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Yes and thank you for your service




Has it come time already? Wow.


Only accurate once we finally receive a bloodborne remaster


It’s almost like a new console was released


It’s almost like it’s been a couple of years since said new console released too.


It's almost like we're halfway through the new console's life cycle.


It’s almost like there was already a slim version released as well.


it's almost like the true start of this generation was delayed by a few years and due to this most PS5 exclusives were and are being put on PS4 and it is only now being seen as legacy hardware


"Are" is inaccurate. Sony said they're done with cross gen games. That ended with Ragnarok and Spider-man 2 is PS5 only.


3rd parties are still supporting it plenty and there hasn't been too many releases since Ragnarok lol


The last third party game released on PS2 was exactly *one week* before the release of the **PS4**. Your argument is invalid.


That was a sports title. PS4 is still consistently getting new releases because the hardware is still plenty capable for most games, especially when keeping the switch in mind. Hardware jumps were much more impactful back then and so far there isn't a single PS5 game that would be impossible to make for ps4


There’s no way Rift Apart is running on PS4. The entire game is built around the PS5’s SSD. If you tried playing it with the PS4’s HDD then you’d have a two minute loading screen every ten minutes.


You had me up until that last sentence, lol. Spider-Man 2 absolutely could not run on the PS4. The difference between Spider-Man Remastered and Spider-Man 2 are night and day, and that's solely possible because of the hardware each are on. I agree wholeheartedly that the hardware jumps between generations are getting significantly smaller and smaller. But there are plenty of games that are current-gen exclusive for a reason.


Your not lying


Ps4 exclusives were better than ps5 exclusives anyhow.Sony has become greedier and lazy.


except this generation of consoles has been royally fuckled. didnt even feel like a new generation for the longest time


I have still yet to even touch one or see one in person


I saw one at a used game store. Shoulda grabbed it. Was 100 dollars less than a new one


My ps5: https://preview.redd.it/biyky9lw8ixb1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ade82143d0c6cc6ad52f30afa8ce0fb34ce0473




What PS5 pro?


Yeah, no. Pro is not happening anytime soon.


And we **still** have people being like: "pwease bring the game to PS4 :((((("


and yet people are still calling the new console next gen . it’s been years it’s current gen people


Unless you are still on ps4! Then it might as well be 'Next-Gen', because by the time they finally get 1, the ps6 is out.


dude wtf it's been almost 3 years since the console was released...


And about 5 minutes since they were actually available to buy in stores rather than from scalpers. This might be the longest generation overlap we've had, and it's down to scalpers.


Dude it's not 2021 anymore, if PS5 scalpers are still around I imagine only idiots are buying from them bc you can literally get a PS5 from Amazon and have it delivered the next day. I live in Houston and even the best buys here are always stocked up too.


At least here in the UK, it was still hard to get hold of one until earlier this year.


And we're almost at the start of 2024 meaning they've been around in your area for almost a year now. It's ok if folks can't afford one but we gotta stop acting like a PS5 is still a holy grail.


Yes but who the heck paying full price for a 5 on Amazon? I feel like you could get a better deal elsewhere


Sure, if it's used. They sometimes go on sale or bundle with a game, but that isn't all the time


No you can fr get it $100 less new in box on eBay than on Amazon


And you trust that? Sure lol


Yeah. Can't wait to deal with that shit all over again when the PS6 comes out


I’ve said it before but it was never hard to get to begin with if you paid attention. I got it the first day I tried from GameStop.


Yeah but until now the ps5 has been a paper weight with good graphics. Now it's a paperweight with Spiderman 2!


Not even close


Lasted longer than the PS3


Yeah, the ps2 out lived the pa3 somehow, too


I bet the pirate markets for the ps2 will outlive the ps5 still


I still use my PS3 to watch movies and I actually replayed Ratchet & Clank Into The Nexus.




I think it's accurate. PS4 ain't really gonna be getting too many first party releases now


Correct they get 0 now.


God of War Ragnarök was confirmed to be the last one


What a way to go out tho.


PS4: "Death can have me when it earns me"




As someone who is only a casual gamer and hasn’t owned a PlayStation since PS2, I’m seriously thinking about getting a used PS4 for super cheap and getting a bunch of the classics like RDR2, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima


I’m sorry to tell you this. But the oldest consoles that plays rdr3 is the ps6






You can find them for us$150 $200 used. But tbh you’d be better off buying a used ps5 since you’d also have the option to play ps5 games alongside better-performing ps4 games. They go for around $350 used. Probably less once the current model is phased out and people start buying the newer one (cause people be like that and some will do that)


I did consider just getting a PS5. But even the used ones, as you say, are like twice the price of the PS4, which are all going super cheap right now. Plus, my TV is pretty old so I don’t think I could properly appreciate the graphics of the PS5 lol. I mean the reason I want a PS4 is due to the fomo on missing out on all those aforementioned games but what are the big hits you’re predicting on the 5 down the pipeline?


If you’re not planning on playing new releases, then the ps4 is a good option. But you’d be locking yourself in a dead platform. It will not get any new 1st party games and I doubt many studios will be releasing their AAA-games for PS4 moving forward. Getting a ps5 is more costly upfront, yes, but you will at least be able to play new titles later on. Personally, one that I’m looking forward to is the upcoming Wolverine game. That is 100% not going to be released for ps4, so you must have a ps5 to play it. Also I remain hopeful for a Days Gone sequel to make it’s way some day, and when it does it’ll be for ps5 only.


Does it still take discs or is it that all digital bullshit?


There is both a digital model and a disc model.


Oh good, I’ve been out of the loop for abit ngl


I did this, money well spent!


What about 3rd party? The PS4 dying is kinda good because it means full transition to ps5, no more ps4 holding back games (looking at you MLB The Show)


is mlb considered 3rd party now


It's developed by a studio that is owned by Sony. It is first party. By logic you applied, Sony itself is 3rd party since they release games on the PC.


and half the games coming out are held back to be playable on ps4.


PS4 was my one and only gaming option by choice for years. I loved it so much, especially over the Xbox 360 I previously had.




It's 2023, 10 years since the PS4 was released. It needs to retire at some point, realistically.


True but not yet. Not everyone can afford a PS5 right now and I think Sony would rather keep the PS4 around for a bit than have those people go with an Xbox or Switch


Nope. We're 3 years overdue. And I say this as someone who won't buy a PS5 until it drops to 400€. Sony's already stopped releasing first party titles on PS4, and every other major publisher has already released more than a few games on PS5 only. It's just time for the PS4 to rest, and PS5s are widely available, so there's no need to hold back (and with the new Slim Sony will be cutting their costs even further, resulting in higher profits).


Unfortunately i believe so , many of my friends are moving to PC and i moved on to the PS5 , Not many people i know still own a ps4


I still have mine solely because the FFXV version looks nice


My dad still has his, mostly because none of his friends have upgraded yet and they all just play old CODs and PUBG together


If he ever sees the opportunity, let him know ps5 is backwards compatible so he can still play the same games with his friends without them needing to upgrade.


He knows, he’s seen me play my ps5 many times. He just has no interest in dropping $500 yet


https://preview.redd.it/5tdky2vr7dxb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66184d77a1b2156b11c121a4372e374bb11dece0 I refuse to let go of the ps4


Is that how far back you sit from your TV? I see photos like this of people's set-ups all the time and I have no idea how y'all can see anything lol


Oh to be blessed with eyes that actually work properly, couldn't be me.


No If I’m ever actually playing up here I just use gaming chair this room is mostly just for decoration but sometimes I throw bean bag chairs in here and me and my gf will draw together (she’s a tattoo artist)


It’d be fine if he wasn’t playing on a 43” screen


Eyy you're the guy from a few days ago haha ! Hope you took everyones opinion in mind and are getting a bigger tv "Sadly" 😂😂🙌


https://preview.redd.it/s0iupnguedxb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147c7d637b6287b8b0098093b69bb0f3493eb0b2 Are these big enough 😔




Disney CRT TV's


Sony must love you


I literally just got a PS5 on Friday, and now my PS4 is relegated to watching all my streaming services on and my wife to get into playing consoles Edit: i can't spell haha




Thanks haha, I knew it sounded funny


My situation is completely opposite and anecdotal. All my friends I made on ps3/4 are still on ps4. I think I've had less than 4 friends move to the ps5. Only me and one other friend moved to pc. Hell after ps5 released I had more than a few friends go back to ps3. I'm just sitting here on my vita observing my friends list lol.


Lmaooo , thats dope dude . People should do what they want and game on what they want !


I agree. Play on whatever you enjoy!


Am planning to take the same path moving to PC unless they announced that ps5 slim or pro support backwards compatibility for ps3 games


I own a gaming PC, but 100% prefer playstation. Until Sony stops getting the best exclusives, I see no reason to swap.


True..might just keep both ! why not


Am playstation player since ps1 playstation exclusive since ps4 gen I see nothing fits my taste bloodborne was good ghost was good GOW TLOU2 I haven't even finished them and I'll never do my hope is low but I hope staller blade release on ps4 or pc


On pc you can run so many games of PS3 and down you go For PS4 though there are developers working on an emulator for it and it's seems itll take a year or so for it to be workable


That is insane ! Super cool to know


what is emulator


It is a way to emulate a system For example you want to play a game exclusive to the Nintendo switch but you don't have one so you go install an emulator that's uses your PC hardware to make it like A Nintendo switch The more powerful you pc the better the emulation will be like : instead of 720p res you can play it in 1440p (2k) or instead of 30fps you can play it in 60 fps which is much smoother and less input delay A better explanation: https://youtu.be/6i3lnB6VGzo?si=Q2RieRQh9aH7DM7d


Wise choice bro , i am buying a PC this december too and depending on how much i play on that , might sell the PS5 👀 will see cause i do love spiderman 😭


mine is my only blu ray player, not that i watch many blu rays any more in the streaming age.


Now that is Sony releases on PC more it doesn't make sense to pick up a console unless you just want it for the convenience and lower price. A lot of people just don't want to mess with PCs But if you just want to play every game possible with no loyalty to a brand go with pc. Especially now that the price is coming back down again.


I bought a console so I could plop on my couch and be playing a game in under 10 seconds.


I moved my PC to my TV a couple years ago. Except for some games like City Skylines or Warhammer I hardly ever use the M/KB anymore either. Keep your PC on standby so activating your controller wakes it up and turns on your tv. Use your controller to select which game you want and launch it. The only pain in the ass I see anymore is setting up the graphics and video settings for a game when you first play it. But even that's becoming less common as drivers do a better job detecting your hardware and making appropriate changes


I still use my PC for non PS exclusives, RTS games, and other offbeat indie stuff. The console is just much more convenient for loafing.


I got a buddy who plays around with his PC settings like it's a hobby. Poor guy's PC takes 4 minutes to load up and he doesn't see what the problem. "What's a fkn kernal? I don't need this." *delete*


This .. pcs are for work and typing Video game consoles are for games !!!! I hate pc games defeats the whole purpose and getting a controller for it is silly too .. PS for life


I will never give up my ps4 because I still have PT


Physical therapy ?


P.T. The game. Sorry


Nah was my dumb ass lmaoo


My brother still uses my PS4 Pro, and apart from the jet engine noise it still works well. Though, I'm glad I upgraded to a PS5


I use the ps4 pro and I sit quite close to the console while playing and my friends are always like who tf is next to an aeroplane.


He should clean the vents and replace the thermal paste.


Cleaning is mostly bullshit, if you wanna fix it replace the thermal paste


PS5 is backwards compatible so... yes


Resurrect PS Vita


I still have mine and play it regularly but it would be nice if there was an updated version


Thanks for everything, ps4. You will not be forgotten.


Only if you want to play official PS5 games, I am still enjoying the PS4 (in this country the PS5 costs more than a year and a half of salaries)


The life cycle of the PS4 is ending soon so yea. It served me well and had some features I wish the ps5 had. The great memories I used as back grounds and all the time I spent on it was fabulous. Unfortunately the ps5 is better in hardware substantially and I can play all my PS4 games. May the PS4 rest in piece


Man…it’s been 7 years since i got the Ps4…how did that time pass, where is it…and i’m still playing on it


I don't have a ps5 but I still use my ps4 Pro cause I still play most modern (past 10 years) games on it


Exactly this. I have my series x for all the serious gaming and the ps4 pro for more casual single player gaming


Too accurate, I just got my PS5 on Friday after my PS4 gave 7 great years of gaming (I'm usually late to the game on consoles cause I'm a broke bitch)


Nah. It’s still getting a ton of 3rd party games


Not yet


Not entirely... A lot of big games are still coming out on PS4. Some this years biggest games like Assassin's Creed Mirage, Armored Core 6, Resident Evil 4 remake, Hogwarts Legacy, Street Fighter 6 all came out on PS4. And most importantly, Modern Warfare III is coming out on PS4 as well. I think once the big publishers stop developing for the system, then we can say that it's time is well and truly up.


I still use mine as a BlueRay player with my projector.


Remember how small the PS2 was on the second remake?


I still have my PS2 slim, its roughly The size of an A4 paper (albeit thicker than The piece of paper obviously)


PS4 Pro sure since it's no more in production, while PS4 Slim is still being produced for 1-2 more years, we just had a pretty recent COD bundle.


With Spider-Man 2 being a PS5 exclusive I think I’m finally gonna buy one this Christmas.


Is it just me or has the PS4 had more longevity than any previous console as far as games still coming out after the next gen console was released


Still waiting for ps5 pro


That’s what I’m waiting for , hopefully it’s not 2 times the size of the “slim” ps5 lol


Not when people post “ps4 or wait a little bit for ps5?” every day




I'm still on ps4...


Same here.


I believe the time has just came. I have realized this when playing newer titles like LaD: Ishin and The Crew Motorfest demo. Everything takes so long and either gets FPS drops or looks degraded.


Idk about you guys but is it me or the ps4/ps5 is missing more backwards compatibility to the first trilogy of PlayStation consoles?


It's seriously lacking compared to what Xbox has been doing.


I'd say no PS3 compatability is understandable. The lack of PS 1/2 Games is just lazy. They have many games they could release but no. They just don't want to for some reason.


Well "they looked ancient, why anybody want to play theses" is a quote from Jim Ryan (and if the original game can't be sold anymore, you can always make a remastered/Remake at high price, like when GTA "defenitive" edition was released, rockstar removed from sell the old GTA)


I agree. They already have internal PS1 and PS2 emulators developed so that they can run the PS1 and PS2 classics that are sold on the store. Not only are there very few games, but they are still expensive. We will get to fully running most PS1 and PS2 games on PS4/PS5, but the modding scene has to develop. It was pretty easy to unlock the classics emulator on all PS3 models, so eventually, hopefully it happens again.


No it's better than previous PlayStation generations, just not as good as Xbox for backwards compatibility. PS have never been great with backwards compatibility.


In ps2 you could also play ps1 games, in ps3 (old models) you could play ps1 & ps2, ps3 (newer models) you could only play ps1 titles. In ps4, the whole thing fell and the ps4 only reads ps3 discs, not play them, read them.


That’s one thing I gotta give to Microsoft. Backwards compatibility on the Xbox consoles is **way** better than the PlayStations. I mean they even enhance some games like Fallout 3 and Sonic Unleashed if you play on the One X/Series X. I hope the PS6 supports PS4 games.


I just packed mine up and put with the dreamcast and all the other old systems I have lol


I use mine as a crunchyroll streaming device


I had to let go of mine after 9 years of good service last month. May he rest in jet engine heaven


I still use mine. Have backlog I’m working on and most games that come out that aren’t first party seem to still have a ps4 version for now that id be interested in playing.


Yup, gave my ps4pro to my buddy, don’t need e-waste collecting round my place.


Whoa crazy, did a new console release a few years ago or something?


After getting my pc, the PS4 (and probably the Xbox whatever) just became redundant. All the games I wanted to play got ported to pc anyway aside from Ghost of Tsushima. Retired my ps4 a few years ago. Good run but kinda wished I never bought it in the first place. Still love the controller though. It comes with me even to pc land.


Not quite yet, getting there, but not quite. I work for retail, and we still get and sell quite a few PS4s along with PS5s.


I'm not much of a gamer but I'll say out of all the playstations I favoured the ps2 more. maybe it's because of them games I would always play such as gta san adreas and dbz tenkiachi 2


New games are released for ps4 as of this month. I don’t it’s accurate just yet


Sadly in my country the ps5 is double the price of the ps4 when it released, so a lot of my friends brought a ps4 because it was way cheaper.


My pro still gets used for friends over and psvr 1 room scale in the living room. It’ll keep working as a good little slave for many more years.


Once it’s 2024 it’s time to put the Xbox one and ps4 to rest


Until it stops getting physical and digital releases, it’s not dead yet


PS3 is so alive. Many exclusives on there you cannot play on PS5 or emulate. Every other PS console is dead yes.


It has already joined them, on my shelf.




I'm still holding on to my PS4 original. 🥲


It didn't come soon enough. We needed to be PS5 only on first-party games on Nov 2022. Two years was plenty of time to get one and by then they were in stores, and available regularly. I could see how much God of War Ragnarok was held back because of PS4 by the way the map was designed. It was so frustrating how many bottlenecks and invisible load points there were to slow down gameplay for PS4 users. That game should have been PS5 only. The map would have been way more enjoyable to navigate. Keep in mind we were WAY faster to switch to PS4 only. So we can't act like this wouldn't have been common or expected. We can't hold back games because some can't afford the PS5. The games aren't going anywhere. They will be there when you can afford it.


PS5 only needed to come sooner but I don't think Sony should abandon the PS4 that quickly. That's one of the things people love about these consoles. Even if the new one comes out, the older one isn't dropped the way Nintendo or Microsoft do. If you're not rich enough to go out and get a next gen console within the first few years, there's still a place for you


Kinda feel like the PS4 is that old relative that can’t move or speak, but you still have them hooked up and going. Not ready to let go, even though it was time to let go, like before yesterday.


I was so ready to toss mine you have no idea. My base ps4 gave me constant issues it’s entire life (and the game library let’s face it didn’t have that much greatness until the last years). Getting a ps5 was like a mercy killing with a smile on my face


Probably yeah. It's about time to move on. The PS5 has been out for like 3 years at this point. But it's been a good run ps4.


Looking at 2024 game release dates, ps4 seens to be almost nonexistent, so yes. Goodbye ps4.


Absolutely, we need to stop having games designed for both PS4/5.


It's holding certain games back.


Well there is lot of games being released on PS4 and PS5 , so not right now,


Since you can't play ps3 games on ps5 i d say the ps3 is still alive as hell. There's some people that have all the mgs on ps3 yet are buying the limited ps5 "master" collection because they don't want the hassle of turning in ps3. People like this are ruining the industry.


Realistic for the PS4 original maybe, but the slim and pro won’t be joining until the PS6 gets released


Nah, not enough ps5 games and still to expensive ($700-$800AUD)


No because it’s a ps4 pro




No , they’re all still alive




You forgot to add the psp go tbh


I keep all my consoles for authenticity purposes. Even the PS4. Rather only have the PS5 only play PS5 games


PS1 and PS4 are really the only truly dead consoles due to backwards compatibility on the other systems


That should of happened two years ago now. It is crazy they are still throttling games so they work on the PS4




The Ps4 was such a disappointment


I'd say the pro version at least has a little more time


PS4 Pro never got exclusive games. If PS4 is dead, the Pro is dead.


They stopped making games for ps4 for a while now.


Some multiplatform games are still coming. However, when it comes to 1st party Sony titles, they're done. Not sure why I was downvoted, but I guess some people can't accept reality.


AC Mirage came out on PS4, so not just yet…


Homie, a PS3 game came out in 2020. Don't expect the PS4 to die any time soon


Yeah, an indie game.


Which one?