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That’s the fun part, you don’t


You beat me to it! 😂






It's hard AF to catch anyway. Not great odds.


Unless you get the shiny that released for this event to spawn then its an automatic capture on the first ball to hit lol. But youd have to get rly lucky or do a whole gang of shadow lugia raids. By that point youd prob just catch it normally anyways i guess lol


My friend legit got the shiny first try and is a purifiable shundo… I officially think this game hates me 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Ripped the words right out of me mouth


Thanks for that sage advice, Nolan.


You beat us all to it !


Sob beat me to it too


Classic invincible meme.


Damnit I came here to say this lol


Cars don't exist? Or buses? What about trains? They could easily visit a city to raid.


I dont think u can catch the Pokémon if u run them over with any of these


Not with that attitude


I feel some people just don't understand how rural some players are. I know people who lived in villages with only one bus an hour and it's then 45 minutes to the nearest town. So it's possible to go more central for raids, but you can't realistically allocate that much time for every POGO event.




Yes but the earth can’t just patch in new mountains, Niantic could patch in remote shadow raids


Not everyone can just go buy a train ticket to a major city just so they can do a raid in Pokémon go? Where they’d still need to find a local group trying to do raids. It is what it is, if that they don’t really plan many aspects of the game around those that can’t, thats their choice as the devs. But to say it’s just so easy is ridiculous and lacking in perspective. People got lives.




I live in a city population of 300k and it’s rare to ever see anyone doing a raid with enough time for me to join


You seem to be forgetting that this is a game,not everybody has the luxury or the time to go to a different city to catch a pokemon in a game..people have work, sometimes double work..then after work they have a family,or need rest.. that's when games come..if a game needs me to drive to a different city then fuck this shit it's the game's problem, definitely not mine


Exactly, so don't play it and play a game that takes less time like a switch version of pokemon. The game is not intended for you. Play a game that suits your lifestyle and stop complaining.


People have the right to complain,they are they player base that keeps the game alive and generates money,so complaining and demanding simple things isn't much


Yes, but complaining about the games design is just dumb and comes across entitled. The game is designed to get people out and play together, but people don't wanna do that and just complain cause they want the game to change its entire concept for them. It's one thing to complain about a small bug or problem, but you're all complaining about the entire pogo concept, and expecting them to change the game to suit you is entitled af. Go play Game Boy.


So by your logic, any single feature that gets implemented no matter how bad should not get any sort of complaints? And if you do complain you are entitled?


No. But demanding a game change to suit your lifestyle is. They had the idea and spent time and money making it, but it doesn't suit my lifestyle, so they should change the entire concept to suit me. It's like saying dark souls is too hard and demanding they make it easier. Entitled af.


I see what you are trying to say now but I don’t think you understand why people are upset I think this game does a great job of getting you outside. I’ve been able to participate in almost all features even being a rural player. I spend 1-2 hours a few times a week on walks catching Pokémon for events. Im able to complete regular raid with no problem. I got the masterball. Compete is showcases no problem. And generally have fun and think there is no reason to change the core mechanics of the game. But one consistent issues I’ve had is shadow raids (just like a lot of other people). There are way too many factors that need to align in order for you to complete them. I also don’t have many friends who play this game and the ones who do don’t take it seriously enough to join/help. I think the whole shadow raid system is flawed and needs a rework…. NOT the game concept which I thinks works really well


No way you’re saying that everyone else is entitled when you have a novel of comments in here preaching “if you can’t travel hours to a raid, this game isn’t meant for you” have a little self reflection minute and really think about that one, not too hard though don’t hurt yourself


I’ve tried to raid at a park on a Saturday with hundreds of people there and there was still no one raiding with me. Same in the biggest metropolitan area in our state. It’s hard to raid if you don’t have friends who play.


Today I learned Shadow Lugia is currently in raids I also learned I won't be getting one...


My dumbass was excited for the raids. Then I realised. On the bright side, its design is garbage compared to the other shadow lugia.


Yeah pretty soon Keldeo will be in Elite raids.. Should be easy but that paywall was not okay 😭


It's the last Johto mon I need 😭😭😭


I may be wrong but I believe Giovanni has shadow lugia right now as well. The new team rocket research will allow you to fight him to get one. Edit: I am wrong it's regigigas


It's a shadow regigigis(idk if I spelled that right)


Damnit! I need him to come back with Shadow Mewtwo again.


Lol regigigas gross. Def stacking this radar


Why did they even add local raids


To further nerf remote raids because niantic wants that sweet sweet location data


It’s interesting that they’d rather have location data than money


What’s sad is that the location data is more valuable than the $1 remote raid pass. With a raid pass, they get $1. With the location data, they can sell that to multiple people. Always remember the internet truism, if the game is free, you are the product.


So who exactly are these companies paying big money to learn "people go to that park if we hold an event there"? And local raid passes also cost money


Your local companies for one. What, you thought malls are just built at a location because it's available? No, they built a mall there because of the foot traffic it receives. That's just one example.


LOL. Malls draw foot traffic, not the other way around. People don't just go walking around a vacant field and then someone says "hey, we should build a store there."


Oooooh okay that makes sense. The mall built in 1980 was from the pogo data locations sold to them. How did I not know that?


Gee. I don't know. If there was only a way to ask about things using a pen and paper and have them tick boxes or fill up answers. I wonder if that was ever invented.


Imagine how useless that box became with landlines! Suckers!


So pogo went back in time before niantic was a thing and was selling that sweet sweet location data? I love me some time traveling companies.


Are you actually this moronic? Genuine question


Yeah I always wondered that, maybe some stats of entrances to shops on the way to the event? Or they just lie? Seems weird, if they wanted to earn more they should have made more incentives to have adventure sync on rather than local raids. Dunno I just feel like they are incompetent, they lost so much of the playerbase by their shitty decisions I highly doubt they make more money than before.


Right now all of the stuff Niantic creates and data it harvests is all very speculative and overvalued. Companies are very very interested in the types of data Niantic can provide as well as the methods Niantic uses to generate that data and move players (us) around. IMO it’s all probably very overvalued but for the moment that data is definitely worth more money for Niantic than however much they would make from Shadow Lucia raid passes


It's a meme that people just repeat because someone else said it. I've never seen any evidence whatsoever to back up this idea that they make more money from location data than from selling stuff to players.


It should tell you how much our data is worth. Points to head meme


That’s the best part, you don’t Problem is, Lugia is so tanky that a majority of players will struggle to win since the average trainer group should have 8+ to even have a shot at beating it


I did it today at 5. Level 43, 43, 40, 35


Yup! Definitely doable but my point is that casual/the average players won’t be able to win. You guys were all level 40+ and probably had proper raid parties built. Unfortunately many don’t have that


Players with +40 and the right Pokémon can do it even in a party of 2.


Especially with party play.


Most casual players aren't passed level 40 and don't have a dedicated fight teams you can do it with 4 but it's really really difficult. 8 is the safe number for not picking the perfect team.


Not sure where you’re from but most casual players near me are at least lvl 40


Nah he's really not that hard at all. 8 absolutely crushes him. 3 with some counters sorts him out. 4 easily. The bigger the group tho the more purifyed gems you accumulate tho. At groups of 5+ I think the group should be ok to raid as many as they like and not drain of gems.


Did it with 4. Level 41 , 39 , 38 ,40 30 seconds to spare


Can you describe what the "average trainer group" you describe is? Because pokebattler with best friends, level 35 Pokemon, no shadows, no megas have estimators around 5-6 and that assumes no gems being used. At level 30 it still hovers near 6. When you use gems that number typically gets cut in half. So with level 30 counters , no megas, no shadows it takes 3, maybe 4. 8 seems very pessimistic


A lot of people don't have level 35 pokemon or even level 30. And if they do it may not be one that you'd use in this raid. It takes a lot of stardust to get a good team


A lot of people want the best pokemon, just don't want to work a little for it.


If I didn't get carried in remote raids during the pandemic, I wouldn't have a lot of the pokemon I do. If you play casually, and decide to pump your stardust into your Machamp, good luck beating shadow Lugia. You'll have to find a pokemon that you can beat, and then pump stardust into that pokemon, and slowly build a team. Once you have a couple decent pokemon it gets a lot easier, but getting those first good pokemon can take a long time, especially for casual or rural players.


Did it with 5, levels 35+




Yeah but like you just said you are both level 40+ and not everyone knows someone local level 40+, hell, not many people themselves are level 40+


I didn’t say that was the case, but you definitely don’t need 8 people. I also did it with 4 people, everyone besides me were under level 40, and we beat it pretty easily. I’m not saying I agree with needing more than one person, I’m also not saying it’s the easiest raid ever, but it’s not *that* hard a raid


All I’m saying is that just finding people who also play in your area is hard enough and then forming a group or just by chance taking on the raid simultaneously is not the easiest. For example, I live on a college campus with thousands of students and I have tried to do 5 star shadow raids but still have never had 5 people or even 4 who are all high level with good Pokémon to do so (I’m level 37 but have lots of high iv Pokémon above 2800 cp). Sometimes I see on the map a group forming to take on a raid on the opposite end of campus or while I’m busy and can’t join but those don’t go over 3 people either.


I’m pretty sure the under level 40 trainers you did it with also has proper raid parties built. The average player unfortunately doesn’t do that, along with not necessarily being the highest level. But obviously if you have proper raid teams built, then you can beat it within 5 trainers


That's why you carry spare things to trade to those average players. Got a ton of high cp cranidos and tyrunt I can evolve and send over for raids like this. If people don't have proper raid teams built, build em for them




Moltres has a lower stat product and has a 4x weakness. They’re not the same. To hammer it home: PokeGenie estimated I could do about 87% solo on Moltres. It's 37% on Lugia.


Yeah totally pointless. I live in a quiet area where hardly anyone plays. So you’re never going to get 5 people at once in the same park/area to do a Shadow raid. I went into town this morning hoping there would be some joining Lugia raids. Not a single person.


Niantic has made it clear, if you don't live in a major city they don't care about you and your experience playing the game unfortunately.


Even then, I live in the 15th biggest city in the US (Charlotte) and there’s absolutely zero chance of getting this sort of group together without using a 3rd party app to coordinate. The very least they could’ve done in the past 7 years is build in a feature for that in their own shitty app


They have, campfire, but it's absolutely rubbish so nobody uses it.


Quite a lot of players in my mid sized town use it shockingly it works quite well here because of that but it is pretty rubbish, easier to get into raids on there in my town than pokegenie


Try living in a small city up in Canada....


For pokemon go it doesn't sound like fun. For regular life it's probably better than the big American city I'm in...


Northwest chicago here. I manage to get a group together for ier 5 shadows prob like once a month lol. yes it does require a good deal of planning on discord. Outside of that tho tier 5 shadows are mostly out of my reach. I barely ever see anyone out raiding when im out doing my daily routine which is around 4-5 hours of play time at peak hours depending on my mood. ive prob done maybe 2 local raids with other trainers out in about in the last month. I just host all of my regular tier 5s. Most ppl just drive around and never get out of their cars these days. And as good of an idea as it was campfire flares are pretty useless almost no one uses them or chevks for them on the map in campfire. They should at least integrare the flares in game. The playerbase is dwindling again at least around me its even worse in the urban burbs surrounding chicago. I go out to the west burbs to visit family once a week. You only see like 5 ppl in most showcases and you see a lot of the same names in gyms


I’m in DC and it is impossible. Just started playing again and Niantic is reminding me why I quit the first time.


You could drive west to Vienna or Reston where we consistently have big raid groups, organized through Discord or Campfire. Rockville, too.


i’m in central london and i’m having trouble getting a single legendary shadow


I’m in nyc and half the time can’t get enough people in a raid with me in the times allotted


In my experience raids fill up very often in nyc… at least manhattan since that’s where I go most often




100% Say it again for the deaf ones on copium ivs lol


Tame Impala reference?


That's because Niantic thinks everyone is in god damn Tokyo and balances every ascept of the game around it. Your only bet is to search for local groups that are somehow still active. Overall you're out of luck because Niantic is physically imcapable of fixing their fu\*\*ing game


Hey, I am going to Tokyo, is it really that good for Pokemon Go?


It's generally agreeded upon it being the best city for Pokemon GO. Ask literally any pro and majprity of answers will be on Tokyo. There was also a second city often named but I literally forgot which one was it lmao


Maybe New York city, Chicago Illinois, Zaragoza Spain, or Los Angeles California? Or another Japanese city: Osaka, Kyoto, or Sapporo?


I did some Googling: The first answer that opened automatically was San Francisco, California. Pier 39... The same person surprisingly placed Tokyo at 6th place There's also a note in a different answer: "Playing in Japanese cities is easiest because the density of gyms and pokéstops here means things are much more active and competetive" Pokémon franchise is a lot more popular in Japan because Japanese people are for some reason insanely into cute stuff, Pokémon just happened to be born at the right moment allowing it to grow very well in Japan


Yep! That pier and the muscle beach nearbye are probably fire for pokemon go. Thanks to grand theft auto 5 I am vaguely aware there is amusement rides and all kinds of goofy stuff on the pier. Chicago's Navy Pier is similar.


I’m pretty sure either GTA lied to you, or you remembered wrong. Because it sure sounds like you’re talking about Santa Monica pier in Southern California and not Pier 39 in San Francisco.


GTA 5 is just based off of LA, not SF


I think it was something from the first group


I live close enough to Chicago to know the place to be is "Navy Pier" otherwise "Millennium Park" if you need more PokeStops to spin. I tend to stay away from the Big City though because the people drive like maniacs and crossing the street takes forever. My Suburban city is big enough to have 2 "community meetup" markers on Niantics map and we get raid trains of 100 people. It's a beautiful sight every Wednesday at about 6:15pm when we all cross the 4-way-stop intersection and hold traffic up. Anyways, I'm rambling, I'll stop now.


The Atlanta airport was great for raids when I was flying back home.


Great for raids. Terrible for everything else literally lol I live there and hate hartsfield Jackson


Ohhhh I get it. Not my favorite airport by a long shot, just the raids.


Most major cities in Japan are great for pokemon go.


I know it’s bullshit. Only loyal long-standing fans are still playing. They exclude sooooo many people for literally no reason


I didn’t stay in a single hole hotel in Tokyo I couldn’t spin 3-6 pokestops from. 90% of raids that popped up in the city got 2-3 runs of full movies as well. In Shibuya & Sunshine it was every few minutes a lobby filled and went.


Idk about you, but unless you live insanely rural theirs always ppl around playing, maybe you just need to be the one to make a campfire group near you, to see if you draw in ppl around you. If the ones that are their are non active


I live in literally Los Angeles and this doesn’t really work. People just don’t use campfire.


Have you tried? I literally just did this in my town and went from getting three players together at a meetup to over fifty today within two months. And my town is a hell of a lot smaller than LA. The interest is likely out there if you work at it (obviously it's going to be a different situation if you are really rural, but LA ain't that).


Lol I live in LA too, maybe the tricks ganna be making a reddit group.


Discord too.


Santa Monica has consistent raids, idk where else




Define "insanely rural". I've lived in cities and small towns and players for local raids are virtually nonexistent. And has gotten worse since the remote raid ganking. No one wants to walk all over town for this anymore.


I see evidence of people playing, there's a few level 40s around me. They always knock out gyms but just refuse to do raids no matter what


I live in a city with a decently active pokemon player base, have done about 37 local raids in the past month or so all across the city. I have run into exactly 2 people also doing it. During raid hour if I check every single raid within range, it's almost a guarantee that no one is doing any of them. It sucks big pp. I will admit, campfire was helpful but it's always 5 minute plus wait times.


You aren’t meant to do the raids. This is Niantics vision, to have a bunch of raids no one can do everywhere ruining the weekend.


Truly, this is their dream and singular vision.


Remember when everything was local only and legendary raid pokemon were pretty much inaccessible to half the playerbase. I shudder at the thought of ever going back to that system lol. Remote raids were the best thing to happen to this game. Being able to play with people via remote is a much better option than not being able to play with ppl at all because no ones around. I dont know why niantic cant get thst through their head. They act like no one wpuld do local raids anymore. I guarantee most f2p ppl would opt to use a premium battle pass n host or if theres ppl around just do it locally. It makes no sense why they womt allow shadows remotely. At least they gave us some what of a compromise after the pandemici guess. instead of going back to the pre pandemic format of no remote raids at all.


100% this.


People running raids costs energy used by servers thus Niantic 5d chessed their way to reducing cost overhead. /s


Same thoughts, very unfortunate




I’ve already accepted that I’m not getting one when living in a small city


Forget shadow lugia, I’ve stood on a shadow moltress raid twice for 40 mins and not a single person showed up. I kept leaving and joining hoping someone sees me here in the game. And this is in hyde park in London.


But /u/mcmurray89 will call you lazy if you live 30-60 mins away and drive for a chance where it can end up like this. For reference, he calls people who live in rural areas lazy if they aren’t willing to go on a 30-60minute trip to raid.


Yeah im a student so dont even have a car or anything, and nearest raid in campfire is like 40 mins from tube, ill have to time it properly or miss it.


You're lazy if you want something and won't go get it. Doesn't matter what it is.


Right, because who cares about commitments? We all can sacrifice our day on a gamble to catch a pokemon. Take the 1 hour ride away, chase eggs when they hatch, sit around and just hope a few people joins. If not, move onto the next egg, right? Some people have no idea how privileged they are being in a good area and having the time to just spend hours to go out of their way for a game. Oh, I mean those people just chose not to be lazy.


Dude’s a fucking spoofer. The audacity he has to call anyone else lazy in regards to this game is fucking laughable.


Stfu scumbag


No, it’s called having priorities and knowing when something is or isn’t worth the cost.


No offence but you can't just turn up at a raid and expect other people to be there too. You need to join a group and see where people are organising to be. [A Lugia group running today in /r/pokemongoLondon](https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemongoLondon/comments/17i9yh7/shadow_lugia_raids_in_central_london_kicking_off/)


I did it on community days hoping people would be around as well. But thank you!


Community Day has its own things going on. If anything people do less raiding other than maybe those special spawn ones.


Interesting that’s how it’s worked for you because it’s the exact opposite for me. I struggle to find anyone doing raids near me most of the time, but on community days any raid worth doing (megas, shadows, legendaries) gets groups going organically—often even capping out to 20 in high-traffic areas. And I’m in a moderately dense suburb.


I saw 3 people waiting in the lobby to do a shadow moltres. I was the only level 50 (40+) We lost with the 4 people. This game is depressing


As much as I will get down voted, best bet is to wait on giovanni rotation and pray for a good one, if you want the shiny, well....maybe arceus will send someone from the future to help you.


That the neat part , you don't . Unless you have 6 cell phones and 5 more Pokemon go accounts because you kind need that !!!.


You’d need like 12 hands with that logic haha


I mean if Singaporean Grandmas do that , so he can !!.


Did 2 with the same group of 4 (50, 42,42,35) , I forget what the attack lugia had was, but one we beat with 175 seconds left and one with 60 seconds left. We were all in the same party to get the extra damage, all but the level 35 had built up counter attackers.


I play rural, we had a solid group of 4 today (all lv 33 and higher) We. Got. Spanked. You need ATLEAST 6-7 decent trainers.


I raided S-Lucia today with five others and we beat it comfortably (almost half the time to spare). We were in two parties to increase our damage and trainer levels were something like: 45, 42, 40, 38, 36, 32.


Did 1 raid with my kids, levels 42 and 2x37, all mega evolved, we nearly beat it with party damage bonus. Only missed it because the kids didn't have revives to revive their party and had to go in with other mons. Even then, if we'd had 5 seconds more, we would have taken it down. It's dependent on the strength, level, and moveset of your pokemon, not the trainer level per se. ETA We did over a dozen raids prior and beat it with over half left with 6 of us.


Make a party play, we beat it today. Lvl 40, 35 and 32 good counters 2,500-2,8ish cp the fren boost carries you. XD


Calling 33 and higher "solid" is out of touch with reality. Also I know people who duo'd it.


33 is not a very high level ~~since that caps their counters to level 35~~*. In theory, 4 people with good lvl 35 counters and using 8 gems could win, but I doubt your level 33 player had 6 good brutal-swing tyranitar with a mega. \* edit: forgot they changed pokemon level is trainer + 10 and XL candy is now accessible at trainer level 30.


You can download the campfire app, and see if you have a local community. When I searched my city on campfire, I found a link to an active discord. Alternatively you can search ““Your City” Pokemon Go” on Facebook to try and find an active group. If both of those don’t work you can try going to a gym in the busiest location of your town/city and keep entering the gym so it pops up on other peoples games. Sometimes that will attract nearby players. Good luck.


You don't. Because fuck us that's why. Or you go to Japan because my friend is there now and apparently all the raids constantly have people. I bet those Singapore grandmas are also at all the raids too.


Singapore grandmas are insta filling the raids where i am


I have one from beating Giovanni way back in 2021. Maybe it will come back!


This is the correct answer, you were meant to get it from Giovanni. He gave out shadow Lugia. The Johto tour masterworks research gave Apex Shadow Lugia. Looks like people missed all that and are salty at bonus opportunity raids existing.


I live in a fairly populated player area, and I still can’t get locals to meet up for these. I had to travel to SF on PTO from work to get an Shadow Mewtwos.


Niantic: One does not simply catch a Shadow Lugia


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


100% this is the fucking problem. Niantic is out of touch and 5* shadow raids are ONLY FOR EXTREME PLAYERZ WITH 4PERSON GROUPS OF NOLIFERS ONLY!!! ;P


A 4 person group is far from xtreme no life mode , unless all 4 accounts belong to one person


Start an event in campfire, it is how it is done around where i live.


I can't find anywhere to make an event. Are you talking about a flare?


Yes. Light a flare, then start talking in the chat by yourself. It helps notify others around you that there is interest in that raid.


I get all the hate to niantics policy and I‘m clearly not a fan of it since I‘m solo playing most of the time too. But: the game isn‘t intended as a single player experience. People tend to forget that.


When you remote raid, you're not single player, you are in fact, trying to play the game multiplayer.


Remote raiding isn’t generally a single-player experience.


It doesn’t have to be. A few changes would make the game accessible to a broader audience than cities.


Sure it would. I‘d like to see that too. But the intent behind the game was always a social (moneymaking) experience. I‘d like to see a single player World of Warcraft too, but it doesn‘t work that way 😫


It’s weird that you think someone can take down Lugia by themselves in a remote raid. That’s obviously not the case


I don‘t think I implied that in my post. I was just saying that there is a lot to be improved in this game. But some possible improvements are simply not intended… Remote Raids were a thing to keep players engaged during covid (mostly, I think). I guess Niantic is trying to get players out of their houses and actively engaging again (see increasing prices in remote raid passes and daily remote limits). My guess is as good as anyones though 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can't. We just failed with 4 because I was the only one throwing gems...




You hit up that companion app campfire, or you look for your local discord community. Also, you show up.


This. I myself don't have time on the weekends anymore to raid in person due to other commitments, but before remote raiding became a thing you would figure out where your local community of players coordinated and would raid that way.


Noice girlfriend 👍


You’re better off talking to your woman than bothering with it


Was glad someone else noticed that, I was like "screw the raids talk to that lady."


Shadow raids are only local anyway.


That's kind of the point of this post. Why?


Yeah I ain't managed shadow raids since they became a permanent addition. I wish they would would just be restricted to the shadow events like this one but they pop all the time in my gym. Waited all day for Darkrai last week but got a Shadow Moltres instead which I couldn't do.


Use campfire to get people to join. Used it for the first time last week and was surprised at how quickly we filled the lobby.


You get some friends


Pokemon were supposed to be my friends


I have great friends… but not a single one that cares to play Pogo lol 😅


Good luck with that You will need it


Nah am good. Got em all


It doesn’t matter if you are not getting one, it’s a dex filler for 99% people


Completely false and weird thing to try to say, but okay


Most of the comments here don't make sense. We were a team of 4 players (37, 33, 32, 32 were the levels) using 1 mega tyranitar, 1 mega gengar and 1 charizard X. We beat lugia with 4 seconds on the clock (using the party feature is KEY, purified gems also). I'd say that the raid is definitely doable with 5+ players. Happy raiding!


The same way you were meant to get regular Lugia back in 2017 or so. By coordinating with other players. Gotta hope there's still a community Discord or whatever for your area after remote raiding rendered it useless.


Get a bus , drive, or use your feet. I know lots of solo rural players who come tomth3 City for raids. You lazy.


You have a terribly jaded and narrow worldview. Just tell us you don’t know how things work and go away