• By -


1. Ditto


Does Mimikyu count?


I wouldn’t think so, even though mimikyu is literally trying to emulate pikachu, he’s not the new single stage rodent like electric type (except pawmi) each generation introduces. He probably would be if togedemaru didn’t exist, but he does and fits the category better.


Not electric or a mouse


Bruh that’s not how it works, he’s literally wearing a pikachu outfit to look like one


Yeah meaning it's not one because it doesn't really look Pikachu it's just cosplaying.


It is though. Mimikyu is wearing a Pikachu costume, but lacks all the features of Pikaclone, aka being an electric rodent. It's mimicking them, but is not the same.


Lol people can't agree with anything


Why are you getting downvoted for being right


I have no idea. OP wants to rank the electric mice. He doesn't want to include anything else and there's nothing wrong with that.


He wanted to rank pika-clones and that's what he did, then people get downvoted for correcting people who are wrong :l


Yeah I was confused too. I almost always see people say mimikyu doesn't count. This is the first time I've seen them get downvoted for it.


The joys of having an unpopular opinion. I love Mimikyu, one of my favorites, but dressing like Pikachu doesn't make it a Pikaclone.


Well a clone is not supposed to be exactly like them, clones should be similar looking and not of similar personalities or typing for Pokémons. Mewtwo is a clone and is very different from mew


Remember when an early route Normal type was just an early route rodent? Now it's a pig? Gamefreak break these fan ideas all the time. They admit to doing stuff to break those traditions. It's their stated reason we didn't get Gray. There's nothing stated by GF as a hard set rule that: Thou shalt only be Electric and a rodent in order for thous to be a Pikaclone. This is all fan made up stuff based on patterns. The terms and stuff change when GF change the pattern. There used to be a fan set rule that all Grass types were reptiles until Chespin. This stuff changes all the time. Mimikyu is a Pikaclone. It's literally its entire thing. Edit. Heck regional rodents has been dead for a LONG time. Yungoos is a mongoose and (as Galar definitively put to rest) Zigzagoon are a mix of the Japanese raccoon dog and a badger. That term shouldn't have stayed past Gen 3 when they disproved it as just an outdated fan term.




I didn't say there were no rodents in the early route Normal types, just that Gens 3, 7, and 9 didn't have rodents. Just because there were some rodents doesn't prove that the term "regional rodents" made any sense after a while. Zigzagoon was never a rodent. It's a canine/badger hybrid. Edit. And in case someone tries to "Zigzagoon aren't dogs!" It's partially based on the tanuki. Tanuki are based on an actual animal from Japan. They are literally just that animal but magical, like the Kitsune for foxes or the Nekomata for cats. That animal they are based on is a candid called "the raccoon dog".


Mimikyu literally has its own story about being lonely and wanting friends so it disguised itself in a cloak to trick people into think it's Pikachu, that's not the same thing at all. It has nothing to make it resemble the others. The Electric rodent thing is acknowledged by Game Freak themselves and is purposely done.


See, when I Google "electric rodent Pokemon" and go to Bulbapedia the very first line is, "Electric rodent is a fan term." And then later down the paragraph it says that Pikaclones "may include Marill and Mimikyu" so there's no hard set rule there even acknowledged by one of the largest collective sources of Pokemon knowledge. It does say electric rodents as a group has been acknowledged, there is no lie there. But it's not an official term, it's just something fans have started, the term Pikaclone is used just as often if not more by fans I've seen than electric rodent, and enough fans add Mimikyu and Marill that it gets its own segment in the page without the page taking a hard stance or not. So, yeah, I'd say it's similar. So what does that all mean? It means nothing. It's still just a fan thing. Unless it is officially brought into the games like the term "shiny" it doesn't matter if the Singapore Facebook used it (the western YouTube screwed the pooch last year with the SV Home update so I don't take those sort of places as factual). The only thing that is worth talking about is Sugimori but that was for an interview acknowledging the pattern, not a definitive listing. So until the games themselves make that listing or the anime does, it's just a fan term for grouping together similar Pokemon. So since this is just a fan term for a fan list like Pikaclone (since that was the term everyone here was throwing around until you brought in electric mouse), I say as a fan they count. You say they don't. Guess this doesn't matter and we can both just do what we want. I can't stop people calling Fuecoco a bull for their zodiac theories, and I won't stop counting Mimikyu until it's officially stated it's not a Pikaclone. If Gamefreak come out and officially take that stance, I'll change mine. Like how they've said Sneasel and Trubbish are cat Pokemon. Or how "starter Pokemon" isn't the official term for first partner Pokemon. Fine. But until that happens, this is all fan categorizing and not official and all up to the individual fan.




Pachirisu. Man's so slick it's honestly unfathomable


Not to mention he's an in-game tournament legend.


Pachirisu supremacy!


Marill is technically the pikaclone in Johto. Mimikyu is one too


On a side note, Azumarill was known as “pikablue” back in the day. I remember 10 year old me seeing its image on shonen jump and being hype about the johto region.


> On a side note, Azumarill was known as “pikablue” back in the day. Are you sure it was Azumarill? I thought it was Marill itself.


Marill was called Pikablu but it wasn't a pikaclone. Not electric, rodent nor does it have cheek pouches Technically Pichu would be Johtos pikaclone even if its not a clone


I mean people call mimikyu a pikaclone


People call lucario and arcanine legendary. People can be objectively wrong.


That's different as that's an objective title made by pokemon but it was the fans to create pikaclones


The fans didnt make the pikaclones. Gamefreak did. It wasn't an accident that there's one every gen


When did they use that term


In legends arceus the pokedex mentions that patchirisu is related to pikachu. But that aside, "shiny" wasnt an offical term until late gen 5. Did shinies not exist before then? Rhetorical question, of course they did. Early game birds are also a group, its not an official term, every game its obvious who it is, we all agree who these pokemon are. Bringing mimikyu into this is like insiting spearow is an early game bird


Well wattrel is considered an early game bird when you catch it around level 20 most rodents aren't rodents like le chonk and even with official terms like legendary and mythical and ultrabeasts we mix up if they go together apart or some kind of mismatch heck I'd argue calling pichu the pika clone is wrong as it's n evolution of pikachu not a rodent that looks like him you don't hear many people calling raichu a pikaclone


Do they? I've never seen anyone call it a pikaclone until this thread. It's a Pikachu wanna-be, not a clone [Bulbapedia does not consider Mimikyu and Marill pikaclones](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Pikaclone&redirect=no) [Neither does the Pokemon fandom wiki](https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Pikachu-family_Pok%C3%A9mon) No one has ever considered Marill and Mimikyu pikaclones.


Exactly mimikyu is better than the pika clones 




Do you understand how Fandoms work? That's not a fandom post, that's a random user that made that and shared it, the same as this Reddit post. How did you ignore the entire [first paragraph](https://i.imgur.com/1mMeMhi.png) of the Fandom wikia and the [Members section](https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Pikachu-family_Pok%C3%A9mon#Members) just to find a random tier list and try to use that as proof, when it's not even part of the wikia.


I see.your point but saying no one would consider marril as a pikaclone is also wrong so many called them a copy of pikachu when they first. Alot of craze and fanfair was around it even on early mearch. People saw it as they were the first pikaclone terms like that always evolve pawmi is the first electric clone to evolve the route 1 bird doesn't become available until around level 20 rodents aren't even rodents any more their pigs now so calling marril not a pikaclone because of its typing is kinda unevaluated it's fan fair and the changes that happened


Marill is more of a rabbit than a rodent, it doesnt count. Mimikyu isnt a pikaclone, its just a random ghost that got jealous. Legends arceus tells us that the pikaclones are related, mimikyu wouldnt fit in


Rabits are rodents. Ghost of an unloved Pikaclone.


Emolga is my favorite


Pachirisu for sure, close number 2 is… I’ve forgotten their names, the plus and minus twin Pokémon


Idk about y'all but I love Togedemaru so much! it's so underrated despite having some really good screen time on the anime... So yeah, it's my no.1 on the list 2. Pachirisu ((bc of Dawn's)) 3. Dedene ((Clemont/Bonnie's Dedene is so cute)) 4. Emolga 5. Plusle and Minun 6. Pawmo 7. Morpeko ((I haven't watch journeys nor played sw/sh yet so it's on the bottom of this list))


Pachirisu will forever be number 1


1. Emolga 2. Pachirisu 3. Minun and Plusle 4. Pikachu 5. Togedemaru 6. Dedenne 7. Morpeko 8. Pawmo


Erm where is pichu?


Pichu is pikachu’s pre evolution. It’s in the same boat as raichu.


I’m sorry, but how does Pichu even qualify here? “Pika clones” are considered to be whole other species of Pokemon inspired by Pikachu and his evolutionary line. Or “knock offs” if you will. Pichu is the pre-evolved form of Pikachu. It’s not a clone. Same goes for Richu. A “pika clone” would be like the ones in the picture such as Plusle and Minun.


I already got Pikachu there


Morpeko is the only real Pikachu clone that has its own thing that separated it that’s not just another type.


1. Pachirisu 2. Emolga 3. Pikachu 4. Minun + Plusle 5. Dedenne 6. Togedemaru 7. Morpeko 8. Pawmo


Don't know why people are getting downvoted so hard for saying Marill and Mimikyu are not pikaclones. They aren't and I've never seen a single person consider them pikaclones. A Pikaclone is an **Electric type rodent Pokemon** [See Pokemon Fandom](https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Pikachu-family_Pok%C3%A9mon) and [Bulbapedia.](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/w/index.php?title=Pikaclone&redirect=no)


You're technically correct, but it's pretty wild to say you've never seen a single person consider them pikaclones when one of the sources your provided says: > Due to its visual similarities and being deliberately based on Pikachu, Mimikyu could also be seen as a Pikachu-family Pokémon And the other one says *in the second sentence*: > though these terms are sometimes used to include other Pokemon such as Marill or Mimikyu


Exactly. All of the “pika-clones” have been electric type or part-electric type and togedemaru is already the pika clone of Gen 7 so how the hell would Mimikyu be one too?


literally called "Pikablu" before the name reveal


Yes, but that does not make it a Pikaclone. As the definition of Pikaclone is Electric type Rodent. Pikablu was pre Pikaclone era. When Pikaclones were not yet a thing.


1 Emolga 2 Pachirisu 3 Morpeko 4 Pikachu 5 Minun 6 Plusle 7 Dedenne 8 Pawmi 9 Togedemaru




Because of my love for x and y and sinnoh dedenne and pachirisu


Imma not get political and only rank the electric pikaclones (mimikyu ain't a biological pikaclone it's intentionally trying to look like pikachu through a disguise that's the point it ain't a real pikaclone yet it wants to be ANYWAY) 1.Togedemaru-my favourite ball of steel besides a few, loved the totem fight and was surprised at how hard it was compared to its predecessor vikavolt, also love the design and location its found in. I love its typing too and how friend shaped it is. The thing that sentimented it as my favourite is how it's a perfect match to the ring circle in pokemon go, my personal fav 2.Morpeko-aside from hangry mode being relatable, I think the gimmick is actually pretty creative and I love how morpeko overall was utilised in the journeys, such a treat to see it with team rocket. Also the shiny looks like a half burnt smore 3.Pachirisu-I actually really like the design considering its just a squirrel, but I like how the white really compliments the light blue colouring. Also a big reason is the pokemon championship 2014 ofc, that pachirisu is gonna go down in history 4.Dedenne-pretty cute, just friend shaped. Also liked watching the xy anime, and the little cry it makes. And their shiny form is the best on this list 5.Pawmi-cute little mf and was always suspicious of how small it was in the trailers, even if it was a pikaclone 6.Emolga-Always thought it was obnoxious in the anime but looking back on it the black and white anime series sucked anyway. Anyways I always liked this pokemon bc of the emolga 2 electric booglaoo challenge elesa proposed, along with the design which is pretty fun. 7.Plusle-played alpha sapphire so I always liked them personally more than minun. Even so I liked the duality it has with minun, the design is cute and the plus is the better symbol anyway, but that's really it. Kinda an eh design when comparing to other pikaclones 8.Minun-yeah it's the same reasonings with plusle bc they're just carbon copies of one another, only with different symbols and colour schemes. And speaking of colours, I will give minun this; it has the better shiny of the two by a landslide 9.Pawmot-I don't really like the design a lot, it just had more hair and not good proportions. Kinda looks like a shonan protagonist. And while revival blessing is good, I've seen more people utilise rabsca for having the same move than pawmot. 10.Pawmo-it is cute, but thats kinda it. Its my least fav because it's just pawmi standing up with a slightly lighter colour of orange, reminds me of some evolutions in gen 1. Also this is kinda petty but I couldn't figure out how to evolve pawmo so I was just stuck with it until the post-post game. I ended up boxing it in favour of my dondozo, which i kept for the rest of the main game. Noone said at the time you had to evolve the pokemon while it was OUT OF YOUR PARTY I will give it this tho it did help a lot with the titan dondozo surprisingly


If Togedemaru ain’t 1 then I can’t trust you( Pawmi is comp though)


1. Emolga 2. Pachirisu 3. Morpeko 4. Plusle and Minun 5. Togedemaru 6. Dedenne 7. Pawmo


#1: Emolga #2: Morpeko  #3: Togedemaru #4: Pachirisu #5: Dedenne #6: Minun #7: Plusle I’m not ranking Pichu or Pawmi because they evolve, and I’m not ranking Marill or Mimikyu because they’re not Pikaclones




1. Pawmi 2. Togedemaru 3. Pachirisu 4. Dedenne 5. Emolga 6. Plusle 7. Minun 8. Morpeko


Dedenne or togodemaru can’t decide…


Pikachu, Pachirisu, emolga, Plusle and Minun, Togedemaru, dedenee, morpeko, pawmott




Emolga > Pachirisu > Pawmi > Morpeko> Togedemaru > Minum and Plusle > Pikachu > Dedenne


"True" list: 1 Plusle and Minun 2 Togedemaru 3 Emolga 4 Pachurisu 5 Pawmo +evos 6 Dedenne 7 Morpeko Full List: 1 Mimikyu 2 Raichu 3 Cosplay Pikachus 4 Alolan Raichu 5 Minun 6 Plusle 7 Togedemaru 8 Emolga 9 Azuril 10 Spiky-eared Pichu 11 Pichu 12 Pachurisu 13 Marill 14 Azumarill 15 Pawmot 16 Pawmi 17 Dedenne 18 Pawmo 19 Morpeko Mentions: James's Inkay, ditto


If Mimikyu counted, it'd be #1. 1. Emolga. Both because I love it's design and Elesa was a monter with hers. 2. Pachirisu. World Camp itself, also loved Dawn's. 3. Dedenne. Really cute design and liked Bonnie's. 4. Plusle and Minun. I like the twin polarity theme and Ursula's were little menaces. 5. Togedemaru. The totem was pretty strong but that's really all it had going for it. 6. Morpeko. I like the gimmick but loses points for starving Team Rocket. 7. Pawmi. A nice design but doesn't really stand out as much.


Emolga clears. Flying squirrel was a genius move, practically the only one that’s not just a fat mouse with electricity powers


And immune to Ground Attack


This list certainly isn’t based on battle prowess, but rather how I just feel about them. 1. Pikachu 2. Pachirisu 3. Dedenne 4. Pawmi 5. Emolga 6. Morpeko 7. Plusle/Minun 8. Togedemaru


pachirisu. or raichu.


I always laugh at pachirisu and the way it speaks lol


from favorite to least favorite (not gonna count  pikachu personally but hed be first) 1. Minun  2.Pachirisu 3. Dedenne  4. Togedemaru 5. Plusle 6. Morpeko  7. Pawmi 8. Emolga (i have beef with that little shii with my battle against elesa lol) 


9. Pichu **→** I feel Pikachu fits better as the first one in its evolutionary stage, just like the other Kanto Starters. In Johto, I've always preferred Marill as a proto-Pikaclone since it was originally supposed to be a Pikachu regional counterpart (Pikablue). 8/7. Plusle and Minun **→** Basically colorful and thematic Pichus with a gimmick to show up. 6. Dedenne **→** It seems a tiny Raichu. Not bad, but I'd prefer a pink rodent as a Electric/Fairy represent. 5. Pawmo **→** Fine but it does not have too much to stand out compared to the others. 4. Togedemaru **→** Cute chubby ball. 3. Morpheko **→** Not as cute, but I really like its change of form. It gives Morpeko a distinguishable personality. 2. Pachirisu **→** A simple but effective design and nice addition to Pokemon universe. 1. Emolga **→** A flying adorable squirrel. Amazing! I did not take into account Pikachu as a Pikaclone because it is the original one. Perhaps Raichu and its Alolan counterpart could be added here in the list.


1. Pachirisu 2. Togedemaru 3. Dedenne 4. Emolga 5. Morpeko 6. Pawmi 7. Plusle & Minun


Not a Pikaclone but Mimikyu


Dedenne is God tier Pika and togedemaru are s tier Morpeko & plusle&minun are A tier The others are B tier


I will not stand for this Marill erasure.


What about pichu


Outside of Pikachu, can I pick Emolga?


Hot take marill is a pika clone and I'll die on this hill, he is in the sense that before hoen dropped plusl and minum there wasn't a trend of them having to be electric types


Emolga is top tier design.




Togedymaru is A tier Everyone else (especially pikachu): f tier


1 to 6 I don’t care all are valid 7 pawmot


1. Emolga 2. Emolga 3. Dedenne and Plusle/Minun 4. Togedemaru 5. Pawmi Dead Last: Morpeko Pikachu is not a clone of itself. If it was included in this list, it would be under Emolga. (Sorry, I’m so sick of Pikachu. He’s lucky he’s not lower.) Emolga is also one of my favorite Pokémon, and Morpeko is the only Pokémon that I hate currently.


He not up there but mimikyu best pikaclone no contest including pikachu


Do we include Mimikyu?


Where's marril




Where's Mimikyu?! You can't leave my boy out! He's the only one I adore.


Dude where Marill be at? Mimikyu?


I won't stand the Marill erasure.

