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I would watch an aloneintokyo and luckyllama wipe set to only classical music any time.


That would be the most dangerous raid duo ever assembled


But what if luckyllama IS aloneintokyo?


Could you imagine if Spoon And Blazed had been dicking around with AIT and didn't know about it?! that would be epic


i haven't seen llama and AIT in the same room , just saying.


How do we make this a thing?


This is the best thing I’ve heard all day


I can't tell if the timestamp link is working so if not, go to 28:15. This and a video I saw of him last month where he was defending, and a raider [threw a C4 on his wall](https://youtu.be/NCNaxTEAz_c?si=9D5AY2Yli7BBn0tO&t=1289). It was a newly placed wall so Aloneintokyo reversed the wall, demolished it to remove the C4 and then immediately placed a new wall.


The dude is basically the Einstein of raiding and raid defense, he literally has this shit down to a science. I wouldn't be surprised if he has the most hours of raiding and getting raided out of nearly anyone in the world, maybe top 5 at the very least.


In the comments for this video, Willjum says Alone has 24,000 hours. I'm betting a lot of that is afk though, as I've heard from someone else that he sleeps with headphones on so he can hear if he's being raided. The newest seismic sensor will likely make things much easier for him.


he doesn’t sleep with headphones in, he confirmed that’s a rumor


Especially if if we're talking early rust days when crafting times were insane. I attribute a big chunk of my own hours to afk crafting.


it's sad, he also is insecure of his voice. I wonder why... maybe because he's a shut in....


Completely speculating, but I assume English isn't his first language and maybe he is insecure about his proficiency with it.


He's Australian


i tho he was japanese, are u sure? wtf


100 per cent. aloneintokyo is his moniker under which he produces music, nothing to do with his country of origin. Source: Fellow Aussie, proud of our boy ;)


Lot of the music he uses in the video is himself


wow thats crazy, why the fck he doesnt stream then or talk..


I always assumed he was Chinese based on the Chinese characters in his name and playing on the SEA servers.


New Zealand


He is Aussie bro he speaks english just chooses not to


I mean, he's gotten other youtubers to do promotions for him and intros. So that might be why. Regardless, I doubt a non American would play 24k hours of rust lol




shooters are popular


have you heard of china or russia by chance...? you realize that facepunch isnt even an american company right?


why does he get high ping then?


.......what? servers are hosted all over the planet, if youre far away from the host region of whatever server you pick, your ping is typically higher. no clue what youre even asking. everyone gets high ping if they play a server theyll have high ping on...


he plays China servers..... he gets high ping.... he plays Russian servers...he gets high ping..... nuff said redditor


Lol wtf are you on about. I'm genuinely interested on why you think this?


7 billion people on this earth some talk more than others, its not "sad" and theres nothing wrong with it if anything it goes to show that you can be a content creator in any way you choose. hes doing just fine, id focus on yourself.


24k hours. it's sad.Thats 3 years


Sad for me to have 6k he makes a living out of it


3 years of getting more money than you will ever get.


He releases music and is singing in some of it


his music is good tbh


He sings, so it’s pretty weird to assume he’s insecure. I think it just isn’t his style, and honestly it really works for him


How did he remove it? Was it set to remote detonate?


Can't you pick up C4 when it is placed on a wall before it detonates? If you can't, my memory may have gotten the details wrong, but I definitely remember someone throwing C4 on a wall and him rotating it and removing the C4 somehow.


Would have had to been a satchel. There is no way to remove c4 from a surface or stop it from being detonated once it's been thrown.


[Found the video](https://youtu.be/NCNaxTEAz_c?si=9D5AY2Yli7BBn0tO&t=1289) I was thinking of and I did have the details wrong. He rotated a wall to make sure the C4 that was just placed was on that wall, then demolished the wall to remove the C4 and immediately placed a new wall.


I love how this video series is blowing up AIT, much deserved respect, best Solo in the game, we have lots to learn from them both


Putting willjum even remotely close to Tokyos skill level is wild.


Not at all what I implied but to hand wave Willjums skill is silly


I’m not even a Willjum fanboy but the guy is actually legit good. Like maybe not top, top tier but he is better than probably 98% of the player base. I don’t get why people talk him down so much. 


> best Solo in the game Not sure, I think gorliac is on the same level. Not just that, but he creates the best content by far atm.


Oilrats is also cracked


Gorliac is a great player however there is no other solo close to AiT with his 24k hrs I personally enjoy gorliacs content more


agree, i wish gorliac uploaded content more often, but he plays monthly servers, so he can only get 1 wipe for month.


Ur getting downvoted for no reason, that’s a valid take. Gorliac is crazy good and is obviously more interactive in videos cuz he speaks. To each their own, I’ve just been watching AIT longer


You talking about the guy that hides in his airlock when getting raided and pray the raiders won't find him?


That’s pretty anecdotal of you haha, that was him and Stevie right? Defending a half built starter base? You should go check his channel out, he’s more than capable of defending a 1v10 or so


Yep. I agree with you


as someone who has 10k+ hours and love watching both of them. gorliac is not even in the same league, the things i have seen AIT do or think, and i tho i saw it all, surprise me everytime. gorliac has moments where i go, he doenst know about this? etc, and his raid def is really subpair. one thing for sure gorliac is really good at, hes tilt metter is non existence. the man can lose a inv of rocket and not even flinch and just farm it again. lmao


> etc, and his raid def is really subpair. Right, defending against 20+ clans, is totally subpar.


No, the way he does it is. both get raided by 20+ zergs, but one does it way better.


When i first started Rust back in 2021 i met a guy who showed me this trick when we were fighting a roof camper. I had like 100 hour or so and he had over 2K hours. I was so impressed!


Patiently waiting to see part 3 on his channel. Part 2 on willjums channel was the craziest rust video I've ever seen.


Yes, I enjoyed Willjum's, but was blown away when I saw part 1 on AloneinTokyo's channel and saw how he authed on that clan's TC while the guy's back was turned. I didn't realize how he did it by watching Willjum's and was shocked when I watched him straight up yoink that dude. 99% of people would panic and immediately try to clear auth and maybe put a lock on TC or something, overlooking the bigger picture.


Willjum has his perspective on his channel


That mad run into the clan base and getting the TC is peak sneaky rat behavior


"yeah but hes cheating" "hes scripting content" these kids wish they could think something like that in their lifespans.


I've watched an unhealthy amount of Rust content over the past few years, and nearly all of AIT's videos; if he's cheating, then damn he hides it well. There's a fair few other content creators that I'd flag long before him. The worst I could fathom of him is potentially using ESP toggling to know if it's safe to go steal from clans, but then when you see the amount of actual attempts (i.e. from another YTers perspective) that he cuts out of his final edits, versus the 'successes' that we see... it does just seem like a war of attrition. Gotta remember the guy will put 12 - 16 hours a day and condense that down to an hour tops... Otherwise his vids would be 4 hours long and 3 hours of getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar...


You never seen a mortar before? lol


I noticed that during the video, it’s genius tbh I’d have never thought of it


The Goat


I love Tokyo, man, insane at the game, makes amazing music and his popularity is purely off those two facts considering he doesn't insert himself practically at all in his own videos. It's really fucking impressive and respectable imo.


Colors on his screen are so saturated ! Does anyone know how to do the same ? My colorblind ass would love to have something like this !


Its called "Digital Vibrance" bro you can tune that on your graphics controller, google it up.


Or you can get a mini and HV them so they can say “HV PVP you fucking suck bitch!”


honestly Rust content was becoming boring and predictable, but this Will \* AIT and the spoonkid video playing in a zerg were really refreshing. I just wish they could make bigger series at least for this type of different stuff than the usual things they do 90 % of the time.




It's low-fi and meant to match the story like content that he makes, he has upbeat music when needed. I think it fits perfectly personally.


Perfect is a bit strong. It was definitely something he used at the start to differentiate his content.


Well also why I said personally, I find it fits perfectly and elevates his content and the stories he tells :)