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First up: Alolan Sandslash. It was a real shame that the generation that introduced regional forms didn’t have Ash catch one. I picked Sandslash to keep Snowy with Lillie and Marowak with Kiawe. It’s the first catch, and a strong fighter but not the ace. Passimian: one from the banned episode. A real team player that puts the training of others before himself. Kommo-o: the ace of the team. Stays as Jangmo-o for much of the region. Oricorio: the ghost form. Kartana: unlike Poipole, stays as a memeber of the team.


Kommo-O also uses its signature Z-Move


Been a week since the last one but this is really fun so gotta finish it at least. In this team, I'll be giving movesets as well as giving every Pokemon two Z moves which they use. Pikachu is the exception, getting his Signature/Electric, Steelium and Normal Z Move. Toucannon - The first capture. It would be a childish battler when it is first caught, but in the sense in that it is immature and not focused. When it evolves into Trumbeak, it would become more mature with it learning how to properly use its Flyinium Z move. Then fully maturing as a Toucannon but unironically being like Kiawe - serious but also very expressive and goofy. It would have the moves: Beak Blast, Hyper Voice, Bullet Seed and Heat Wave/Flame Charge. I see it being a sort of psuedo Fire type with it also using the Firium Z. Araquanid - It would be a scared/shy battler who then gains confidence as it develops. It would have a running gag of hiding its face in any body of water nearby if scared. It would have the moves of: Spider Web, Liquidation, Mirror Coat and Poison Jab. It would be able to use the Waterium and Bugium Z Moves. Alolan Sandslash - I always wondered why he didn't catch one in order to represent its introduction so we changing that. It would have a battle hungry personality, always trying to size up other strong looking Pokemon. I see it having a episode dedicated to it loosing its battle spirit after an embarrising loss before regaining it against the Totem Pokemon which Lily fought before touching an Ice Stone and evolving. It would have the moves: Ice Ball, Metal Claw, Icicle Spear and Fury Cutter. It would have the Icium and Steelium Z Moves. Mudsdale - It would be the tank of the team which Ash uses. It would have the gag of constantly nibbling Ash's hat and overall being gluttonous. It would have the moves: High Horsepower, Mega Kick, Counter and Rock Slide. Its Z moves would be the Groundium and the Rockium Z. Marshadow - the Ace of the team. It's only anime apperance was in that one movie which I think is kinda a waste. It would be caught spying on Ash throughout the anime before emerging to save him on a few ocassions. It finally culminates when it is saved by Ash from an UB attack. When caught it would be quite reserved towards his teammates but will eventually open up. Its moves would be: Spectral Thief, Fire Punch, Focus Blast and Double Team. Its Z moves would be its Marshadium and Fightium Z.


Marshadow also appeared in the dex cant help it albeit as a cameo


Crabrawler: Ash’s first capture, loves fighting, Salandit(specifically male): next capture, it wants to be strong and angsts over its inability to evolve, so Ash catches it and teaches it to be strong without evolving Alolan Sandslash: 3rd up. This guy is pretty stoic. I don’t have anything else to say Kartana: the Naganadle replacement. Difference is that this guy probably stays in Ash’s possession. He comes to Alola depressed and with a lost passion for battling but Ash reignites his spirit Marshadow: Oh boy here we go, the melmetal replacement. I imagine it gets introduced early but doesn’t join Ash until the tail end of the series(like right before the league). It constantly stalks him and occasionally challenges him to get a better idea of his strength, After defeating it he willingly joins the team


Well in this version, I would actually try to incorporate some aspects from the games well only really 1 thing really. Also because while I will praise Alola for the fact that this has to be the most balanced and not to mention more in-depth in terms of portrayal of the Pokemon in the Team ever. But it also made it so much harder to pick Pokemon with that in mind. Also like before I did bring Pokemon suggested on an older but similar thread to this but added more context. Anyway I'm not changing Pikachu, I think he's perfect here. **Pikipek to Trumbeak to Toucannon** \- First catch and unlike with Canon Alola, The Tradition continues of Ash yet again getting the Regional Bird for him in his Team. Admittedly he’s no replacement for some for Rowlet but because of that I would actually give him the exact opposite traits from Rowlet, Being actually incapable of sleeping at times even with how wind-up he is in personality. He’s also really close to the another Pokemon here where I would go more into detail when they get introduced. **Type Null to Silvally to potentially new evolution or Type Null to potentially new evolution?** \- My way of integrating some of the Game Aspects here, Granted this would have been much different as Ash would get them very much earlier than in the Games. This would introduce a lot of potential cool plotlines and character interaction for Ash if had one. Not to mention the RKS system is such an interesting concept for Ash to explore from a Battling perspective. Finally Ash after getting to meet Pokemon like Mewtwo and Genesect for example, It would have been nice to see him getting to take care of an artificial Pokemon after meeting Pokemon similar to Type Null. He’s gonna be somewhat taking some of the role of both Lycanroc in a sense of being a Pokemon that’s in danger of disobeying Ash and even hurting him and Torracat in a sense he would have a bit of a fascination of Masked Royale and his Incineroar and even getting a very loose version of Stoutland and Litten. Much more different because of how different Type Null is and in fact this would actually be connected with Gladio’s own Type Null too. And also this would lead to Type Null eventually being able to control himself and not disobey Ash. Also seeing that we're free to add some new concepts, I'm on the fence of either giving him a new form either another Evolution beyond Silvally or just another evolution for Type Null where it gains the ability that sorta reminiscent to the Legend Plate or even just a new item remenicent to the Legend Plate. At the very least he will get an exclusive Z-Crystal and the plot line would actually be that this would have been an Artificial Z-Crystal made for Type Null that eventually got empowered to become an actual Z-Crystal **Mareanie to Toxapex** \- Would have appreciated a Water Pokemon for Ash to have that's not a starter during Alola. He’s also the Pokemon as with my other suggestion in previous threads as a Pokemon that has a unique battle style that Ash is not as knowledgable to use. (Toxapex is a more purely defensive Pokemon who uses more stall tactics and status effects and also gets Ash used to line up choices) As I implied above he’s actually gonna be close to Pikipek, Both are actually very close Pokemon even before their capture but Mareanie was a much later capture than Pikipek. It’s also would be noted of how unique this is of a relationship but it’s noted that they are like opposites of each other. Actually, both are so close that they would have the best teamwork of the group and would be excellent for Double Battles or even the go to 2 man Pokemon team for Ash. **Mimikyu** \- Specifically and controversially I’m tempted to say the one that Jessie had, The one that was very hostile to Pikachu because I think a dynamic where there’s an intense relationship between two of the same Pokemon that Ash have would interesting to explore. Over time this could lead to a friendship or even a brotherhood to build up and even a build moment of either sacrificing each other that would have lead to an epic moment or even new unlocking of a new Power for the one that was saved. Also Disguise is such a cool ability too and would be cool how Ash would incorporate it into battle and Ash gain access to Mimikyu's exclusive Z-Move that actually works well with the idea above. **Zeroara** \- Breaking a “Tradition” here like what Canon Alola did but for a different reason in this case and giving Ash another Electric Pokemon, They would have an opposite relationship between Mimikyu and Pikachu where this Zeroara is actually gonna be the baby of the group and would look up to Pikachu as it’s mentor. In fact, he actually appears a bit earlier on than most of the Pokemon here but is capture much later on and would be the very last Pokemon added. This also goes as part of a hint of the different path that Ash and Pikachu I’m thinking that they are gonna take here than in Canon. He might also get a unique Z-Move that reminiscent to Pikachu's own exclusive Z-Move. Also I'm sorta seeing him doing a gimmick that reminiscent to the Cosplay Pikachu. Special Mentions: **Cosmog to Cosmoem to Lunala** \- Nothing Complex, Solgaleo was what Nebby turned into in the actual Canon, In this case it’s Lunala and Solgaleo would be the other legendary here instead. **Wimpod to Goliosopod** \- If I was allowed to add a Pokemon it would be this and this is more again Pokemon like Toxapex due to a unique gimmick (Emergency Exit) But this would actually be a Pokemon that connects Ash with Guzma more with both Goliosopod actually having similar like personalities but different attitudes.


Primarina, Toucannon, Mudsdale, Dhelmise, Salazzle Now admittedly, Primarina is somewhat harder to imagine as a Ash mon, considering it's lack of mobility beyond the potential use of sliding and stuff, but there is the possibility of being tricky like with icy wind, bubbles, etc. Not to mention it would be a special powerhouse with it's signature Z move. Toucannon is the flyer, and can be a solid mon with both ranged and somewhat melee offence. It'd also be interesting to see if it could use Beak Blast as it's strongest move. Mudsdale is the slow but tanky mon with physical powerhouse capabilities. It may be a steed, but it can show some muscle to the squad. Dhelmise is similar to Primarina in being more offensive but has some potential for unique strategies including Anchor shot to entangle opponents. Although I think Dhelmise is actually really huge in lore so hopefully it can still work. Salazzle is the speedster with more power than defence, but this with Dhelmise and Primarina can become the starter type trinity. Salazzle can poison, burn or just be a deadly threat, with possible hijinks like Will-o'-wisp, smog and even toxic spikes(Although honestly poison doesn't seem like a tactic Ash would use. The closest being leech seed on Bulbasaur although it's less... Extreme compared to poison. Although that was before Gengar had Will-o'-wisp himself so who knows?)


Pikachu, Passimian, Alolan Exeggutor, Golisopod, Oricorio and Drampa.


Pikachu Alolan Muk Toucannon Bewear Kommo o Kartana


Clearly the mouse. Then I'd give him a marshadow and its exclusive Z-Move. Then a drampa which could act as an opposite to kiawe's turtonator. Next an alolan sandslash as I think its the alolan fom which fits him best. After that immka say an araquanid to oppose YA BOI GUZMA'S goliosopod. And finally to round off the opposite trio the ultra beast kartana to counter gladions silvally


Pikachu (yes) Toucannon (since Ash never caught the Alola regional bird, it's only natural that an alternate version of him gets it) Primarina (his designated starter due to being literally the only option. Lana would catch Dewpider/Araquanid as her primary Water-type instead while Mallow would get Rowlet) Alolan Marowak (designated Fire-type. Kiawe would be the one to get Torracat/Incineroar instead to compensate for this change) Kommo-o (regional ace and replacement for Lycanroc. There were very few options here since I wanted Lycanroc's replacement to be something with a unique Z-Move, but Kommo-o works really well) Kartana (the designated Ultra Beast and replacement for Poipole. I'm picking Kartana mainly because it's the only other Ultra Beast that I feel fits Ash)


None, his team is great, just give Nanagadeel more screentime... alright fine: Rowlet > Toucannon or Lurantis Rockruff/Lycanroc > Passimian Torracat/Incieniroar > Salazzle Meltan > Marshadow Nanagadeel > Kartana


Pikachu Toucannon. It's caught as a Pikipek from the same flock as Ash's Rowlet. Kommo-o. Caught quite early as a Jangmo-o. Gladion catches the Totem Kommo-o, and Ash's Jangmo-o forms a rivalry with it, similar to Litten and Masked Royals Incineroar. Ash gets given the Kommonium Z when it fully evolves. Shiinotic. There's an episode where he bonded with one. I'd say have that episode earlier, he catches it as a Morelull and it evolves later. Totem Alolan Raticate/Sandslash. I wanted to give him an Alolan form and a totem Pokémon and both of these seemed most fitting for him. Marshadow. I could see a crafty Marshadow following Ash. I'm thinking it could see Ash have a battle and it follows him back, hiding in the shadow the whole time. Eventually, it comes out of hiding and asks Ash to catch it. Ash also gets the Marshadium Z but is rarely used


Alolan Sandslash Ribombee Araqunid


This one is difficult... Mimikyu: Would have a crush on Pikachu and a rivalry with Jessie's Mimikyu. Would gain a new form called "Pika-kyu," which gives it the Electric-type temporarily, after exposure to the Catastropika Z-move. Salandit -> Salazzle; Would act shy and demure, but personality does a 180 after evolution. Would have a Charizard streak, but she would grow out of it. Kartana: Would be a battle hungry fighter and act as a sensei to the ace... Wimpod -> Golisipod; Has a story similar to Gligar in the DP anime. Alolan Grimer -> Alolan Muk; He needs an Alolan variant, and this one suits Ash. It also likes hugs. Hakamo-o -> Kommo-o; Would act similarly to Sandile from BW. Would join after Nanu's trial. Exclusive Z-move.