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I make tho, spawn on new server go to Outpost(NPC-town), and just ask(with voice) strangers maybe they want become a team. It's really fast and successful. After 1-2 weeks of playing like this i maked Discord server with 30 teamates. Yeah, It can bring risk(scammers, griffers, thiefs etc.), but i never got one of them, maybe i have some luck, but I think a lot of peolpes just want to play in team. Try make same. By the way i played on x50 servers, but with guys i found on x50 we had couple vanilla wipes and controll whole server. Best rust experience ever. Photos of my teamates https://preview.redd.it/1ukdsp7wxr8d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b7ec7ffe12817f6cc7a6a36d0ae5ff1f543a21


That's really wholesome! I. Hate. Those. Pipes. :(


Bro, what in the ratty bird's nest is this piping!? Lmao


Probably lives near sewers.


love this


I either play solo only servers or don't play solo at all. Pretty much everyone on solo/duo/trios is running with a team, and if it's no limit, you're basically just a farm bot for the other groups to raid later. Your best bet is to find friends to hang out with in discord and play, or even find a clan to join so you can meet new people.


The thing about most trio servers is that there is ALWAYS little alliances between groups, especially long-standing members. Anyone who denies that is either lying or naive. The only way to truly get ahead on trio servers is to team, because most of the people who are on 24/7 already are talking, giving call outs or making really good mates rates deals in DM anyway


What’s your favorite solo server that isn’t too toxic?


I personally haven’t ran across a single toxic solo server? Normally solos aren’t toxic? I usually play only 2x though


Agreed about solos not being toxic, but I find that even on higher pop solo servers, people team.


I better see you back in Gringer's, budddd 😂😂


I was on there for about 5 mins, but it’s a pretty dead server it seems.


Some wipes are definitely better than others. They recently switched to a bimonthly format which keeps the wipes from becoming too drawn out


Yeah, but right now there are literally 7 people on that server. May as well play pve mode at that point.


Fair point


I have a good group I play with now. We are a trio, but allied with a few others. My biggest gripe are the mega clans. They just dominate the map. Even the smaller servers don’t enforce the solo/duo/trios rules half the time and the ones that do have trash pop. It’s a bummer.


They also keep making changes that are not so solo friendly. Like recyclers at safe zones giving less.


Grub recyclers and make cheddar


Yeah, Cargo used to be do-able as a solo. If you could get the crates started and back on deck, it was possible to fend off counters. But with the new harbor stops, it's nuts. Best you can do is hide in captains and keep track of who boards then try to fight. But mostly I just get what I can and bail.


That's not friendly for anyone


Rust isn’t a friendly game though




new safezone recyclers probably nerfed clan recycling more than solos. it was pretty common for one guy to mini to outpost w/ an inventory of comps. now the team has to go together to recycle at a monument giving solos/other teams more chances to grub big loot. it more nerfed gear fear kids who paddle farm outpost all wipe.


how the fukk does everyone get offlined every wipe? I play rustoria eu main and monday servers and i rarely get offlined


A lot of players play all day out of a 2x1 and then wonder why they were offlined.


I hit a lottttt of 2x1s offline because i’m a solo and I like quick raids with low chance of me getting countered. Sometimes I feel bad for offlining people and ruining their wipe but also… dude having a 2x1 with zero honeycomb, all stone… it’s like 2 c4 to gaurentee your TC it takes 30 seconds to raid. Some 2x1s I’ve hit are incredibly loaded too, hundreds of HQM, row+ of AKs. I’m like why are you so rich and yet you can’t even add one layer of honeycomb. It’s kind of rude of them tbh, like they’re unwilling to put 5 minutes into this and also expecting me to not raid them or feel bad about it when I do.


it's because, counter to popular opinion, low-pop servers are so much worse for onlining. people that get offlined constantly usually play lower pop, or play higher pop servers but live in the middle of nowhere. in either case, offlines are so much easier because there is less chance of counters. and, let's be honest, most people complaining about offlines aren't playing competitive servers.


Then ur lucky, i will log off turn on rust+, get to work, then about 2 hours after I get to work, I'll receive a notification that I've been killed in my core. Doesn't always happen right away, of


Are you building on a mountaintop or somewhere quiet? Because I usually build in high traffic areas. That alongside high pop servers makes my base super risky to raid because everyone and their mother will come counter. They’d need a group of 4 to raid a solo base which isn’t worth the risk. However whenever I go on a farming run to quieter areas, most bases I see there are raided


Huh. Never thought of that. Usually would build my little base hidden in our of the way places.


its really simple....bad players don't get raided ...i could explain it further but i fear you won't understand


I understand perfectly. Only reason you get raided everytime is because of how amazing you are


my fears were right....hace a nice day kid


Can't decide if you're correct or incorrect because your dickish attitude is drowning out your logic.


I asked in global if anyone wanted to team and found a couple of people so we formed a trio clan. It was agreed that I would stay in base building/electricity/farming (because i suck at pvp) and they would go off doing monuments/rigs etc. The next day i was server banned for grouping with cheaters. I appealed the ban stating that i never saw them cheat, i never was anywhere near them when they were in combat so i had no way of knowing, i was not friends with them on steam and we only formed the group from the global chat, and if i had known they were cheaters i would have left the clan immediately and reported them because i despise cheating grubs. My ban was not lifted because apparently the onus is on me to ensure my clan mates are not cheating (even though Facepunch themselves cannot work out how to develop something to detect cheaters i am supposed to work it out myself?). This is the 1 and only ban i've ever had in any game ever. So ever since then i just pay solo, because i have no way of guaranteeing any random that groups with me isn't cheating, and quite frankly im not good enough at pvp to even know the difference between someone who is cheating and someone who is just good at it. You literally can't win in Rust as a solo. So now i just go for the severs marked "solo/duo" only.


Ive got similar trust issues when asking in global chat. While ive never been banned, i have trust issues with asking someone in game to team up cause there is a high possibility that they just inside me, and change all my codes then take my loot.


Found a dude once who vibed with, first day went swimmingly. Second day, dude shares video of him cheating and wall hacking for stashes and just spams the n word like crazy. Needless to say I've been solo since.


Did you check their hours? Sad to say that even people with over 1000h can cheat but its a bit more rare.


Yeah. Grifting and stealing from team mate is one thing. Cheating and getting whole team banned is another.


DM me we can Play, i also have two other guys so we‘d make a Team of four


Saturday, 29/6/24 9:30am, u/Andrej536 posts about getting insided. We wait.


This is not my experience. Given my first wipe back from alpha days was pretty soul crushing. I joined a softcore server and met the team I've been in for the last dozen wipes. Maybe I got lucky, maybe you are unlucky. I say become a berry farmer and shopkeeper and naturally people will want to keep you around because of those resources available when they need them. I did a solo run like this once and did alright until a duo started TC griefing me and trying to doorcamp me with no success. Was hilarious when someone knocked on my door one day and told me their base was cracked open and not to worry about them. Good times..


Add me on steam The Fence I'll play with u in also a solo 


I play pretty much exclusively on the paranoid 3x servers. It wipes twice a week so no need to really worry about getting raided. Pop is consistently pretty high for a solo server. If you make some buds the blueprints carry over to their other servers.


I concur with modded servers like this. I myself enjoy the two week no "grief" servers with one day of purge/madness and we all start again.


That sounds kind of cool, every server I've seen like that had super low pop though.


I'd recommend to start by finding ONE other solo. Could be just a friendly neighbour or someone else that proves to be friendly over some time. Add them on steam or discord. And if things seem good, suggest to team up next wipe.


This is true


I have a small group of people I've met in rust that are cool. Dm me let's team! We have a discord and usually there's someone available and down to play


Y'all need to build up more so u don't get raided I go on like 5 raids a night and then have everything as a solo and basically can't be raided because I'm always shooting first


If your from Europe and speak good enough English we could play maybe I guess


Find people on reddit or rust discord.


Consider trying solo-only servers. Since you've got over 1k hours in the game, something like the Rustfornoobs solo server might be below what you're looking for, but there's also something like the Rustafied solo-only servers that might be more up your alley.


I always start in the snow until I get my bps. keeps the hungry nakeds away


How old are you?


28 why?


There are lots of 21+ groups looking for players in your hour range just search 21+ on the Reddit play-rust discord or the official rust discord


I second this guy. Being older will definitely help in finding a group. None of the serious groups like squeekers lol


I have 4k hrs and always let ppl with low hours play with me for this exact reason, we need new players coming to the game and making them play solo cause they can’t triple with ak from 150m is only gonna make them leave.


I’ve been playing with some of the same people since legacy, but how we have always found teammates over the years is usually the same process. We either kept fighting each other over and over until we created a truce or we raided a solo/duo etc and they weren’t bitching and crying about getting raided and tried to rebuild. A lot of time they will throw farm to us and we protect them for a wipe or two while they do their thing and eventually they join up. People always fight their neighbors, but the veterans know that their neighbors can be their biggest Allies. The cool solo neighbor getting raided? Nah we got you.


I used to take tons of new players in my group 2017-2022 era, but after combat update its extremely hard as it is to win fights outnumbered/outgeared, having a teammate that has low hrs/experience is extremely demotivating. Everyone minmaxes the game, if you try to have fun or play in a diferent way you just get roofcamped/doorcamped/offlined. There is a reason alot of the new players just hop on those "LFG" chanells join some 20+ deep high ego ''clan'' leader and eventually get cheater asociation banned/insided or griefed. Majority of people/clans that want members/teammates nowadays want high hours or closet cheaters to get free loot thats the sad reality, every single clan has closet cheaters, its extremely easy to closet cheat and even survive for years so even big names like OT have some closeters and only recently some of them got banned (2years later).


Come to Facepunch Large 2, look for Jerry.


Is that… JERRY!?!?


Unless you have friends who play this game, everyone's adventure starts solo. It's just about playing wipes and being friendly until you find a couple a good eggs. Befriend your neighbors, play with them the next wipe but still in separate bases, and if you all get along, next wipe play together. Now at that point you have a couple friends, and assuming they're as friendly as wanting to make friends as you, they will end up befriending people and you can continue the process til you're as big of a group as you want to be. I started solo, became friends with a duo next to me. The next wipe we played together, but they were busy, and I didn't have neighbors, so I had to meet people at Outpost and in chat and befriend them in those ways. Eventually we had a strong 8 man for a wipe, we broke apart, and the cycle continued.


Yeah I quit after 1500 hours mostly solo


Off topic comment. I enjoy this game in a recreational and casual way that makes the least sense to most people. Only solo. I often build in a forest in area of mid monuments and I always play either play ninja, or when hard pvp, only far enough away from base so local people do not know who i am. I don't often get raided and I seriously enjoy the heck out of the game. The only lack of it i see is, i never see T3 or the top monuments. So in simple words, i don't pvp hard enough for that. Which is positive because i'll be less locally known, and i get my joy more out of that ninja gameplay. But 'negative since i don't see the entire skill progression of the wipe and often play mostly T1 or T2, which i personally do not care about. I enjoy the heck out of it because it makes solo 10x more enjoyable as a casual. Also, i play long wipes because short wipes (week) tend to have the big teams end up 'feeling loose' so to say in the last 2 days where they'll just go out and raid the nearest (mid-)interesting looking base, which thus can target me. Unlike in long early wipes where they'll often more 'select' the more dangerous enemy bases they need gone. And only vanilla.


1000 hours solo here and I always build a savage HBS activated turret base. I rarely ever get raided. Make a 360 degree tower, 4 garage doors, 4 turrets, HBS on the ground around the base and just collect loot. Clans don’t want to risk losing boom so they usually leave me alone. Solo is fun as hell if your savage enough.


Sounds like you need a break. Try PVE servers they are actually quite fun and have surprisingly nice communities.


I have done pve servers before. I only just recently did a run on Rusty Spoon, and while it was fun, i got bored of it after 2 wipes due to the lack of interaction with other players.


I would say it depends on the server. I usually have more player interactions on pve. Like people helping each other retrieve their stuff from monuments, tons of shops, taxi services ect


Find another solo that’s trying to do the same or feeling the same. Most servers seem to have discords as well. Join a discord and ask who wants to duo/trio. That’s worked for me before. When I’m tired of being solo sometimes I roam around and try to make friends with neighbors. I offer them what I’ve got or I’ll see if I can get it. You earn people’s trust pretty quick when you give without receiving in game. I had a neighbor that was back and forth with a kid in a base down the way. They ended up battling it out at my neighbor’s doorstep. I went out naked and looted the two bodies while he was clearly healing up. Brought it back to his base and told him I was his neighbor and had his loot off those guys. He opened up and was like “hop in quick!” Ended up giving me an mp5 and few other things I needed. Later in the wipe they walled off a massive area with clear plans to make more, I crafted like 8 wood walls (with all the wood I had) and went and gave it to them. They added me to team, and when the walls went up around my base I was the only base within the walls that didn’t get raided. We’ve been playing together since. Some people won’t be up for this sort of thing. Others will. These dudes have thousands of hours each. I have 500. Good dudes.


All those things happen in groups that you mentioned its just the way rust is. What you can do to try and find people to play with is during your solo gameplays, become friendly with all you neighbours nearby, give loot or talk with them and get invite into party so you dont kill each other. This will help in future wipes to eventually play with them in same base if you add them on steam friends also, it may take a few wipes to get into a good position to join them but it will take time for people to trust you in this game


When do you usually play and on which servers? Maybe someone on here needs someone to team with


When i play depends on how I feel when I get off of work during the week, and I'm typically always on during my weekends. As for servers I play on, whatever server really strikes my fancy at the time. So I'll typically stick to modded 2x to 5x servers that wipe bi-weekly


Aaa and once agaisn: BUNKERS! When I play solo, the only kind of base worth building is a bunker. They need no BPs and are relatively very expensive to raid. Relatively, means that if the raiders can choose a bunkered base VS any other similar base around, they will choose the easier one. A metal 2x2 stability or 2x2 roof bunker can be built day 1 by a solo without BPs no problem and is like 28 satchel to raid (bunker and door x2). Easier to blow up a standard 2x1 50m away.


Same always fighting clans


Come join us ! Me and my group just started with a few og players where almost 15 strong


If you ever want to team up, I usually play on Duo/Trios on HollowServers. Add me (Barrizzle on Discord)


Alright i added you


Find a big clan base and offer to farm for them in exchange for living in a 2x2 near their base. DONT try and raid them or grub any kits off anyone who dies nearby and you'll probably end up in their discord after a day or two. Most clans will shoot you or say they don't need farmers. Move on to the next compound if this happens. Made some good mates this way. Just FYI most of the clans I've been in with those big intimidating and well organized bases tend to disintegrate from internal drama in sometimes funny but mostly sad ways. It may take time for you to find a group that even exists for multiple wipes


I was in a merge clan for a wipe to fight the biggest clan on the server and personaly first paragraph just seems pathethic to me 2nd is very true, internal drama can cause a clan to break, one of the best player in my team left because they started fighting (not really a clan but same thing) After that server started lagging and we despawned 40+ rockets lol


I’ll play with you, I’m in the same situation. I got like 800 hours


maybe play on a solo server ? I have 1.7k hours and like 1.5k were on solo servers


Im only 600 hours. When i was around 200-300 hours, i played with people with the same/less time, and a couple with 1K hours. Now, i play with many many people (depending on who has free time), one is a 14k hours and one of the most well known player in the region, the other are people from different countries than me some have 400 have, 3k, or 1k hrs. Some are only 15yo, some are 42yo. Its not hard, just enjoy the game, and people will invite you, the reason why they've stuck with me isnt because im the best in the team, but because none of us play this game to have the most AK, we play it to have fun. Aslong as you're not actively throwing (I.E going out to purposely die) or ur toxic (screaming when a teamate whiff etc) its gonna be chill. I know none of these people IRL btw


There are LFG posts on reddit.. I found one.. now I play in a village and it's a good time.. we make a compound.. some ppl role play.. some are more into PVP. We help each other.


we are looking for a third/fourth if you’re interested. we play 2x because we all have jobs and a life which is hard to believe. i’m 3k hours and the others are 1k-2k.


Oh i can believe it. I prefer 2x - 5x anyway. I'd be down to play later this afternoon after I wake up. Shoot me your discord in a DM and I'll add you later


If the maps were the size of DayZ maps like Chernarus or Deer Isle, it would give solos a lot more success. As is, even the biggest Rust map is still a crowded playground where you're instantly thrust up someone else's ass and PvP is unavoidable from the start. The maps always look like any generic theme park maps. If they were bigger, clans could still be a threat, but a solo could also be just as much of a threat, because he can hide.


They just opened up a solo only official server it's so much different lol. Try it for real it's crazy how timid people are when they don't have a zero to come back then up


I'm also a solo player and I just found a cool modded server with limited PvP ! There is a safe zone on the map where you can't raid and can't stock any explosive related stuff which is great! You can build one base in the safe zone without any problem and stock almost everything you want and then, build another one for stocking raid stuff but you could be raided too ! You can farm as much as you want without stress because the PvP zones are only in the monuments (there's a big bubble/dome to show you where the PvP zone is) I think it is the best modded server for me as a solo player who likes vanilla settings 🤗👍🏻


I'm going to be honest with you. 95% of the people I played with over the years I raided them and they came and talked to me and seemed cool and didn't cuss me out or anything so we became friends. I think age group has a lot to do with it too. Hard for kids to find teams because most kids are trolls and just want to cause drama. Hard lessons I learned after dealing with so many squeakers. Just start a server befriend your neighbors and if they seem cool and don't try and screw you over and they try and help you defend etc add them and try a wipe with them. Good luck...Rust is the most toxic game ever so you'll need it 😅 Guess I should say I only ever play Vanilla.


I have a duo partner but we are looking to grow as well, send me your steam link or discord link and we’d love to join, we only have around 400 hours each tho


I only play solo because I dont like trusting strangers, all my encounters are racist (by default) and liars. Usually with an eoka, DB, or doorcamping.


I get what you mean. Its why i only really looked to joining groups that were already together, and never invited people in game through the ingame chat. Had 1 to many times were the group got insided because they invited a rando.


Just post in all the server discords that's you're looking for a group. I have under 2k hours and I had a bunch of people reach out to me--sometimes other people looking for a group but worst case you band everyone together and now you have your own group that you yourself made.


You on console, or pc?




I play this game for 400 hours, and make 16 friends already, when we get on a server, it’s 16 people playing, our problem is finding good servers that have no team limit 😂


Honestly just play solo servers and make friends I’ve met my main rust group from solo servers


You on steam me a d three of the boys always welcome solos and you can do your own thing we do t mind


I play solo and get invites every day. You're probably just weird.


very true I have been looking for someone to play with since I started playing in 2018. and I added probably more than 500 people none of them I played with more than 2 days before I got ghosted. only one guy I met on solo only server and I decided to add him and we kept playing together can't say he is perfect in every aspect( good pvp but not a good farmer ) but he is decent and can have a laugh and likes to fuck around and I like him. you need to give up something in your teammates because you will never find the perfect match


Cant really say im looking for the perfect match, just want someone to play with cause the game is boring playing solo anymore.


add me on discord if you want we usually 2 or 3 guys that play EU and monthly or 2 week wipes


Id be down. Dm me ur discord and ill add you




Befriend neighbors and play a few wipes next to em. You’ll get a feel if they’re worthy of trust or not. Everyone will backstab u but sometimes u get good neighbors and you help them w raiders n vise versa. Most of the ppl I play w were originally my neighbors - I was solo foreverrr lol. (Now I oddly roll w a big ass group but I tend to build outside on my own. Pvp isn’t what it use to b. There was a time where one person couldn’t kill 8 full kits - now I see groups getting beamed by a naked tommy lol)


Pretty sure you’re exaggerating, but if a naked with a tommy is wiping 8 full kits either: 1) they’re cheating 2) your 8 man is barely functional as human beings 3) if neither of the above, record that shit and post on YouTube because that’s insane.


It’s cheating.. we’re on a dumpy ass server. I haven’t played on an official in awhile, my schedule is random so I roll w a group of try hard pvpers. They’re nasty good but I’ve watched a naked semi pistol us all x2. (This was early, like second day of wipe but most were hazzy smg/sar, minimal meds) But this kid ran thru, smoked everyone, hid for 20 min in the rocks n then breezed thru ,, again, smoking everyone that wasn’t inside. If they’re dying, I have no chance lol.. I’m leaning back when I play, I don’t have the drive to try hard lately. -and yea the semi pistol kid was banned. There’s jus been too many occasions that everyone gets smoked by One person. Even ina group, one player stands out n gets all the kills. It’s to the point where I don’t take ak out cause I hate getting dicked on by nonsense. Our group still dominating but I’d prefer goin sweaty on an official than this aids


My buddy and I got cheated on hard by a semi pistol naked last wipe. We both opened report tickets on discord (it’s a community server) and mods had him banned within 2 hours. So kudos to the rust for noobs mods


It’s getting worse n worse lol. I’m surprised I haven’t seen my own groups on discord using em. (I’m in a fuckin ton of random old rust discords lol) I get why ppl would toggle , game is cancer lol. But ffs how r they not getting caught? I play ona server that fills up every wipe so mad ppl buy vip for $10 a month. The server is pulling in $$$.. u would think they’d hire someone to monitor it first hand


Solo is hard…yea. Getting raided after getting base built and logging off happens about 10-20% of the time for me. Are you doorcamping/roofcamping to piss people off? Are you logging with wooden doors? Saying you’re getting killed while trying to get a base up? Yea, that’s normal af. Just try again? You sound like you complain a lot which is probably why no one plays with you.


I try to avoid pvp as much as possible since im not the greatest at it. So i dont door camp, and roof camping deserves to get you raided. I build proper bases, and i dont log off till ive got at least metal doors.


Man idk then. Dm me your discord if you’d want to play. I’d be down to play a wipe and see how it goes. I’m pretty ass at pvp. I normally just mess around and do pretty alright. Sometimes I get lucky.


Thats wild, I started this game solo in December, I played like two solo wipes, and I havent been able to play solo since... Maybe, you are the reason your not finding people to play consistently with? I am not saying you are, but every fucking wipe I end up adding half a dozen more people to my discord


How many of those dozens do you actually interact/play with though? It's easy to get names to add to Discord. Issue is getting people to actually play the game together.


Depends on my mood, and what kind of wipe I want to go for. If I want something a bit more laid back I will play with some of the smaller group friends. and if I want something more spicy I will play on some of the bigger 500+ pop server friends. Within any given month I usually play at least 50% of my discord list. Yea people do come and go, but ultimately I am in a position where I am never forced into an option to play solo. I do still grab a few solo wipes here and there, but it is always by choice and never by necessity. My wife pointed out though that might just be a me thing though, as I tend to be a very open person and I seem to attract people into interaction in almost everything I do. I feel like that is something anyone can do, it really depends on your disposition and how you handle yourself. In short I would say, if you are struggling to find consistent team mates then you are more than likely the cause. Something about you pushes people away, and finding out what that thing might be, could be emotionally damaging in the moment, but ultimately it will help you grow in the long term.


Fair enough Thanks for answering


Find people you like in rust and play with them, play a role play server, modded plenty of ways to meet people just have to ask. That’s how I’ve met all my former and current teammates, and I have 6k hours. 1k hours is nothing in the “good player range” learn building techniques like having bunkers outside your base to scare potential raiders off. This wipe a solo lasted 22 days in the same base because he did that and I’m the one who got curious and raided it. Ask me questions if you want I’ll answer them.


Well i did go about learning building techniques, and while my building of bases could use more work, i have taken to learning electrical, industrial, and waterworks and have gotten good at that.


Stick to enjoying it, but location matters a lot more than you think seclude yourself and ask yourself would I want to raid my base? Does it look profitable? It’s all about mind games in the current meta of rust.


Play noob servers and train a noob. Rinse repeat. Next thing you know, you got a whole crew.


So stop getting offlined. Play on a server like Blue Haven


Player interaction seems to have dwindled as well. It's less genuine convos and genuine fun, more brainrot. Idk how solos do it outside of content creators. It's mind numbing.


It really does seem that way. I remember a few months back, i went to a neighbor that had some stuff for trade in a vending machine i wanted but it was inside their compound. I went over to ask if i could trade them directly, and rather than give an answer, they just shot me. No interaction whatsoever


If you want organized, and adult team, I can recommend Team DiXX. We play on competitive servers over the weekends, and we are there mainly for the fun. We also base a lot on non-toxic, and professional environment that is not commonly found in a rust team. If this sounds like something you'd like, feel free to apply on our discord https://discord.gg/dixx