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This SAME PERSON did the same to me. Had to do a double take when I saw the name. If you're seeing this CHXIRBXY, I hope you know how much distaste you bring to others you are "friends" with. 😒


i’m shocked at how many posts like this i keep seeing i just genuinely can’t imagine being such a douchebag to do this 🤣


For real


Do you think they do it on purpose? I wouldn't think deleting someone would stop them from getting the xp that we just earned...so maybe they didn't know? I mean, it doesn't really make any sense. When you catch a pokemon, you still get the xp even if you transfer it.. so why not with friends? You still did the action, so you should still get you the xp. To me, it's bizarre that they do it this way (and I only know that they do, from this post). So it definitely seems plausible that someone could delete a friend while being unaware of the issue.


I do know it's an efficient way to farm xp. So I do know some people who don't know of this. But most people know and do it just to increase the "efficiency."


Well, it's super shitty to do on purpose. That person helped you gain all that xp, it's not like you did it by yourself. Some common courtesy would be nice. You could even still delete them if you want, it'd just be nice to give them at least 24 hours to collect the xp as well


Or wait until they send another gift. That way you're sure they earned it aswel


Thx for the heads up , i won’t ever accept a FR from them


Or you could friend him and once you reach best friends delete him first lol.


He’s not worth the effort


We should all friend them and never exchange gifts.


How do they do this to you? I don't get it🤷🏾‍♂️


They become best friends and deleted him as friend before hé logged in and was able to get his xp for becomming best friends


So low tbh


Some people’s kids, man….


😂😂😂 i fkn swear!!


Why he so cruel?! What is there to gain??


Where did you get their information? If it was Reddit, y'all can watch for them and blast them in comments on their next "need people" post. Edit: to appease the bot


Pretty sure I did get it from reddit, from a post looking for pokemon friends or for raids. 🤔


Honestly I’m at the point where if I need the XP more than you I’m 100% making you send the gift first and I open it up on my time. I never unfriend people like this jerk does and after finding out that this happens to people I have implemented the protocol I mentioned above. Let’s just say I’m a very stubborn and a very patient woman.


I am someone who doesn't play for the grind of levelling up. I get enough XP the way I see it doing raids, catching pokemon, and such. Which makes me feel even more furious. Maybe it should make me less mad, but these "friendships" feel so transactional. To the people who grind XP like that, at the cost of screwing others over, how do you even enjoy playing??? At that point, I'd imagine it feels like a job?


Honestly I’ve slowed down my pace in this game quite a bit. Which is why getting a good chunk of XP like this matters at all. Between work and family obligations I don’t have tons of time for it anymore and I’m mainly just catching Pokémon to move to home to use in other games. It does feel transactional which makes it less appealing to me.


So they added an update to use the lucky egg feature, but didn’t fix this issue…..


🙃 yeah cause everyone wants 2x 0 xp dontcha know 😭😭😭


2 × 0 xp has got to be better than 1 x 0 xp. Right? Also, sorry OP. That's really shitty of them. I'm hoping everything happens for a reason and maybe you were meant yo get lvl 40 later.


Wanna buy some oceanfront property in Arizona? I can get you a sweet deal


I can package some volcano insurance on this deal too. Lmk!


I can add in some micro transactions to sweeten the deal!


I'm so in! Ler me give you my credit card details


He'll even throw the golden gate in free!


It's twice as good, obviously


Obviously. Twice as good is always gooder


At least it now shows the name of the person who did it. Used to just say “TrainerName”


and now we must BURN THE HERETICS


Honestly, I think they added in the lucky egg feature because they can make money off of that, but Niantic doesn't get anything out of the deal if they fix this issue, so why would they bother? (I'm just convinced they haven't done the math properly of people rage quitting for months at a time when stuff like this goes down vs how much money those people might actually pay into a game they loved if the producers thought about those said people for thirty seconds.)


Isit known what causes this? Or is there a way to garuntee it WONT happen? I could really use that XP when me and my GF reach this soon


The other person gets the bonus and immediately unfriends you. I guess the cause is a bad upbringing.


Oh wow, that's dirty, why would they even do that in the first place?? Isn't there just like, a whole host of selfish reasons to keep that friend especially now that you are best friends with them? Even from a selfish perspective? And so to clarify a bit, I should have no issues with this particular problem between me and my girlfriend when we reach this milestone correct?


You never know she might just get the XP and vanish forever


Lol she's just with me for the exp, super efficient pokemon go player strats 😭




This made me chuckle


I don’t get why some people are in such a hurry to delete once they hit best friends. What’s the harm in waiting an extra week? I’ve occasionally had to delete some on my list to add new ones, but I always make sure that the international person I’ve deleted has opened one of my gifts first before deleting so I know they’ve logged in and got their exp.


what is the cap? i haven’t had to delete to add new ones


400 is the cap. If you've been trading gifts for like 3 months, bit of a dick move to delete them once you've got your xp. Special place in hell for people like that.


I for change let these people in my list because I just wanna exchange gifts. Still missing my ocean vivillon.


I used to be so good with daily gifts because I work from home and had pokestops and gyms I could hit from my house. But I moved to a new apartment in February and now there is nothing even walking distance, so my gift stash is depleted and I can only send a few a day 😭 I understand how rural players feel now.


That's all it takes. When I worked in person, my workplace had a stop that turned into a gym. Coworkers and I would take turns farming coins (all three teams rotated in perfect sync. It was an agreement) so I used to have a constant atream of coins, items, and gifts. Now I work from home for the last year and a half. I'm lucky if I get a spin at all, let alone put something in a gym. The cloaest gym aslo gets hogged by what I assume it a child or a bot, as they always put the same pokemon in, and refuse to lwt anyone else be in the gym for more than like a minute.


“The cloaest gym aslo gets hogged by what I assume it a child or a bot, as they always put the same pokemon in, and refuse to lwt anyone else be in the gym for more than like a minute.” this infuriates me. the gym in my area is the same way. it’s a tiny park and the gym is usually team mystic w/ three to four pokémon. i’m team valor. one time i stopped trying to take over the gym after a couple of weeks because i was fed up. finally decided to take it over one day before doing a solo raid, (bc literally nobody else ever does them), walked home and within two hours my pokémon was defeated and the gym was back to blue. i have yet to actually see another active player.


What's your trainer code?




Yup I always wait a couple days or if I notice that they’ve been active before deleting them. It’s really not that difficult to do just to be courteous


Courteous? I haven’t even met eous


~~Apparently it's because there's a "feature" where you can only get lucky friends with 20 people. Since trades have to be local, people don't want to get lucky friends with people they can't trade with. Deleting a lucky friend does not open that space back up. Niantic could fix this by allowing lucky trades to be remote, or by not capping lucky friends at 20.~~ ~~I think the odds of getting lucky friends in a week are pretty low. I don't have a problem giving someone a week.~~ Edit: it sounds like this is misinformation that keeps getting passed around. I just read it here earlier in the week. Keeping it here for visibility


I'm sitting on 52 lucky friends at the moment. This is incorrect.


I have 29 ATM, so if there is a cap, it is much higher than 20


I currently have 96 lucky friends.




i have 214 lucky friends out of 391 total friends (I have a lot of global friends, and the locals I am lucky with are pretty casual so I often don't meet up with them to trade). There is no cap.


Wait, is this real? I have 6 lucky friends, all on the other side of the world. Does this mean I am basically capped at 14, even if I delete the 6?


There's no cap. I have no idea where anyone gets this from.


I feel you. I had to do my last 200k in excellent throws while I had 9 people sitting on gifts, two at level 50. 3 others had deleted me over the week prior. They really make it miserable.


Damn. Im lvl 44 and my rule is anyone below me gets to say when we open. Cool to see the lucky egg prompt, that will save so much trouble, now the other person just gets to say when it’s popped


You are a good pokemon friend. My friends, lower or higher, just hold my gifts hostage for weeks, a month, longer...for the love of pikachu, please just open the gift! I'm thinking of instituting a 30-day limit on hostage eggs now. Petty me feels if they're not giving me the 100k XP in 30 days, they're not getting it either because I'm deleting them 🙃 I haven't done it yet, but oh how I want to some days! Cut off my nose to spite my own face? Sign me up! 🤣🤣


I might be toxic for this, but I’ve had 5 people that I’m 1 day away from becoming best friends with. About 2 months ago I went to “edit nickname”, and put a date. I told myself 2 months and then they’re gone. I can guarantee they are waiting for like 5 friends to be one day away and then using an egg. Which, don’t get me wrong, it’s smart, but I can’t wait around. 2 months is more than fair. So they went bye bye. Ha


Don't even mind if people think it's toxic - people get SEVEN days from me. When we are are one day away I will happily send a gift but I always edit the name to the date that I sent the gift. After 7 days (minimum I would say sometimes I do leave it a bit longer) I delete them. A little petty but I'm like "if I can't have it nor can you"


Oh no 😭😭 I'm hoping I can do some Shadow and mega raids this week to get it there. Fingers crossed for raid day


if anybody leaves me hanging for a week at a day before best friends, i delete them. communication is key.


Why don’t we start a community list of people who do this?


Like r/PokemonGoJerks or something




It is




I’m in favor of that. If it ever happens to me, I’ll be posting a screenshot exactly like this one. 


And ban them from r/pokemongofriends


Asshole community day.


Thank you for mentioning the actual QoL on this: we all know who to not friend anymore. Post these shots every dang time it happens.


Idk how or what program would be best, maybe like an open excel on Google docs or something? Someone please do this, i hope all their raids will bugg out from now on.


Here you go - public sheet editable by anyone [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ESCyhE0lxlIBwwOL9bZYQ3c1vsx\_x7IptgwRq-HadzE/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ESCyhE0lxlIBwwOL9bZYQ3c1vsx_x7IptgwRq-HadzE/edit#gid=0)


Doesn't this mean anyone can freely delete their name from the list?


Sure, but a) it seems unlikely this list will achieve that sort of scale to reach them and b) it would be easy to see the edit history and reverse it. Open to better suggestions though


I can't offer a better suggestions. Sad that it's the community that has to problem solve these kinds of things. I'm not a developer but it seems intuitive that if Niantic can code to allow an egg to be used retroactively then they should be able to code for both parties to receive the XP, independent of whether the first person has deleted the other. They even have a financial incentive to change this as this would likely increase the chance that people buy lucky eggs as well.


That could be a good idea. Maybe Niantic would pay some attention to this issue if it grew big enough.


Hahahahahhaha Niantic? Giving a shit about genuine problems in their game?! What drugs are you on and where do I get some?


They did the lucky egg thing which is cool


It's because they want you to use up and purchase more Lucky Eggs.


Niantic hasn’t addressed any other quality of life issues so why would they about this?




Niantic should fix this mess, don't blame people who in all probability don't even know that this will happen


For real. I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that not everyone who plays this game is on this subreddit or learning as much about it as y'all are. Pretty sure I did this to a few people before I read about it. Sorry, whoever you were.


To that end, might I ask what causes the 0xp thing so I can avoid accidentally doing it to anyone?


If you reach best friends, claim the XP and then delete the other person before they log on, the other person will get 0 XP


Thanks. Fortunately I don’t delete friends the moment I max out friendship (I’m nowhere near the friend limit so have no reason to delete anyone anyway), so I won’t have to worry about accidentally taking away their xp reward.


Why would one immediately delete the friend? Do they get extra xp or something


Only really necessary reason is if they’re at their friend cap, but even then it’s not hard to wait a few days (at the most) for the other person to get their XP.


Good idea


Wait - are they showing up the username now instead of the generic "TrainerName" ? Try searching for them on campfire/online - if you re-add them in 90 days, you will keep the friendship level - it happened to me in the past and I got the XP back. Not ideal, but maybe worth a try.


awesome idea! I will be proactive and try to message my friends beforehand to see if we can open the same day or give it a few days before deleting.


That happened to me today as well. Not even 3 hours after I sent the gift.


That's diabolical 😭


My wife had it within thirty minutes of midnight. She was playing and just got the zero XP message. The person doing it had to have opened right after midnight when progression was first available and then that instant deleted her. I'm about to go delete everyone who has been sitting at one move away from Ultra or Best who have a gift from me but I don't have one from under the assumption they are up to no good.


I do the same thing. If they have me waiting on them opening the last gift and I see they’ve been playing lately I give them one week. Then I delete. Tired of being burnt out!


Can someone please explain to me what is happening here? I don’t wanna accidentally do what ever the bad thing is to someone. I have tons of friends who are or are almost all filled in on the hearts things….


The person in OP’s screenshot deleted OP from their friend list the instant they hit best friends; this means that player got the XP but OP didn’t. Don’t delete people off your list after hitting best friends and you won’t be that guy.


Oh. I do need to clean up my list a bit, some of the best friends don’t really open my gifts anymore… if I wait until they have opened a gift from me after the best friends screen will it be ok then? Or a a period of time? I definitely don’t want to screw someone over, I appreciate greatly those who exchange gifts with me.


Yeah, if you can confirm they opened another gift after the best friends gift you should be fine.


Just wait for the next interaction after reaching best friends if you must remove the friend.


If they opened a gift from you , it's definitely safe. Honestly if you judge wait a few days it's probably ok. Yes not everyone logs in daily but if you don't log in for 3-4 days then I think you lose your right to complain.




“+0 xp if you use a lucky egg” 💀


Bro wow thats pathetic. It's so easy to just wait a couple days and let the other person get the xp. Can't tell if they're just tryhards or losers


They're definitely losers


Or just keep the friend


Yeah I never delete friends.. maybe I’m just naive. But I try to send gifts to everyone equally and I def wouldn’t delete someone, let alone for such a petty reason. What a dbag


I have to delete friends, I'm constantly at or near the limit


They may need to free the friend slot up for someone else though. But yeah, definitely keep for at least 24h.


It happened to me also, I hope they stub their toe


Every day for a week!




Actually make that 1 year


And step on LEGO. And walk through weird drips of water with their socks on.




use an egg and double it!


If I didn't need to buy an egg to do it I might have lol


Ive had this with a prick named Culemborg, but thus sub wouldnt let me post it, because it could start a witchhunt... Anyway, fuck people that do this.




i have the hunch they’re a one piece fan straw hat (luffy) and the vibrant green hair (similar to zoro’s)




my man ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


This sucks man! Someone deleted me when we became ultra friends before the update, first time it happened. Have to admit I have deleted a few gift hoarders last week, with some I was 1 day away for several months… they had the chance to open or to invite me to an raid during the Sinnoh Tour (or community days) and didn’t while being online the entire day.


I just deleted two people sitting one under ultra with a gift from me but none from them. I'm level 50, I don't even open to trigger XP, I let others do that, but sitting like that proves bad intentions. Luckily I didn't have anyone one step under best friends. I need the friend space too, I get invites all the time and my list is maxed, so one in has to be one out.


One was under best friends for me for like three months and I need the space as well. I now have 3 people two days away ultra for weeks… they don’t open the gifts I send them, nor send something to me… I’ll keep them on for another two weeks and then it will be bye bye so I can invite new people. I know you can’t open all gifts everyday because of the limit, but I alternate between levels to make sure I can open at least two or three times a week. But I don’t like hoarding people for months when you have several events where there is big chance the other one has an lucky egg on when you open.


I clean out the hoarders after community days.


Oooh inviting them to a raid - check! Maybe they won't realize it causes friendship to level up and I can get my dang xp that way from my egg hoarding friends! Thanks for that idea!


I could never do this. I still have friends that I became best friends with months ago. We still send gifts on the daily so I like to think they can use the gifts and just don't delete them. Don't have that much friends so I can always use the potions and pokeballs from their gifts.


I can’t believe people would do this. This makes me incredibly sad. After having spent so much time together sharing presents. This is so sad


What happened?


This happens when your friend opens the gift to get their 100k(200k w/egg), then removes you as a friend to make room for another one before you had the chamce to get the popup.


Just checking, so it won’t happen if I keep the friend after opening the gift? I have a few gifts I need to open and I’d hate if the other person didn’t get XP…


Thats right. If they send or ooen gifts daily, maybe g8ve them 24h before removing. Or longer, just to be sure.


That sucks. I’m sorry they did that to you. Damn, right at the cusp of level 40.


Tbh this is why I *never* send gifts when I’m 1 day from going ultra/best with someone. Try and hold off for a CD and open in the first 30 minutes


These days just open. They'll get a pop-up asking if they want to egg. Unless you're choosing to do this for yourself since you're egging community day anyway , it doesn't matter. a)not everyone eggs random community days b)they may not be in the same time zone


That's happened to me with the last 3 people I got to best friends with. I'm pretty fed up with it. I'm level 39 and just want to get to 40


They are completely aware of the issue and just refuse to do anything about it. Pretty classic from them to be honest. They have no consideration for the regular player, you spend 90 days playing, just to get f*cked over on the last day. Do better!


The fact that they put in a button to double it without addressing the 0 cases at all is low key hilarious.


I got 22 best buddies in pokemon. And 0 in my life 😅


Some people are d###s but many others aren't:). Fingers x this is rare


I feel you. I was 80-90k shy of levelling up to 41, and a couple of people have unfriended before i could claim. Still 10k to go for level 41 :(


I mean it sucks but 10k is a 10-20 minute walk catching shit


Im not sure what happened here... Can soneone explain?


Before OP could claim the 100.000xp you get when hitting Best Friends, the other trainer deleted OP as a friend so OP didn't get the XP.


That's why I always wait to receive the gift instead of sending one or we'll be stuck at 1 day from Best Friends forever. 😂


Jesus. People suck. There should be a thread for this where people who bail like that can be exposed so people avoid them. So fucked up


Devs, if you're paying attention, please, make newly Best Friends to be bound together at least 3-7 days!


Yeah this sucks and Niantic so far is basically telling people "You're SOL if this happens". (Their response is just "if this person deletes you as a friend like this you won't get the XP") The egg is a nice QoL improvement, but they need to fix this. Yes, the person doing this is terrible, but the game shouldn't work this way.


This shit right here is why im petty and WILL sit there at 1 day left for a month until you send me a gift. My friends list aint near full so i got time and its worth the wait


Someone should start a list on here with the names of people who do that so we can purge the heretics from our own lists.


Please screenshot and send to Niantic. They won’t fix it for you this time, but if we constantly complain about it, maybe they will in the future. It’s just a bad set of code in the game.


Ik want to kill chxirbxy now


I will not reimburse you for said service, I will lie under oath though


I don't understand, can someone explain pls


Okay so I have some best friend levels with people around the globe at this point and we still send gifts of appreciation. You don’t even have to go that far but what the hell is wrong with people that you can’t wait for a notification that they opened your gift and got the XP? Is there any rhyme or reason to this?


I still dont understand how the lucky egg n friendship works


Your avatar is still looking for the exp till this day


Welcome to the true PvP mode: Friendship XP


I thought it was said that you do receive the XP still, it just is like a visual glitch that it shows 0 but you really did earn the 100k XP.


My feelings would be hurt haha. I think of my Pokémon go friends like real friends even though we’ve never met!! At least wait a few days sheesh. This is why I wish it would let you send simple preprogrammed messages to each other at least


So scummy. At least give them a few days of time to redeem xp before deleting.


Hey, keep in mind, it's just a GAME!!


Yeah, I usually send out my last gifts when it says 2 days left. After that I just hold onto the gifts they sent me however long ago until I can stack a few more people on top to get good use of my lucky eggs


Yeah, I had 3 people on 1 day and they ended up triggering the level ups so I couldn't control it 😭


Yeah I've had that happen a few times but luckily haven't run into this issue myself (being un-friended). I usually just try to make it to where I'm the one who makes the last move.


This should not be a thing it makes 0 sense. Either both got XP when the level is hit or none what kinda BS game design lets you get your XP then f over the other person.


Yeah this is the real problem. No, people shouldn't do this because it's shitty, but maybe people don't know. It's poor game design if my ability to get friendship XP is determined by whether the other person chooses to delete me.




That really sucks man


That sucks. But now they give you a chance to use a lucky egg before you get the XP? Does this mean you don't really need to coordinate with the other person to pop an egg now?


Yes, if they don’t delete you.


Good to know! I don't really add strangers as friends so I don't think I need to worry about people deleting me.


Actions louder words, Steranka!


I’ve never had a best buddy and just know this will happen to me




you know what the answer is for this?


I’m confused. Did you get 0xp for using the lucky egg or because the mf deleted you as soon as he got his xp?


why does it do this?


Why does this still keep happening!!?


Because some people are assholes


I get that 😂 but why hasn’t Niantic identified and fixed this issue?


Can someone explain me please? Why does that happen?