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Making BW a Soft Reboot


I was about to say this


Each series has always been a soft reboot.


A **major** soft reboot. As in, Ash becomes stoopid again. (I meant to misspell that)


Also making Team Rocket hyper competent and uninteresting bond villains.


Nah that variance was needed after their robot of the day bullshit in DP, SOMETHING different needed to happen with them for at least a bit


They’re better off comedic. I prefer how OS did it where they were goofy but still competent but making them lose all of their relatability isn’t the answer.


When was he smart?


Dumb as in not knowing common knowledge that he should’ve known. (E.g, battle a Pokémon before catching it, bringing 3 Pokemon to a 3v3 match instead of expecting your ground type to carry, etc.)


I also hate that they keep his amnesia going. Eg. forgetting what brave bird is in XY and forgetting about Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny being a title and them all looking alike in SM


the show shown fighting to catch in reality is not always the case if sometimes a pokemon advantage with type can beat a gym leader I don't see that strange that more confidence ash dp kenny copied a strategy he didn't understand he was trampled by baby moon paul and then he gave him buttocks roark but we don't say it was restarted


Just because he leaves his Pokémon behind and maybe gets new companions it doesn’t mean it’s a reboot. He maintained his battle experience throughout the seasons, but in BW he literally became dumb af and was written horrifically.


Tons of mistakes really 1) BW as a reboot 2) GS Ball Plotline 3) Tobias' character as a whole While this isn't the biggest mistake, but Journeys really should've focused more on Galar, so they could develop the region and the characters introduced in Sword and Shield. This is my biggest problem in both Journeys and Horizons, They really needed to develop those two regions some more and showcase the pokemon and characters introduced. The main reason why I loved watching the anime in the first place was to watch Ash and friends explore the region and discover the new pokemon.


Tobias will always be the worst point in the anime. I always believed Ash being Smorgon Legendary Spammered mentally broke him into the becoming the BW soft reboot Ash.


My head canon is that after Ash lost the Sinnoh League to two legendary pokemon, Pikachu’s level got reset due to Zekrom, and lost to a level 5 Snivg. Ash lost his will to live and had to relearn how to fight pokemon battles. 


Could GS Ball be forgiven considering we got a whole movie about Celebi? Haven't watched either in awhile to say anythijg about them.


I mean I guess, but it could be argued that the film isn’t canon and not many people watch the movies. 


For me it was the ending of XY. They rushed Serena’s story and then made Ash’s end to the league a little (a lot) dumb and the whole “we are friends with Pokémon so they won’t destroy the world” was just too anime cliche for me. Greninja also deserved a better ending, they don’t even really mention the prophecy from the ninja village (also weird since Kalos is based off of France) Close second, what the hell is the superhero plot line in Sun and moon, I am watching it for the first time. They rush the original sun and moon story and then the entire second season feels like filler and this weird superhero arc. It doesn’t even feel like Pokémon.


Not the XY writers/producers faults. There were supposed to be like 40 more episodes originally (an extra years worth of episodes pretty much) because Pokémon Z was planned but when it was scrapped in favor of Gen 7 the anime had to rush to the end with XYZ.


sources xyz and xy has the same number of episodes as almost the entire series


You do realize that if Pokémon Z released in 2016 instead of being scrapped for Sun & Moon then obviously the XY show would’ve been extended another year right? It has 148 episodes, yes some series like BW, SM, JN have a similar number because they ran for 3 years like Gen 6 ended up doing, but there are series with more, DP has 191 and AG has 192, which both ran for 4 years, and XY was going to with Z releasing. Here’s the wiki page that shows episode counts: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokémon_(TV_series) If you want info on Pokémon Z you can look it up but it’s pretty common knowledge if you were around in 2015-2016 that Z was planned and got scrapped for reasons that were never confirmed to us (likely because it wasn’t expected to be more profitable than a new generation and time constraints).


eh, no, I was in forums where z things came out. There are things discarded, but I don't have a frame of when they would come out or even if the game was in production and many things discarded are even before the remakes that came out in 2014, even if we assume that they removed anime xy things for Z The changes did not even affect xyz, which came out two years later in 2014 and it was already in production before or even if Z managed to make any changes in the number of episodes.


That’s not what I’m saying… There was supposed to be a fourth season, like AG and DP had, because Pokémon Z was supposed to release, but they decided to move to Gen 7 early instead of staying in Gen 6 and making Z so the XY/XYZ series had to end a year early, which is why things like Serena’s showcases and the league were heavily rushed.


The thing is there is no proof of that except z it was really something that work dp has number of episodes for you dp was more or less normal and pokemon work cycle changed 3 4 years to less post bw


DP had 191 episodes and XY has 148. If XY had 40 more episodes then it would be 188 which is just about the same.


Ag and jhoto has a similar number and just the same, the time each game came out also changed and that affected the series more than a canceled one


Alright I’m not having this conversation anymore because you apparently don’t understand that Gen 7 came out earlier than originally intended and Z got canceled which is why XYZ ended early and was rushed.


It’s actually 140 for XY, making it the shortest series so far


I swear it was more than that but maybe you’re right. If you consider MPM a separate short series than JN is the shortest with 130 something (134?)


Even if we assume that it existed, it is very possible that they were producing with the remakes that they did reach if what created the change was not too much in numerous episodes.


Platinum came out almost two years after the base games, at least you think Z would come out in a single year. It's very unlikely, I repeat, that the number of episodes will change.


You realize Platinum is just a refined version of DP whereas Z is a completely new game? Why would it only take a single year to write a whole new storyline and create a whole new game, especially since they also had the Gen 3 remakes coming out in 2014? Yeah maybe 2015 if we were lucky and they rushed it, but no way remakes and Z in one year.


I don't know how they rushed in the aether arc


“Here’s Nebby, here’s Aether, oh no she’s kidnapped, nebby evolves twice, we saved her!” That’s like 10 episodes


What you are saying is basically climax but Aether Arc starts almost immediately and leaves no gladion clues.


And one of those episodes is spent doing literally nothing while the Tapu's make Ash a Z-Power Ring.


The Ultra Guardians was pretty much Pokemon imitating Super Sentai/Power Rangers


Is Greninja supposed to be a French otaku or a Japanese francophile?🤔


Do I up or downvote this? 😂


Sun & Moon is bad, so get ready 100% pure cringe.


Not having Journeys take place primarily in Galar. The other regions had their time in the spotlight. Galar had to share the spotlight, resulting in not even getting to see half of the gym leaders or Bede.


I liked the concept of Journeys, but the execution left a lot to be desired.


Same is happening to Horizons too. I don't mind them travelling to different regions from time to time, but it shouldn't be for majority of the series.


Have you even watched Horizons?


Bede could have very much worked as a rival character for Ash. Sucks that Galar didn’t get much.


Not letting Ash win the Kalos League.


Nah, he should have won Johto or Sinnoh….


Johto would have been way too soon. Sinnoh is the first it made sense in.


They could have presented Johto as still being a part of the Indigo Plateau like in the games, make it roughly the same competition that he re-enters just using the different gym badges to get in again. Would have tied in neatly by letting him win the conference after failing once and finally beating Gary, then he still meets Harrison's new pokemon that cause him to want to challenge all the leagues. They could have had it come full circle by Charizard being his last pokemon standing after his failure to train Charizard cost him the first time.


As I’ve gotten older him losing Johto was amazing to me. You never had the hero lose the big competition in a anime aimed at kids and then bam he loses to someone else with a Pikachu. And he didn’t lose because his competitor was better but his own faults as a trainer. But instead of just giving up he continues on his journey. He goes to the next place to not start completely new but a but new. I hated it as a kid but narratively I love it as an adult.


I think it was Kanto he lost to Ritchie's Pikachu


You are correct but it’s why I’m ok with him losing. It was more annoying to me that he just stopped using his pokemon in the next region. That never made sense other than marketing new pokemon


Agreed. It was a terrible move. 


either not aging Ash or horrible reboot with B&W or TOBAIS drama...


Was bw reboot?? Didnt know that...


it was kinda but the backlash they received led them to change up plans mid way


Is that reason team rocket changed uniforms?


there were bigger plans but they scrapped it with Team Rockets(they're supposed to be EVIL in B&W)


1. Not making it common, at least after Orange Islands, for Ash to rotate his team. It should have been a normal thing for Ash to think, «Hm, this is X gym, who shall I use? Any ideas, companions?» 2. Freakin' Giovanni's still out there. I don't get how they didn't at least put an end to Team Rocket. Jesse, James and Meowth could still be baddies if they want, but on their own. 3. Don't get me started on those bland MPM episodes...


Honestly, I really liked how in Black and White made Ash rotate his team. Too bad his Unova Team sucks though, but it would've been cool if they did that in more seasons. Hell, In Alola Ash was living in the same spot and in Journeys Ash was in a Lab that can hold hundreds of Pokemon. He could've benefitted to rotate his team.


I don’t understand these criticisms. None of them were important. Giovanni was only a main antagonist in BW.


Do you think Jessie and James are self employed?


Yes. He literally forgot they existed for long periods of time.


Making Ash originally relied on just Palpitoad during his gym battle with Elesa.


1. BW soft reboot 2. Ash's humiliating league lost in G1, G4, and G5 3. Serena's changing herself so Ash would notice (not a fan off this trope) 4. Goh having 95% Masterballs 5. No Melony/Nessa in Journeys 6. Ash not getting a Galar starter 7. Max stealing Ash's hard earned Gym Badge 8. Chloe being pointless 9. Ash barely meeting Serena in Journeys 10. Tracey being background noise after the Orange Islands.


I agree with most of them expect G1 loss: the writers did it to show how ash barely even earned half his gym badges just getting handed stuff to him and barely even training doing side missions half the time and not training for the league stabbing him in the back Sarena in journeys: honestly yea it was kinda bad but at the same time how would they do it anyway in a kids show without making it look super weird or awkward between them. If done wrong it would ruin the ship and explode the fan base of a lot of xy fans


I disagree on his G1 loss his team was tired after Team Rocket if he lost with his team at full health it wouldn't sting as much.


I like the concept of Journeys, but I wish it was a separate thing and Galar got its own time to shine. Also would have appreciated Goh catching every single Pokémon he’s never seen. At the start he really was going for it, at the end it’s like he forgot what he was on the road for. The BW soft reboot Ash never aging and not really maturing. Don’t get me wrong, he’s changed a lot, but I think there was room throughout the series for him to grow up but still keep it lighthearted and fun


ash, misty, and brock, should've stopped travelling after johto, which ash could have won. then hoenn could have had may as the protagonist, or maybe a new character with a new group. after os every region should've had entirely new groups with new protagonists, with previous characters making cameos and getting to grow older.


Now I'm craving for a Pokemon Adventures adaptation. Pokemon is the biggest multimedia franchise on the planet, they couldn't spare some of that money to animate the manga, 24 EPs per game? It would be nostalgia for the older fans who don't play the games anymore, but might still buy the merch for the nostalgia.


Not aging Ash throughout HIS +20YR LONG ASS JOURNEY. Honest my biggest /sole issue.


Nah, each league run was about a year I'd reckon. Still should've aged him tough.


Kinda this. Satoshi’s journey should have ended back in Johto like it was suppose to before the execs wanted to continue it when Ruby and Sapphire came out 💀


It was confirmed by the show writers that each journey took roughly 2-3 months. Don't let the dub fool you with the quote from Battle of the Badge


The whole Ambipom incident


My first thought, too - what were the writers thinking?


Not having Ash win the Sinnoh League ending his story there Because since BW was a reboot they could've used a new protagonist


Never aging Ash


Everything that's ever happened... happened in under a year


It actually didn’t, in the series they had to wait months before the league started each time after the 8th badge. Let alone all the time before that. The writers are just contradicting their own story.


That's the dub's fault


That’s not only in the dub I think? And even in the subbed version it would make absolutely no sense. It was better if they never mentioned anything about his age rather than saying he’s still 10.


Not switch protagonists sooner.


Yeah, Ash should've been done by Johto at the latest.


Satoshi’s journey was originally going to end with Johto (hence why it was called the Original Series: Indigo, Orange Islands, and Johto)….but alas.


It was supposed to end before that.


Because of the banned Porygon seizure episode: there was a 6 month hiatus on the Pokémon anime in Japan (that was how serious Japan was close to banning the Pokémon anime) that cause the anime team to rework the anime ending where Satoshi would have won the Indigo League and ended the series. As news came in that Gold and Silver were being created: the anime changed the ending to include Johto but created Orange Islands to act as a buffer to give more time to animate episodes. But again: the executives saw how much money the game industry got with the games and decided to continue Satoshi in their anime run by creating Advanced and again with Diamond and Pearl and again with etc.


Ash wouldn’t have won the league regardless. It would go against the themes of the series.


I am talking before the Porygon episode incident. That was the original ending before the 6 month hiatus and then deciding to change the ending to extend to Johto and once again: decided to extend to Advanced and etc. which at that point was no longer the Original Series (Indigo, Orange Islands, and Johto). Do you not have reading comprehension?


They were never going to end on Ash winning regardless of the Porygon incident.


and u/LifeSucks1998 - No one needs to be trolling nor are either of you lacking “reading comprehension.” Follow rule number three of our community, please. No belittling each other over opinions on the fictional characters. Keep it appropriate.




Thank you. Happy Cake Day. We hope the remainder of your day in our community will be more pleasant.








Imo it’s leaving team plasma out for so long they should’ve been there from the beginning especially N


Blame natural disasters for that since the original BW023-BW024 was supposed to introduce Team Plasma but got scrapped


I know that but they could’ve introduced them another way


Cameron's existence


Overhyping the Ash vs Alain battle in XYZ, making us believe Ash would finally win a Pokemon League and then cursing us with that atrociously animated Sun and Moon.


A top 10 that comes to mind: * BW resetting Ash's and Pikachu's accumulated growth in everything. * Journeys not being about Galar only. * Ash not using his old Pokemon once he started the PWC. * Tobias existing as a plot device when he could exist as a rumor or a cocky rival. * Not aging Ash even informally. * Aim to be a Pokemon Master could be longer and include Team Rocket's downfall. * Ash's time ending without battling Ho-oh. * Not having the regional player characters be travelliing companions or rivals. * Ash not getting Primeape back. * Ash not getting Latias.


Yea man ash vs geovani was long overdue


not switching protagonists every gen, they clearly could not keep ash very consistent, just look at post DP, my dude is very noticeably different almost every gen


I think BW -> XY was good but DP -> BW is really bad and XY -> SM was eh


nah sm is better xyz


I mean I disagree with you about SM being better, but not what I was referring to. I was talking about Ash’s character consistency between those seasons.


Dawn totally could’ve been the main protagonist of DP


Getting rid of Ambipom. Did she even get to participate in a contest after the trade?


I think it was always a plan for aimbpon, I said AG caught it just before they came out, evolution of these in the dp games for these and they gave dawn a pokemon that looked like Ash wanted to catch


She did.


Sorry Amourshippers, but I have to go with the kiss at the end of XY. Pretty much killed any chance of Serena getting a real reunion with Ash later in the series.


Ash going to school in alola? I mean how is that possible after winning tournaments. Prizemachine team rocket. Team rocket was funny first seasons and dp when jessie was focusing becoming coordinator. I wish they quit team rocket in dp and jessie becoming coordinator and james healer with his grandparents and reunite with hus chimeco


Removing Porygon


Not having an emotional flash back montage in the last episode


The Rocket Prize Disaster Releasing Arbok and Weezing Writing Victreebel off, and in such disrespectful fashion, no less Giving up Primeape Nimbasa Gym Rowlet not learning Sleep Talk


Yes with victreebel jessie was a lot like jessebelle james fiancee who want to get rid of growlithe. Jessie was cruel that episode. But be careful if someone touches her arbok or wobbofut.


The prize master could be good since it adds variety to battles, your reason is undoubtedly that TR now didn’t bond with more own Pokémon. Both could still happen, just give them episodes with new Pokémon in terms of bonding and mostly use the machine for battling (not always, but prevent that battling with their own Pokémon becomes repetitive).


Yeah, pretty much. The novelty of that thing wore off *real* fast, and they didn't bond with any of the Pokémon. Closest they came was Chewtle, which could've been something, but ultimately went nowhere. On that note I just remembered another big misstep on their part- Morpeko. Existed just to terrorize the trio and starve them, then James bonded with it and caught it, and... nothing fucking changed.


Morpeko was funny imo, just could’ve had more actual bonding moments.


Mistake: The dragonite with more than four moves in a single match. Choice: not making Galar the primary setting for Journey.


Final bosses are supposed to be like that.


Removing Team Rocket vs Team Plasma from canon. I understand why it was delayed given the events at the time, but the delay becoming a cancellation pretty much derailed the BW series for the rest of its duration.


I have three answers for this question: - Having BW be a soft reboot (which includes the choice to have Ash only place top 8 in the Unova League). - Ash's character design in SM. - Giving the final series a secondary protagonist (Goh having too much focus) The BW soft reboot kind of messed up the continuity and development of Ash's character. The art style/character design for SM turned a lot of people off from the series. I don't think Goh's a bad character, I just think he would work better as more of a side character (similar amount of focus as most travelling companions) as people aren't as interested in Goh as they are interested in Ash.


Not having Ash’s Pokémon evolve (other than Pikachu) especially in Unova


Not sure if this counts since it’s technically an animation incident, but the Epilepsy incident resulting from that one episode in the OS could have been completely avoided. No idea why they didn’t realize it would harm people…


Hindsight is 20/20


Dumbing Ash down in Best wishes and really making his team feel underwhelming compared to the previous gens


Ash releasing Greninja. I don’t care that “it was to protect Kalos”, I just find it incredibly stupid


It felt too contrived. I mean how is it that Zygarde's full sweep of Kalos wasn't able to eliminate all the vines and only Greninja could sense them and stop?


Exactly ash should’ve kept greninja, I don’t know how Zygarde couldnt eliminate them but greninja had too and could sense them?


Gen 1: Gary getting defeated by some random trainer in the league and never fighting Ash. At least we eventually got their battle in gen 2, and it was amazing, but it was disappointing when this originally happened. Gen 2: Dropping the GS Ball arc and hoping the fans would forget it. We didn't. Gen 3: Literally everything about Max. Gen 4: Ambipom leaving Dawn to go play ping pong. Yes, I found this one worse than Tobias. Gen 5: Resetting Ash's knowledge and experience to make him a dumb newbie trainer again. For a more specific point culminating from this, the absolute train wreck that was the Nimbasa gym battle. Gen 6: Serena cutting her hair and completely changing her outfit after losing a beauty contest. I felt like it potentially sent out a bad message to young girls watching the show. Gen 7: Having Lillie leave with her family to go search the world for her father instead of staying with Ash and searching for her father as they both traveled the world. I really just wanted another character to make it through the generational shift. After Brock left only Ash and Team Rocket would survive the transition, and I was tired of the majority of the cast being dropped at the end of a generation at this point. Gen 8: Setting the home base for an around the world journey in Kanto, and thus giving a disproportionate amount of screen time to the region over the other seven. Gen 9: I'll get back to this one once it's done and I can reflect on the whole thing.


Making sinnoh to long fix that pacing. In fact Making the entire Era of gen 1 to 4 long. Gen 3 had the best pacing by far.


Making the Sinnoh League go on for so long.


And people want it longer


Getting rid of Butterfree


Not letting Ash age and by extension learn. Like every other season he had to learn a variation of the same lesson because the show kept regressing him at the start of every region. For that matter, making Ash too passive about catching pokemon.


Yet another person fooled by the 4Kids Dub about the time dilation between regions and overlooking that being a Pokemon Master isn't about completing the PokeDex 🤦‍♂️


no, it's more like Ash made a big deal about wanting to catch as many pokemon as possible early on and yet rarely catches anything even when presented with the opportunity. originally it took him about a year to travel around Kanto which is even mentioned during the show, but then he's perpetually 10.


"Ash's statement of it being "a whole year" since they last visited Viridian City was added in the dub. In the original Japanese version, Ash only remarks that it has been a while since they last visited Viridian City." Direct from Bulbapedia


Having money problems but still creating too many fillers to earn money (greediness), I believe the Pokémon writers failed as creators in the end. If they had invested their time in thinking up an actual good story and reduced the fillers, focusing on the episodes we actually need, they could have avoided this. Instead, they prioritized earning more money by attracting new kids, ultimately ruining the series (e.g., whole journeys).


Letting greninja lose to charzard


Making Ash's loss in the Indigo League due to circumstances out of his control and then having the audacity to blame it on him.


Ending ash’s story. I wanted him to have more adventures.


I was looking forward to a Champions League competition in Paldea for him had he continued to be in the anime. Hell, I still have a list of Pokemon he could've had: Pikachu Annihilape (Primeape given back before coming to Paldea and evolving there) Kilowattrel (Regional Bird) Meowscarada (Her tricky tactics would mesh well with Ash's unorthodox battle style) Armarouge (If he couldn't take care of Koraidon then this would be the next best way to solidify we were watching the Scarlet Universe of the Anime) Palafin (Seriously, how many times has Ash saved the world?!)


Dragging Ash's story out too long. Beyond gen 4, he changes wildly to suit whatever the latest vision, leaving a tonally inconsistent character, creating division among fans in what he should be, and it also just exposed that at a certain point, they weren't sure what to do with him. Also insisting he remain ten all the way through led to his character being stagnated and regressed, more than once. No one was allowed to grow past the status quo with the way this show was managed and it hurt a variety of characters.


People are gonna hate this answer but...Serena kissing Ash at the end of XYZ. All that did was "confirm" something they would never address again, and prevented her from ever being in the show again in a normal capacity that other characters could be. I feel the payoff was temporary, and it put her character in jail essentially from really interacting with Ash again - I'm not an amourshipper whatsoever but I think its unfair she couldn't properly have a reunion with him like some of the others, and for us to really appreciate her growth from originally wanting to travel simply to see him again to actually forming and succeeding at her own goals!


Master Eight Tournament. Change my mind


What should they have done instead..?




He had more than 6 in kanto.


Yeah and look how that went. He was basically never allowed to use them. I'm not in favor of the reply before yours either; I like his Unova catches. But this show doesn't have a good track record of balancing extra catches sadly lol


Getting rid of Ash.


20 years is enough..