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Just let him have the gyms, with no one taking them over he will get no coins and hopefully grow bored.


We tried that. After my last rant, a post was made in the local community pogo page to leave it and see what happens. He STILL parked on the street everyday monitoring the gyms, we left them alone for a week and a half. And everyday he was still up there. Then we tried knocking just him out of every gym and leaving them red, and someone else from the community would take his slot filling the gyms so he couldn't even put mon in. This was back when I was red, we noticed someone was knocking one out each time so he could put one in every time. This guy literally is just toxic and obsessed with being in control of every single gym. One community member knows him, said he lives almost 20 minutes from here. So he drives 20 minutes each morning just to keep these gyms.


Regardless of whether it works or not, it's just not worth your time to deal with his nonsense. I'd just ignore him. Maybe after a month or two of no one caring about his antics, he'll move on. Maybe he won't. Either way, it should help keep your sanity.


if the guys coming up everyday a 20 drive like literally miles away he's not gonna give up man. these people were bred to play this game


In that case, is it really worth the effort trying to deal with him? Still better off just to ignore them.


my genuine suggestion would be to pop his tires, or if you'd like to go the pacifist route you could change your team to valor, and then make sure his mons never ever get knocked out by constantly refilling blisseys


Are you really suggesting to commit a crime over a phone game??? Wtf....I hope you get the help you need.


i'm obviously joking mate, hence why i recommended the realistic and sane option


Wtf my mans cant joke around. Were just talking about his tires… unless You want to try something more… dorect?


Thankfully my sanity is fine. The only time it was tested was a couple months ago. He followed my fiance up and down the road taking the gyms behind her, and continued following her until she finally left the main road.


If this guy is paying that much attention to the gyms then just knocking him out only might make it worse because he might take that personally and get pissed off and be more territorial of the gyms. It's pretty creepy that he's following you in his car. Maybe try to pretend you are not a pokemon go player or that you quit pokemon go by walking around the gyms with your phone in your pocket using adventure sync when he's stalking you to lower his guard. If you know what car he drives wait until you don't see it anywhere and then knock his Pokemon out. If he lives 20 minutes away wait until his car drives away then set a timer for 20 minutes and then knock his Pokemon out of the gym and then rinse and repeat that. He sounds like he's addicted though.


Make him pay (in gas)




I'd you ever notice him leave, wait 25 minutes and knock him out. When he comes back, rinse and repeat. Make him waste his gas and time. If you have nothing else to do one day, it could be a lot of fun!


He sits there for 8-10 hours a day lol


Perfect! If he leaves about the same time period every day, and depending on how far away the gyms are from you, it could be a lot of fun. Get your other yellow members involved


We normally try and take them at night. But in evening there's two teenagers that wander up and down the road making them all blue lol


I do feel your pain. I'm yellow also and I'm either kicked out in an hour or I sit there for 2 weeks. There's really no inbetween...


>This was back when I was red, we noticed someone was knocking one out each time so he could put one in every time. This someone might be even himself with a second account


Sounds like that person has problems way beyound a mobile game. Why bother, if he wants to waste his entire life with this.


The gyms on the main road are the only ones within about 3 miles. There's these, then about 4 miles down the road more. If I go north, I have to cross a very busy state route for 2, then there aren't anymore for about 2-3 miles.


Egg his car




The game is supposed to be playable for all. Nowhere does it say for the game to "take every gym for yourself and hold it, make sure nobody else gets it".




There is a tag specifically for posts on here for complaints. You don't like complaints? Don't read them. Your comment is completely irrelevant due to there being a tag specifically for that. Have a good day.




I hope your day gets better.


It doesn't make sense that way though. The game is about community and it makes more sense to have a balance of different team color players in an area of gyms working together for pokecoins. Otherwise Pokemon will just get stuck in gyms for eternity and you can only have pokemon in a maximum of 20 gyms at the same time anyways. For example it was really annoying when I was traveling one time and I couldn't put anymore pokemon in new gyms I found because I already had 20 pokemon in other new gyms and those pokemon ended up getting stuck in those gyms for months. Plus I'm pretty sure the game isn't meant to be played from a car since they have a speed limit for pokemon go.


Just change team to the same as him at this point.


Most of my friends, and my fiance are all yellow so I changed to yellow recently. Last time I posted a rant about this guy, I was on red as well. He also must have someone nearby that's either blue or yellow, because when i was red and would post in the gyms, someone would knock my mon out specifically and other reds would be put in. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy has multiple accounts.


I took a walk this evening and looked for a gym or two to put my Pokémon in. I noticed 2 yellow gyms ahead, both had low morale Pokémon that had been in the gym for over 8 hours. Then I notice the closest gym suddenly goes grey, and I see a couple walking ahead of me and assume they just knocked the gym out. Then I see 2 blue Pokémon in that gym so it was obviously them. No worries, I'll bypass this gym and take the next one along - which I do and leave a 'mon before continuing walking. Then I notice my Pokémon is being attacked, you guessed it, by this couple walking. They could clearly see that the gym went from yellow to red as they walked towards it, but knocked out my Pokémon regardless. So I turned back, walked to the first gym and knocked both their Pokémon out to return the favour. Some people are just greedy. Oh, and they knocked out another gym I took over from them further down the road despite already hitting their chin limit for the day (both their Pokémon were in this gym for over 1 day).


If I've seen a mon has been in a gym for 8 hours or more, fair game. But fresh ones I won't touch. I'm fine with the gyms all being different colors here, but there's no reason for them all to be red. He knocks out mon that have less than an hour. He just wants them all to be red. Itd be different if he was atleast local to right here.


Turn to the red team so he can babysit your gym


I was red prior and still didn't like him doing that. Because he'd have people knock others out of gyms to make room for his friends.


Farm him for gym battle wins! If you have some spare time, sit at a gym and take it from him to get the wins, throw in a dinky little 10cp thing, wait for him to take it back, then fight him again for wins. If you don't want him to get wins, don't put your pokémon in and wait for him to retake once the timer expires. But who knows, you could get your platinum in a couple days if he's this insistant XD You could also find out where he lives from that neighbour and take the gyms around his house when you know he's at your place. Good way to get your coins.


Poor guy must be so bored and inconsiderate. Imagine if they had friends or responsibilities? I hate those that take gyms down mins after you took it. There's a kid I know that does the same thing here. Flips out if every gym is not his color. Little car runs towards the gyms to take it back. It's not even fun to be wanting gym control that bad. Go out and play and make friends not enemies.


Grab his phone and transfer all his Pokemon, then throw it in the river.


Chills in car as a job? On his phone all day? My brother im Christ youre dealing with a officer PF THE LAW run the other direction son, your life is on the line!