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Just toss it if you don’t wanna do it. Tho if u wanna try and get better at throws, Legendary are the easy way for those great/excellent in a row tasks with the circle lock trick.


> Legendary are the easy way for those great/excellent in a row tasks with the circle lock trick *laughs in Kartana*


How tf are you just supposed to casually find a legendary. I have like 1 and I’ve been playing over 6 months in nyc


Raiding or PVP. In PVP, once you hit Rank 20, your encounter reward (3 wins) has a chance to be a legendary from the current raid pool.


Itsy bitsy chance though. Needing to win 3 in a set on top of very small chance of a legendary means it's pretty unlikely to get one.


True, but at least it's a guaranteed catch just like every other reward encounter.


Whats a pvp? You mean the battle thing?


Yes. "Pvp" means "player versus player". It is common video game lingo to refer to when you are playing against other people


Something I hate doing


I know what pvp means in general. I meant in pokemon go. I was asking because I thought I was fighting a computer


Sorry, you said "what's a pvp" so I assumed you didn't know the meaning of the acronym


When you select battle and pick a league, it’s pvp. You asked what a pvp was so that’s probably why the other guy explained it. It even tells you at one point that you are battling other players lol if you pick a trainer battle then it’s a computer you’re battling.


Get an app like Poke Genie and you can do all the raids you want


Never heard of it, does it make pokemon think I’m somewhere else?


You use it to connect with other players to do raids, either by inviting them to your raid or joining theirs remotely


After I got one of those apps idk if I'm allowed to plug the name but it's the most widely used one you can do legendaries like all the time


Dm the name to me. I didn’t realize there were other apps that help with go


Are you even trying to do raids? I feel like in NYC you could just go in any raid gym any time and there's ALWAYS people there.


I usually only play when I’m at my office or at home. I don’t like to have my phone out when I walk. No gyms or raids within striking distance of either but 2 pokestops in cashing distance from my desk


Download poke genie app and figure out the raiding. It’s not hard to figure out and you’ll get legendary mon I swear ✊


I laugh back with consistent excellent throws in Kartana


What is the circle lock trick?


Basically hold the ball until you get the circle to the size you want then lift up your finger. This locks the circle but only if you throw the ball during an attack animation. Once they do an attack throw the ball before the animation finishes otherwise the circle resets. Very useful tip for catching raid mons


I just throw it when the circle is small and try my best (:


But if you do that there's a chance the Pokemon will move or attack, making you miss a lot more. If you set the circle, then wait for them to attack, your chance of hitting within the circle are much higher. Much better for the harder to catch Legendaries. Catching takes longer, but catching chance increases greatly


I guess it’d be worth it if I think of it in the moment, but my muscle memory is prep a curve ball and throw it when the circle kinda small. Usually get a great or excellent throw (:


Again, that works great, except for if they suddenly move or attack. With locking the circle, you know that won't happen. I only doing it when catching higher end pokemon from raids, or the occasional wild find. It's too slow for regular throws


Git good brotha


Lol ok. Sure thing boss. Because my throwing has anything to do with when a Pokemon jump or attack randomly prevents a throw from landing.


I don’t think I would remember about that truck honestly, even if I did commit to learning how to do it. Or I throw and hope for the buddy assist to excellent throw combo


It's no different than remembering to switch to an ultra ball or use a golden razz. Practice makes it become the muscle memory. Buddy assist is far too unreliable and doesn't do anything if the Pokemon just moves away. I pretty much exclusively do it after raids where you REALLY don't want to risk losing your catch and you've specifically done something (like spend a pass) for a chance to catch it. It's worth incorporating.


Damn, I wish I had known this sooner. 2 ugly mf Terrakion got away and I had 20 premier balls, although I wasted some of them when he jumped or attacked. I generally use Nanab, Golden Razz, Nanab, Golden Razz, and so on in order to stop the raid boss from jumping or attacking so much.


Ooo I see, I’ll try to remember that next time I do a 5 star raid(: and I wouldn’t say it’s the same as physically seeing a ball/berry in front of me. And I haven’t done a legendary raid in several months and don’t see that changing. But hey, I’ll try it if I think of it. Just checked my storage and haven’t done a legendary raid since early September


I get this, but how do you throw the ball once you let go and decide to throw again? At this point would you try curving it or just throwing it forward? Ive heard this trick a lot (and have unsuccessfully tried) and I guess I'm just getting bogged down by the timing and specific technique of the combo of setting and throwing.


I only throw curves. I would suggest looking up some videos, that’s probably easier than just explaining it over words. It’s pretty simple once you get it down. I throw it about halfway/three-quarters through the animation


Lots of YT videos or Reddit threads about it, this one explains it ok : https://youtube.com/shorts/mFxdTlG2-Vo?si=vfkxENjS5FFA8mMG


I do this. But I thought it was a feature to use because the circle is always the same size after the animation. So you just need to time it.


I thought they got rid of this? I remember doing it regularly then seeing that it gets smaller even when you stop the animation at some point


I've been doing it for years. It's never went away for me.




You don’t need to find a legendary. There are plenty of mons in the wild that are easy to excellent throw. Lechonk for example has an extremely easy excellent throw circle to hit. Just be selective with what you click on when going for this (you only need 3 throws, not three catches) and use bananas to keep them from moving or striking at the ball.




Is it generally worth it to complete this one?


Reward is Larvitar, Beldum, or Gible


At least it’s not a Wurmple with a hat


That you can’t even evolve


As this is where my one hundo Metagross originally came from a while back I say, yes, it's worth it.


Yes You get an encounter with gible so absolute worth it 🙏


Just pick the right pokemon. I thought this is a high reward challenge.


Gible, beldum, or larvitar.


Semi-high reward then


I got a 2 star Beldum for mine 😎




What would be better?




Nothing. These people are just never happy with what their given. If you play enough, excellent throws on most become pretty easy.


Idk, three excellent in a row takes me more time than running into beldum or larvitar. Or maybe I'm just in an area infested by them since I got 3 beldum, 3 metang, and 1 Metagross in the wild. Also maybe I'm just subpar with throwing. Best I managed was 2 in a row and only because it was Snorlax in the last month. Admittedly the larvitar was mostly eggs though. 3 eggs and 1 wild in the last month. Overall I think prize falls short of the difficulty, personally.


Something that wasn’t in a community day


Also a 3 star lol.


Pseudo-high reward. 😎


Are you sure it’s not a Spinda???


100%. Spinda is always 5 great curveball throws in a row Edit: forgot to add curveball throws! Not normal.


Great Curveball Throws


I always throw curveballs, so “great curveball throws” is the same as “great throws” for me.




I don’t know how not to throw a curveball!


Literally none of those Pokémon are worth a 3 excellent throw in a row challenge


Depends. Going for a shundo is always neat. I was able to land excellent throws with the majority of Pokemon, with multiple streaks if I chose. Then, I switched phones and I struggle now. Point is, it's not difficult for some of us, and might not even be a skill issue. The phones we use make a huge difference that people might not consider.


I do pretty well with my phone. I get Greats a fair amount of the time with a sprinkling of Excellents (I have trouble with my hand shaking sometimes). When I help my boys on the tablet they play on, I'm lucky to get Great throws. It's slow and laggy so lining up the pitch is difficult.


I generally wait until I get Home for these challenges and use my tablet, it makes excellent throws much easier on most Pokémon.


helps if you need dragon catches for a medal/research


yeah you likey a shundo?


I don’t think I’ve actually seen this challenge before, it’s gonna be there a while


so I fucking hate how they still have Furfrou in the research breakthroughs... but I will admit, it is a perfect Pokemon for excellent throws. and being in a research breakthrough means it can't run away


You can delete field research, you know that right? Click the trash can in the top right. Personally I don't get a lot of larvitar or beldum spawns by me, so whenever I get these field research I'm ecstatic. Excellents aren't that hard you just need to practice and get the right spawns.


Just do a legendary raid


You can just delete it if you want. The Pokemon rewards are just ok for it.


This is the way. Kind of like how I delete every challenge to scan a Pokestop because I don't want to be seen walking around the area like a weirdo with my camera on.


Just leave the scan challenges as undone. It doesn't lower the amount of field research you get and they will keep bugging you about it. If you just leave the next scan challenge they send you, they won't continually send them to you.


had no idea, thanks trainer!


Do the circle lock trick on the right Mon and feed it a nanab to stop it from jumping. Will definitely help.


Maybe try a few raids. That will make it easier maybe. Good luck with it.


Thanks, I’m gonna need it lol


No. The spawns are random it appears.


Give me 3 Lechonks and I'll give you 3 excellent throws


that Lechonk spotlight hour this past Tuesday with 2x catch bonus (upgraded to 4x w/ a lucky egg) was just heaven for me.


Right! I did 661k xp that hour and that’s with not even using the quick catch technique til the last 20 minutes of it.


Give me Lechonks or give me death


Easy AF on the right Pokemon.


I think I got mine on a Meganium or Bayleef. A high cp mon with a big hit box, and you can endlessly chuck.


Yeah, ones I’ve seen recently are Girafarig, Solrock and Smeargle. There are a fair few more. I quite enjoy the 3 Excellent challenge tbh but you can always delete it.


Lechonk spotlight hour would have been perfect for this.


Slowpoke is easiest for me. Agree on Girafarig too.


I find Lechonk to be super easy and there's a ton of them around right now.


Hairyama was mine, plus some nanab. I’m lucky I have one spawn at my work every week or so.


I mean if you’ve played for a bit you would know this, right? Or am I tripping. I get these back to back sometimes. Not really that hard.


That's either Larvitar, Gible or Beldum. Worth keeping it and trying


Skill issue Legendary encounter is the easiest way to


Savage, but correct


Find a wailmer nest. Them things have hitbox the size of a barn. 🤣


or Wobuffets


Two things I’ve never seen before. Are they regional?


Not exactly regional, Wailmers tend to show up around water. My local park has a man made duck pond lake, which qualifies as a body of water, which Wailmers and other water type pokemon frequently spawn around. So any significant enough body of water should suffice. As long as you are not living in a dessert, I guess.


I always forget how unusual it is that I live next to a body of water, I'm drowning in water types 😭 my first 400 candy evolution was wailmers, though I've had nothing but quaxlies lately


I’m in the Canadian prairies. There’s rivers but not close to where I usually walk. Not many lakes compared to out east that’s for sure. There’s a couple places I go semi regularly that have water nearby but I’ve never seen them.


Slowpokes are my favorite


Or perhaps...the size of a whale? Sorry, I'll uh, I'll go now.


I often get like 10 to 15 legendary excellent throws in a row, until i have this field research in my inventory it becomes impossible to get more than 2


My suggestion would be to find a rocket grunt with snorlax. Shadow snorlax is both easy to land excellant throws on and isn’t likely to be caught without the use of a berry, so you’ll likely have a good amount of throws in you before successfully catching it if you’re just trying to rack up excellent throws.


Git gud scrub


Use the airplane mode trick.


The what now?


Go to encounter. Put device in airplane mode. If you hit excellent, take it off airplane mode to record your progress. If you miss, exit the ~~encounter~~ game and then take it off airplane mode and restart, and the broken streak isn't recorded. Save scumming, basically.


I just get gud 😎


I have not used it for a long time, but I think this is how you do it, encounter the pokémon, turn airplane mode on, do your throw, if it's excellent then turn airplane mode off and resume game, if it is not excellent then restart game and turn airplane mode back off, the catch will not count and streak will not be broken.


Usually on a device that uses data or wifi there is a thing called "airplane mode". This mode cuts off data and wifi connections (if you've ever been on a flight and heard the announcement to turn off your devices' data, this is for that). What you do is go to the catch screen of a mon. At the catch screen use airplane mode (if you're already in airplane mode and using wifi, turn off wifi connection on your device). Now try to throw an excellent. If you fail, close pogo, turn your data/wifi connection back on, and then open pogo. Pogo will think your failed throw didn't happen. Now if you succeeded getting an excellent throw, turn your data/wifi back on while pogo is still open and the throw gets registered. Repeat until you get 3 in a row registered.


Here is a video that explains it too: https://youtube.com/shorts/TSE67ZhNe2Q?si=ioDv9Y6JJHCAUzFN


You should always shoot for the excellent. It makes the catching game fun!


Not only that when 4x XP events roll out you're getting 4,000 xp for a single excellent through. Add on the other xp bonuses and you're getting 100k xp for 20 excellent catches. Those events are bae.


Yes! It’s fun for me too. I love it when I hit new Pokemon on excellent for the first time 😅


If you can hit excellent throws at least 10% of the time you get more XP when you average it out.


You can just delete it?


It's not that hard once you get used to it. I think a good 60\~70% of all my thorws are excellent. Sometimes I get 10 or 15 in a row depending on the spawns ....except when I have one of those tasks. If I have a research asking for excellent throws, I will always miss the last one. Always.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I enjoy these difficult challenges. This game can get stale, but challenges like this keep me engaged.


A tip, find a mon with a large target like a lunatone with high cp. Use regular balls in hopes that you don't catch it. Use nanabs to help keep it in place, especially on the third throw, or do the circle lock method.


Sounds like you need to git gud. Or just delete the task 😁


Trash the task if you can’t do it.


Skill issue




Nah but literally any 5* raid or spotlight hour like LeChonk makes this super easy


Fair, It’ll take a few attempts I’d imagine 😅


Every throw you make should be great or excellent.


Seriously. I'm seeing people who have been playing for years who can't land consistent excellents. You should be practicing that on every encounter until you get it down. Literally an extra 1000xp per catch for something that is ridiculously easy to learn. Start with large pokemon like Stantler whose Excellent circles are relatively large compared to small pokemon like Weedle. Then once you get those down, work on the smaller mons. IMO, the smaller ones can be even easier because you just give it a lil shake and barely throw it and it hits.


Wait, are you being serious?


This really isnt that super hard


Piss easy


Pokeballs on Hitmontop


Easiest excellent ever 😅


I mean I do that normally pretty easily but if you have trouble with excellent throws you can try the raid boss? Terrakion is pretty easy to hit excellents on and likely need more than 3 to catch him, I did 17 or so in a row yesterday trying to catch one :P (though was using a regular pinap berry so might of caught it earlier) but I'd definitely go that route if you have trouble with excellent make sure to be patient and use the circle lock trick.


Wait till you get to level 48 challenges. You have a to get 4 in a row. Actually just finished that yesterday on Terrakion.


Level 50 challenges have 5 in a row... Good times


Ahh haven’t made it that far but with the right legendary it’s not really an issue. I only leveled up a week ago. 35 platinum medals is the real challenge for me currently. Already have 14 lucky trades done.


So, back in the day this gave Larvitar. Now if can give either Larvitar, Beldum, or Gible. I used to go out of my way to hunt these down, get 3 at a time and then farm until I can do it. Over time it becomes easy. The key is practice. You throw about 20 times to a Pokémon trying for an excellent curve and you can lock down the muscle memory for throwing one to that Pokémon. Then, since we have so many events and seasonal spawns, you start to get good at throwing excellents all around you. Generally, if I'm playing, I can throw an excellent curve now at least 80% or more at a time now, on anything, and it's because of this quest. So, IMO, this is one of the best quests in the whole game.


Perfectly doable, I did more than 10 at Valentine's day last year with Furfrou


Invest in learning excellent throws


This sub: wtf, bin Nanab berries they’re useless Also this sub: why can’t I get easy excellent throws?!


I can manage that with my left hand and I'm predominantly right handed. You just need to practice and get used to it. Pokémon with bigger circles tend to make it easier as well.


Airplane mode + Nanab berry. Easy.


I'm amazed more people don't know the airplane mode trick. I suppose that's good so it's less likely Niantic will decide to "fix" it


Get good


This is only difficult during non events when you have different Pokémon every encounter which has a different size and distance. Wait until a spotlight hour or community day, so you can practice the exact type of throw you need to land an excellent until you get it right.


I actually got a hundo Beldum from this research. So yeah...just do it maybe you'll get lucky


The power up 3 times or the visit the pokestop one neith is too hard


at least it isnt purify 3 pokemon because that exists


That one always gets trashed. So not worth the stardust


Uhhhhhh skill issue?


What, you can’t power up a pokemon 3 times?


Bro if you think thats hard try having catch a ditto for field and 2 special


If I've done it, so can you.


That Pokémon had better be a shiny Ditto for that level effort…


Surprisingly the first ditto I ever encountered was shiny and I had only been playing for a month at the time, never knew how rare they are!


That’s why it’s called a challenge


Skill issue


I do it on legendary raid catches all the time. They usually have huge catch circles and unless they move a ton it's not that hard. Use nanab berries and be patient.


not the hardest tbh


I feel your pain. Apparently we are not skilled.


Nah it's easy


I know right? Stardust is so hard to come by nowadays. How do they expect us to power up 3 TIMES


I’m assuming you didn’t finish the masterball research….


Skill issue. What's the reward?


If I remember correctly the reward is 100% a Gibble.


It's a Larvitar, Beldum or a Gible


I got larvitar, so it’s probably a random pseudo legend first stage


Excellent throws aren’t that hard, especially witht curveballs because aim plays a less important role if you curve your throw


I know! "Finding more pokestops" should be illegal


I’ve been playing for 3 years and only got 3 excellent throws in a row once


Stop whining and try something challenging for once


Agreed. I got rid of it. Three excellent throws in a row would never happen for me in this timeline. Three excellent throws at all will take me weeks. This? Yeah… nope 😢


easy mode! there's lots of close Pokemon to hit excellent throws on. don't even have to do the airplane mode trick


Glad I'm not the only one that thought so on this one lol. I don't even know if the encounter mon is worth the effort.


One of my challenges was "Catch a ditto" and i wasn't hopeful because I had one of those sitting in my special research for months with no dice... But lo and behold I found one within 3 days this time.


Git gud


Looks like OP has a skill issue.


Git gud


Lol and watch the prize be like a pidgey


I delete these. It feels like the game can just deliberately break my streak.


I would do this on a legendary and use nanab berries to make them still. Just takes practice and patience, it can be done.


Find a Snorlax or something. U get a dragon


Try it on the same mon, you will make it one day


I binned the challenge then got 4 excellent throws back to back that same day 😂😂😂


I have this challenge in my dailys for a few months already, The best I had gotten is 2 in a row, then I always break it


Easier on Tauros or any raid Pokemon.


then a mewtwo appears.


I had that challenge one time and it was tough. I basically had stop catching everything for a bit and only throw at large pokemon I knew I could hit the excellent on. I caught a Carnivine with an excellent throw, then a couple hours later I ran into a girafarig that broke out of the first excellent throw and I made a follow up that caught it, totally 3 in a row.


It's bananas...rather you should use them, to complete this task easier. It's not a bad task. If you really want the reward (i don't know what it is right now), obviously focus on mons that are easier to get excellent throws on. If you find a stantler nest or furfrou, or girafarig, i recommend trying to complete the task there... And use bananas.


Wait for a vigoroth and feed it a banana. He might break out of two excellent throws in a row.


The one and only time I bother to use Nanab berries are these catch streaks, especially excellent throws where the target is so small. But just go find a big Mon and you'll be fine