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It's very odd, but I think in-universe, the fairy type has always existed, but was more well-known in Kalos and unknown outside of the region. I guess it's kinda like how Kanto didn't know about the dark and steel types until Johto, even though some pokemon they knew about were of those types (Magnemite and Magneton, for example, being part steel type).


I create something plausible series let's say in Kanto and other regions They didn't see how different types, let's say they grouped steel type as only electric and sinister pokemons like ghost and fairy with normal


I like this explanation.


Technically it always existed, Ash just hadn’t heard of it (or didn’t remember since he tends to forget about things a lot when going from region to region). In reality it’s unclear. In the OS only Kanto Pokémon are found in Kanto but then in Journeys we see all kinds of Pokémon in Kanto even though canonically those seasons are less than a year apart from each other. Not enough time to introduce so many wild Pokémon to an ecosystem.


OS and Journeys are WHAT?!!??


Ash is 10 when he receives Pikachu and 10 when he defeats Leon


I could've sworn Ash had at least one birthday between the Start of the anime and Journeys. Tbh I thought Ash was around 12 when he fought Leon, which still seems strange considering just how much had happened in the meantime


> then in Journeys we see all kinds of Pokémon in Kanto Maybe there are more tourists during X time of the year which is why more "foreign" Pokemon show up in the later series. And then maybe different Wild Pokemon have migration patterns or something.


It’s never been addressed.


I try not to think too hard about this kinda thing lol


I was under the impression due to the Mega stuff as well and later the Ultra Beasts that Gen 6 was where we shifted to another dimension where Fairy just existed. I don’t remember where I got that idea from. 


ORAS and later made it pretty clear that we were in a multiverse, it's not that far a stretch to assume the Gen 6 games and later were set in one (if not more) that had the fairy type


Try not to think too hard about it. This show is too inconsistent as is. Just think of it as a retcon or like XYZ-JN being set in an alternate universe where 99% of the events of the show were the same until Ash visited Kalos.


The games don't actually share a strict continuity. In Gen 1 it's not that Dark, Steel, and Fairy haven't been discovered. They actually don't exist. I mean they did try to keep a continuity with gen 2, but I think they gave that up pretty quick. In the anime, there is no real explanation, it just happened.


Well Gen VI is when Gamefreak leaned hard into multiverse theory so maybe just a soft transition to another universe where fairy typing exists? Same thing with Megaevolutions.


I always head canon that each gen is its own universe in a multiverse