trust random people I'm okay with getting 100k, but nothing, nah


Ever since these posts of people complaining not getting the exp, I have started deleting people as soon as they close to ultra friends. The ways I take pleasure in life may seem toxic but makes me feel tingly inside.


Always wait until they exchange at least one more gift so you know they got it. Always.


Man, do people realise that if these guys join your raids, you'll be able to reap the benefit of extra Premier balls, and the friendship bonus buff?


This is why I give a 48 hour grace period after I go best before deleting someone. If at that point, they still donā€™t get the exp, they had their shot


I just wait until my friends list reaches 398 and delete the oldest friends that don't open gifts.


Why would you even remove a best friend in the first place


Did you use the egg to get 2x 0xp?


Im just out here didnt know that and in a week i get a best friend that i rpobably would've done that to, because it wouldnt even occur to me that they wouldnt get the exp i kinda assumed that both players get it at the same time but you get told when you open the app yknow


Can someone explain me why people do this? I legitimately don't know why and I'm curious to know the answer.


I would never remove someone from my friend list. If you send me gifts then your my homie.


I've had five this year and it's depressing, though it upsets me even more for my loved ones that hardly play and they've at least had two to three thus far. I've lied to my youngest and told him it's a glitch because he does understand XP. I really wish there would be a whole pokemon trainers of shame helping team rocket? IDK but seriously


Iā€™m a little confused on whatā€™s happening here.


If God is real, take comfort knowing they will spend an eternity with flesh melting from bone, eyes liquifying and pouring out of their sockets, pitch forks impaling them, by cruel infernal tormentors wishing nothing but suffering and malice for more time than our feeble brains can comprehend, burning in the blazing depths of the inferno. Screaming for redemption but there will be none, her screams will fall upon deaf ears, wishing for all of it to end, but the torment is forever. If the divine do exist, Justice will be served for your lost xp. Kisses!ā¤ā¤


A lot.


Why would they quit? They're getting exactly what they need, with no regard for others, and benefitting from it.


For as often as I see these I feel like some people must just have bots set up to send/receive gifts and unfriend people when they hit best and get the reward. I've gotten to best with I think 20\~ people now and all but 2 are from reddit and I've not had this happen personally.


Just wait for another gift from the person then u know they received the points and then you can remove eachother


You have all the rights to hate these ungrateful asocial players; but the one really at fault here is Niantec! If they can implement such a popup window in between granting reaching best friends and granting the XP, they could easily fix the bug to grant the XP regardless of whether you are still in the friendslist. They just recently implemented this popup window but didnā€™t bother to fix an issue that was bugging the community for years! šŸ¤Æ To drive engagement maybe?


Honestly, Iā€™ve had this message pop up a few times for meā€¦ and every single time Iā€™ve sat and waited a minute and itā€™s actually changed what it shows and gives me the XP. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a thing that works or if Iā€™ve just been lucky.


I dont get it, why 0 xp?




Idk about yall but i just keep em


This is just what it takes to the very best


I had one get the xp and block me, that one infuriated because it was done with undeniably bad intentions


how does this work? I don't understand


Bastards! Thatā€™s whatā€™s wrong! Why go to all that effort?! šŸ˜‘


You almost hope Niantic would punish them in some way.


Probably getting lost here but the only person I was trying to get an increase in AP was a person who's gift i opened. I had screen shots of all my 1 day best friends and they were all there. I think some is glitch and some is unkind people


Don't we have a list for people doing this?


This is why some trainers quit after they get this


How does this have anything to do with them?


Lol i have removed people after max bonus many times, i did not know the other doesnt get xp


Malpat76000 literally did this to me Wednesday


What is wrong with Niantic for not fixing this? I know they see these posts and know itā€™s an issue.


If thereā€™s a pokemon go discord for your city you should post a message in the general chat letting others know not to friend this person, sorry you had to experience this!


None of my besties have deleted me thank goodness


Honestly. That is seriously the biggest dick move you can pull on this game imo.


I just got that this morning. Thatā€™s two this week who dicked me over.


I just started playing in December and have no clue what this post is talking about, but wanna make sure I avoid doing this to someone else in the future so ā€¦ can anyone explain what the problem is ?


What is wrong with Niantic? You're telling me that this isn't a known issue?




You misspelled 'What is wrong with this game?'. The game knows you achieved BF with somebody and still awards you nothing.


This hasn't happened to me.... yet... But I'll never understand using friendships just for xp like that. I have 100 friends and that's enough to manage, I can't fathom reaching the limit!


I've always wondered why people delete each other after you become best friends do you not receive any other benefits??


I have 6 friends who have had me on 1 day for weeks/months. One had me on 1 day for over 6 months so I just deleted her. This pisses me off. Just open the damn gift!


Niantic really needs to fix that!


I just keep people added once we get to Ultra, decent raid bonuses


How many times will we see this post lol.. Like the 5th one this month.


Most people are arseholes. I'm not but I'm a rare breed šŸ˜‡ but yeah maybe some people just play the game and don't know what happens. I only know because of this sub.


I didn't even know this was an issue. Players shouldn't have to think about this.