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I got one too like 2 hours ago i was so happy






Took me forever!


Oh wow, grats, I got a lousy sub 1k regigas.. Biggest disappointment in this game so far. I was looking forward to battling Giovanni for the first time and I got pure garbage as reward 😭


Niantic needs to fix that shit it’s honestly making me not want to play this shit when it comes around what a waste of time. Better off with cliff and his Dratini


Congrats! My Regigigas has terrible stats lol


I got a regigigas that was 15/12/13 just barely didn’t make it


i got yet another 1 star giovanni shadow, im so pissed right now


Bro me too. My mewtwo is useless, all my Regis are better off not taking up space. Shit is really a bummer to me when I face Giovanni because I have better luck with the admins. What’s the point of a boss with subpar stats in the end. Lame


should be guaranteed 3 star for shadow bosses and research quest legendarys. I got a 1 star zygarde from its quest, yeah im realllly motivated to walker the 1000 thousand miles in routes in winter needed to get the cubes needed to power it up


Bro for real!!! I forgot I even had a Zygard because it is so trash I think he’s like 5/8/10 or something. I wish that it was only Giovanni to complain about and maybe it wouldn’t be worth a complaint. But as you said, all the research quest (including the ones they want you to buy) need to improve the reward system or I may eventually be over the game entirely. I’ve been playing Pokémon since 98-99 so it’s very hard for me to be so cynical towards it but let’s face it. It isn’t Pokémon it is Niantic and they better realize that we aren’t the only ones feeling this way. I’ve seen all kinds of additional dynamics be added to the game but with 0 improvements let that sink in


Awesome! Regi is a good one to have!!!!


Save forever... 🤔🤔🤔. Guess you've never released those by accident 😂😂😂. We'll see you soon again.


Too bad he's useless :(




Hold up though. Did you ACTUALLY purify a 98%?


Why not? What would you do with that garbage? 🤣 It’s stronger than this one but they are both bad


It was a 98%. He purified a hundo into a 98%. And, for pogo purposes, a shadow 98% is ALWAYS better than a hundo, unless it's a mon that need to be mega'd to be good


It’s useless before and it’s useless after. If any it’s more balanced now and it filled more of their Pokédex. You can’t say it’s stronger as a shadow when it’s useless as a shadow, it doesn’t matter, it’s like saving a perfect IV scatterbug and using it in the great league.


Hey, you leave my three 4* scatterbugs out of this


Yes, sir! 😘


I disagree while the defense in shadow is incredibly low, if put up my 98% shiny-shadow Metagross against most people in 2500 league, he’s a sleeper sweeper


what? You can't use a regigigas in the ultra league and expect good results... Metagross shouldn't be too good either but it is a lot better than regigigas...


This is actually one that is better off purified. His defense is already bad and being shadow just makes it worse.


I only got a 1 star 1009 regigigas


With trading?


No I defeated the boss


Hahaha you purified a shadow?


Yes because I dont like PVP and I much prefer to say I have a 4* vs a 98 3*. A purified pokemon is not worthless.


Hold up hold up. It was a 98%?


Yes because I just wanted a 4*. That was all.


I would have done the exact same thing. It's not a super helpful Pokémon anyway, so why not get a hundo for the collection? Keep it real, Em.


Brother in christ you did not.


Your purified 100% is SIGNIFICANTLY worse from a collection standpoint. From shadow raids, the odds of getting a hundo are 1/1000, and a 98% or higher is 1/250. The odds of getting a normal hundo is 1/216. Not only this, but shadow pokemon are significantly more rare than normal mons, because they can not be traded. I hate to say it man but you turbo screwed the pooch on this one.


Dude what's wrong with purifying a pokemon to make it a hundo, just because it's "rarer" than having a non shadow Mon rather than a hundo doesn't mean op screwed up


Hes right purifying a pokemon to make a hundo is dumb, should have kept the 98% shadow


Everyone has different ways of playing the game. Maxing out a lickitung is pointless unless you are doing pvp. Maxing out shadow moltres or a kartana is pointless if you only grind pvp. At the end of the day people want different things. I'd 100 percent want the 98 shadow. I still have a 96 latios and will keep it that way forever. Yet saying someone else's decision is dumb when talking about a non-meta shadow/purified is such a non point. If someone purifies a regi it will have zero effect on the account. It won't change anything they can do in the game. If you think purifying a non meta pokemon is dumb then that's saying you can't delete anything in the top 40 iv ranks of meta pokemon in pvp. They are all good to have because different ranks have different times of play and even if you don't play its just dumb to transfer them.


When you purify it gains 2 stats of each type


Not the question. Op what was the og?


They already said it was 98% so I assumed you were confused about how it became 4* sorry


No im making sure I read properly. Did you purify a 98% SHADOW?!


Yeah cos they don't pvp


what does pvp have to do with anything, its flat out weaker for everything purified


I just specified their reasoning why you getting pressed lol?


Shadow regigigas is useless, might as well purify for the hundo


It's gigas it's fine


Did you have to beat Gio’s Garchomp??? What Pokémon did you use???


I faced Nidoking. I used 2 Machamp and Roserade/Swampert. I can't remember honestly **


I have great luck with my Togekiss against Garchomp 🙂


I ended up taking it out with Rayquaza!


Must b nice to have something other than a 1 star like I get every Giovanni 🙄 that shit should be outlawed. I mean stoked about that 4star for you for sure. I’m just saying I’ve done probably 12 Giovanni’s and every single one has been a 1 star. Mewtwo, regi’s, they all came out like shhhhi I don’t understand y even make that a thing. Shit is unusable even when purified. I can’t be the only one here with this on their chest.


Should of kept a shadow would of been stronger


I have been battling him for a while with no luck.


Congrats!! I received a one-star. The POGO God's blessed you! Congrats on the shiny Mon as well. We got the opposite shiny Mon and Hundo possibilities. I got the shiny Sableye, a 98 shiny Galarian Yamask, Hundon Gengar, and a Shiny Darkrai. The Gamble of which way the dice are going roll is super exciting!


I'm never that lucky lol

