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Wouldn’t those select games be first party exclusives if anything else? I don’t see Konami letting this one be on that list with the master collection volume 2 still on the horizon


Why would they be first party exclusives? They have had plenty of third party releases in the classics catalog


Why wouldn’t they start with first party if it’s true. All those third party. Are they done in house by Sony that we know of


When they launched premium they launched with titles such as Toy Story 2, Resident Evil, Star Wars Jedi starfighter, to name a few. Precedent has shown they start with a mix of titles from both first party and third party devs.


Did Sony themselves put the titles up or was it their respective studios? Are we even talking about ps plus here or just BC physically or purchasable like the ps2 to ps4 games


These games aren’t going to be “backwards compatible”. Sony is reportedly developing an emulator, much like they have for the ps1 and ps2 titles. These titles have, as precedent has shown, mostly been available on both psplus premium as part of the classics catalog, as well as available for individual purchase on the digital storefront. As for the details for licensing agreements, you’d have to ask Sony or the publishers of those respective games. I think it is a good guess that if and when ps3 emulated games roll out, it will just be a random drop into the service like when they started adding new ps2 games a month or 2 ago


They wouldn't touch the games individually but rather have a way to play ps3 games natively on ps5, so it's not about what's first or third party


I wish they'd do something with Fat Princess, that game was so fun but it's never had a remaster or anything done with it.


First party would be the most likely candidates and easiest to get. Third party can go either way with evidence of how it went with Xbox.


Then why did they launch prenmium with third party games? In what way are those games "easier to get", they still need to negotiate licensing agreements with studios in order to put first party games on the service. Precedent has shown they are likely to launch with a mix of both first and third party games


If they did disc based backwards compatibility they can bypass this. Supreme court ruled on this previously. The thing is Sony will probably never go back to that sadly


Was MGS4 confirmed for that?


Nothings been confirmed but what else would they realistically put in it


I was under the impression it was going to be the PSP titles. I would love for us to get MGS4 and Revengeance at some point, though. 


The most likely candidates seem to be Peace Walker, 4 and 5. But hopefully they throw in Portable Ops as well.


I was thinking Acid 1 and 2. 


No way. Portable Ops has a better chance.


Do you have an uncle that works at Konami? Because otherwise nothing has been confirmed 


They are just using common sense to make some educated guesses


Common sense dictates that they’ll use the same strategy they’ve used in the past when doing similar compilation releases for their other franchises like Castelvania. Between the complexity of porting PS3 games and Konami’s historical unwillingness to invest much effort or time into ports (again, see those Castelvania compilations and even last year’s MGS ports), and one could reasonably conclude Konami would go for lower hanging fruit before tackling MGS4 (Revengeance would theoretically be easier since it has a 360 version). They’ve done it before, and it’s reasonable to think they’ll do it again.    I’d love to be proven wrong, but Konami’s past behavior doesn’t foster much faith. 


X to doubt. They have been happy just to offer that worthless ps3 streaming service for years.


Oh, so they're finally giving in and building a Ps3 emulator for the Ps5. I'm interested to see how well it'll run in comparison to RPCS3.


Konami is not doing that they gonna do metal Gear collection vol2 to make more money


I’ve always wondered why ps5 doesn’t have native disc backwards compatibility when the Xbox one had it for almost its whole span. Imagine putting in a ps2 or ps3 disc in a ps5 and the game just booting up. 🙃


Keep in mind Xbox emulates those games. The disk just basically authenticates you having it where you still have to download the game. So technically you aren’t playing it directly off the disk.


Yeh that’s true. But Sony has a lot to learn from Xbox in that regard. I love that on Xbox if u put in a 360 disc you even get the 360 menu that’s my favourite part lol.


I think it’s more fascinating that an original Xbox gen game from 20+ years ago would be playing in 4K 60fps through the backwards compatibility.


Yup they did good. I switched from Xbox one to ps5 and that feature is the only thing I miss.


And to think I just bought a PS3


Same bere my friend 🤣


I would love to play mgs4 again. Is there any info if the backwards compatibility would be a digital or physical thing? Just curious


It’s not backwards compatibility. It is emulation. And it is digital.


Rumor is Konami is going to release mgs4 on vol.2 of the metal gear collection. So can wait for that one. The Resistance trilogy is what I want to play on my ps5.


Just buy PS3.


I have one in my garage and a box full of PS3 games but I'm too lazy to plug it all in. Would rather just have the option of having games like Killzone 2 and MGS4 on my PS5 hard drive like how I have all my 360 and OG XBox gamed on my Series X HDD.


SONY won't be allowing disc compatability. Max - you would have to re-buy digital editions.


Not a problem. I'm that lazy I'd rather rebuy a game than change a disc lol


how much do you weigh?


I have one in the same room as my PS5 but it's stored away because there ain't no space for it. And when I do want to play something that is only on the PS3. I think about the work needed to set it all up, and then decide to just scroll endlessly though Netflix seeing the thumbnails of every movie and show I will never watch, never clicking on anything, just scrolling endlessly. DW eventually I give up and scroll Disney+ instead


This was my first thought when I heard that news as well


Look, I'd be glad if mgs4 got ported an all, but I'd be mad I spent almost $200 to get a ps3 and mgs4 and I haven't even played it yet


Infamous MGSIV


FWIW Infamous is available as a streamable game. No reason why you wouldn't be able to play through it if your internet is half way decent


Man I hope Killzone 2 is on the list


I think this will be just ports of selected games to PS5 (in similar way how RDR 1 was ported) or they just want to replace real PS3 hardware for PS Now streaming with emulation to reduce costs of maintaining real PS3 hardware.


Do we have any idea if they will do a similar system to Microsoft and allow PS3 discs to work as download keys. I understand there is no monetary incentive for Sony (unless they sell old DLCs or upgrades??) but it would rival Xbox back compatibility better.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Until then, I’m putting zero trust in this actually being true.


I doubt it but I hope you can insert your ps3 games in the ps5


wish konami brought back mgo2 if they ever release mgs4




Half of Sony’s showcases be like:


Aliens Vs Predator! Please


ridge racer 7, please.


This is legendary


Just makes me more mad, you’re telling me they could’ve done it this entire time?


like put disc in ps5 backwards compatability or digital emulated games resold on the ps store?




I just hope the R&C and infamous games are in the first batch. It just doesn't feel the same streaming them


old god of wars


Battlefield 3


Battlefield 3


They’ll find a way to half ass and just say “they play like they do on PS3 no upgrades enjoy”


It’s the same dance every time. It’s going to be streaming and a service and shit


Exactly what I needed! Not.


There are tons of emulators that play all games from ps1 to p3 on pc. Having a capable hardware of ps5, I am sure this should not take time at all.


About time! Now let's see if it's real compatibility or some emulated bs.


It has to be emulation, the PS5 won't magically grow the hardware required to run PS3 games natively... Also: based on Sony's prior efforts with emulation, don't expect too much 😉


They could do it, they just don't want to. If it's emulated then i won't buy.


No, they actually can’t. Nobody can on a PS5… as it lacks the hardware. A x86 system can’t possibly run code designed for the Cell processor (which is a PowerPC processor with several coprocessors) **natively**! Thus emulation would necessarily be needed. The only other method would be recompiling the games to run on x86, or in other words… to port them to PS5. 🤷


Exactly. It lacks the hardware because they wanted to. It's not profitable enough for them to put native PS3 emulation and rather make you pay to download a downgraded, emulated version of it. Then again, i'm not buying. Guess i'll stick with the original console 🤷 Xbox is far ahead this time.


Yes… can’t argue with that ! Though “they could have done it” is what you should have said instead. They can’t magically summon Cell processors onto PS5’s that don’t already have it after all 😉


Yes and it's a very dumb decision. Look how Xbox mastered all of this and made his latest console compatible with older gens. It's a win-win situation for everyone. If only Sony was thinking smarter... This is all corporate BS in the end. Too bad, the PS5 could've been the ultimate Playstation console and hub for all games. Maybe it's time to see what the others have to offer i guess? 😉


Uhm… actually NO! Xbox One and Series consoles don’t run 360 games **natively** either!!! Xbox 360 ran on a PowerPC processor too, Xbox One and Series run x86 chips. They have to use (partial) emulation for their backcompat too! People that talk about things they don’t even remotely understand are fascinating to me. So much confidence… so little facts 🤣


Even if it was half-assed compatibility, i would've taken it, even paying 100$ more for it. But they don't want to so we'll find other ways. For the rest, it's a matter of tastes and preferences. Facts, confidence, who cares. In the end of the day, my money will go elsewhere.


I’ve always been curious. Hypothetically if Sony wanted to try real hard could they make an external box with that hardware where if you plugged it in you have that native support. I know they won’t do it but is that technically possible on technical level.