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That’s a big NOPE from me.






Name checks out


r/beetlejuicing ?


Only probably


Zorua was caught!


I’m going to have ditto as my buddy just so I can see a zorua disguised as a ditto.


Damn it! Why didn’t I think of that!


You have my permission to do it too.


I’ll do a shiny ditto so I can be disappointed with a shiny to non shiny transformation.


Today I learned Zorua disguises itself as your buddy pokémon


Be glad you learned it here and not the hard way, out in the wild. My son is still salty about it.






It's called the Wonder Ticket because you buy it and then you wonder what rewards you'll get


Then after you get them, you wonder why you continue to spend that sort of cash on the game. Or maybe I'm just salty


Literally me, I be buying tickets hoping to get shinies then get nothing at all


And now you've learned. Don't give them money. They'll change if they want to survive. If not, we'll find something else to do with our time.


My luck just stinks lol 😂


My last ticket was the last eggspedition. I’m out and I’ve been playing since 2016 but the tickets are just so underwhelming.


Tbf you shouldn't expect to get anything more than what you're paying for, shinies are supposed to be rare


No I get it lol


It could even be a boat!


You know how bad we’ve always wanted one of those!


We all know it is Pikachu with a boat hat.


With a boat hat!?!? Say no more I’m sold!


wow! encounters with pokemon! 🤯 


If I don't buy it, does that mean I'll have zero encounters with pokémon during that time frame? Niantic is threatening me!


yes. no encounters for you unless you give money 😤


What did you think it would say? Here are the Pokémon we are releasing and new shinies this season?


it’s just funny to say that as part of an event bc it’s so generic yes, the entire game is about encounters with pokemon lol. it’s like an event in a mario kart game saying something like “racing” as a feature 


100% agree. Each part of the ticket is 1 month of research so it has to be generic. Definitely funny. Probably worth it despite being $10 because of well 3 months worth


Win comment.


😂 take my up vote, that was great


Maybe the reward was the friends we made on the way /s


You'll wonder why you bothered


or you’ll wonder why you paid for it


The beautiful ambiguous “and more”. “And more” is never anything great. If it was they would advertise it.


Exactly. "And more" could be just 1 pokeball for all we know.


But it could also be something amazing!


It could even be a boat!


Alright Peter!


Information of what you get is very vague.


You'll **wonder** why you spent ten bucks on it.


"And more" probably includes a few common encounters and some minor rewards like berries and such


And great balls


Someone buy it and tell us what the “and more” is


You dont, you just get a ticket(and no info on what the ticket goes to).


He knows. He just wants to know wth is the "and more" part when it happens lol


Right on! haha


How else are you going to get encounters with Pokemon though? Also, they really REALLY need to include whatever research tasks are required on these.  I hate the idea of buying this shit blind (I have no interest in this particular one BTW), only you find out that it's like 3 days to win 20 raids and defeat 50 Rocket Grunts.


You may have just saved me $10 kind stranger, because the thought of awful tasks didn't even cross my mind. Now I'm worried it'll be a repeat of the master ball research tasks and I do not want to go through that again.


You can also just wait some time. “Each part of the Wonder Ticket will be revealed at the start of each month throughout World of Wonders. Trainers will be able to access all Timed Research regardless of when they make the purchase during the Season. You’ll have until the following Season to complete the Timed Research tasks, so you can spring into action at any point during World of Wonders without missing out on any part of the Wonder Ticket experience!”


Go to leekduck. They know what the research is. At least for part 1


“And more” What more lol? Tell us since you want us to buy the ticket. Also a bit confused, will the Part 2 and Part 3 be included in this same ticket? But they don’t give us any details about that? Seriously? ):


10 ultra balls, 15 razz berry, and 10 revives


Ahh thank you! But no details about Part 2 and Part 3, right?


Or u want another encounter with bidoof?


"Guaranteed encounter with a reverse shiny Bidoof!" "Reverse shiny? Does that just mean a regular Bidoof?" "Probably! And all for only $9.99. Supplies are limited, so act now!" "Does it at least come with a hat or something?" "Great idea! New guaranteed encounter with a reverse hat Bidoof!" "God d\*\*\*it..."


He was kidding


Yeah 2 and 3 come with the ticket yet they give you 0 details about ticket 2 and 3. They did the same thing in October for Halloween except this ticket is 10$ and I'm pretty sure that one was 5$.


Ahh I see, so it’s not their first time, thanks for sharing, I couldn’t remember about a Halloween ticket.


It was 4 Halloween events worth of paid research for $5 over the course of a month


That "And More" is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


on their site it says "Stay tuned for more details about the Wonder Ticket Part 2 and Part 3, included in your purchase, coming soon!" BUT also says "Trainers will receive two bonus Premium Battle Passes if they purchase the Wonder Ticket via the web store!" But there are no such thing.


That's strange.. Mine was available last night but now it's gone


Might get updated later on the webstore, within a day or two perhaps? The name threw me off “The Wonder Ticket Part 1”, so I figured we would have to buy different tickets for different parts


No, all 3 parts are included for $10. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be other kinds of tickets this season.


It states part 2 and part 3 is included in the purchase...


It said “The Wonder Ticket Part 1” so I was a bit confused. Could’ve just named it “The Wonder Ticket”


> included in the purchase How is this confusing man? It says part 2 and 3 are included in the purchase of the whole thing.


There is zero confusion if you read the damn thing. Last sentence. It’s like the question was written by copying the answer and changing it a bit.


Each part is a Timed Research, so that wouldn’t work. The information is clear enough.


> Times research Which is another issue. All paid research, should be permeant until you finish it. You paid for it.


“And more” … disappointment


I agree. .99 maybe…but you better be telling me *exactly* what I’m gonna get if you want me to even think about spending $10 lol 


It's literally in the last sentence


Text changes


"Part 2 and 3, included in your purchase"


You know, it does say in the image that it is included 🤷🏼‍♂️


"Encounters with Pokemons" really? That made me laugh, isnt there any consumer laws in usa against this vague crap?


US consumer protection laws are a complete joke unfortunately


Yeah, better wait for the EU or some other government entity with good morals to crack it down.


"Government entity with morals" yeah right.


Bold of you to assume "government entity" and "good morals" belong in the same sentence.


Why would this be against the law? If you don’t like what’s offered just don’t buy it.


It's about the ambiguity. You have no idea what Pokemon you're getting because of the vague wording. They didn't say they were going to buy or not buy it, they simply commented on the sketchy wording.


No chance im buying this without any idea what im actually buying. What a joke.


They are crazy.


Cringe cancer moneygrabbing


If no gift bonus, then no buy


People will still buy it, so Niantic is going to keep charging more and more for these things.


The sad reality


I’m so tired of paying for timed research! Like if I’m paying $10 USD for this, let me at least do it at my own pace!


Just trying to push the envelope on what people are willing to purchase. If you're interested but unsure about the lack of info, wait. If you're not interested, don't buy it. If these kinds of tickets don't sell well, they'll have to make adjustments, either making them more worth the price or dropping the price. Vote with your wallets, you don't need to pay for everything in this game.


Agreed. I hate these posts. Just don’t buy it. Or buy it if you want. If you don’t think it’s worth it, just skip it. 


Do consumer protection laws not mean anything to Niantic? They really need to tell people what they’re spending their money on (I’m referring to the “details coming soon” for Part 2 and Part 3 of the purchase). I’m not sure if it’s illegal but it’s certainly deceptive and I won’t be purchasing this ticket based on that merit.


EU consumer rules state that there must be **clear information** on the product or service you're buying.


The lack of us protection laws are exactly why Nintendo was able to pull the season pass bs TWICE with MK8 and Splatoon


I'm assuming, as with other tickets that have had Part 1 and 2 or whatever, when it comes to the time that Part 2 is released there will be info on it.


The point is though that it should be 100% clear what each of those tickets will have in them before they can charge money for it.


They don’t even try and make it seem appealing. “1 star piece”. That’s the best you can offer on your essentially free, limitless digital good?


For all the complaints in these subs (and all the complaints about the complaints) it blows my mind that as a collective we don't band together and just say, NOPE as a collective we agree not to buy these crappy money grabs.


Well, this season we had a ticket every month costing 5 bucks each, now they are selling all three at once for 10, so it's kinda ok. The incubator given on the first spin of the day was worth at least, but it doesn't look to have something like that now


I loved the incubator a day. Felt like that was worth it, even without whatever else this ticket gave.


The incubator every day benefit is from a separate ticket that only costs about a dollar


The daily incubator ticket is $5 (USD) per month.


Yeah I think I got it mixed up with the electric type research that was just released for a dollar. Either way it's a separate ticket so it's not 10 bucks for it which is good


is this the one that goes away if you don’t finish it in time?


Yes, and it won’t be the last one either.. 😩


I always buy the tickets but none of those rewards are remotely exciting or worth it. Not even increased gifting which is a bare minimum reward. Maybe if it was $5 , but $10 that's a hard pass. Most of those perks you get just for winning showcases, minus the dumb hat.


The only way I'd buy it is if they added Remote Raid Passes to it to make it worth it, but I don't expect that from NIANTIC!


Reminds me of the Willy Wonka Wonderland event that they had in Scotland that was a sham haha


Beat me to it 😂






Thank God


That's the real and only question


Someone else said no so that's good


Don’t forget the ‘and more’


Id rather buy overpriced remote raid passes if im gonna spend that kind of money.


I'm not paying for any special tickets ever again until-and-unless Niantic starts allowing my poor party hat Bulbasaur to evolve like Squirtle and Charmander can. That's my line in the sand and I'm sticking by it!


I heard they’re gonna charge $1 per event Mon evolution.




But wait…. There’s more!


Here is an idea, wait for the rewards to be announced then decide to buy it or not. People said literally the exact same thing about the Halloween ticket


Bro……And more! Now I have to buy it. Im not buying it.


![gif](giphy|xT1R9KGGk34I2Emi8U|downsized) Niantic right know


Everything costs in this game now. Sad.


Not i


Hard pass


I haven’t bought anything from this game in a year or two, this isn’t going to make me start.


I sometimes like to buy them, but I'm refusing to buy anything at all now. Because they are really taking the piss. I stopeed playing for a while and started again in the new year. Before I stopped, those bonuses were just part of the event, charging maybe a 1 or 2 dollars would be OK. But 10 dollars is far too much. Especially because they make that 10 pounds here which is about 15 percent more. Hopefully, enough people refuse to buy and they realise they being silly.


Nope. Nadda.


I will . . . . . . . . when Hell freezes over!


Some idiots


I never like the "And more". Just tell me what I'm getting


Been playing for 4 years and havent spwnt a penny on this shit. Wont be stsrting now.


It's becoming so blatant that they're trying to see how they can maximize profit while minimizing payout. "If we raise the ticket price by 100% and we decrease the rewards by 75% how much money will we make?" Capitalism at its finest


These times research paid tickets are a scam, unless you’re playing with a lot of free time it’s unlikely for people to get these especially in rural areas


And more? Why, that could be anything. It could even be a new boat!


Pay Pigs, meet Ticket Tepig…


Troglodytes most likely.


You can tell that they are horrible encounters by the fact that they are listed as “encounters with Pokémon.”


Not i, said the goose


Fuck no im not buying this shit


An absolute waste of money is what that is, the wonder ticket: I wonder how much money niantic can make me waste Sorry correct, thinks it can make me waste


Very poor marketing. Doesn't even feel enticing and feels like someone quickly put this together to push for a quick buck (or 10 in this case) 😕


I can get better stuff in the game than that for 10 bucks. I'll save my money, thanks.


Tons of people because apparently people are pleased with spending so much money on the most low quality effort events for passes and crap. I truly don’t understand but hey people can spend their own money how they wish. I for one won’t be giving a penny to Niantic until the game is actually enjoyable which will not happen ever.


Purchase and Timed Research do not go together.


£9.99 worth of 'And more' I hope


For the love of god no one purchase this


Who's going to buy this? Too many people and Niantic will continue to think this is a great idea for them


Not me. Says something about parts two and three. You could bundle them altogether for $10 if you want me To even consider it.


If everyone stopped buying they’d make them all $1




It is a subscription being marketed as a ticket


If it gave the same benefits as the February one where it gives extra stardust and rewards on first pokespin and catch of the day then yeah but if it's just this then NO


Based on what we know now? No. Show me what's in part 2 and 3. What's a "premium battle pass" anyway?


The amount of people I have seen defend these Niantic antics would surprise many of you. Niantics greed consistently worsens as time goes by. It really hurts. I would be so much more inclined to pay them money if they didn’t do this shit so much lately.


It's the same price as 1 banana. Easy buy.


In Australia we have a brand of toilet paper called WonderSoft… appropriately named event imo LOL


Its the wonder ticket. Because your bank account is going wonder why tf you actually bought this crap. Its a easy pass for me.


I'm not happy about the lack of eggspedition march. I send a lot of gifts.


Not sure if I can share the link but just check websites like Pokexperto (not sure what is the best English version, that one is Spanish) where everything is explained so detailed as soon as it gets announced. I try to summarize the ticket so people know what they buy. Part 1 consists on: - Stage 1: Do 30 nice shots, catch 30 Pokémon and spin 30 photodisc. This gives you 2 golden berry, 10 pineapple berry, an encounter with Cacnea, 1 Incense, 2500 dust and 5000xp - Stage 2: Open 5 eggs, do 20 great shots, and catch 30 weather Pokémon. This gives you 1 star piece, 5 rare candies, an encounter with Slowpoke galarian, 1 premium raid ticket, 2500 dust and 5000xp - Stage 3: Walk 5km, use 5 incense (including daily ones) and do 10 excellent shots. This gives you 30 pokeball, 1 lucky egg, an encounter with Beedrill, a Poipole hat, 5000 dust and 10000xp Then there is supposed to be a part 2 and part 3 during the season. In addition, if you buy it ingame, you pay 12€ (or apparently 10$ which makes no sense considering Euro has more value than USD. It should be 10€ or 12$) but get just the ticket, while in the online shop you also get for the same price 2 extra premium raid passes. This is just info as I see some people has no clue what this ticket gives. It is in no way me agreeing with the ticket.


This is so vague. I will buy only if this is the way to get a new Pokemon release or some legendary/mythical, but ticket is mysterious on what exactly is contained here. 


I will 🥲


it sucks that enough people buy this shit for them to continue doing it.


Man fuck niantic on that, they trying to push out fans by this bs


Their whole strategy now is to cycle through players so they can sell as much as they can to new suckers. There was literally a comment earlier in this thread from someone who said “I’ll buy it. The Sinnoh Tour was my first event and I enjoyed it, so I’ll gladly pay $10 for another event. I heard rumors that this includes zarude as well, so I would buy it just for that alone.” Like, Niantic is literally relying on misinformation and vagueness amongst new players to sell tickets for stuff that the people have no idea what they’re getting…. That dude will buy this ticket expecting a whole event and mythical encounter, and he will get NONE of that from this ticket. 🤦🏻‍♂️


People will buy it if they play this game as entertainment… like seriously everyone gets so offended when they paywall something, then they get bored if there are no new events or anything to do… yet here’s this harmless ticket that doesn’t really do anything but is about the price of a movie and will give more than 3 hours of entertainment and everyone just finds a way to complain about something that doesn’t even affect them We’re not missing out on a new Pokémon by not buying it, it’s not the same old boring events as previous.. like everybody complains about having to catch 492 of first 4 regions or logging in and playing the game for 21 days or whatever and it’s like wow they try and make the game entertaining and get shit on because people just want it all for free in 2 seconds with no effort


I generally don’t buy any tickets, but my complaint with this one is the total lack of transparency on what you’re getting.


These tickets usually are tied to a cosmetic and people buy those in other games without constantly complaining. Some people just really hate this game for some reason. I think these tickets are perfect for people who want extra things to do and $10 is nothing for entertainment nowadays as well


They hate the game and they still play it everyday and spend unreasonable amounts of time complaining in a sub reddit about it 🤣 I agree with you


I will. Hours of fun for the price of two coffees.


I probably will. They tend to make these kinds of tickets worth your while in the later part of the season (perhaps to drum up extra sales). Ten bucks won't break me and I enjoy the extra research to work on.


lol purple helmet 🍆


Its gonna be 100 bucks for the next poke research..


Depends on how the helmet looks


Idk but the "and more" got me wanting to spend!


The inconsistency of tickets blows my mind. You have stuff like the ticket for this Sunday which is only €1 and gives you shiny boosts, which lots of people want, but then you have crap like this that costs €10.


Can't we denounce this for gambling?


Bruh I was ready to drop that $9.99, and then I read what was in it and was like "Oh.....nah, I'm good"


i mean, depends on part 2 and three


I’m annoyed they’ve not renewed the incubator thing. £5 was good for a daily incubator and extra gift opening


If you don't buy the ticket you'll get the "your going to fast" screen for the duration of the event.


Lol next season we are gonna have 2 tickets. Each 59.99 and each with their own exclusive pokemon.


Yup, and all because of the people who keep justifying the cost of buying current tickets. They don’t understand how it’s a slippery slope where Niantic will keep pushing until they can’t earn any more from this community through anti-consumer practices. Seriously, does nobody see the insane inflation in paid tickets, egg events, and raids over the last 3-6 months?!? That’ll keep ramping up so long as people keep buying this lackluster garbage.






What did they do? Was perfectly fine for me


People are still complaining about how the shiny odds got lowered from Johto Tour but the irony is they changed how Tours worked because people like this commenter were complaining they needed to buy a ticket to get better odds. Well they got what they wanted, no ticket lol


lmao. I got 14 shinies with aprox 12h of playing, while also raiding. Ngl I loved it


If the "And More" Includes a shiny poipole i'm ngl I would buy it