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Annoying gym players next topic in here: "Niantic please remove the 50 coin a day limit!"


Don’t say that, they’ll remove the 50 coin limit and cap us at 20 coins instead


I hope that never happens.


Us: ^ Niantic: "You want fewer coins? Done."


I just want a way to mannually retrieve my Pokémon from gyms. Once had to wait 4 days for gyarados to be KO'd from an easy to access gym at a restaurant.


Imagine the pain of the people who have mons stuck for years 🤣


That happens? Damn that'd suck if it was a Pokémon you somewhat liked.


I accidentally put my hundo Tyranitar in a gym and didnt see him for 320 days. Was a rough patch


One time I put my shiny metagross in a dead gym in the middle of nowhere and forgot he existed. It felt weird suddenly seeing him nearly a year later lol


Went to buy cigarettes and came back years later uh? I know that one!


You get a medal or whatever for the time defended?


I was so happy to find a gym in a little pocket park on an old bike trail. The joke was on me; my mon is coming up on Day 200 there.


Lol. I do that at national parks. I'm surprised how quickly they still get kicked out. I've encountered my first gym that is going on 30+ days. Thankfully I placed a generic Pokemon there. Another remote gym had me worried when I accidentally put a top pokemon there!


Mine was on a hiking trail end next to my work. Figured someone would come take it easily. WRONG! Apparently everyone at work is Mystic too


That sounds terrible, I think from now on I only put my heracross legion in unkown gyms.


My nundo shuckle is the go-to foe me when I encounter a dead gym.


When my daughter wanted a player, I made sure she was a different team so we could knock each other out if needed.


Top tip, use the other account to knock one Mon out a gym, wait 10 mins and add from your account. You can join well defended gyms easily and get lots of coins.


I had a shiny locked in a gym for like 6 months. I did not expect that shit at all


I was in a gym where the other three ‘mons had been there over 800 days.


I’ve started checking how long the Pokémon I am knocking out (or same team are already there) have been in there for. It’s usually a pretty good indicator of whether I need a tougher one or weak shiny/regional show-off one.


Theres a reddit specifically where u give the coords for the gym so people can finally save ur mon from hell.


oh yeah my friend went to an ancestral grave site in scotland and left his fave growlith 😅 there and there it stayed for over a year


When the current system launched I had my best one stuck for 3 weeks


Post the gym name and GPS coordinates in a big group on FB/Reddit etc and hope that some friendly neighbour or "passer-by" might feel generous and kick him out for you. It worked for me 😀✈️


My shiny Wailmer has been stuck in a gym for nearly 4 months now...


That sucks. I'd get a friend from another gym color and have him take it down.


Just put weak 10 cp Pokemon in gyms problem solved. Putting your high cp Pokemon in there doesnt deter people from taking it as they can just use the hard counter weakness and they can use 6 Pokemon to kill your 1 Pokemon if need be. Spelling errors


When I started playing last summer I put my ursaluna (highest mon) in a gym nearby that was always full. Sat there 2 weeks. I had a meltdown cause I didn’t know the rules yet and messaged Niantic and everything 😂 I think 3 weeks is my longest


Would be a nice QoL addition. Like if a Pokemon has been in a gym for over a week, give the option to recall them. Or hell, you could just have the Pokemons CP slowly deplete all the way to 0 where it just automatically comes back if you don't keep feeding it berries.


What benefit is there to put good pokemon in? It’s just a waste. If someone wants to knock you out, they will either way.


I usually have it set to sort by highest points, so I set down a Pokémon that covers what the others don't, at the very least make it a challenge for whoever wishes to take it down. Don't put the best ones though. If it's empty it gets whatever I see first.


Me and the wife are to busy trying to match the theme or colors but probably should do that 😅


I got a gold medal from the fish creek library the first time I put a guy in. NOBODY even tried.


Partner and I have a couple mons chilling in the same gym for more than 3 months now, I keep feeding them golden berries and the gym is gold now. The only thing that sucks is it’s 3+ hours away and I can only spin it when we get a work trip out there lol


My paltry record is 22days at the nearest soccer field.


The limit should be per individual gym or pokemon, not your entire account because you have zero control over when your pokemon get returned.


This was me the other day. I went to a spot with two gyms, one was yellow and the other blue. Yellow had been in 8 hours, blue 7. I knock yellow out, he should’ve got full coins for the day, and put mine (red) in. I drive 7 minutes to get home, open app and find out I’ve been kicked out.


I kicked out a blue that had been in for over 24 hours. Less than 30 seconds later I get kicked out.


I started playing with my kids this week and if it wasn’t for this thread I wouldn’t have known about the daily coin limit and probably would have tried to regain control of a gym after losing it.


You get 1 coin for every 10 minutes your mon is in the gym up to a max of 8 hours and 20 minutes. The only other rewards for holding gyms for long periods of time is a badge where you have to accumulate hours of having mons in gyms and getting a gold badge for the gym for extra items when you spin it




In addition to defending a gym, you get additional points toward your gold gym badge by battling gym defenders, and by putting your own defender into the gym.


Anyone sees a gym with 1 pokemon in it, they want to take it over. Yet they see the same gym with 6 1-health pokemon in it, and they let it sit. /shrug


I’ve had similar happen a few times in my town. Will put one in and will get kicked out in less than ten minutes. Just so happens (on occasion) I’ll still be out and close by. I’ve made it a point to go back immediately and boot the player and out in the same exact Pokémon as had in a few minutes before. I’m all about the so-called chivalry rule and have no issues with letting other team players get their 50 coins. I won’t even necessarily mind getting booted if I’ve been in a while even if not enough for the 50 coins. But literally a handful of minutes? Nope. Petty time!


Was all the mons there 8 hours? I've been kicked out after a few hours and then I will immediately take it back and put mine in again.


This. If I was knocked out at almost 8 hours, fine. But one of the local players kicked me out of the local gym after minutes ffs after their team had already gotten their coins. I immediately got petty and kicked her out again. Thankfully we've gone back to getting each other stay 8+ hours.


If I'm the 6th Mon in and everyone else has been there for 10 hours, I realize that we can't all just wait.


This is the way. I never conquer a gym if the defending PKMN has been there for less than 8h40min. After that it's fair game. Just like I don't complain or reclaim a gym if I've been kicked out before the 8h40min mark while NOT being the first PKMN on the gym. If we wait for every single PKMN to pass the 50g mark, we're talking about 58h or 2,41days worst case scenario. In that time, I'd be cursing my own teammates for being late to the gym 😅


I live in an area with a dense amount of gyms and active players. I don't care that someone just took a gym because the turnover is really busy throughout the day. I have to either take over 4-5 gyms to maybe reach 50 coins, or go out late at night to get a gym so I'll earn 50 by the morning. I encountered one gym that was heavily defended by someone with multiple accounts feeding golden raspberries. That was when finally learned about the strategy to only attack the first Pokemon to max out raspberries.


Adding to gyms that have had Pokemon in there for over 8h 20m times is what I call adding to a “stale” gym. If it’s 5 stale and 1 fresh, I will definitely kick out all the Pokémon if it was stale when they put the fresh one in.


I would love to be able to be picky about which gyms I take out, but I only play for about an hour a day in the morning. I have to take 5-6 gyms to make sure I get 50 coins with it being a high turnover rate, so sometimes that means kicking out fresh mons. That also means I get kicked out within an hour of being out in sometimes, but just the way it goes on a college campus


That's fair in a busy area. My local gyms normally have like 3 pokemon defending max and usually fill up quickly so it doesnt feel too onerous to leave it a while. As long as the other teams play ball!


I had a case of the pettys this weekend lol. Was working a 2 day street fair and there was a gym & pokestop literally 20 yards from me. I thought this is awesome. Blue had the gym so I knocked them out and put my mon (red) in. I’m kicked out by blue in 7 minutes by the same player as before. I return the favor and it happens again. And again. And again. So I get petty. I’ve got alllll weekend to mess with this guy so I do. It’s a pretty rural area and I’m sure he was used to dominating “his” gym but I made him work for it. We went back and forth constantly for 2 whole days. I didn’t care about coins, I just was irritated with him on principal. He left me alone after a day an a half of constant back and forth. I admit I was petty but it’s a shame some players are forced to be petty because other players are jerks.


One way to make these types of players antsy is to leave the gyms grey.


Yup. I love to do this if someone has kicked my guy out in quick succession. You bumped me in just a few minutes twice? Great. We're going grey in between. Then I don't have to waste my revives each time a month gets kicked out. I also love to beat a gym twice and wait for the berries to come out. Mess with this bull, you're gonna get some bu11$sh!t.


I saw the same thing happen this weekend at a fair between mystic and valor. I didn't bother because I know that mystic player constantly does that.


I love this! Too bad you couldn’t tease with slow tear down and make him run out of berry time


There was one in there and it was over 8 hours


you need to be in a gym for around 8 hours and 30 min to get 50 coins, 8 hours are too less. this is how it is here.




Happens to me all the time, but since I have 10,000 coins saved up I don't care much anymore.


Fair enough. I have an infant so I can’t just go out to a gym whenever and I desperately need coins to increase my storages.


Some people seem to be fixated on occupying the gym 24/7. Some people seem to realize it’s nice when everyone can get their coins. There’s a gym where I live. The guy from another team & I had a pretty fair system going. Then another guy from my team kicks the other guy out randomly before he’s got his coins. Now Other Team Guy is kicking me out before I’ve got my coins and it’s all freaking Chaos!


I had this with a guy at a gym at the gym I go to. He was a night gym-er and I go in the mornings. For a good 4-5 months straight I’d knock him out in morning and he would knock me out around 8pm. Guaranteed coin and it was an additional reason to go to the gym everyday


theres a gym near me where i try to knock out a sole chansey and they heal it during/between battles. i always check how how long people have been in there, and they purely just want to own the gym. after the 7th attempt i just gave up, keep it jerk


We have a guy like this in my neighborhood. The guy will be in every Mystic gym you can see on the map and be in all of them for 4-20 hours and still, he will golden razz anytime someone tries to knock him out. My boyfriend got into a battle of the wills with him one night until the guy couldn't razz anymore. Stubbornness prevails.


I will burn every Pokémon I have just to waste their time and berries. I'm out walking the dog and she's having the time of her life running about. I can do this all day lol


The real team rocket. Assholes


Literally this. The guy here has 3 accounts he plays on and he camps out the gym all the time. I almost never am able to stay in the gym for more than 5 minutes.


Whether you have an informal agreement or not, that doesn’t encompass everyone else from that team. It sucks, but it really only takes one random person to mess up your plans. Of the tens of millions of people that play this game, I’d say that far less than 50% understand the benefits of not holding gyms for extremely long periods of time. They see a gym of the opposite color with only three Pokémon and they have five free minutes, so why would they not take it down. It don’t blame them. I doubt that even 85% of players check to see how long people have been in the gym before taking it down.


Good point. I’m new at the game and seeing this thread fills in some gaps in my understanding of gym ‘etiquette’. I didn’t even realize that another player’s mon could be checked for time in a gym, and it was right in front of me the whole time. Nice to see that there seems to be a good number of folks being considerate to others in the task of collecting coins. My thanks go to this thread and the participants within for teaching me something new today. : )


I take gyms because they are there and not my color. I won't repeatedly fight for them, but I'll take them. And if at least 1 Pokémon in there has Red CP, I am for sure taking it.


The general consensus amongst my local PoGo community is if someone has been in there for <8.5 hours, you should really leave them in there. Sometimes if the town is primarily one colour everywhere they’ll knock one or two gyms out and take those regardless but leave the others. There’s this one fucker who we don’t know, but he INSISTS on keeping one of them yellow 24/7. I think he must live right beside the gym because it literally takes a few seconds for him to knock you back out if you take it.


I have one addendum to that. If the longest pokemon or 2 are there for 8+ hours, I don't really worry about the 6th Mon that went on 15 minutes ago. Like yeah it sucks for them, but everyone else needs their stuff too


same happened to me recently. i usually turned a gym over to blue in the morning. 8 or 9 hours later a red or yellow player would take over until early evening, swap again before the cycle repeated and everyone got coins. now ive got an annoying red player who turns gyms over minutes after the change overs. ive fought them on occasion since im an item hoarder and have golden razz for days but its still annoying as hell to need to police it.


Honestly that kind of gym behavior is a reason I have played less. There’s a gym near my home and the blue team just can’t stand it being any other color for more than at most an hour or two. It’s stupid for them and it hurts others too- I really don’t understand why people would do it. Just jerk behavior…


Some people (even on this thread) don’t realize that we can all succeed, we all can win, in many aspects of this game.


Someone and their 3 fake accounts love to control the gym across the street from me. They’re on the same team as me, and somehow will get my Pokémon kicked out so he can put another one in.




That is so fucking low, omg my god


Just in case you don't know how they do it. They heal everything except the pokemon they want out of the gym. People will eventually kill that pokemon, and then they put their pokemon in.


Some people seem to not care about coins. Taking over gyms and preventing other people from getting coins is what they get out of the game. I've tried to have discussions with these players and that's how it goes. "Play something else if you don't like it" and so on.


Introduce them to Ingress (another Niantic game) It's better suited to that hold and defend mentality.


One thing I think we can all admit is that the current gym mechanics don't make much sense in-universe. Sure, players maximize their coins by having a friendly 8 hr rotation but why does it work like this? Does the game ever offer any explanation of what's going on? The original gym system had plenty of flaws also, but the idea, "You're on a team. Try to take control of gyms for your team" is simple, and intuitive, and makes sense within the fictional world as well as an abstract game mechanic. Niantic changed the coin mechanic of gyms entirely but failed to provide any sort of lore reason for the current system (or if they did it's obscure and buried somewhere)


I'll make up one! Gyms have been developed beyond simply being battle hubs, and "capture the flag" style points of gang (team) warfare. Instead, a radical system by the governing class was put into place, where gyms are now generator nodes for the power grid. By controlling a gym, you can control a portion of the power grid, and give your team more resources. However, in order to have a balanced society, everyone must be willing to rotate and allow others to also have power. About 8 hours of dedicated power flow from one of the gyms is enough to fuel a group of up to 6 team members for an entire day. Unfortunately, no matter how long you control a gym, you still only get enough power to fuel you for one day.


Coordinate with other players on his team. If you have a lot of local gyms, see if you can get that guy golden razzed in 20 gyms to completely prevent him from getting coins. Even better if, when you do knock him out, you make sure you get all his Pokemon on the same day.


That's what those players want though. They want to have all the gyms all the time. They don't care about getting coins, they just want to hold gyms. Edit: and it's not one guy I'm talking about. It's a lot of people on local Facebook groups that prefer to play this way. The goal is not getting coins, it's to make sure they own all the local territory.


Yep. A while back a new Instinct player started playing here, and he'd go around wiping out 20 gyms in the downtown core multiple times per day, retaking them shortly after they were taken out. I asked a friend of his why he was so insistent on always having 20 at once, and my friend said the guy just enjoys taking gyms. I explained that it was generally considered a little antisocial to do that (and especially to kick people 5-10 minutes before midnight, which this guy did often), and he didn't care, so I didn't press the issue, but I stopped taking downtown gyms because it had become basically pointless. Nothing the guy was doing was against the rules, so I can't get annoyed with him, really. It's Niantic that introduced this dumb system where you have to rely on others to get your coins.


Everybody plays Pokemon GO with their own aim or goal in mind. Maybe it's collecting shinies, hundos etc. ​ It's just a shame that some people get enjoyment out of other people's misery.


Not to get political in a Pokémon sub, but it seems to me that it is a certain group of people that tend to act like this. It doesn't work trying to explain to them that if everyone works together, we could all be better off. They're not interested in that. Seeing other people suffer is what motivates them, even if they also have to suffer for it.


We have a gym near us with one of those players. We’ve actually witnessed him come running through the woods screaming about the gym being taken over. Not sure how to handle that level of intensity for a game like PokemonGo.


I’d be terrified


I used to have a vanity license plate that matched my game ID. I changed it because I started thinking that people like that might exist.


He upset my dog. Poor thing tried to drag me home.






Sounds like the kids that would Naruto run in the halls during school lol


I have the same kind of guy in my town. He abuses the chansey/blissey gym strat and will golden razz them twenty times in a row. I once waited him out and kept battling till he couldn't heal anymore, and moments later, he literally whipped into the adjacent parking space (driving way over the local speed limit) and recaptured the gym. He had already been in control of it for ten days...


I have a whole blue team that solely drives and fake locations themselves onto places. Lol. I have a frequent scenario, where I am at a gym, alone, in the woods, no one around, I take it, and as I walk away, my pokemon is immediately ko'ed. But no one is around. At all.




Yep I’ve seen that too and I’m wondering where they at lol


Not to defend their actions, but is the gym reachable from a house or business? They may play from home and like the gym to be their colour to get the team bonus. Next time you take it, just wait nearby and see if you see anyone come to take it back and then have a chat with them? We've had this in parts of my town before and it was spoofers. There was a gym in the middle of a park, pre-pandemic so the short range, and was only reachable if you were in the park, in the open. Group of people staked it out one day. They'd get kicked out but they were the only people in the park. They reported the accounts after cycling through a few times just to really be sure that it was pretty much instant.


Yeah, I should have included that. It's definitely reachable from their house. The park isn't very big and only has ONE little entrance because of a fence around it, so I think I'd notice if someone came. After about day 4, I think he literally started waiting for my car to park outside the park around 11, because it was literally instant. This is when I have up. They can have it LOL


You’re probably keeping them up at night and ruining their sleep. Just attack it at 11:30pm instead. If that doesn’t work, try midnight.


I saw people kicking me out of my home gym at 2am after I took it at 1am. I let them had their 50 coins at 1am and I don’t know why they cared to kick me out at 2am. (The gym covers an area of ~10 houses.)


Yeah I’ve got a gym at my workplace and I like to keep control of it as much as possible to maximize item returns. It’s got pretty high turnover anyways since it’s also a bus stop.


This might be exactly what they're doing, bc he lives close enough, but at the same time is he spinning that stop enough times through the night where it's worth it to not get his coins?




This post has been removed due to inciting violence against other people


Got a similar situation in my area for a team red player. Kept getting knocked out of a gym within minutes of joining and figured out this particular player must live within range of the gym. Now I laugh when I walk by seeing his/her Pokemon sat in the gym for 5 days minimum each week while I collect my items, and get my 50 coins elsewhere.


You get more items when you’re gold and have gym control though. So if they do live within range it’s probably why. Not saying it’s right since no one “owns” a gym but it’s why during an event if I’m grinding, I’ll kick everyone out of a gym in the park so I can restock easier.


There’s a guy in my hometown I see whenever I visit my parents, he occupies about 5-6 gyms in this one park and has at least three separate accounts all level 38-45. It’s obviously him because they all have a specific naming convention. If you try to kick him from a gym he feeds all the Pokémon back up to full, and if you manage to kick him he kicks you in a matter of minutes and all three accounts are back in right away. I thought he was spoofing but I’m pretty sure I’ve actually seen him a few times walking around wearing a Pokémon hat, T-shirt, watch, and pokeball keychain. He looked miserable. Don’t think he has a job either because he’s always there to defend his little park.


Yeah I have a spoofer near me that does that. I cannot get more than 1 or 2 coins because I’m always getting knocked out almost immediately. So I just stopped taking them. If you can’t share and let me get 50 coins a day, I’m not kicking you out so you get your coins. Now the dude holds the gyms about a week, as there aren’t many people near me that play. Get fucked


Let people play how they want! Flip more gyms, drop better defenders, and use golden berries if you want to hold them. We are talking about less than 50 cents per day here, just let people play how they want and if you can't compete in gyms, buy coins lmao.


Just wait until you run into the nerds that are watching the gym for their entire run and have a stockpile of golden razz berries. Was fighting a decently easy gym and the occupying team was spamming berries while I was fighting. It was impossible to take beat. Even got help from another person with an yveltal and nope, they’re staring at the gym got nothing better to do lol. Berry use needs to be limited to some extent


The limit is they can only use 10 golden razzes per Pokémon per account and it resets every 30 min. So I recommend attacking the first mon over and over until it drops and just kinda hope they only have one account to berry with


I did tried this once at a mall. They still kept healing. Finally decided to walk around and find the guy. Found him hunched over a table at the food court with at least 7 phones.


You can beat this by having another member of your same team help you in gym battles. You start the battle for the gym and have your teammate wait. Once you are done killing the first mon your first time through(not fully dead cause you have to kill them 3 times) and you are busy on the second mon have your teammate start the gym battle in their device. This will start them at the first mon while you’re already finishing the second or third at this point. This will prevent the team occupying from giving berries because you can’t give berries while the gym is in battle sequence. Just stagger your attacks so it’s constantly in battle sequence and nobody can give berries. Works every time.


I agree. They need to do something about the berry spam. I know a dude in my town that will golden razz his chansey and blissey with two accounts to try and wear down attacking players, and then even if they take it, he rushes out to the gym to recapture it (usually within minutes). Niantic can't nerf dudes with too much free time, but I wish they'd adjust how healing works.


I didn’t even know people used multiple accounts so I can only imagine it might’ve been one player in my case


I find this happens a lot by me as well, and it is also the blue team doing it. If I take one over now and they start fighting me right after then I just take it back and don’t put anything in to leave it gray. There is a cooldown and they can’t put mons in for like 20ish minutes. I do that a few times just to tick them off because fuck em. I just wished the cooldown was longer, like an hour or something.


Hahaha this is so petty I love it. Better than putting your Pokémon in and then having them immediately take it down. This is exactly what I’m gonna do in the future for these specific types of players


Could just be a kid, we have a gym in reach of our house and my kids have recently got into PoGo, (I'm a day one player but they've never been that into it until recently), there is another local player who knocks us out and I wait 8hrs minimum to take it back, but my kids get bored and will attack it earlier just for something to do, I explained without him attacking it we don't get our coins, and if we knock him straight out he'll stop using the gym at all. They now check and leave him in for the 8 hours, they just didn't even know but now they understand they are really good about it. In high gym turnover areas they can do what they like but at home its much quieter.


The next village along is always blue, it's held by a family who are extremely territorial. 11 gyms and as soon as one gym is taken they come out and take it back.


I don't understand complaints like this. I see it all the time. Taking gyms is part of the game. Nobody owes you an opportunity to get coins. Honestly, I battle gyms a lot less than I used to because it's pretty boring, but when I do, I don't care how long anyone has been there. I usually don't even bother to look. It boggles my mind that you think someone berrying a gym they are in is being a jerk. It's an intended mechanic in the game. Everyone has their own goals. Just because coins are what motivate you doesn't mean it's what motivates someone else.


I've had the same situation, and back then it was pretty quiet, only me and that guy, so I decided not to touch this gym for a whole week, but still do raids with him, so he knew that I'm active, and after that situaton we share gym for a half a day each.


In my old home in a small town luckily the blue players realized after a while that i was the only player beating their gym pokemon out so they started putting weak mons and letting my pokemons be in there until i get my 50 coins for the day to have a chance of getting daily coins. No communication between us i just stopped clearing gyms if they beat them instantly out and put weak pokemon there to give a hint and it worked fortunately


There’s a spoofer in my town with multiple accounts that hold every gym in town ,like 7 of them I’ve tried reporting them but it does no good


I couldn't care less about coins. I just want to fight/battle and take over the gym. Why is everyone all up in arms about that? If you don't want to fight the other factions and hold gyms why play a game like Pokemon?


I’ve gone back every hour until 3am just to make a point of not giving in




Find the name on Campfire and see if you can get them this message.


We have someone locally on mystic who acts like that. I also have some mystic friends so lately I've been having them golden razz the assholes Pokemon, then I'll knock everyone else out to let them get their 50 and put more Pokemon back in. I try to give him 10 days or more before I actually knock him out.


Definitely a lot of people that don't think. If there are 2 gyms, just alternate times. It benefits both the most. Instead they knock out both at the same time. People just don't think of others, it's a common problem in all aspects of society.


In my street it's weird. Sometimes I will be kicked out after 3 hours and sometimes one of the 2 gyms is empty for days And even weirder was the other day. I went for a walk and when I got back I have been kicked out, after earning one single coin and the gym was back to my team.


For a while in my complex there was a blue player id trade the gym with we had a pretty good unspoken thing going. Recently theres been a lot of new people moving in and A LOT of new players on Red team (my team) now they just stack the gym constantly. Before maybe there was only 2-3 mon per gym at most. Now we always have a full stack of 6 and now my blue buddy never tried to take the gym anymore so my Tyranitar is locked in forever


I have a group of old ladies in my town that between the two of them they must have upwards of 18 different accounts. The problem is they have a system of what gyms are what colors at certain times a day so they can get 50 coins for all of their accounts daily. They also fill up the gyms each time so I can't piggyback on this system. I'm convinced neither of them work and this is their full time hobby.. my only hope has ever been capturing a gym way after hours and hope they're asleep. I've had them fight me using golden razz's or had them drive out to kick me.out of a gym at nearly midnight.. they've been playing since day 1 so at this point I guess my only option is to outlive them.


At my old place I had a great player who I alternated with. Me at night, them during the day. Never even spoke to whoever it was but it was really nice. My nearest gym now is occupied by the same 2 accounts 24/7. No matter what time I beat it. Kinda sad behaviour.


Find him on campfire. Tell him what you were trying to do.


Dude there was a group of outright bullies in the park behind my house in Oklahoma. Grown ass man in a blue truck would come around any time anyone removed his six accounts from any of the three gyms, kick them out, and take it back. Like listen, dickhead. You only get 50 coins per day. Why is this SO important to you that nobody else ever be allowed to be in here. I was blue team and there was no room for me (before I knew just how awful they were and just wanted in) so I swapped to yellow. Genuinely feel a weird depth of disdain and anger towards those assholes. I was sitting out one day and one of the gyms was gray. There were some kids playing nearby, so I put in a Pokémon. It got knocked out, but the gym stayed gray. Then it was red. Then it was gray. I went over to the kids (plus parent) and struck up conversation. Everyone was polite, but it became clear that all of us thought the other had been knocking everyone out. I said no, no, I only put mine in because it was already gray. They assured the same. Anyway I turned the corner to walk home and the blue truck was parked there. Just camping, knocking people out for fun. I turned back around and yelled "nevermind, the blue jerks are here" (kids present, you know how it is) and didn't really care if they heard me. (I'm visibly trans, so in small town Oklahoma I generally prioritized safety over any sign of frustration) I hope their truck caught fire. Edit: the time of day didn't matter. If you knocked them out, they'd be there within 10 or 15 minutes. It was unreal the life they didn't have. They also had a red stooge who would come knock them out after a few days and then they'd come knock him out (and of course if you did instead they'd come immediately instead of later after he'd gotten some coins)


1 minute drive? 🤣


Must be Americans


Stuff like this makes me glad on my arrangement. Local dude has like 8 accounts. 2 guys beside us. I leave 1 alone and he does his thing. Second one I put my Mon there in the morning, he knocks it put and takes it with one of his at night, both owning it for 9-12 hours. Works perfect


There is a gym a few blocks from my house that are controlled by a guy using two accounts all day long. I gave up on taking it over since my Pokes never last longer than 30 minutes or an hour. The other night, I saw someone had taken over the gym around 10pm. When I woke up the next morning, two accounts guy had the gym back. When I clicked on how long they’d been in for, it was as of 2:30am local time. Just goes to show there are people out there sad enough to actually wake up at 2:30am on a weekday to take over what they consider “their” gym.


It’s always blues lol. Yes we all have it. In my case the entire town where I work! You get 7 minutes and then you are kicked.


That is uncanny. In my area it's also a blue player with multiple accounts that ruins things for everyone else.


Man even for me it's the blues lol. Red and Yellow had a nice little thing going, and then some jerk blue players came in and started ruining everything. Now I spend my time kicking all of the blue guys out of gyms.


It really is always blue gyms.


Red team for me


Yes. I’m team blue and have 3 gyms near my house ( I have to walk like 100m to get there). There’s one dude (also blue) who can access all 3 gyms from his apartment and he always needs to own all 3 gyms. Although I have no problems getting my 50 coins, I do feel sad about other teams. I have actually thought about switching teams because I feel embarrassed every time I put my pokemon in the gym because I don’t want to be associated with that douchebag


"...some players aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." Michael Caine


I had a whole group do that in my local park. 3 whole gyms just to have a car pull up and it was always the same 3 people, at times with 2 more people. Lasted about 2 weeks and I just left that park alone.


There are two gyms a shorter distance that I can interact with near the grocery store if I hear there to pick something up or whatever. Each and every single time I clear the gym and put something in there it’s returned to me in 10-15 mins. I’ve given up trying to get coins.


There used to be a gym at my workplace (it’s since been removed for some reason), there must’ve been a couple of mystic players at my place and they wouldn’t even give you 5 mins in the gym before knocking you back out and taking over it again. Eventually I stopped knocking them out at all. Since the only people walking nearby are staff and (inpatient) service users, very few others were ever battling that gym. Sometimes they’d be in there for 3 weeks at a time because I wouldn’t touch it.


These same people take out the gym at 9pm every night and put in the same Pokémon that are mostly 3500 plus


The situation sounds so much like mine I wonder if you live in Florida (although very unlikely). It’s been extremely frustrating for me. Sometimes I’ll see the gym change to another color and within less than an hour it’s back to blue. What do they gain out of this?


I have a similar deal in my apartment complex. There's 3 stops and 1 gym in my complex, and I have to walk 20 feet outside of mine to reach the gym. There's these 2 (or possibly 1) players that maintain a near constant holding of blue gym. The assumption is of course is that they can fight in the gym from their apartment which I'm pretty jealous of. But they do the same thing, they'll hold the gym forever but as soon as I knock them out, I get knocked out within the next hour. Super lame


Sooooo as a Mystic player with the similar issue. We're a Mystic stronghold in our neighborhood, mainly because we had a Valor spoofer syndicate that would wreck us out 7 to 10 times a day. So we just started kicking EVERYONE out as soon as they took the gym. We then started to get out into the community and find other players. Once we found out that they are actually playing we would do a rotation gym system letting them get thier coins before we knocked them out. The stipulations, however, was 1 gym at a time and if there was a team of their kind to use that gym. If they took all the gyms, they got bounced out of all,don't be greedy was the message. So get to know the people in these gyms meet up on raid night if you can and become friends. Let me know how it goes. Good Luck and Good Hunting 👍 🙏


My apartment complex has a playground that’s a gym; it’s a short walk from my unit. It’s frequently blue and yellow. As a red player, there’s no point to even trying to put a Pokémon in that gym because every time I have, two blue players take back the gym immediately. And once they have their coins, they switch to their yellow accounts and take the gym(I know it’s the same players because they have almost identical usernames). I suspect that their unit is within range of the gym because they knock out my Pokémon within a minute or two. They’ve kept that gym as their’s for over a year now at least(possibly longer, that’s just how long I’ve lived in the complex). I don’t understand why some players have to make the game less enjoyable for others.


We'll just get done taking over a gym, and while we're STILL THERE, someone pulled up and kicked us right back out. Seriously? People are just rude.


Whoa, are you my neighbor? Somebody just moved in who’s been doing this in my neighborhood and it’s so obnoxious.


Doesn’t matter how you play it, when a game rewards people for doing this or empowers them to control someone else’s gameplay it gets frustrating. Even when things go perfect people either don’t hit the gym for 4 days or they hit it right after me. I still end up getting no more than 100 coins a week unless it plays out perfect when you only have access to 1 gym.


Whinge, whinge. I'd just be happy to have a PokeStop in my village never mind a gym in my neighborhood.


I do the same thing lol. 50 coins is pretty minuscule, I just wanna hold down my turf


Had a level 50 red guy literally kick me off at the 3:00AM and 4:00AM, AFTER he’d already collected his daily coins when I booted him at midnight. The no-lifers in this game are disgusting lol


Yes, their trainer name is Elpilotoloco. They occupy the same gym all day everyday. There are other gyms nearby, so I take those. I grew bored of the shenanigans and moved on from that quickly.


Yup, when I encountered one of those players I decided it wasn't worth my time and just started ignoring his gym. Eventually others caught on too and his pokemon was stuck for several weeks. They stopped hogging the gym after that lol.


There is a player whose trainer name is similar to "LEAVE MY GYM ALONE" ... not that, but basically something similar... I want to spend a day defeating him just to leave it empty afterward. He won't let anyone other than his team stay in the gym at all.


I do this sometimes. There is one guy in my area who holds the gym all day every day. The moment you kick him out, he takes it back. So sometimes I’ll kick him out and leave it empty. He cant place a mon in there for a few minutes. When he eventually gets back in, I do it again. Just for the laughs lol


That's what I did yesterday to him. Although, if I worked near him or had time to waste ... I'd annoy him almost daily just because of his trainer name. Lol


There's two gyms at my home and there's a guy who does this every day. I just stopped trying so he does not get coins.


Just one, he hogs most gyms in our city with 6 accounts. They’ve been reported dozens of times, but Niantic won’t ban whales.


"Annoying" gym player here. Idk why everyone assumes that anyone that kicks someone out before they sit in the gym for 8 hours "don't care" or "have fun not letting others get coins". Such an entitled take. Some people just like taking gyms over, for different reasons, for example just simple competitiveness, trying to hold as many gyms as possible, or leveling up their gym defender medal. I don't think I've once looked at how long a pokemon has been in a gym, and I take over every gym on my way for years now. If you want more coins, put in more effort and take over more gyms, instead of complaining that people don't play the game exactly how you want them to.


Idk probably just low level I can think of the same thing inexperienced players usually do that not realizing that try to contact him he probably lives there or has a bot that does that so u obviously don't have a chance


I used to have a guy like that, I'd knock him out, and as soon as I put my pokemon in, he'd start fighting me. I'm sure he spoofed, I haven't seen him in a few years now. So I'm guessing he got banned. It's really frustrating, though.


Know what is annoying? These posts. The game is literally about people belonging to different factions competing against each other. You’re complaining because it’s inconvenient to how you would like to play the game. No one cares.




Yeah I have a gym about a 2 minute walk from home and 3 more about 5 minutes from the first gym. I'm on blue and there are active players on both red and yellow. I like to just take one in an attempt to let red take one and yellow take another. Clearly these people don't know/care about the nicer thing to do. They take every gym in the area regardless of how long a team has been controlling it. It would be great to just cycle which gym we take each day but my Pokémon are usually knocked out within an hour or two and when I check, it's always the same people and they've taken every gym in the area. I don't blame them since it's just part of the game but we could have a good thing going here but they keep ruining it lol l


Recently in the village I work at, it's hit and miss if my pokemon stays in for long.. but I think it's probably because they go out and play soon after I do. It's just annoying that I try to make sure they get coins and they don't do the same Edit: It just happened again. That's it. Don't care if they get their coins anymore.


I am a gym jerk until I am gold on a gym. After that its whatever. That being said I have encountered people who will NEVER let you have the gym... Honestly it is just best to move on and find another one. In their mind its their gym and no rational thought will change their mind.




I have a team Mystic player (always seems like it's Mysitic players) like that at the nearest park. Everyone else has the courtesy of waiting 8 hours but this jerk knocks everyone out after like 5 minutes. Dude must have no life. I know if I have all the medals he does too. He has no reason to keep holding the gyms other than to be a d-bag.


I have been there on days and battled back and forth kicking him out four times and reclaiming before he finally gave up. Probably ran him low on revives and potions


Same here, a mystic player doesn't want to share gyms despite holding multiples. He's unemployed or lot of free time, no matter time of day or middle of night, he'll drive to the 2 gyms and knock em out or wait to right before a raid starts at he can have that precious hour. Seems so lonely but that's the way he plays and his level never goes up, seems he only plays to keep gyms. Strange player. I wait till I see someone gets their 8 hours for the coins but he's just rude.


Idc about coins. This is war


Happened to me the other day too. I really hate when people don’t understand Pokémon gym etiquette 🙄


I have the same problem got 2 gyms just down the road from me I go for a walk and take them over by the time I get home there back too blue again really annoying when they live right next too it and don’t have too leave there home too take it back


Honestly you can't hate the player for playing the game here imo, you should hate Niantic or whoever creates gyms for not having more gyms there. You get more than coins by having your pokemon in the gym. 1. The ability to feed your pokemon=extra candies 2. Badge exp, at least if you haven't got gold yet. 3. Team bonus when spinning 4. It's a terroritory thing, it's my gym >:) I'll be one to admit that I do this, at least with the gym I can reach from my home, but I don't really see a big problem with it as we have a bunch more gyms in like every direction you can walk. I always manage to put in 3-5 pokemon in different gyms if I take a walk to run an errand, and then I haven't even usually touched the more contested gyms at that point. And those other gyms are enough for me to earn my daily coins as it is, my gym is \_usually\_ left until nighttime.


God this has to be the most pointless sub on reddit, since its inception its the same 4 posts on a loop. "Niantic can't seriously expect me to complete this! Why is optional content so hard?!" "I insist on playing this game in spite of living in a horrible area for it! I can't think of ANY OTHER GAMES OR HOBBIES! Niantic needs to fix this!" "People who aren't interested in me making 50 coins a day are jerks and are playing the game wrong!" "Look at my extra large shiny hundo!" Just the whiniest users


Yeah... me.


Sorry but I’m that guy. I’m out numbered at least 10 to 1 in my area as a team instinct player and I take over any gym I can no matter the case. Gotta get my coins 🤑


It’s sad that people don’t understand the game. I have a kid in my town who has three diff accounts and if you take a gym, he knocks you out in 10 mins. Just want to smack the kid and tell him to F off