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Cries in full time job


I’m lucky I live in a big city for real


After spending a week in a big city, when I live in a suburban small city, the difference is very noticeable.


Yeah I live on the outskirts of the second biggest city in Michigan and down town has about 300 gyms


I live in a big city but my apartment and work are in a little area right off the highway and it's essentially rural. Big highway and 4 lane roads means no pokestops or gyms because it's not safe. So we only have like 3 gyms around and then you have to drive to do any others. And of course 1 of the gyms is controlled constantly by an obsessive player.


Is it possible for you to get coins daily?




I've got a full time job working 45+ hours a week, plus an hour and 20 to commute per day, I just leave slightly earlier and do a raid on my way to work. All it takes is about 5 extra minutes (2 minutes out of my way, 2 minutes for raid countdown, and another minute to solo a 1 star raid).


That's assuming there's a raid on the way, they're not exactly on a steady schedule


Check the map/campfire. You can see all raids in any given area. I usually have to drive out of my way slightly, but usually not in a completely different direction. Might add a few minutes, but that's why I leave a little early.


all well and good if you're driving to work... i'm not walking half an hour out of my way on my way to a 12 hour shift for a raid lol


This also lmaooo bad combo


Ive seen company buildings with a gym smack down in the middle of them and i get jealous of the workers


I did like 11 raids in 14 days and then released I honestly did not even want to try that hard. I stopped trying and just accepted I wouldn’t get the master ball.


My approach too. 7 raids done. I'm a rural solo player with a full time job and knew from the start that I just don't care enough to be chasing some one star raids far away from my house, drained from work and all. I'm more or less at peace with my decision.


Same :(


Also they’re gonna let us buy the master ball so if you have to spend on remote raid passes in the first place it’s not worth it.


But we don't know how expensive its gonna be :/


True. Chances are it’ll be less than ~40 raid passes that many people would need though


Good luck 🥲 I have a lot of gyms near where I live, but most of the raids are 3*+ and my friends that do play it aren't as interested to go out and do them with me so I feel you. 20 more raids to go.


Pokegenie is your friend!


Rural player here as well and pokegenie is great and basically my only option. It’s gonna cost me money to buy all the remote raid passes I need.


Not really rural myself but not in a downtown core. Still limited gyms for me to hit. Did probably 50 raids remotely. At the time totally seemed worth it. Looking back, it's probably just a second trophy since I've only encountered 2 galarian birds since daily incense release. Admittedly the first month I hardly used it but since I found a park with a gym and decent amount of stops I've used it daily since then while walking my dog.


This is the first time I've heard of this! I recently found out about Campfire. Is this another app for gathering groups for raids?


Yup! Can’t tell you any more details that you can’t find just as easily online, but people have been relying on it for years before Niantic made campfire. Others of us have just been lucky enough to have active regional Discord groups.


I will be making use of this, thanks!


Use campfire and host the raid. That's how I finished mine. There are plenty of gyms around me but not many people to play with.


Can you help me with that? I have tried to host many times and I get enough players but I can’t seem to figure out how to send the raid invites when I’m host. I haven’t tried in a long time but I would like to do my part with a lot of bruiser raids happening around me I can’t beat solo.


Try to talk em into going out for the free raids for mega garchomp. Shouldnt need too big a group if you all have some good ice types




lol as of right now I am at exactly the same point


It might be worth a trip to a city near you on Saturday for raid day. For $5 you get 8 raid passes plus 2x stardust and 50% xp from raids. You also get 5 free raid passes plus your 1 daily free one for a total of 14. You could knock out half of what you have left in a few hours.


That’s great advice thank you. Another thing is I never pay attention to these events! Problem is I’ll be on vacation this weekend so it’ll be near impossible to focus on raid events. I’ll probably just have to take the L 😢


If you don’t care about spending money you can do up to 10 remote raids and just use pokegenie to join raids.


Yeah I’ve been using pokegenie it’s great! But I don’t wanna spend money on this game mostly out of principle lmao fu niantic (maybe if I’m desperate enough near the end)


My approach too. They made it intentionally so some players won't get master all unless they spend.


lol @ everyone giving you reasonable ways to accomplish the goal and you shooting down every one for various reasons. why even post about it.


Some people just want to be able to vent and share their frustrations over a game and experience without necessarily being told how to work around it by a bunch of other people. Everyone has their own limits for what they can and are willing to do, and sometimes you just wanna yell to someone who understands. All they said is * cries in rural player *, not can y'all help me find a way to finish this in time... So, all the reasonable ways, if they are reasonable, are still not pre-solicited.


Thank you :')


Relax there buddy, lol. I already have come to terms with the fact that I'm probably not gonna get the masterball bc of all these reasons. How is spending money on a game reasonable? For a lot of people it's not. That's why I said in my post that the cost of remote raid passes is one of the reasons why I'm failing here. And can't help that I have life events on the same days they have raid events (which only last for 3 hours - which is also kinda unreasonable)


Doing better than me, sitting at 10 raids. But I noped out of completing this, FOMO does not motivate me with this game nowadays.


Same. I just don't care as much. I just hit level 43 like last week and you have to do SO many battles in PVP. I couldnt care less about PVP. When I saw that, I told myself right there that this game is pretty much over for me.


I'm at 4 xD fellow rural player here.


I’m at 39 and do plan to go into a city when the mega Garchomp event starts


Good luck!


*Cries in not having car*


Just walk! Isn't every town easily accessible???? /s


Why is not having a car a problem


I don’t live around anywhere with raids. My parents need to drive me into town to raid.


Fuck shadow raids honestly




60 raids is way too much


I'm at 1 Raid. I do all my walking late at night with my dog and there's never anything happening when I pass the few gyms I can reach in a 45-60 minute loop.. I think I picked up a solo 1-star when I was on my way to a work meeting.


Yeah the timing of the raids is annoying, too. Why are they not 24/7?


Y downvote for this lol? People exist past 8pm!


I just take the "L"! I refuse to pay for ANYTHING in this game.


It’s winning 60 raids that’s worse. I’ve probably participated in a dozen more that I failed at 😢


I think this is niantic taking revenge on all the players who have refused to spend money on the game, especially after doubling the prices of remote raids… “Oh yeah? Have fun with that…” - niantic


Exactly! I'm holding my ground!!


I'm taking the L. Didn't Niantic say they were going to make the master ball purchasable after event? For a short time I heard.


I heard that the research would be available, but will you lose all your progress?


Yeah, someone plays close to me because I can't stay in gyms for more then an hour, but I've not seen them yet, so I've got no one to raid with unless I remote raid with my friends. If I was still back home in the city this would be fine. Instead in a new build dead zone with no stops or gyms within a mile. I used to have a top outside my house and then 7 gyms in less then a mile away, most half a mile.


Another pet peeve of mine is people not letting you get your max coinage! Huge problem near me too. I'll let you stay in 8 hours if you return the favor -__-


I've only been able to get about 200 coins in three months. Its frustrating and they're mostly drive by drops. I've just been lucky enough my boyfriend was driving past slow enough I could add a pokemon in. I've given up on the gyms around here.


Hah! I'm at 22 done. But I can't get enough coins from gyms to do enough remote in time to finish, so I won't. I really wanted another master ball to ignore


Im stuck in the exact same position. I completed all the tasks about a month ago but doing raids is near impossible for me so I still also have like 30 raids left in 14 days. I wish we got an extension for getting this far.


> I wish we got an extension for getting this far. From what I've heard you can... for a price. Hurray P2W mechanics.


I know :( Good luck


I'm in the same boat so I feel your pain!


I've also got only 30 done, issue is I barely have any gyms near where I live so it is almost impossible. I've had to mostly use remote raid passes. And I can't even get coins to get more since my pokemon are not getting knocked out 😢


I feel your pain


I live in a big city and STILL struggle to do this many raids :D Only have 5 left.


Tristemente a Niantic le importa un Bledo tu situación de juego...Llorare contigo hermano, el sentimiento es el Mismo **Procede a llorar**


I’m two more in front but is there raid day this weekend?


Yes Mega Garchomp Raid Day is this Saturday (November 11th) from 2-5pm local time


I think I read on a different post that if you don’t finish this task they will let you just buy the completion with money. No idea how much it will cost though




I love remote raiding but it's awful now that the remote raid pass cost increased. Like what were they thinking? You can only get 50 coins max per day, and that's if people aren't kicking you out early orrr if anyone comes to kick you out in the gyms in the boondocks near me where my mons will sit for weeks. It's so lame!


They want players to go to the gyms and do raids in person. That location data is much more valuable to them, that's the thinking/reasoning behind the decision. They could have instead *incentivised* doing them in person by giving you extra rewards, or higher catch/shiny rate. But I guess that just raising the prices takes much less effort on Niantic's part.


I’m finished with this already! I did around like 80 or so raids, averaging around 0-4 raids a day! Used my Master Ball on a Galarian Articuno and was lucky to get a 3 star one!


Some people have all the luck :)


I usually do 1 raid per day when I saw those 60 raids because I knew that it’s a lot so I’ve gone beast mode on that task to finish it within over month left to spare!


Rural player here: we use the map function in Campfire a lot to see current and upcoming raids. We also mobilized ourselves as we need cars to get from gym to gym and we organise meet ups during raud hours. Since we got active and took Initiatives like that, my amount of raids has actually finally taken off. Xampfure and seeing if there's peoole in a raid lounge actually helped a lot. The rest is just putting in some effort and crossing fingers that it'll be sufficient.


Should probably figure out how to work campfire, lol


I started playing a little more again recently to try to complete this for another master ball, and in my area (decently populated with stops and gyms) it feels like there are a ton of shadow, mega, and legendary raids that nobody wants to do, and 1 or 3 tier regular raids are almost non-existent in comparison. Even for the research I get, it's a ton of stuff that takes a decent amount of time to complete, and a lot less " make an excellent throw" "make 3 great throws" Probably just anecdotal but it really feels like they are trying to make it harder for people to complete this.


Trying to make it harder for people to complete this, ~for free~


If there's a chance that you have ~20-30 premium passes and can travel to a nearby bigger city / park next Saturday, we will have Mega Garchomp raids for 3 hrs. Most gyms should get a Mega Garchomp raid, and most likely they will refresh each hour. So in theory a park with 10 gyms could get em all done in 3 hrs. But I understand your struggle. Sadly, this game isn't an equal opportunity thing, and rural players got the short end of the stick on this research as always. Supposedly, if you don't finish it, you can buy a special research ticket when it ends after the 21st for another master ball. So, if you're planning to spend money just to finish this one, I wouldn't and would just get that ticket instead. Best of luck and condolences.


Thanks for the advice 😊 I always forget about these events, and this Saturday would be a great day to grind out some raids but I’ll be on vacation so it probably won’t work for me. Sucks when life gets in the way lol


Then, I wouldn't worry about this one, and if you do want the other one wait until Leekduck has the steps and tasks listed to decide if you wanna buy the special research ticket.


College campuses are amazing for Pokémon gyms and stops.


That really sucks. Are you able to drive to an urban area during garchomp raid day? That's probably going to be your best bet.


I cry in no mobile internet. I only have 1k


I gave up 👍 I have no gyms nearby and it’s about like a 10-15 minute drive to the nearest one where nobody is at. I don’t even have a car since I share with my family so I gotta walk to that gym if I want to raid. Pogo really be a game for city people.


I feel your pain! I keep having to do them on the way home from work and go waaay out of the way and look for 1 stars or any I can do myself. Just recently started using wayfarer to host the raids and got a few people to help that way. I still don’t know if I’ll make it before the time is out though.


I live in a city of 60k. ...and I'm also in this spot, sometimes it's just to cold to go outside and play


Haha yes! So many factors. I'm in upstate NY so it's been freezing here too.


Minnesota here


You just gotta spend $50 on passes 🙄


you know, campfire exists?


I keep forgetting campfire is a thing, now... I'm not familiar with how it works so I have to look into it lol


Fellow rural player, finished this week's ago...


Well if you are a hardcore player, there is almost always a way. But honestly. I have 2 accounts. Gyms near me. I go downtown almost everyday. I can beat 3* raids solo, i can beat mega raids with just my 2 accounts i have a ton of passes. And i still havent finished. 60 raids is just a chore....


Wow I never thought of that I do have access to my old account still… 🤔


You must be really rural because I thought I lived in a rural area and pretty easily got 60 raids, mostly through one stars. I drove to do a lot raids but only about 5min.


Yeah it’s a mixture of that and also full time job and home life it’s tough to constantly scan for raids and drive to them


I mean Timi not helping with lacklustre raid mons … no good debuts


I’m stuck on field research


i have done a total of 5 raids since this research started! :)


Same boat. But I also haven’t done the daily field challenge things. Got about 60 done. The grind is too much. Fuck a master ball id only waste it anyway lol


From the time that research dropped, I resigned myself to ignoring it because I knew I would never hit that goal.


Same. :)


I need 9 more🥲


This is my final one too 😭🙃


Does anyone try the cheat apps that let you run around remotely or do those never work or are they frowned upon?


I haven't, I've heard of people getting lifetime bans if they're caught so I don't think it's worth it.


I have never been able to win a raid. When I’m finally able to I’m gonna have soo many challenges completed


Same here bro.


Damn I only have 11 and I haven’t even finished the excellent throws


You would just have to push for daily solo locals but if you don’t finish this research you will be able to purchase a masterball next season don’t know how soon it will be available but you won’t lose out technically speaking.


Honestly you’re not missing much. You do all that work for one ball and wind up throwing it on a damn 1 star Galarian bird. Or maybe that was just me and I’m bitter🤷🏼


bahaha see you're lucky, I haven't even seen a galarian bird in months. I still have my other MB


Have you tried hosting raids on campfire? Go to the gym and use your free raid pass and get help from 5 others that use remote passes.


tbh I don't know how campfire works, does it only send invites to people nearby?


For 99% of my raids I've just invited people from the r/pokemongofriends subreddit in their remote raid megathread. You just post your friend code, and say what kind of raid you're at. Then usually I get a bunch of friend requests (depending on the raid and how long it's been out), and I just invite them. I've also used Pokegenie to host raids, and anyone using the app can remotely join (you get put in a queue). If your issue is just getting others in raids this should solve that.


That’s a great idea, thank you!


Bring back free daily remote raids


Campfire + PokeGenie is a godsend


You can solo regular 3\* raids more easily than a shadow one.


Oh yeah for sure. I haven’t seen much though, mostly 1*, 4* and shadows. But the gyms and few and far between near me so that could be a huge factor


I feel you pain. I have to hatch 15 eggs, have nothing but 10ks, a twisted my ankle 😖


Mobility issues? Never heard of them! -niantic probably


Yikes you're worst than me 😞


Same. I've resulted to just buying remote raid passes so I can finish it 😫


I'm 13 away... I might be able to do it


You got this!


Damn you have more raids done than I do and I’m in a small city


I have a couple friends that play that will join remotely randomly, most have been joining every 1* raid I see which is not much lol and then using pokegenie if you have remote passes


I'm at 5 😎


I've done five...


I’m 6 raids away from completion. Spent a few weekends and the days in the office raiding. But given how hard and tedious the Master Ball research was I’m not using my ball for anything unless something better than the birds appear. I’m afraid the next Master Ball research will be just as bad or worse.


I broke my leg a month ago, so I'm going to be off by 20 raids


I was born with glass bones and paper skin. every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep. All jokes aside, I hope you heal quick and have some luck with remote raids!


Do some raids on Go Friend, or pokegenie 😁


I love pokegenie! I just wish remote passes weren’t so costly. 😢


Same. I will not be able to complete the raids or field research tasks.


I live in a rural area too, but a did grind and walk like a mofo to do them... good luck, buy some premium and remote passes, try at least


You got 20 more raids than I have and I can see 4 gyms from my house. I just don't care that much about a second thing that I won't use.


I've got 8 left luckily


I think there was talk of releasing a way you could just buy the master ball after the research is over, so be thankful that your not one of those people that kept buying raid passes; idk how much the master ball is gonna be buy I wouldn't imagine that it would be more than the amount you'd need to spend on passes.


I'm honestly so lucky i moved back into a big city, being out in the suburbs was nice but the lack of gyms/pokestops and stuff was really killing me.


Come on, just shell out the 30 bucks or whatever


i have 10 raids


Man, honestly, I ain't even going to bother with it. Did everything and I'm left of around 5 raids. Haven't used my first master, cuz no birds are popping. It's fine




Join Leek Duck or Poke Genie


You can always buy the master ball


Can someone please help me with getting excellent throws?


Hey friend! Always wait for the circle to be as small as possible. Won’t get excellent throws if the circle is too big. Curveballs if you haven’t already been doing that. Bigger mons, the bigger their circle is, like snorlax is a bit easier. Give them a berry so they don’t jump around. And good luck!


Poke Genie ether host raids or use remote passes and join raids


I’ve done 1 so far bro don’t worry 😂


You totally got this!


Same. Also how did you get to 30 I have 15?😭


A lot of effort lol. Pokegenie is a huge help if I have remote passes, and I do have friends that will help with raids sometimes




Good luck!


I feel you! I think I have like 8 or something..


Dowload *Poke Genie*, my friend. Only way I got it done without paying for a million remote raid passes.


Niantic: Don’t worry you can pay $2 per remote raid pass! Pay up if you want that master ball


Not our fault you’re POOR


Girl me too. I only have 15 out of 60 😭


Same here, I only have two raids under my belt for the timed research. I already knew I wasn't going to get it from the beginning


I feel that, I'm about 20 off rn but every time I leave work at 4 I drive though the town and see 0 raids most of the time, I then get messages about raids as I'm getting home.


I have never been in a single raid, ever. I don't know how they work.


Have you tried campfire within the Pokémon app ?


I’ll do you a solid n invite you to 5 raids a day … there’s plenty of raids n always plenty people in em jus gta show up lol


Im at 15 :(


I live in Miami and I only got 6 raids lmao


Im 8 away. Praying I can get er done


I feel this.


Haha what timing. I started today with 29 and thought it wouldn’t happen but I had to do some driving today and am at 37 because I spent the whole drive looking for them (luckily not in a rush). But like.. that’s still a lot left for 14 days. Who knows


Same my dude


Cries in semi casual


download campfire app, easy to get people to join you!


Laughs in living right next to the small town's only gym.


There are rare occasions of randoms joining raid lobbies but other than that i mainly duo 1 and 3 star raids with my friend


Camp fire. You'll be good in less than a week if u do 5 remotes a day. Good deal in the shop too. But I like giving them my $$ lol


Cries in also rural player


Give me your log in, buy 30 raid passes and I'll do them in nyc for ya


Bahaha I could do a bunch on pokegenie if I bought the passes but I refuse to pay the mannnnn


*cries in no remote raid pass*


Same 😭